How to work with PySpark, SparkSQL and Cassandra? - apache-spark

I am a bit confused with the different actors in this story: PySpark, SparkSQL, Cassandra and the pyspark-cassandra connector.
As I understand Spark evolved quite a bit and SparkSQL is now a key component (with the 'dataframes'). Apparently there is absolutely no reason to work without SparkSQL, especially if connecting to Cassandra.
So my question is: what component are needed and how do I connect them together in the simplest way possible?
With spark-shell in Scala I could do simply
./bin/spark-shell --jars spark-cassandra-connector-java-assembly-1.6.0-M1-SNAPSHOT.jar
and then
import org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.CassandraSQLContext
val cc = new CassandraSQLContext(sc)
val dataframe = cc.sql("SELECT count(*) FROM mytable group by beamstamp")
How can I do that with pyspark?
Here are a couple of subquestions along with partial answers I have collected (correct if I'm wrong).
Is pyspark-casmandra needed (I don't think so - I don't understand what is was doing in the first place)
Do I need to use pyspark or could I use my regular jupyter notebook and import the necessary things myself?

Pyspark should be started with the spark-cassandra-connector package as described in the Spark Cassandra Connector python docs.
--packages com.datastax.spark:spark-cassandra-connector_$SPARK_SCALA_VERSION:$SPARK_VERSION
With this loaded you will be able to use any of the Dataframe operations already present inside of Spark on C* dataframes. More details on options of using C* dataframes.
To set this up to run with jupyter notebook just set up your env with the following properties.
And calling pyspark will start up a notebook correctly configured.
There is no need to use pyspark-cassandra unless you are interseted in working with RDDs in python which has a few performance pitfalls.

In Python connector is exposed DataFrame API. As long as spark-cassandra-connector is available and SparkConf contains required configuration there is no need for additional packages. You can simply specify the format and options:
df = (sqlContext
.options(table="mytable", keyspace="mykeyspace")
If you wan to use plain SQL you can register DataFrame as follows:
## Optionally cache
sqlContext.sql("SELECT count(*) FROM mytable group by beamstamp")
Advanced features of the connector, like CassandraRDD are not exposed to Python so if you need something beyond DataFrame capabilities then pyspark-cassandra may prove useful.


Does SparkSession always use Hive Context?

I can use SparkSession to get the list of tables in Hive, or access a Hive table as shown in the code below. Now my question is if in this case, I'm using Spark with Hive Context?
Or is it that to use hive context in Spark, I must directly use HiveContext object to access tables, and perform other Hive related functions?
val personnelTable = spark.catalog.getTable("personnel")
I can use SparkSession to get the list of tables in Hive, or access a Hive table as shown in the code below.
Yes, you can!
Now my question is if in this case, I'm using Spark with Hive Context?
It depends on how you created the spark value.
SparkSession has the Builder interface that comes with enableHiveSupport method.
enableHiveSupport(): Builder Enables Hive support, including connectivity to a persistent Hive metastore, support for Hive serdes, and Hive user-defined functions.
If you used that method, you've got Hive support. If not, well, you don't have it.
You may think that spark.catalog is somehow related to Hive. Well, it was meant to offer Hive support, but by default the catalog is in-memory.
catalog: Catalog Interface through which the user may create, drop, alter or query underlying databases, tables, functions etc.
spark.catalog is just an interface that Spark SQL comes with two implementations for - in-memory (default) and hive.
Now, you might be asking yourself this question:
Is there anyway, such as through spark.conf, to find out if the hive support has been enabled?
There's no isHiveEnabled method or similar I know of that you could use to know whether you work with a Hive-aware SparkSession or not (as a matter of fact you don't need this method since you're in charge of creating a SparkSession instance so you should know what your Spark application does).
In environments where you're given a SparkSession instance (e.g. spark-shell or Databricks), the only way to check if a particular SparkSesssion has the Hive support enabled would be to see the type of the catalog implementation.
scala> spark.sessionState.catalog
res1: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.catalog.SessionCatalog = org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveSessionCatalog#4aebd384
If you see HiveSessionCatalog used, the SparkSession instance is Hive-aware.
In spark-shell , we can also use spark.conf.getAll. This command will return spark session configuration and we can see "spark.sql.catalogImplementation -> hive" suggesting Hive support.

Spark HiveContext : Spark Engine OR Hive Engine?

