How does Spark occupy the memory - apache-spark

If my server has 50GB memory, Hbase is using 40GB. And when I run Spark I set the memory as --executor-memory 30G. So will Spark grab some memory from Hbase since there only 10GB left.
Another question, if Spark only need 1GB memory, but I gave Spark 10G memory, will Spark occupy 10GB memory.

The behavior will be different depending upon the deployment mode. In case you are using local mode, then --executor-memory will not change anything as you only have 1 Executor and that's your driver, so you need to increase the memory of your driver.
In case you are using Standalone mode and submitting your job in cluster mode then following would be applicable: -
--executor-memory is the memory required by per executor. It is the executors Heap Size. By Default 60% of the configured --executor-memory is used to cache RDDs. The remaining 40% of memory is available for any objects created during task execution. this is equivalent to -Xms and -Xmx. so in case you provide more memory then available then your executors will show errros regarding insufficient memory.

When you give Spark executor 30G memory, OS will not give it actual physical memory. But As and when your executor requires actual memory to either cache or processing this will cause your other processes like hbase to go on to swap. If your system's swap is set to zero then you will face OOM Error.
OS Swaps out idle part of the process which could make your process behave very slow.


How spark manages physical memory, virtual memory and executor memory?

As I have been working on Spark for a few days, I get confused around spark memory management. I see terms like physical memory, virtual memory, executor memory, memory overhead and these values don't add up properly as per my current understanding. Can someone explain these things in terms of spark in a simple way?
E.g., I'm running a spark job with following configurations in cluster-mode:
spark_conf = SparkConf() \
.set("spark.executor.memory", "10g") \
.set("spark.executor.cores", 4) \
.set("spark.executor.instances", 30) \
.set("spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled", False)
But I get an error like this:
Failing this attempt.Diagnostics: [2020-08-18 11:57:54.479]
Container [pid=96571,containerID=container_1588672785288_540114_02_000001]
is running 62357504B beyond the 'PHYSICAL' memory limit.
Current usage: 1.6 GB of 1.5 GB physical memory used;
3.7 GB of 3.1 GB virtual memory used. Killing container.
How physical memory and virtual memory allocations are done w.r.t. executor memory and memory overhead?
Also when I run the same job in client-mode with the same configurations, it runs successfully. Why is it so? The only thing that gets changed in client-mode is the driver and I don't have any code which aggregates data to the driver.
When you see the option value,
yarn.nodemanager.vmem-pmem-ratio 2.1
the default ratio between physical and virtual memory is 2.1. You can calculate the physical memory from the total memory of the yarn resource manager divide by number of containers, i.e executors without driver things.
Here is an article but there will be more good articles how yarn allocate the physical memory.

Spark Yarn Memory configuration

I have a spark application that keeps failing on error:
"Diagnostics: Container [pid=29328,containerID=container_e42_1512395822750_0026_02_000001] is running beyond physical memory limits. Current usage: 1.5 GB of 1.5 GB physical memory used; 2.3 GB of 3.1 GB virtual memory used. Killing container."
I saw lots of different parameters that was suggested to change to increase the physical memory. Can I please have the some explanation for the following parameters? (currently set to 0 so suppose to take the default which is 1GB so why we see it as 1.5 GB, changing it also dint effect the number)
mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb (currently set to 0 so suppose to take the default which is 1GB so why we see it as 1.5 GB, changing it also dint effect the number) set to 80% form the previous number
yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb=1GB (when changing this then I see the effect on the max physical memory, but for the value 1 GB it still 1.5G) can't find at all in configuration.
We are defining YARN (running with yarn-cluster deployment mode) using cloudera CDH 5.12.1.
These control the base amount of memory spark will try to allocate for it's driver and for all the executors. These are probably the ones you want to increase if you are running out of memory.
// options before Spark 2.3.0
// options after Spark 2.3.0
This value is an additional amount of memory to request when you are running Spark on yarn. It is intended to account extra RAM needed for the yarn container that is hosting your Spark Executors.
When Spark goes to ask Yarn to reserve a block of RAM for an executor, it will ask a value of the base memory plus the overhead memory. However, Yarn may not give it back one of exactly that size. These parameters control the smallest container size and the largest container size that YARN will grant. If you are only using the cluster for one job, I find it easiest to set these to very small and very large values and then using the spark memory settings mentions above to set the true container size.
I don't think these have any bearing on your Spark/Yarn job.

How does Spark handle memory in local mode?

