Unable to Set Up Continuous Deployment in Azure - azure

Looking at the docs, it would appear that this would be super simple...perhaps it's something with my Azure Configuration. I'm simply setting up a demo project in Azure (which will be a Node app). I set up a Web App (have tried standard, basic, and free levels) and try to follow the instructions here which seem very straightforward.
But when I go to "All Settings" on my web app, there is no "Continuous deployment" option under the Publishing settings.
So I thought that perhaps I needed to set my deployment credentials. When I go to Deployment Credentials, it states that I need to create a deployment username and password. But even when I enter credentials that satisfy the requirements, the Save button is never enabled!
Any ideas on what is going on here would be greatly appreciated. I though perhaps it was some kind of regional limitation, but that seems unlikely as I've tried both West and SouthCentral regions. I'm convinced I'm doing something obviously dumb and just missing it.

I just encounter the same issue, no Continuous Deployment option and cannot save deployment credentials. I just switch back to classic portal and set it from there(click the app > go to dashboard > quick glance > Set up deployment from source control). After setting up and then I switch back to the new portal and the option appears. Really weird issue.

Not much to say...I basically deleted and totally cleaned up everything from Azure and started over and miraculously the 3rd or 4th time, the option just appeared.... Not very reassuring...no idea what altered the situation.

Same issue here, but just copy paste deployment hook (Settings/Deployment Source) and add it to the github repository webhooks and it worked.


Azure function publish url is unreachable

My last publish was probably about three weeks ago, today, I changed the code a bit and publish. Then I ran into the error below
Publish has encountered an error. The Publish URL
https://functionName.scm.azurewebsites.net/ is unreachable. The
application may be stopped, restarting or unavailable. Try again once
the publish target is available.
The only similar post I found is suggesting to correct the pubxml field
In my case, it is correct already.
If I call the function by HTTP get, it behaves as usual.
I'm relevant new to azure, not sure if I missed something obvious.
Additional remarks
It's compiled successfully.
I never change the PublishUrl and the field value is pretty much what I posted.
The app is running.
The account login to VS is the same one to Azure.
First of all, make sure your function app can be compiled.
Second, the format of your publish url is no problem.
So maybe this problem is not from the Visual Studio side. please make sure the function app is not stop or restarting, the scm site is not under the protection of NETWorking and you have login the right Microsoft account in VS.
If all of above still don't work, you can try to use other deploy method. Such as command or ftp and so on.
And for your situation, if you just do a little change, the incremental deployment may be a better choice.
I saw this error happen when somebody else on my team deleted the storage account the function app was using. Because I was unaware of this deletion, it was hard to connect the details from the error to a missing storage account.
Once I recreated it, with the same specifications of a storage account that can be auto-created during a function’s first deployment, I was able to re-configure my function to use it, and I was able to deploy again from Visual Studio.
In my case opening azure functions app in my browser helped. Until that it was giving error when I try to publish it in Visual Studio.
In my case, I didn't realize I had set up IP restrictions as this was a function app I had published a long time ago so obviously my IP had by this point changed. For me, the solution involved:
Select your Azure Function app in the portal
Under the "Settings" section click "Networking"
Under "Inbound Traffic" I had "Access Restriction" set to "On". If this is your case, click on "Access Restriction". If this is not your case, then this solution won't solve your problem.
My "Unmatched rule action" was set to deny. At the bottom, I had only my old IP and my API Management IPs listed as "Allow.
Click "+Add", enter whatever name that's descriptive (like "My home ip"), make sure action is set to "Allow", set a priority (in my case the priority didn't matter), I skipped description, and for type I chose IPv4 and for IP Address Block I entered my current IP address. Skip the rest of the settings.
At the bottom click "Add rule"
Don't forget to click "Save" at the top left after that
Not sure if you have to restart your function app, I did because it didn't impact me.
I alt-tabbed back to Visual Studio and published again: this time worked perfectly.

Cannot see Deployment Source options in Azure Portal

I'm writing this simple answer to help others that would otherwise have had to spend hours getting confused by every tutorial out there.
My issue:
Newbie to Azure web apps and have been trying to learn how to deploy via GitHub. Every tutorial and video I checked out showed that as soon as you create a Web App then go to the Deployment options screen it lets you choose how you want to deploy it.
However I was not seeing this in mine - it was as if it was pre-configured for me but there was no ftp or GitHub option showing.
The problem may be because I had used the node.js empty template to create my web app and it preconfigured something for me (though I don't see why this should be the case); but in any case I went to the Deployment options screen, pressed the Disconnect button. Waited then hit settings, and hey presto I finally got to where all the tutorials were talking about.

azure web app settings reverted to arm template

Today I saw something really strange with my azure web site. My site was originally deployed using an ARM Template that configured various application settings.
After the initial deploy one of the settings was manually changed via the portal. Today that setting was reverted back to the original value used in the template.
Should that even be possible? I checked audit/activity logs to see if anyone changed it, and the audit logs are empty.
What is going on here, anyone have an idea?
That should not be happening. Azure will never automatically redeploy your ARM template.
Some possibilities that could have led to this:
Someone redeployed your ARM template, which would cause settings to be reset
Maybe when you made the setting change, it was never actually applied, e.g. if 'save' wasn't click, or some error happen.
I'd suggest applying you setting change again, and making sure that it is in fact applied. It should not get reverted by magic.