I am trying to understand spark hiveContext.
when we write query using hiveContext like
sqlContext=new HiveContext(sc)
sqlContext.sql("select * from TableA inner join TableB on ( a=b) ")
Is it using Spark Engine OR Hive Engine?? I believe above query get executed with Spark Engine. But if thats the case why we need dataframes?
We can blindly copy all hive queries in sqlContext.sql("") and run without using dataframes.
By DataFrames, I mean like this TableA.join(TableB, a === b)
We can even perform aggregation using SQL commands. Could any one Please clarify the concept? If there is any advantage of using dataframe joins rather that sqlContext.sql() join?
join is just an example. :)
The Spark HiveContext uses Spark execution engine underneath see the spark code.
Parser support in spark is pluggable, HiveContext uses spark's HiveQuery parser.
Functionally you can do everything with sql and Dataframes are not needed. But dataframes provided a convenient way to achieve the same results. The user doesn't need to write a SQL statement.

pyspark, how to read Hive tables with SQLContext?

I am new to the Hadoop ecosystem and I am still confused with few things. I am using Spark 1.6.0 (Hive 1.1.0-cdh5.8.0, Hadoop 2.6.0-cdh5.8.0)
I have some Hive table that exist and I can do some SQL queries using HUE web interface with Hive (map reduce) and Impala (mpp).
I am now using pySpark (I think behind this is pyspark-shell) and I wanted to understand and test HiveContext and SQLContext. There are many thready that discussed the differences between the two and for various version of Spark.
With Hive context, I have no issue to query the Hive tables:
from pyspark.sql import HiveContext
mysqlContext = HiveContext(sc)
FromHive = mysqlContext.sql("select * from table.mytable")
So far so good. Since SQLContext is subset of HiveContext, I was thinking that a basic SQL select should work:
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
sqlSparkContext = SQLContext(sc)
FromSQL = mysqlContext.sql("select * from table.mytable")
Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o81.sql.
: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Table not found: `table`.`mytable`;
I added the hive-site.xml to pyspark-shell. When running
I see:
('spark.yarn.dist.files', '/etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml'),
My questions are:
Can I acess Hive table with SQLContext for simple queries (I know
HiveContext is more powerfull but for me this is just to understand
If this is possible what is missing ? I couldn't find any info apart
from the hive-site.xml that I tried but doesn't seems to work
Thanks a lot
As mentioned in other answer, you can't use SQLContext to access Hive tables, they've given a seperate HiveContext in Spark 1.x.x which is basically an extension of SQLContext.
Hive uses an external metastore to keep all the metadata, for example the information about db and tables. This metastore can be configured to be kept in MySQL etc. Default is derby.
This done so that all the users accessing Hive may see all the contents facilitated by metastore.
Derby creates a private metastore as a directory metastore_db in the directory from where the spark app is executed. Since this metastore is private, what ever you create or edit in this session, will not be accessible to anyone else. SQLContext basically facilitates a connection to a private metastore.
Needless to say, in Spark 2.x.x they've merged the two into SparkSession which acts as a singular entry point to spark. You can enable Hive support while creating SparkSession by .enableHiveSupport()
You cannot use standard SQLContext to access Hive directly. To work with Hive you need Spark binaries built with Hive support and HiveContext.
You could use use JDBC data source, but it won't be acceptable performance wise for large scale processing.
To access SQLContext tables, you need to register it temporarily. Then you can easily make SQL queries on it. Suppose you have some data in the form of JSON. You can make it in dataframe.
Like below:
from pyspark.sql import SQLContext
sqlSparkContext = SQLContext(sc)
df ="your json data")
sql_df = df.registerTempTable("mytable")
FromSQL = sqlSparkContext.sql("select * from mytable")
Also you can collect the SQL data in row type array as below:-
r = FromSSQL.collect()
print r.column_Name
Try without keeping sc into sqlContext,I think when we create sqlContext object with sc spark is trying to call HiveContext but we are having sqlContext instead
>>>df=sqlContext.sql("select * from <db-name>.<table-name>")
Use the superset of SQL Context i.e HiveContext to Connect and load the hive tables to spark dataframes
>>>df=HiveContext(sc).sql("select * from <db-name>.<table-name>")
>>> hc=HiveContext(sc)
>>> df=hc.sql("select * from default.text_Table")

Why does reading from Hive fail with "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem not found"?

