Nodejs OLE-COM server - node.js

I am using win32ole to access COM-OLE (automation) bindings inside a windows PC such as excel, word etc.
Now what I want is to implement a COM-OLE server using nodejs. I can't seem to find any nodejs module that supports these.
In the end, I only need to expose COM-OLE objects/interfaces to any applications running inside the PC so that they can access my application.
Thanks and BTW, I am using Electron.js.

Since win32ole only appears to operate as a client, you're stuck either:
Implementing your own COM server in C++ (nan helps with the node glue)
Writing a COM server in .NET and using edge for the node glue.


Electron like node integration in nodejs web server

I'm new to web servers in nodejs and i'd like to know if there is possible to have an electron like node integration in a web server (to be able to use nodejs in index.js script file linked to index.html)
Thx for all :)
It's not possible. Browsers control the way that client side JavaScript is executed, so it's just technically impossible to connect both runtimes in any way that works on client machine, you'd need a customized browser, which is what Electron basically is. And neither should you want to - if the runtimes were connected in that way, any user could execute arbitrary commands on your server.

Is it possible to build a electron desktop app without node server?

I want to develop a desktop app with electron without using nodejs (i don't want to use any server, a plain desktop app) to access the local files in the machine.
Node.js is a Javascript runtime, using it doesn't mean you need to use it to run a server of any kind. In fact, Electron uses Node.js internally to implement "lower level operating system interactions", like the ability to read local files.

Can I run VueJS and NodeJS or related apps on Server that doesn't have NodeJS installed?

So I'm new to Vuejs and doesn't know anything about npm, node, and other javascript apps.
I wanted to switch to VueJS so that I can take away from JQuery. Been using AdminLTE for my projects before.
I wanted to use vue-admin now since it seems to address all of my needs. However, I have specific work area situations that seems to hinder learning Vue and other JS apps, these are:
The workspace folder (development) where I'm creating applications is hosted in the production server (Windows Server).
I think NodeJS isn't installed in the server
Adobe Coldfusion is used. I don't have a local server, so the production server is used when developing.
Will the production server run the app built with vue-admin even if the production server doesn't have NodeJS installed? (I have NodeJS locally).
I need to use Coldfusion for the logic of the application, specifically I'm using CFWheels right now and vue-admin for Frontend and UX. Is it possible? The application I'm making is closely related to parts of an ERP system.
Any pointers on how I could do this?
Yes you can. Most likely you will need NodeJS locally to make your development life a bit easier.
You can simply include Vue in your project with a script tag or your can use a buildtool like Webpack to enable you to write ES6 and use a module system.
If you go with the latter it still exports as plain ES5 allowing you to use it on your server without any problem since all of this is code which runs on the clients machine, not on your server.
As you can see the requirements for this project have a big bold headline with: 'Development'.
You don't need any of the requirements in production.

Refer to other projects in the project in node js

I am a beginner who has just started node js.
Now my project is made up of one, but I have to separate the API server and the WEB server while doing the project. So, API <-> Core <-> WEB We want to make a structure that API and WEB server use Core in common.
But in the API server, I refer to Core as ../../../ but it does not work. Is there any way to solve this?
Not sure what you want.
If you are connecting the port and using Core's service, you would need to request localhost/yourCoreRoute
If you are referring to file system, ../../ may works

Writing a Web Application in Haxe without Apache and PHP?

Haxe has Apache httpd modules and can compile to PHP code. These are 2 options I know to make a web application that runs on the server. You can start a http server with nekotools, but this is supposed to be used for development only.
Are there any more options?
I can always use the NekoVM from within a C or C++ program, running a web server or interfacing to FastCGI. Or compile to C++, using a FastCGI or web server library. But I want to hear about solutions that are actually used.
I have a VPS with nginx, so no mod_neko or mod_tora. PHP isn't a problem, but I'd rather wouldn't use it (for irrational reasons).
More correctly there is an Apache module for the nekoVM. (You do need necessarily haxe to produce neko binaries)
To your question:
As far as I know there is currently no possibility to use the C++ target for webserver application, but some people are playing arround with some stuff.
As you said, you could use PHP
mod_tora or mod_neko on a Apache setup. (Why not use Apache?)
OR: the probably most interessting thing for you be: Link 1 and Link 2 (neko as cgi / fastcgi)
hxNode uses node.js. Don't know if anybody uses hxNode, but node.js got some good press lately.
I'm continuing to keep hxNode up to date and expanding it with the node.js spec.
I'm using it for my own projects and debugging it as I come across stuff.
Currently, hxNode, has the node.js api defined in Haxe, this is the standard node.js asynchronous API. Also, I've started to recreate the Haxe standard API using this API, so for example, js.FileSystem has been implemented, this makes use of the fact that latest versions of node can call fs module syncronously.
Other things which I'm working on with this API, servlet's sitting on top, and mongo bindings based on chriskv's mongo native drivers.