Using Deployment Slots, I mixed up my Connection Strings, how can I get it to work?

I am half expecting the answer to be delete everything and start over, but I figured I'd come here first after not figuring it out / finding an answer.
I created a Web App, and two deployment slots (staging / development). I created two DB's (DBName, DBName_Development). I forgot to tick off "Slot Setting" on the Development slot, and when I swapped it to Staging the configuration setting swapped as well. No problem, I figured, I will just put in the correct configuration setting and then tick off all the "Slot Setting" boxes so this doesn't occur again.
However, even after doing that, it appears my Staging site is still looking for the old DBName_Development database. Since it was changed it's not working. Not sure if I can even access the web.config for the staging site.
So, do I just trash everything and start over? Or am I missing some setting somewhere in the blades of Azure? I tried Restarting the Web App to no avail.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions/guidance/help.
You may start from Kudu console - it is the nice tooling for getting different things done with your web app.
So, if you suspect that some of your websites use something wrong or things mixed, you may go to the http://webappname1.scm.azurewebsites.net (note .scm.) and http://webappname2.scm.azurewebsites.net and compare the needed settings. If you will see that there is nothing wrong (or, vice versa, something is wrong), then you may proceed to the debug console and check the state of your web.config. And replace it if you will see that it will be needed.

Azure-Deployment to stage ignores service configuration

I created a cloud service and tested it successfully locally. I added service configurations for stage and production. Here is a snippet of my staging-configuration:
and here my configuration-settings:
Then when I publish I set up the deployment as follows:
All this worked like 2 weeks ago. But now he deploys in VS and when I look into Azure Service Configure area it looks like this:
I played a little bit with the "Update development ..."-checkbox on the second screen but the result is the same.
So it ignores all the settings I made and just won't tranistion my configuration to the ine I named "CloudStage". My current Web PI tells me that I use Windows Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2013) 2.3. I don't get the point.
Some more things I observed:
No WADLogsTable and WADWindowsEventLogsTable is generated automatically in the staging storage.
I deactivated Remote Desktop because it was one of the changes I made to monitor the event log (which wasn't useful here)
I manually changed the connection strings in Azure Portal but it seems as if the worker is totally unaware of the storage (rebooted it with no success).
I recognized another thing. Here you can see a running deployment of my service:
See the warning-mark on the left? If I go to my Error list this is shown:
This warning is senseless since it tells me that I did everything the right way. My *.Local.csfg-files are pointing to the local storage. So?!?
This seems weird. Please check the in your ServiceConfiguration.CloudStage.cscfg to verify the expected values.
Have you tried updating any other property like Enabling Remote desktop? Does that get updated on your deployment? You should select the "Deployment Update" check box in the publish dialog. Now, when deploying to an existing Cloud Service, it should ask you if you want to replace it.
If you get the Object reference error every time you right click on project, there might be some issue with the Azure SDK set up.
I'm a little bit further now. What I did was:
Deleted all Services in Azure.
Deleted all Storage Accounts in Azure
Removed my Service-Project completely from solution (not the library containing the worker-logic).
Re-added storage-accounts in Azure.
Re-added services in Azure.
Re-added a project in the solution and added the worker-logic inside it.
Builded up all the publishing-stuff again.
Published it.
The first publish ended like the one described in my question. After I checked the "Update development..."-option in properties of my worker it finally took my transitions into the stage!
Now I recognized, that WADLogsTable was still empty. I hit the instance right in server-explorer and choosse "Update diagnostic settings...". There was an option "Transfer period" suddenly set to "None". This explained to me, why my table was empty and after I set it back to "1" my table is filling again!
Another funny thing beside: When I right-click my Cloud-project in the solution I get "Object reference not set to an instance...". When I just click it left and choose Build->Publish it works.
I just hope that I can help somebody with this. Lets see if it's stable now.
Edit: Yesterday it worked - today is still the same issue :-(.
When you get "Object reference not set to an instance.." for a CloudService project you usually have some kind of mismatch. It could be that a setting in the ServiceConfiguration is not defined in the ServiceDefinition. It could also be that there is a publish profile defined in the .ccproj file for the CloudService that doesn't exist. This might also be what is causing your problems with the different configurations.
So it turns out that the problem is completely on client-side. My Visual Studio (now with SDK 2.4) is doing something wrong. I set up a fresh installation with all the stuff needed :-( and there it works perfect. I'll try to determine if one of my extensions is causing the strange "Object reference not set..."-bug.
Repair-Installation of VS does not solve the problem btw.