I use Spark v1.6.1 and Hive v1.2.x with Python v2.7
For Hive, I have some tables (ORC files) stored in HDFS and some stored in S3. If we are trying to join 2 tables, where one is in HDFS and the other is in S3, a java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Class org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.S3AFileSystem not found is thrown.
For example this works when querying against a HIVE table in HDFS.
df1 = sqlContext.sql('select * from hdfs_db.tbl1')
This works when querying against a HIVE table in S3.
df2 = sqlContext.sql('select * from s3_db.tbl2')
This code below throws the above RuntimeException.
sql = """
select *
from hdfs_db.tbl1 a
join s3_db.tbl2 b on =
df3 = sqlContext.sql(sql)
We are migrating from HDFS to S3, and so that's why there is a difference of storage backing HIVE tables (basically, ORC files in HDFS and S3). One interesting thing is that if we use DBeaver or the beeline clients to connect to Hive and issue the joined query, it works. I can also use sqlalchemy to issue the joined query and get result. This problem only shows on Spark's sqlContext.
More information on execution and environment: This code is executed in Jupyter notebook on an edge node (that already has spark, hadoop, hive, tez, etc... setup/configured). The Python environment is managed by conda for Python v2.7. Jupyter is started with pyspark as follows.
IPYTHON_OPTS="notebook --port 7005 --notebook-dir='~/' --ip='*' --no-browser" \
pyspark \
--queue default \
--master yarn-client
When I go to the Spark Application UI under Environment, the following Classpath Entries has the following.
The sun.boot.class.path has the following value: /usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_60/jre/lib/resources.jar:/usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_60/jre/lib/rt.jar:/usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_60/jre/lib/sunrsasign.jar:/usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_60/jre/lib/jsse.jar:/usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_60/jre/lib/jce.jar:/usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_60/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_60/jre/lib/jfr.jar:/usr/jdk64/jdk1.8.0_60/jre/classes.
The spark.executorEnv.PYTHONPATH has the following value: /usr/hdp/<CPS>{{PWD}}/<CPS>{{PWD}}/
The Hadoop distribution is via CDH: Hadoop
Quoting the Steve Loughran (who given his track record in Spark development seems to be the source of truth about the topic of accessing S3 file systems) from SPARK-15965 No FileSystem for scheme: s3n or s3a spark-2.0.0 and spark-1.6.1:
This is being fixed with tests in my work in SPARK-7481; the manual
workaround is
Spark 1.6+
This needs my patch a rebuild of spark assembly. However, once that patch is in, trying to use the assembly without the AWS JARs will stop spark from starting —unless you move up to Hadoop 2.7.3
There are also some other sources where you can find workarounds:
How to access s3a:// files from Apache Spark?
I've got no environment (and experience) to give the above a shot so after you give the above a try please report back to have a better understanding of the current situation regarding S3 support in Spark. Thanks.

What is the difference between Apache Spark SQLContext vs HiveContext?

What are the differences between Apache Spark SQLContext and HiveContext ?
Some sources say that since the HiveContext is a superset of SQLContext developers should always use HiveContext which has more features than SQLContext. But the current APIs of each contexts are mostly same.
What are the scenarios which SQLContext/HiveContext is more useful ?.
Is HiveContext more useful only when working with Hive ?.
Or does the SQLContext is all that needs in implementing a Big Data app using Apache Spark ?
Spark 2.0+
Spark 2.0 provides native window functions (SPARK-8641) and features some additional improvements in parsing and much better SQL 2003 compliance so it is significantly less dependent on Hive to achieve core funcionality and because of that HiveContext (SparkSession with Hive support) seems to be slightly less important.
Spark < 2.0
Obviously if you want to work with Hive you have to use HiveContext. Beyond that the biggest difference as for now (Spark 1.5) is a support for window functions and ability to access Hive UDFs.
Generally speaking window functions are a pretty cool feature and can be used to solve quite complex problems in a concise way without going back and forth between RDDs and DataFrames. Performance is still far from optimal especially without PARTITION BY clause but it is really nothing Spark specific.
Regarding Hive UDFs it is not a serious issue now, but before Spark 1.5 many SQL functions have been expressed using Hive UDFs and required HiveContext to work.
HiveContext also provides more robust SQL parser. See for example: py4j.protocol.Py4JJavaError when selecting nested column in dataframe using select statetment
Finally HiveContext is required to start Thrift server.
The biggest problem with HiveContext is that it comes with large dependencies.
When programming against Spark SQL we have two entry points depending on
whether we need Hive support. The recommended entry point is the HiveContext to
provide access to HiveQL and other Hive-dependent functionality. The more basic
SQLContext provides a subset of the Spark SQL support that does not depend on
-The separation exists for users who might have conflicts with including all of
the Hive dependencies.
-Additional features of HiveContext which are not found in in SQLContext include the ability to write queries using the more complete HiveQL parser, access to Hive UDFs, and the ability to read data from Hive tables.
-Using a HiveContext does not require an existing Hive setup.
HiveContext is still the superset of sqlcontext,it contains certain extra properties such as it can read the configuration from hive-site.xml,in case you have hive use otherwise simply use sqlcontext
