Printing from gnuplot - gnuplot

Pls I have drawn a graph using gnuplot.
All the margins are set to zero.
I saved the output with pngcairo and tried printing it from Corel draw x3 on an a3 sheet. I want the size to be 250mm vertical and 350mm horizontal.
However, some of the grid sizes short by some few millimetres reducing the entire vertical and horizontal sizes by some millimetres.![enter image description here][1]
Our project also relies on technical precision. I'll be happy if someone can help me know what I'm doing wrongly.


How do I compare the quality of Gifs and PNG using colors. Does calculating the bits per pixel work

Since gif uses 8 bit color dept and png uses 24, I can notice the difference between the two picture.
I want to find the way in which i can compare the colors of two images not by looking but with calculated datas.
What I have done till now is that I calculated the BPP of both gif and png image assuming that would be the best option to compare these two format.
I'm not sure if finding the bpp will give me the absolute color difference or if it is even the correct way.
Although a gif has maximum of 256 colors, it would still have high quality as long as the original "raw" image has less than 256 colors (Imaging a cartoon picture that only used 8 colors, no shading/blending etc). In your question you mentioned you could notice the difference between the two picture, then I assume you are talking about some "raw" image that has more than 256 colors, such as a natural photograph with the sky color gradually changing.
In this case, I think you might check the histogram of the images. For the gif image it will have at most 256 entries in the histogram; for the higher quality png image, it should have a histogram that has a matching shape (peaks and valleys), but more than 256 non-zero entries. If this is true you can almost be certain the png has a higher quality (assuming they are indeed the same picture).
You may even be able to further find out how the gif reduced the number of entries by combining several neighboring entries in the png's histogram into one entry.

plt.axvline labels exceeding limit of plot problem

full - clearest image, shows the labels extending out the right of my plot
"zoomed" - highlighting why this is a problem as the plot becomes unreadable when selecting and plotting subset of the x-axis range
I'm working on some data where I have plotted a spectrum and have added vertical lines to specific positions. I have labelled these lines but my problem is that if I want to "zoom in" by decreasing my x axis range, the full list of labels for the vertical lines are still plotted resulting in an unreadable plot.
I iterate through a list of x positions and labels for my vertical lines and plot as follows:
for x_pos, label in zip(list_x_pos, list_label):
plt.text(x_pos, y, str(label), rotation=90)
plt.xlim(2, 5)
So, because my "x values" go > 5 the resulting plot is a tiny figure with a row of the labels extending out from it.
The only solution I can think of is to slice my list_x_pos but this will crate other problems for me so ideally looking to find a way to just show the labels within the range of the plot.
Hope I've made sense!
You can use plt.text(..., clip_on=True) to force texts outside of the box to not be displayed.
Resize the axes first and then plot the vertical line.

Set label font size from data column in gnuplot

I'm trying to plot using labels with varying font size. For example:
plot "some_data_file" using 1:2:(20-$3) using labels font sprintf("Helvetica,%d",variable)
Or something to that effect. The label's font size should be 20 minus the value in the third column. This line doesn't work, but I think it displays what I'm trying to do. Any ideas?
Look at cities.dem demo on for a way to do this.
I'll steal the solution there, modified for you:
plot "some_data_file" using 2:3:(sprintf("{/Helvetica=%d %s}",\
20-$4, stringcolumn(4))) with labels

Transparent background picture and the color of certain points

Basically I have a picture which is a collection of complicated shapes with its own axis and different colours and a data set of points which I can plot on top of it, that works fine, see minimized code example. I am using fortran to generate a gnuplot command file and run gnuplot.
plot "Random.png" binary filetype=png with rgbimage axis x2y2, "xydata1.dat" using 1:2 with points axis x1y1
My problems are that the picture makes it hard to see the points on top. Due to the shapes being a lot of different colours it is impossible to pick a colour for the points which is clearly visible on all shapes.
So could the picture be put in the background at say 50% transparency, without making it transparent in another program?
And is it possible to get the colour of the background on the locations of the points back so that the shape they are in can be determined automatically?
You can use the rgbalpha plotting style and given an explicit transparency value:
plot "Random.png" binary filetype=png using 1:2:3:(127) with rgbalpha axis x2y2\,
"xydata1.dat" using 1:2 with points axis x1y1
The transparency value must be between 0 (completely transparent) and 255 (fully opaque).

Which is the best way to plot graph in iphone?

I saw some Core-plot sample. Is there anything equivalent that will do my task easily? I also want to know feasibility with Core-plot in iPhone. (any issues with core-plot)
I want to have multi-colored vertical bar chart. Is it possible to customize Core-plot framework. Using only one barplot can we have multiple segment on it.
Thank you.
Naveen Thunga
To make a stacked bar plot, you need to make multiple plots, one for each segment. On all but the bottom plot, set barBasesVary to YES. The datasource will ask for a third field called CPTBarPlotFieldBarBase which is the base value for the bar. You will have to do the stacking calculations yourself.
The horizontal lines can be drawn using an additional bar plot. Give the bars a short height (tip - base). You can make the width wider than the others if you want--each plot is independent.
The space between the bars depends on several factors. By default, bar widths are specified in data coordinates. For example, if the bar locations are one unit apart, a bar width of 0.5 will make the bar width and the space between the bars equal; a bar width of 0.75 will make the space 1/3 of the bar width. The actual width in pixels depends on the size of the graph and how many bars are visible (determined by the plot range along that axis). If barWidthsAreInViewCoordinates is YES, then bar widths are given in pixels which keeps them the same apparent width as the plot range changes, but the space between them will change with the plot range.
