Azure app insights viewer - azure

I recently setup two of our apps to use app insights (coming from Elmah). But now I need to give the QA and BA teams access to view the error logs. What's the best way to do this? Do they need an azure account as well? Is there a windows app viewer, etc? I fear navigating the azure portal might be a little too complicated for them.
Thank you!

They don't need to have Azure account to view AI resource in Azure, as they need is live ID. You can add them clicking on Users icon-> Users blade -> Add access.
I would say this is the easiest way, another approach would be to set up Continuous export and export data to something like PowerBI, but this is much more involved.


Azure services not listing anything

I am new to Azure. I know this is weird question.
But, when I am creating any Storage Account or a VM or say any service instance, I am not able to list it in the service listing after creating. Looks like its created but disappeared.
Due to it, Azure is charging me as I cannot delete the service(e.g a VM) that I created.
Anyone has any insight into this.
You can list/delete it with by using Azure CLI or Azure Powershell Az module.
Did you try checking the notification panel on the top right. Whatever resources are created, it will appear in notification saving "deployed/in progress/etc". Click on go to resource if notification shows it. Also check the dashboard page, if any recent resources are available.
Image shows the home page with recent resources and showing the notification panel.
You can also check your cost analysis. Go to your subscription -> Click on Pay-as-you-go -> Under cost management -> Cost Analysis.
Cost Analysis will tell you, for what services and resources you are getting charged. You can filter the result and view it by resource.
Hope this helps.

Azure service to query Azure Active Directory

Suggest any azure service which
can connect customer azure active directory
can query customer azure active directory
keep my application azure active directory in sync with any future change (add/remove user) on customer azure active directory ?
Service to connect/query Azure AD : Microsoft Graph API can help you query Azure AD
Sync changes between two different Azure AD tenants: AFAIK there isn't any service that will do this for you, you need to write something custom yourself that can make use of Microsoft Graph API
Notification on changes: Microsoft Graph API supports change notifications for some scenarios.. User and Group resource types are supported.. see if this covers what you're looking for Use the Microsoft Graph API to get change notifications
Incremental changes: Microsoft Graph API also supports delta queries for some operations, which could help in figuring out incremental changes.
Authentication: Most probably client credentials grant flow using Application permissions, with a daemon app would make sense for such scenario. Although, this is something you'll need to decide based on how you finally implement.
Permissions required: Microsoft Graph API permissions reference
Function or WebJob or something else: it's a little subjective I guess. I don't have a clear single recommendation. WebJob might be better if it turns out to be long running, but I'm not sure. You may need a separate question or find some already answered good questions about this.
In response to Rohit's answer: -
I agree there isn't any Microsoft service as of now that sync changes between two different Azure AD tenants.
Not here to brag or promote but to give a direction, the company where I work has a product which solves exactly this problem and we have few customers who are using it to keep their partner tenants in sync. In case you are looking for a pre-made product feel free to reach out to me.
Other wise if you need any help on creating your own then what Rohit mentioned are quite good steps to follow, if you still need help with that direction let me know.

Monitoring the Azure app services

I was wondering if someone can shed some lights on the application monitoring and alerting solution that's being used to specifically monitor the Azure app service. We have multiple API apps running on App service service and we would like to monitor certain metrics (ex: Availability, response time, number of request received, etc). I enabled the application insight on each of these apps and the result is quite promising, it fulfills all my requirement, but there's one small issue: I need to scroll through each app to see their performance. I can't aggregate them all in one space. I would like to create a centralized dashboard for all aforementioned metrics and have them displayed. I tried using OMS but it seems to be lacking a lot of functionality.
Any pointer would be very appreciated.
I wrote recently about it on our blog: - you will find link to MS documentation also there.
If you are using App Insights already you should be able to pick things from App Insights and put it on the Azure portal dashboard. Other than that probably getting data into Power Bi application insight is your best shot -

Get Azure Dashboard data via api

One team had built one application, and application is running on azure.
maintenance is taken care by same team, we don't want to give full access of production instance to developer team, but want to give read permission, like - monitoring of logs, cpu usages etc.
Solution according to me is build an application which will get dashboard data and log data from azure via api and that data will be displayed to development team.
I am referring these 2 links
Still I am not able to find api which will give the dashboard data. if anyone know api for the same, please help.
Is there any alternative solution for this scenario.
If you deploy your app using the new Azure Resource Manager mode, it provides a Role Based Access Control to your resources. You can deploy your app inside a Resource Group and provide read access to your developers. They will be able to view the information about the services that your app are made of but without the option to change anything.
This session from Build 2015 can help you to understand what ARM is and what you can do with it:

Can I export my Azure subscription's entire configuration?

Is it possible, using the Azure portal or some other means, to export the subscriptions configuration, for example as an XML file?
I mean things like details of web sites / roles, virtual machines, the size of the machines etc?
Then I could export every day and use a diff tool to check nothing has changed by mistake....
Just thought I'd ask before I write a giant PowerShell script.
I agree this would be a nice feature to have. It's often easier to build out the environment via the portal, but copying that from one tenant (dev) to another (prod) would be much faster and easier if it could be exported to JSON or XML and processed via PowerShell.
Azure Resource manager however does not support resources like Cloud Services, API Management, Mobile Services, Azure Scheduler, Azure Automation, Azure Active Directory, Recovery Services, Media Services, etc. ...
So the summary is - No, there is no such service yet to help you export all your subscriptions configurations.
If you just look for Virtual Machines and Web Sites, then Azure Resource Manager may be in help. But if you look for a complete backup - there is no way to easily achieve this today (2015-03-17).
Probably you could write some Powershell script combining the power of Azure Service Management + Azure Resource Manager, but frankly I am not really sure whether that would also help.
