Pass by Reference in Haskell? - haskell

Coming from a C# background, I would say that the ref keyword is very useful in certain situations where changes to a method parameter are desired to directly influence the passed value for value types of for setting a parameter to null.
Also, the out keyword can come in handy when returning a multitude of various logically unconnected values.
My question is: is it possible to pass a parameter to a function by reference in Haskell? If not, what is the direct alternative (if any)?

There is no difference between "pass-by-value" and "pass-by-reference" in languages like Haskell and ML, because it's not possible to assign to a variable in these languages. It's not possible to have "changes to a method parameter" in the first place in influence any passed variable.

It depends on context. Without any context, no, you can't (at least not in the way you mean). With context, you may very well be able to do this if you want. In particular, if you're working in IO or ST, you can use IORef or STRef respectively, as well as mutable arrays, vectors, hash tables, weak hash tables (IO only, I believe), etc. A function can take one or more of these and produce an action that (when executed) will modify the contents of those references.
Another sort of context, StateT, gives the illusion of a mutable "state" value implemented purely. You can use a compound state and pass around lenses into it, simulating references for certain purposes.

My question is: is it possible to pass a parameter to a function by reference in Haskell? If not, what is the direct alternative (if any)?
No, values in Haskell are immutable (well, the do notation can create some illusion of mutability, but it all happens inside a function and is an entirely different topic). If you want to change the value, you will have to return the changed value and let the caller deal with it. For instance, see the random number generating function next that returns the value and the updated RNG.
Also, the out keyword can come in handy when returning a multitude of various logically unconnected values.
Consequently, you can't have out either. If you want to return several entirely disconnected values (at which point you should probably think why are disconnected values being returned from a single function), return a tuple.

No, it's not possible, because Haskell variables are immutable, therefore, the creators of Haskell must have reasoned there's no point of passing a reference that cannot be changed.
consider a Haskell variable:
let x = 37
In order to change this, we need to make a temporary variable, and then set the first variable to the temporary variable (with modifications).
let tripleX = x * 3
let x = tripleX
If Haskell had pass by reference, could we do this?
The answer is no.
Suppose we tried:
tripleVar :: Int -> IO()
tripleVar var = do
let times_3 = var * 3
let var = times_3
The problem with this code is the last line; Although we can imagine the variable being passed by reference, the new variable isn't.
In other words, we're introducing a new local variable with the same name;
Take a look again at the last line:
let var = times_3
Haskell doesn't know that we want to "change" a global variable; since we can't reassign it, we are creating a new variable with the same name on the local scope, thus not changing the reference. :-(
tripleVar :: Int -> IO()
tripleVar var = do
let tripleVar = var
let var = tripleVar * 3
main = do
let x = 4
tripleVar x
print x -- 4 :(


In Haskell, does mutability always have to be reflected in type system?

I'm new to Haskell, so please forgive if this question is dumb.
Imagine that we have two data structures bound to the names x and y.
x is mutable.
y is not.
As a matter or principle, does x necessarily have a different type than y?
Short answer: yes.
In Haskell, all variables are technically immutable. Unlike in, say, JavaScript, once you've defined a new variable in Haskell and bound it to an initial value:
let x = expression1 in body1
that's its value forever. Everywhere that x is used in body1, its value is guaranteed to be the (fixed) value of expression1. (Well, technically, you can define a brand new immutable variable x with the same name in body1 and then some of the xs in body might refer to that new variable, but that's a whole different matter.)
Haskell does have mutable data structures. We use them by creating a new mutable structure and binding that to an immutable variable:
do ...
xref <- newIORef (15 :: Int)
Here, the value of xref itself is not the integer 15. Rather, xref is assigned an immutable, undisplayable value that identifies a "container" whose contents are currently 15. To use this container, we need to explicitly pull values out of it, which we can assign to immutable variables:
value_of_x_right_now <- readIORef xref
and explicitly put values into it:
writeIORef xref (value_of_x_right_now + 15)
There's obviously much more that can be said about these values, and the way in which they generally need to be accessed via monadic operations in IO or another monad.
But, even setting that aside, it should be clear that the integer 15 and a "container whose contents are initialized to the integer 15" are objects with necessarily different types. In this case, the types are Int and IORef Int respectively.
So, the mutability of data structures will necessarily be reflected at the type level, simply by virtue of the fact that mutability in Haskell is implemented via these sorts of "containers", and the type of a value is not the same as the type of a container containing that value.

