Easy68k: View Initial values at addresses - 68000

I am very new to Assembly programming. I am using Easy68k for Assembly.
Here is my script:
ORG $1000
START: ; first instruction of program
* Put program code here
move.l $00000080,d0
move.l $00000010,d1
move.l $00000020,d2
move.l $00000030,d3
move.l $00000040,d4
move.l $00000050,d5
move.l $00000060,d6
move.l $00000070,d7
SIMHALT ; halt simulator
* Put variables and constants here
END START ; last line of source
I just picked some random addresses to load data from, and I got the results:
My question is, how can I view all the data located on different memory addresses in the Easy68k and is the initial value always FFFFFFFF?

Easy68k should have a simple window to watch memory contents: http://www.easy68k.com/tutorials.htm (Tutorial 4).
Note: Your code should never ever rely on memory having a specific initial value. The initial value of uninitialized memory is always machine specific, and in many cases random. If you need a memory area with specific content, initialize it in your program.


Two master components controlling same slave (address assignation), Intel Quartus Prime Platform Designer (Qsys)

I am doing a project using DE1-SoC (FPGA + ARM cortex A9). You can see a part of the design (Qsys, platform designer) here
An on chip memory (RAM, image_memory) is being mastered by two different masters. One of the masters is well known h2f_lw_axi_master (provided by the Quartus Prime software to make the ARM and FPGA data exchange possible) and the other one zpc_1 is a custom master block that I designed.
The basic idea in this project is that after the FPGA is configured, one should be able to write data to the on chip memory and zpc_1 reads the content of the memory and works on it.
The length of each word is 512 bits (64bytes) and there are 1200 words (so address assigned starts from 0x0002_0000 and ends at 0x0003_2bff, enough space for 76800 = (512 * 1200) /8 bytes. The hps uses uint512_t (from boost library of c++) type data to write and zpc_1 has readdata width of 512 bits. The addresses are assigned with respect to h2f_lw_axi_master.
I have two questions related to this system.
1. Should the address for reading data in zpc_1 HDL code start from 0x20000 offset and increment by 0x40 (64) at each cycle to read the data word by word? (or any other method)
2. The zpc_1 is being able to read the first word and continuously working according to the instructions in first word, what might be the reason?
If you need additional information to answer the question and/or question is not clear enough to understand, do not hesitate to ask about more information (comment).
The problem was when one of the masters was interacting with the slave, the slave did not properly allow the other one (in the protocol there is a signal called 'waitrequest', I was not using that signal properly, when I used it that signal properly, the slave was always sending waitrequest which helped me to debug the problem as well).
Tried dual port RAM as shown here and modified the component by properly using the 'waitrequest' signal and everything started working properly.
Now the answers:
Q1: Should the address for reading data in zpc_1 HDL code start from 0x20000 offset and increment by 0x40 (64) at each cycle to read the data word by word? (or any other method)
A1: You can define another address offset with respect to the custom master component as you want, and start reading from that address offset (I used 0x00000000 as in the picture ). The address should increment by 0x40 (64) at each cycle to read the data word by word as #Unn commented.
Q2: The zpc_1 is being able to read the first word and continuously working according to the instructions in first word, what might be the reason?
A2: The reason is the slave (Single port RAM) was not able to respond correctly to both masters at the same time through single port, replacing it with dual port RAM solves the problem.

