unreasonable yarn cluster metrics - apache-spark

I have been using spark and yarn for quite a while, and mostly have a handle on all the spark-submit parameter. I am currently using a 5 node EMR cluster, 1 master and 4 workers, all M3.xlarge, which is spec'ed at 4 vCores. (Actually, when I ssh into the machines and checked, there were actually 3 cores only.)
however, when I spark-submit a job into the emr
spark-submit --master yarn --class myclass --num-executors 9 --executor-cores 2 --executor-memory 500M my.jar
The yarn console always shows that I have 32 vCores total, and 4 vCores used, and the number of active nodes is 4.
So this total number of vCores is a real mystery. How can there be 32 vCores? Even if you count the master node, there are 5 * 4 vCores = 20. Not counting the master node, the active worker nodes is indeed 4. That would make the total vCore count to 16, not 32. Anyone can explain this?

The hardware you are running on uses hyperthreading technology. This allows each physical core to work as two virtual cores. Your four worker machines have 4 physical cores, but that actually corresponds to 8 virtual cores.
and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyper-threading


yarn allocate containers for Spark in AWS

I was able to create YARN containers for my spark jobs.
I have come across various blogs and youtube videos to efficiently use --executors-cores (use values from 4 -6 for efficient throughput) and --executor memory after reserving 1 CPU cores and 1GB RAM for hadoop deamons and determined the right values for each executor.
I also came across articles like these.
I am checking how many containers are created by YARN from spark shell and i am not able to understand how the containers are allocated.
For example i have created EMR cluster with 1 master node m5.xlarge (4 vcore , 16 Gib) and 1 core node with instance type c5.2xlarge ( 8 vcore and 16 Gib RAM)
When i create the spark shell with the following command spark-shell --num-executors=6 --executor-cores=5 --conf spark.executor.memoryOverhead=1G --executor-memory 1G --driver-memory 1G
i see that 6 executors including a driver are being created with 5 cores for each executor for a total of 25 cores
However the metrics from hadoop history server does not reflect the right calculations
I am very confused how in spark UI , more cores than available were allocated for each executor . The total vcores in the cluster is 8 cores considering the core nodes but a total of 25 executors are allocated for the executors.
Can someone please explain what i am missing.

Spark on Yarn Number of Cores in EMR Cluster

I have an Emr cluster for spark with below configuration of 2 Instances.
8 vCore
So my total vCores is 16 and the same is reflected in yarn Vcores
I have submitted a spark streaming job with parameters --num-executors 2 --executor-cores 5. So I was assuming it will use up 2*5 total 10 vcores for executors, but what it's doing only using 2 cores in total from the cluster (+1 for the driver)
And in spark, the job is still running with parallel tasks of 10 (2*5). Seems like it's just running only 5 threads within each executor core.
I have read in different questions and in documentation --executor-cores uses actual vCores but here, it only running tasks as threads.
Is my understanding correct here?

Spark num-executors

I have setup a 10 node HDP platform on AWS. Below is my configuration
2 Servers - Name Node and Standby Name node
7 Data Nodes and each node has 40 vCPU and 160 GB of memory.
I am trying to calculate the number of executors while submitting spark applications and after going through different blogs I am confused on what this parameter actually means.
Looking at the below blog it seems the num executors are the total number of executors across all nodes
But looking at the below blog it seems that the num executors is per node or server
Can anyone please clarify and review the below :-
Is the num-executors value is per node or the total number of executors across all the data nodes.
I am using the below calculation to come up with the core count, executor count and memory per executor
Number of cores <= 5 (assuming 5)
Num executors = (40-1)/5 = 7
Memory = (160-1)/7 = 22 GB
With the above calculation which would be the correct way
--master yarn-client --driver-memory 10G --executor-memory 22G --num-executors 7 --executor-cores 5
--master yarn-client --driver-memory 10G --executor-memory 22G --num-executors 49 --executor-cores 5
Can anyone please clarify and review the below :-
Is the num-executors value is per node or the total number of executors across all the data nodes.
You need to first understand that the executors run on the NodeManagers (You can think of this like workers in Spark standalone). A number of Containers (includes vCPU, memory, network, disk, etc.) equal to number of executors specified will be allocated for your Spark application on YARN. Now these executor containers will be run on multiple NodeManagers and that depends on the CapacityScheduler (default scheduler in HDP).
So to sum up, total number of executors is the number of resource containers you specify for your application to run.
Refer this blog to understand better.
I am using the below calculation to come up with the core count, executor count and memory per executor
Number of cores <= 5 (assuming 5) Num executors = (40-1)/5 = 7 Memory = (160-1)/7 = 22 GB
There is no rigid formula for calculating the number of executors. Instead you can try enabling Dynamic Allocation in YARN for your application.
There is a hiccup with the capacity scheduler. As far as I understand it allows you to only schedule by memory. You will first need to change that to the dominant resource calculator scheduling type. That will allow you to ask for more memory and cores combination. Once you change that out you should be able to ask for both cup and memory with your spark application.
As for --num-executors flag, you can even keep it at a very high value of 1000. It will still allocate only the number of containers that is possible to launch on each node. As and when your cluster resources increase your containers attached to your application will increase. The number of containers that you can launch per node will be limited by the amount of resources allocated to the nodemanagers on those nodes.

