Pure black background in PyCharm CE and Android Studio - android-studio

While my search for a Python debugger on Emacs remains unfulfilled, I am giving PyCharm CE a test drive.
Already on my second day I'm encountering a trivial but frustrating point. Is it possible to set the background to be pitch black in just one place?
A program written by programmers for programmers should certainly have included a feature such as "change the background for Docstrings, Comments, Keywords, ... the whole shebang" to black, but I don't see it.
I understand of course that some parts of the UI will stubbornly refuse to change, and I'm OK with that, just so long as the Python code itself appears on a pure black background.
The Twilight and Mokokai themes come close, but their backgrounds still leave ample "contrast room" that could be used by darkening the background color.
(How do we get from left to right... err.. I mean.. how do we get darker than we are.. um, wait... Isn't the version on the right so much easier on the eye.. but anyway, how can we do it?)
The exact same problem and solution apply to Android Studio.

In File > Settings:
Go to Editor > Colors & Fonts > General
Choose the theme you want to modify (will likely need to Save As... your own as you can't modify the default color schemes.
Go to the Text > Default Text colors and change the background to black. The only ones that won't be affected are the syntax highlighters that define their own background (usually select/highlight/errors/etc.)


Visual Studio 2019 Color Theme Editor - How to make background color of Solution Explorer transparent?

Goal: I'm using a VS extension called "ClaudiaIDE" that enables you to set an image as a background to Visual Studio 2019. I set the background to a wood grain wallpaper (it looks amazing). It makes the code editor background and main window background transparent so you can see the image, but not anything else. I then started using Color Theme Editor to add transparency to other sections of the VS IDE so it's mostly showing the background image. I want the right side windows (like solution explorer) to be transparent as well.
Two stackoverflow answers say the color value is stored under "treeview". I changed the "treeview" background using the wizard but it made no difference (despite other SO comments saying it worked). Likely due to the old answers being for VS 2017 or earlier.
I then changed the "treeview" color manually in the CustomTheme.vstheme file and I successfully made the grey color transparent, but now there is an absolute black blackground, which was perhaps there to give a shadow effect. The code I edited is below (The opacity is intentional):
<Category Name="TreeView" GUID="{92ecf08e-8b13-4cf4-99e9-ae2692382185}">
<Color Name="Background">
<Background Type="CT_RAW" Source="00252526" />
<Foreground Type="CT_RAW" Source="FFF1F1F1" />
I searched for every reference of "#FF000000" and for testing made them all fully transparent: "#00000000". This made no difference, solution explorer retained its "#FF000000" (by observation only, I don't know where the code is). I know the hex is right because I copied a screenshot into paint.net and grabbed the color.
I then changed my Microsoft Windows settings so that it didn't use the dark background, in case it was applying that to the VS windows. No change.
If anyone has any ideas on how to access the black underlying background for windows like "solution explorer" i would greatly appreciate it. It must be getting that value from somewhere.
Install this:
Top menu:
Tool=>Customize Colors => choose theme
Show All Elements button (same row with save icon)
Search for (there is search box):
Environment → ToolWindowFloatingFrameInactive
Environment → ToolWindowFloatingFrame
Tool Window → Tab → Background
TreeView → Background

Adding a text box in Android Studo

Trying to use AndroidStudio (3.4.2) for the first time and it appers to be substantially different to the tutorial at
For example:
There is no layout editor toolbar let alone a show button.
There is no autoconnect button
It doesn't show any wiggly lines from the middle of the blue square to its edges.
When adding a text box it goes to the top left and can't be moved.
WTF is going on? This is awful!
So I know this may sound like the hard answer, but in the long run it will make life 1000x easier.
You need to learn XML to design the activities. It's fairly simple and really easy to research. The reason the textbox can't be moved is because the default layout is ConstraintLayout. In order to fix this, go to the xml file and change the Constraint layout to either Relative layout or Linear Layout. In the end, its more simple to learn straight xml.
I suggest you learn Android programming from here or somewhere else because the Android documentation can be confusing especially for a beginner like yourself and trust me, I've been there.