Buffer overflow exploitation 101

I've heard in a lot of places that buffer overflows, illegal indexing in C like languages may compromise the security of a system. But in my experience all it does is crash the program I'm running. Can anyone explain how buffer overflows could cause security problems? An example would be nice.
I'm looking for a conceptual explanation of how something like this could work. I don't have any experience with ethical hacking.
First, buffer overflow (BOF) are only one of the method of gaining code execution. When they occur, the impact is that the attacker basically gain control of the process. This mean that the attacker will be able to trigger the process in executing any code with the current process privileges (depending if the process is running with a high or low privileged user on the system will respectively increase or reduce the impact of exploiting a BOF on that application). This is why it is always strongly recommended to run applications with the least needed privileges.
Basically, to understand how BOF works, you have to understand how the code you have build gets compiled into machine code (ASM) and how data managed by your software is stored in memory.
I will try to give you a basic example of a subcategory of BOF called Stack based buffer overflows :
Imagine you have an application asking the user to provide a username.
This data will be read from user input and then stored in a variable called USERNAME. This variable length has been allocated as a 20 byte array of chars.
For this scenario to work, we will consider the program's do not check for the user input length.
At some point, during the data processing, the user input is copied to the USERNAME variable (20bytes) but since the user input is longer (let's say 500 bytes) data around this variable will be overwritten in memory :
Imagine such memory layout :
size in bytes 20 4 4 4
data [USERNAME][variable2][variable3][RETURN ADDRESS]
If you define the 3 local variables USERNAME, variable2 and variable3 the may be store in memory the way it is shown above.
Notice the RETURN ADDRESS, this 4 byte memory region will store the address of the function that has called your current function (thanks to this, when you call a function in your program and readh the end of that function, the program flow naturally go back to the next instruction just after the initial call to that function.
If your attacker provide a username with 24 x 'A' char, the memory layout would become something like this :
size in bytes 20 4 4 4
data [USERNAME][variable2][variable3][RETURN ADDRESS]
new data [AAA...AA][ AAAA ][variable3][RETURN ADDRESS]
Now, if an attacker send 50 * the 'A' char as a USERNAME, the memory layout would looks like this :
size in bytes 20 4 4 4
data [USERNAME][variable2][variable3][RETURN ADDRESS]
new data [AAA...AA][ AAAA ][ AAAA ][[ AAAA ][OTHER AAA...]
In this situation, at the end of the execution of the function, the program would crash because it will try to reach the address an invalid address 0x41414141 (char 'A' = 0x41) because the overwritten RETURN ADDRESS doesn't match a correct code address.
If you replace the multiple 'A' with well thought bytes, you may be able to :
overwrite RETURN ADDRESS to an interesting location.
place "executable code" in the first 20 + 4 + 4 bytes
You could for instance set RETURN ADDRESS to the address of the first byte of the USERNAME variable (this method is mostly no usable anymore thanks to many protections that have been added both to OS and to compiled programs).
I know it is quite complex to understand at first, and this explanation is a very basic one. If you want more detail please just ask.
I suggest you to have a look at great tutorials like this one which are quite advanced but more realistic

Variable length messages in Verilog (serial CRC-32)

I'm working with a serial protocol. Messages are of variable length that is known in advance. On both transmission and reception sides, I have the message saved to a shift register that is as long as the longest possible message.
I need to calculate CRC32 of these registers, the same as for Ethernet, as fast as possible. Since messages are variable length (anything from 12 to 64 bits), I chose serial implementation that should run already in parallel with reception/transmission of the message.
I ran into a problem with organization of data before calculation. As specified here , the data needs to be bit-reversed, padded with 32 zeros and complemented before calculation.
Even if I forget the part about running in parallel with receiving or transmitting data, how can I effectively get only my relevant message from max-length register so that I can pad it before calculation? I know that ideas like
newregister[31:0] <= oldregister[X:0] // X is my variable length
don't work. It's also impossible to have the generate for loop clause that I use to bit-reverse the old vector run variable number of times. I could use a counter to serially move data to desired length, but I cannot afford to lose this much time.
Alternatively, is there an operation that would directly give me the padded and complemented result? I do not even have an idea how to start developing such an idea.
Thanks in advance for any insight.
You've misunderstood how to do a serial CRC; the Python question you quote isn't relevant. You only need a 32-bit shift register, with appropriate feedback taps. You'll get a million hits if you do a Google search for "serial crc" or "ethernet crc". There's at least one Xilinx app note that does the whole thing for you. You'll need to be careful to preload the 32-bit register with the correct value, and whether or not you invert the 32-bit data on completion.
The first hit on 'xilinx serial crc' is xapp209, which has the basic answer in fig 1. On top of this, you need the taps, the preload value, whether or not to invert the answer, and the value to check against on reception. I'm sure they used to do all this in another app note, but I can't find it at the moment. The basic references are the Ethernet 802.3 spec (3.2.8 Frame check Sequence field, which was p27 in the original book), and the V42 spec ( 32-bit frame check sequence, page 311 in the old CCITT Blue Book). Both give the taps. V42 requires a preload to all 1's, invert of completion, and gives the test value on reception. Warren has a (new) chapter in Hacker's Delight, which shows the taps graphically; see his website.
You only need the online generators to check your solution. Be careful, though: they will generally have different preload values, and may or may not invert the result, and may or may not be bit-reversed.
Since X is a viarable, you will need to bit assignments with a for-loop. The for-loop needs to be inside an always block and the for-loop must static unroll (ie the starting index, ending index, and step value must be constants).
for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) begin
if (i<X)
newregister[i] <= oldregister[i];
newregister[i] <= 1'b0; // pad zeros

Stack Overflow (Shellcoder's Handbook)