Understanding recurive let expression in lambda calculus with Haskell, OCaml and nix language

I'm trying to understand how recursive set operate internally by comparing similar feature in another functional programming languages and concepts.
I can find it in wiki. In that, I need to know Y combinator, fixed point. I can get it briefly in wiki.
Then, now I start to apply this in Haskell.
It is easy. But I want to know behind the scenes.
*Main> let x = y; y = 10; in x
When you write a = f b in a lazy functional language like Haskell or Nix, the meaning is stronger than just assignment. a and f b will be the same thing. This is usually called a binding.
I'll focus on a Nix example, because you're asking about recursive sets specifically.
A simple attribute set
Let's look at the initialization of an attribute set first. When the Nix interpreter is asked to evaluate this file
{ a = 1 + 1; b = true; }
it parses it and returns a data structure like this
{ a = <thunk 1>; b = <thunk 2>; }
where a thunk is a reference to the relevant syntax tree node and a reference to the "environment", which behaves like a dictionary from identifiers to their values, although implemented more efficiently.
Perhaps the reason we're evaluating this file is because you requested nix-build, which will not just ask for the value of a file, but also traverse the attribute set when it sees that it is one. So nix-build will ask for the value of a, which will be computed from its thunk. When the computation is complete, the memory that held the thunk is assigned the actual value, type = tInt, value.integer = 2.
A recursive attribute set
Nix has a special syntax that combines the functionality of attribute set construction syntax ({ }) and let-binding syntax. This is avoids some repetition when you're constructing attribute sets with some shared values.
For example
let b = 1 + 1;
in { b = b; a = b + 5; }
can be expressed as
rec { b = 1 + 1; a = b + 5; }
Evaluation works in a similar manner.
At first the evaluator returns a representation of the attribute set with all thunks, but this time the thunks reference an new environment that includes all the attributes, on top of the existing lexical scope.
Note that all these representations can be constructed while performing a minimal amount of work.
nix-build traverses attrsets in alphabetic order, so it will evaluate a first. It's a thunk that references the a + syntax node and an environment with b in it. Evaluating this requires evaluating the b syntax node (an ExprVar), which references the environment, where we find the 1 + 1 thunk, which is changed to a tInt of 2 as before.
As you can see, this process of creating thunks but only evaluating them when needed is indeed lazy and allows us to have various language constructs with their own scoping rules.
Haskell implementations usually follow a similar pattern, but may compile the code rather than interpret a syntax tree, and resolve all variable references to constant memory offsets completely. Nix tries to do this to some degree, but it must be able to fall back on strings because of the inadvisable with keyword that makes the scope dynamic.
I guess several things by myself.
In eagar evaluation language, I must declare before use it. So the order of declaration is simple.
int x = 10;
int y = x;
Just for Nix language
In wiki, there isn't any concept comparision with Haskell though let ... in is compared with Haskell.
lexical scope
all variables are lexically scoped.
mutual recursion

Infinite loop while updating record [duplicate]