How to recover color palette in Sublime Text 3

Something strange happened to me recently. I was testing the color schemes of Sublime Text 3 by selecting them from the menu Sublime Text > Preferences > Color Scheme. I did not find any that I liked more than my current one, but then I realized that the one I was using was not among the color schemes listed. Unfortunately I do not remember the name of the color scheme I was using.
By searching for popular color schemes online, I found one that is close: "Afterglow-twilight". However, the scheme I was using had much higher contrast, i.e. darker background and more vivid code highlight colors.
Is there a way in Sublime Text 3 to recover the color scheme I was using?
The color scheme that you're using is set as the color_scheme setting in your user preferences and the menu item Preferences > Color Scheme (which is under Sublime Text if you're on MacOS) allows you to more easily set that preference by showing you a list of all all most available color schemes along with letting you preview what they look like.
The short answer to your question is No, but the longer answer to your question is Yes.
The No is because unless you have your Preferences.sublime-settings file backed up somewhere (say if you use Dropbox to sync it) or under version control of some sort, then the value of the setting is gone now and the only way to get it back is to figure out what color scheme you were using so that you can reset it.
The Yes is because Sublime will only allow you to use color schemes that you have installed locally, and using the menu item outlined above allows you to pick between those you have installed (changing the setting as appropriate) but it doesn't remove any installed color schemes.
That means that unless you uninstalled a package in between when you were playing and noticed that your color scheme is no longer listed, that color scheme is still present even if the list isn't displaying it (and if you did uninstall a package, re-installing the package will bring it back). So all you need to do is figure out what it was.
There's a strikethrough in the first paragraph because Sublime hides some color schemes from you, so if you were using one of those it won't appear in the list and you need other means to find it.
The first thing to try is to add the following setting to your user settings (if it's not already there) to tell Sublime that legacy color schemes should also be listed:
"show_legacy_color_schemes": true,
Around the time the menu item for changing color schemes was added to the interface, some of the color schemes that used to ship with Sublime were relegated to Legacy status because they were wildly out of date and either not popular enough to warrant work to update them or impossible to fix without making visual changes.
Those color schemes are still present, but they're masked from the list of displayed color schemes unless you turn that setting on. So, in the case that you happened to be using one of those previously, this setting should let you find it again. Syntaxes that fall into this category will say Color Scheme - Legacy under them in the list.
If that doesn't turn up the color scheme that you were using, there is one last avenue of exploration. Sublime supports the idea of a hidden color scheme, which is generally something used by packages to give color schemes to things without more generally exposing them. Possibly there is a Theme out there for Sublime that distributes it's color schemes this way as well.
If you open the Sublime console with View > Show Console, you can enter the following lines one at a time into the input at the bottom of the window:
This will get Sublime to show you a list of all of the hidden color schemes (there are two different formats). Assuming either list is not empty, the items in the list represent hidden color schemes that the command mentioned above doesn't display.
If so, you can open your user preferences and manually set the color_scheme setting to each of the items in turn to see if one of them is the one you're looking for.

Start cmd with black background and black font

Is there anyway to start cmd (from the run-dialog (windows+r)) with black background color and black font? I know that I can just change the colors when I'm inside of the cmd and then (e.g if I changed color 1 and 2 to black) just write "color 12", but that's not what I want, I want to start it somehow with black/black without any configuration in cmd.. Is this possible?
As you stated, doing this in batch might niot be possible,
but you might be able to call a c/c++ programm which sets the console color for you (the last time i checked cmd.exe was really bad in reverting any changes to its system settings when exiting a process).
So, look at How to change text color and console color in code::blocks? , copy it into a .cpp file, compile it (this is where i usually add a rant about how windows comes without installed compilers) and call it right after launching your cmd!
Sorry to lay it down but it is impossible in CMD to get black on black without altering the registry, using additional software, or additional code. Powershell would probably be the best way to go with it. I am not as experienced in that area but i did find a helpful webpage Here.

Theme default Colors FG and BG for both editing and compare makes elements never seen

I am quite newbie.
After I have installed Studio3 plugin Eclipse, I got some problems of colors with Default Theme.
In these for the moment I have a not workaround situation while using the "Text compare" because I could not find how two change the color of elements which have the same color as background "black".
When black background is used, as the comparison mode uses black as default color for many elements they are hidden. I made some test with a variant grey background to find the elements, it obviously can't be used for normal use.
Where are the template definition for "comparison mode" seems the main question ?
The minimum to reach is that the black ForeGround colored elements (defined surely for white background) become white with a black background.
Elements of analysis :
The changes on other elements are taken in account in comparison mode (and obviously in edit mode which functions normally), but the elements that are not taken in account in comparison mode are black by default. So I look at a default color for not held elements, I could not find such an item. The default values that I found, and that I declared FG white, have no effect.
Thanks for help.
Aptana Studio 3.0.7
No changes done to default parameters
context : Php
black elements in compare mode : vars; functions calls; names; syntax base;
hold elements : text; keywords (var, function, parent, class, extends, array, empty....); comments
After quite long search :
When Aptana studio3 plugin is installed, the default theme can not be well setup for others editors than Aptana such as standard comparison if you use the Aptana studio3 theme. Then you get incoherent display. The solution is simple.
To get everything right, if the application is able to hold new Aptana theme management, you must simply :
1- change the default Aptana studio3 theme for example for ECLIPSE (Base) theme
2- Change again to Aptana studio3 theme, this will reset all elements of themes (for various compatible editors)
Note : SmartyPDT (and others not tested probably) are not compatible with the theme management of Sudio3, in such case you need to stay with another theme as Studio2 (theme option in studio3). In fact the defined colors are compatible with studio2, particularly black standard text (which was default color). The incompatibility makes that you get a not a coherent fit of colors which lead to incoherency, which can't be avoided, worse black on black... for some text-elements.