I'm currently following the erratas for the Shellcoder's Handbook (2nd edition).
The book is a little outdated but pretty good still. My problem right now is that I can't guess how long my payload needs to be I tried to follow every step (and run gdb with the same arguments) and I tried to guess where the buffer starts, but I don't know exactly. I'm kind of new to this too so it makes sense.
I have a vulnerable program with strcpy() and a buffer[512]. I want to make the stack overflow, so I run some A's with the program (as the Erratas for the Shellcoders Handbook). I want to find how long the payload needs to be (no ASLR) so in theory I just need to find where the buffer is.
Since I'm new I can't post an image, but the preferred output from the book has a full 4 row of 'A's (0x41414141), and mine is like this:
(gdb) x/20xw $esp - 532
0xbffff968 : 0x0000000 0xbfffffa0e 0x41414141 0x41414141
0xbffff968 0x41414141 0x41414141 0x00004141 0x0804834
What address is that? How I know where this buffer starts? I want to do this so I can keep working with the book. I realize that the buffer is somewhere in there because of the A's that I ran. But if I want to find how long the payload needs to be I need the point where it starts.
I'm not sure that you copied the output of gdb correctly. You used the command x/20xw, this says you'd like to examine 20 32-bit words of memory, displayed as hex. As such, each item of data displayed should consist of 0x followed by 8 characters. You have some some with only 7, and some with 9. I'll assume that you copied out the text by hand and made a few mistakes.
The address is the first item displayed on the line, so, for the first line the address is 0xbffff968, this is the address of the first byte on the line. From there you can figure out the address of every other byte on the line by counting.
Your second line looks a little messed up, you have the same address, and also you're missing the : character, again, I'll assume this is just a result of the copy. I would expect the address of the second line to be 0xbffff978.
If the buffer starts with the first word of 0x41414141 then this is at address 0xbffff970, though an easier way to figure out the address of a variable is just to ask gdb for the address of the variable, so, in your case, once gdb is stopped at a place where buffer is in scope:
(gdb) p &buffer
$1 = (char (*)[512]) 0xbffff970
Metasploit has a nice tool to assist with calculating the offset. It will generate a string that contains unique patterns. Using this pattern (and the value of EIP or whatever other location after using the pattern), you can see how big the buffer should be to write exactly into EIP or whatever other location.
Open the tools folder in the metasploit framework3 folder (I’m using a linux version of metasploit 3). You should find a tool called pattern_create.rb. Create a pattern of 5000 characters and write it into a file:
root#bt:/pentest/exploits/framework3/tools# ./pattern_create.rb
Usage: pattern_create.rb length [set a] [set b] [set c]
root#bt:/pentest/exploits/framework3/tools# ./pattern_create.rb 5000
Then just replace the A's with the output of the tool.
Run the application and wait until the application dies again, and take note of the contents of EIP or whatever other location.
Then use a second metasploit tool to calculate the exact length of the buffer before writing into EIP or whatever other location, feed it with the value of EIP or whatever other location(based on the pattern file) and length of the buffer :
root#bt:/pentest/exploits/framework3/tools# ./pattern_offset.rb 0x356b4234 5000
That’s the buffer length needed to overwrite EIP or whatever other location.

I am confusing some assembly code about enable PE within boot/setup.s file in Linux 0.11

Related assembly codes are located in boot/setup.s and I paste them below:
mov ax,#0x0001 ! protected mode (PE) bit
lmsw ax ! This is bit!
jmpi 0,8 ! jmp offset 0 of segment 8 (cs)
The first two lines have made the corresponding bit changes in CR0 control register.
So,my problem is : When instruction lmsw ax is being executed,
the ip register points to next instruction jmpi 0,8 .
More exactly , at this point , cs:ip points to the memory location of instruction
jmpi 0,8 .But after execution of instruction lmsw ax, the PE mechanism is enabled.
The cs value now represents segment selector, but the corresponding GDT description entry is not
prepared for it. the GDT only contains two valid entries located in 1 and 2 respectively.So, I
think the next instruction specified by cs:ip is not the instruction jmpi 0,8.cs:ip
now points to an invalid memory address. The above last instruction jmpi 0,8 which is used
to place the right values into cs and eip registers cannot be reached. I know I was wrong because the
Linux 0.11 is verifying by long term practice. Please help me point the mistakes that I make.Thanks very much.
The CPU doesn't look up selectors in the GDT (or LDT) every time segment register is used. It only reads the descriptor table in memory when the segment register is loaded. It then stores the information in the segment descriptor cache.The same thing happens in real mode, when a segment register is loaded with a value, that value is used to create an entry in the descriptor cache. Then whenever that segment is used, both in real and protected mode, the processor uses the values stored in the cache.
When you switch from real mode to protected mode none of the segment registers change and none of the entries in the descriptor cache change. The cache entry for the CS register remains the same as it was before, and so the CPU executes following instruction as expected. It's not until the following far jump instruction is executed that the value of the CS register changes, which then replaces the old real mode descriptor entry with a new protected mode entry.