I want to update a record syntax with a change in one field so i did something like:
let rec = rec{field = 1}
But I've noticed that i can't print rec anymore, means the compiler seems to get into an infinite loop when i try. so i have tried doing:
let a = 1 -- prints OK
let a = a -- now i can't print a (also stuck in a loop)
So i can't do let a = a with any type, but i don't understand why, and how should i resolve this issue.
BTW: while doing:
let b = a {...record changes..}
let a = b
works, but seems redundant.
The issue you're running into is that all let and where bindings in Haskell are recursive by default. So when you write
let rec = rec { ... }
it tries to define a circular data type that will loop forever when you try to evaluate it (just like let a = a).
There's no real way around this—it's a tradeoff in the language. It makes recursive functions (and even plain values) easier to write with less noise, but also means you can't easily redefine a a bunch of times in terms of itself.
The only thing you can really do is give your values different names—rec and rec' would be a common way to do this.
To be fair to Haskell, recursive functions and even recursive values come up quite often. Code like
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
can be really nice once you get the hang of it, and not having to explicitly mark this definition as recursive (like you'd have to do in, say, OCaml) is a definite upside.
You never need to update a variable : you can always make another variable with the new value. In your case let rec' = rec{field = 1}.
Maybe you worry about performance and the value being unnecessarily copied. That's the compiler's job, not yours : even if you declare 2 variables in your code, the compiler should only make one in memory and update it in place.
Now there are times when the code is so complex that the compiler fails to optimize. You can tell by inspecting the intermediate core language, or even the final assembly. Profile first to know what functions are slow : if it's just an extra Int or Double, you don't care.
If you do find a function that the compiler failed to optimize and that takes too much time, then you can rewrite it to handle the memory yourself. You will then use things like unboxed vectors, IO and ST monad, or even language extensions to access the native machine-level types.
First of all, Haskell does not allow "copying" data to itself, which in the normal sense, means the data is mutable. In Haskell you don't have mutable "variable"s, so you will not be able to modify the value a given variable presents.
All you have did, is define a new variable which have the same name of its previous version. But, to do this properly, you have to refer to the old variable, not the newly defined one. So your original definition
let rec = rec { field=1 }
is a recursive definition, the name rec refer to itself. But what you intended to do, is to refer to the rec defined early on.
So this is a name conflict.
Haskell have some machenism to work around this. One is your "temporary renaming".
For the original example this looks like
let rec' = rec
let rec = rec' { field=1 }
This looks like your given solution. But remember this is only available in a command line environment. If you try to use this in a function, you may have to write
let rec' = rec in let rec = rec' { field=1 } in ...
Here is another workaround, which might be useful when rec is belong to another module (say "MyModule"):
let rec = MyModule.rec { field=1 }

Haskell: let statement, copy data type to itself with/without modification not working

I want to update a record syntax with a change in one field so i did something like:
let rec = rec{field = 1}
But I've noticed that i can't print rec anymore, means the compiler seems to get into an infinite loop when i try. so i have tried doing:
let a = 1 -- prints OK
let a = a -- now i can't print a (also stuck in a loop)
So i can't do let a = a with any type, but i don't understand why, and how should i resolve this issue.
BTW: while doing:
let b = a {...record changes..}
let a = b
works, but seems redundant.
The issue you're running into is that all let and where bindings in Haskell are recursive by default. So when you write
let rec = rec { ... }
it tries to define a circular data type that will loop forever when you try to evaluate it (just like let a = a).
There's no real way around this—it's a tradeoff in the language. It makes recursive functions (and even plain values) easier to write with less noise, but also means you can't easily redefine a a bunch of times in terms of itself.
The only thing you can really do is give your values different names—rec and rec' would be a common way to do this.
To be fair to Haskell, recursive functions and even recursive values come up quite often. Code like
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
can be really nice once you get the hang of it, and not having to explicitly mark this definition as recursive (like you'd have to do in, say, OCaml) is a definite upside.
You never need to update a variable : you can always make another variable with the new value. In your case let rec' = rec{field = 1}.
Maybe you worry about performance and the value being unnecessarily copied. That's the compiler's job, not yours : even if you declare 2 variables in your code, the compiler should only make one in memory and update it in place.
Now there are times when the code is so complex that the compiler fails to optimize. You can tell by inspecting the intermediate core language, or even the final assembly. Profile first to know what functions are slow : if it's just an extra Int or Double, you don't care.
If you do find a function that the compiler failed to optimize and that takes too much time, then you can rewrite it to handle the memory yourself. You will then use things like unboxed vectors, IO and ST monad, or even language extensions to access the native machine-level types.
First of all, Haskell does not allow "copying" data to itself, which in the normal sense, means the data is mutable. In Haskell you don't have mutable "variable"s, so you will not be able to modify the value a given variable presents.
All you have did, is define a new variable which have the same name of its previous version. But, to do this properly, you have to refer to the old variable, not the newly defined one. So your original definition
let rec = rec { field=1 }
is a recursive definition, the name rec refer to itself. But what you intended to do, is to refer to the rec defined early on.
So this is a name conflict.
Haskell have some machenism to work around this. One is your "temporary renaming".
For the original example this looks like
let rec' = rec
let rec = rec' { field=1 }
This looks like your given solution. But remember this is only available in a command line environment. If you try to use this in a function, you may have to write
let rec' = rec in let rec = rec' { field=1 } in ...
Here is another workaround, which might be useful when rec is belong to another module (say "MyModule"):
let rec = MyModule.rec { field=1 }