I'm trying to get a grasp about how Spark (2.1.1) handles memory in local mode.
As far as I understand, when I launch spark-shell with --driver-memory 3g:
300MB is reserved
60% (default of spark.memory.fraction) is used
for the rest, shared between execution and storage - 1.7GB
Presumably some of this is also shared with spark-shell and the Spark UI.
Looking at running processes, I see the java.exe process for spark-shell using about 1GB of RAM after a fresh launch.
If I then read in a 900MB CSV file using:
val data: DataFrame ="header", value = true).csv("data.csv")
And then repeatedly call data.count, I can see the java.exe process creep up each time, until it caps out at about 2GB of RAM.
A few questions:
Why does it cap at 2GB? Is that number the 1.7GB usable + 300MB reserved?
What is actually in that memory, since I'm not caching anything?
When it hits that 2GB cap, what's happening on subsequent calls to data.count? It clearly ate more memory on previous calls, so why does it not need more once it hits that cap?

The actual executor memory does not match the executoy-memory I set

I hava a spark2.0.1 cluster with 1 Master(slaver1) and 2 worker(slaver2,slaver3),every machine has 2GB RAM.when I run the command
./bin/spark-shell --master spark://slaver1:7077 --executor-memory 500m
when I check the executor memory in the web (slaver1:4040/executors/). I found it is 110MB.
The memory you are talking about is Storage memory Actually Spark Divides the memory [Called Spark Memory] into 2 Region First is Storage Memory and Second is Execution Memory
The Total Memory can Be calculated by this Formula
(“Java Heap” – “Reserved Memory”) * spark.memory.fraction
Just to give you an overview Storage Memory is This pool is used for both storing Apache Spark cached data and for temporary space serialized data “unroll”. Also all the “broadcast” variables are stored there as cached blocks
If you want to check total memory provided you can go to Spark UI Spark-Master-Ip:8080[default port] in the start you can find Section called MEMORY that is total memory used by spark.
From Spark 1.6 version, The memory is divided according to the following picture
There is no hard boundary between execution and storage memory. The storage memory is required more then it takes from execution memory and viceversa. The
Execution and storage memory is given by (ExecutorMemory-300Mb)* spark.memory.fraction
In your case (500-300)*).75 = 150mb there will be 3 to 5% error in Executor memory that is allocated.
300Mb is the reserved memory
User memory = (ExecutorMemory-300)*).(1-spark.memory.fraction).
In your case (500-300)*).25 = 50mb
Java Memory : Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory()

Spark: executor memory exceeds physical limit

My input dataset is about 150G.
I am setting
--conf spark.cores.max=100
--conf spark.executor.instances=20
--conf spark.executor.memory=8G
--conf spark.executor.cores=5
--conf spark.driver.memory=4G
but since data is not evenly distributed across executors, I kept getting
Container killed by YARN for exceeding memory limits. 9.0 GB of 9 GB physical memory used
here are my questions:
1. Did I not set up enough memory in the first place? I think 20 * 8G > 150G, but it's hard to make perfect distribution, so some executors will suffer
2. I think about repartition the input dataFrame, so how can I determine how many partition to set? the higher the better, or?
3. The error says "9 GB physical memory used", but i only set 8G to executor memory, where does the extra 1G come from?
Thank you!
When using yarn, there is another setting that figures into how big to make the yarn container request for your executors:
It defaults to 0.1 * your executor memory setting. It defines how much extra overhead memory to ask for in addition to what you specify as your executor memory. Try increasing this number first.
Also, a yarn container won't give you memory of an arbitrary size. It will only return containers allocated with a memory size that is a multiple of it's minimum allocation size, which is controlled by this setting:
Setting that to a smaller number will reduce the risk of you "overshooting" the amount you asked for.
I also typically set the below key to a value larger than my desired container size to ensure that the spark request is controlling how big my executors are, instead of yarn stomping on them. This is the maximum container size yarn will give out.
The 9GB is composed of the 8GB executor memory which you add as a parameter, spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead which is set to .1, so the total memory of the container is spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead + (spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead * spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead) which is 8GB + (.1 * 8GB) ≈ 9GB.
You could run the entire process using a single executor, but this would take ages. To understand this you need to know the notion of partitions and tasks. The number of partition is defined by your input and the actions. For example, if you read a 150gb csv from hdfs and your hdfs blocksize is 128mb, you will end up with 150 * 1024 / 128 = 1200 partitions, which maps directly to 1200 tasks in the Spark UI.
Every single tasks will be picked up by an executor. You don't need to hold all the 150gb in memory ever. For example, when you have a single executor, you obviously won't benefit from the parallel capabilities of Spark, but it will just start at the first task, process the data, and save it back to the dfs, and start working on the next task.
What you should check:
How big are the input partitions? Is the input file splittable at all? If a single executor has to load a massive amount of memory, it will run out of memory for sure.
What kind of actions are you performing? For example, if you do a join with very low cardinality, you end up with a massive partitions because all the rows with a specific value, end up in the same partitions.
Very expensive or inefficient actions performed? Any cartesian product etc.
Hope this helps. Happy sparking!