Does Data.Map work in a pass-by-value or pass-by-reference way? (Better explanation inside)

I have a recursive function working within the scope of strictly defined interface, so I can't change the function signatures.
The code compiles fine, and even runs fines without error. My problem is that it's a large result set, so it's very hard to test if there is a semantic error.
My primary question is: In a sequence of function calls A to B to A to B to breaking condition, considering the same original Map is passed to all functions until breaking condition, and that some functions only return an Integer, would an insert on a Map in a function that only returns an Integer still be reflected once control is returned to the first function?
primaryFunc :: SuperType -> MyMap -> (Integer, MyMap)
primaryFunc (SubType1 a) mapInstance = do
let returnInt = func1 a mapInstance
(returnInt, mapInstance)
primaryFunc (SubType2 c) mapInstance = do
let returnInt = primaryFunc_nonprefix_SuperType c mapInstance
let returnSuperType = (Const returnInt)
let returnTable = H.insert c returnSuperType mapInstance
(returnInt, returnTable)
primaryFunc (ConstSubType d) mapInstance = do
let returnInt = d
(returnInt, mapInstance)
func1 :: SubType1 -> MyMap -> Integer
func1 oe vt = do
--do stuff with input and map data to get return int
returnInt = primaryFunc
func2 :: SubType2 -> MyMap -> Integer
func2 pe vt = do
--do stuff with input and map data to get return int
returnInt = primaryFunc
Your question is almost impossibly dense and ambiguous, but it should be possible to answer what you term your "primary" question from the simplest first principles of Haskell:
No Haskell function updates a value (e.g. a map). At most it can return a modified copy of its input.
Outside of the IO monad, no function can have side effects. No function can affect the value of any variable assigned before it was called; all it can do is return a value.
So if you pass a map as a parameter to a function, nothing the function does can alter your existing reference to that value. If you want an updated value, you can only get that from the output of a function to which you have passed the original value as input. New value, new reference.
Because of this, you should have absolute clarity at any depth within your web of functions about which value you are working with. Knowing this, you should be able to answer your own question. Frankly, this is such a fundamental characteristic of Haskell that I am perplexed that you even need to ask.
If a function only returns an integer, then any operations you perform on any values made available to the function can only affect the output - that is, the integer value returned. Nothing done within the function can affect anything else (short of causing the whole program to crash).
So if function A has a reference to a map and it passes this value to function B which returns an int, nothing function B does can affect A's copy of the map. If function B were allowed to secretly alter A's copy of the map, that would be a side effect. Side effects are not allowed.
You need to understand that Haskell does not have variables as you understand them. It has immutable values, references to immutable values and functions (which take inputs and return new outputs). Functions do not have variables which are in scope for other functions which might alter those variables on the fly. That cannot happen.
As an aside, not only does the code you posted show that you do not understand the basics of Haskell syntax, the question you asked shows that you haven't understood the primary characteristics of Haskell as a language. Not only are these fundamentals things which can be understood before having learned any syntax, they are things you need to know to make sense of the syntax.
If you have a deadline, meet it using a tool you do understand. Then go learn Haskell properly.
In addition, you will find that
an insert on a Map in a function that only returns an Integer
is nearly impossible to express. Yes, you can technically do it like in
insert k v map `seq` 42 -- force an insert and throw away the result
but if you think that, for example:
let done = insert k v map in 42
does anything with the map, you're probably wrong.
In no case, however, is the original map altered.