Spark increasing the number of executors in yarn mode

I am running Spark over Yarn on a 4 Node Cluster. The configuration of each machine in the node is 128GB Memory, 24 Core CPU per node. I run Spark on using this command
spark-shell --master yarn --num-executors 19 --executor-memory 18g --executor-cores 4 --driver-memory 4g
But Spark only launches 16 executors maximum. I have maximum-vcore allocation in yarn set to 80 (out of the 94 cores i have). So i was under the impression that this will launch 19 executors but it can only go upto 16 executors. Also I don't think even these executors are using the allocated VCores completely.
These are my questions
Why isn't spark creating 19 executors. Is there a computation behind
the scenes that's limiting it?
What is the optimal configuration to run spark-shell given my cluster configuration, if I wanted to get the best possible spark performance
driver-core is set to 1 by default. Will increasing it improve performance.
Here is my Yarn Config
yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb: 106496
yarn..minimum-allocation-mb: 3584
yarn..maximum-allocation-mb: 106496
yarn..minimum-allocation-vcores: 1
yarn..maximum-allocation-vcores: 20
yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores: 20
Ok so going by your configurations we have:
(I am also a newbie at Spark but below is what I speculate in this scenario)
24 cores and 128GB ram per node and we have 4 nodes in the cluster.
We allocate 1 core and 1 GB memory for overhead and considering you're running your cluster in YARN-Client mode.
We have 127GB Ram and 23 Cores left with us in 4 nodes.
As mentioned in Cloudera blog YARN runs at optimal performance when 5 cores are allocated per executor at max.
So, 23X4 = 92 Cores.
If we allocated 5 cores per executor then 18 executor have 5 cores and 1 executor has 2 cores or likewise.
So lets assume we have 18 executor in our application and 5 cores per executor.
Spark distributes these 18 executors across 4 nodes. suppose its distributed as:
1st node : 4 executors
2nd node : 4 executors
3rd node : 5 executors
4th node : 5 executors
Now, as 'yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb: 106496' is set as 104GB in your configurations, each node can have max 104 GB memory allocated (I would suggest increasing this parameter).
For nodes with 4 executors: 104/4 - 26GB per executor
For nodes with 5 executors: 104/5 ~ 21GB per executor.
Now leaving out 7% memory for overhead we get 24GB and 20GB.
So i would suggest using following configurations:-
--num-executors : 18
--executor-memory : 20G
--executor-cores : 5
Also, This is considering that you're running your cluster in client mode but if you run your cluster in Yarn-cluster mode 1 node will be allocated fir driver program and the calculations will need to be done differently.
I still cannot comment, so it will be as an answer.
See this question. Could you please decrease executor memory and try run this again?

Why does vcore always equal the number of nodes in Spark on YARN?

I have a Hadoop cluster with 5 nodes, each of which has 12 cores with 32GB memory. I use YARN as MapReduce framework, so I have the following settings with YARN:
Then the cluster metrics shown on my YARN cluster page (http://myhost:8088/cluster/apps) displayed that VCores Total is 40. This is pretty fine!
Then I installed Spark on top of it and use spark-shell in yarn-client mode.
I ran one Spark job with the following configuration:
--driver-memory 20480m
--executor-memory 20000m
--num-executors 4
--executor-cores 10
--conf spark.yarn.am.cores=2
--conf spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead=5600
I set --executor-cores as 10, --num-executors as 4, so logically, there should be totally 40 Vcores Used. However, when I check the same YARN cluster page after the Spark job started running, there are only 4 Vcores Used, and 4 Vcores Total
I also found that there is a parameter in capacity-scheduler.xml - called yarn.scheduler.capacity.resource-calculator:
"The ResourceCalculator implementation to be used to compare Resources in the scheduler. The default i.e. DefaultResourceCalculator only uses Memory while DominantResourceCalculator uses dominant-resource to compare multi-dimensional resources such as Memory, CPU etc."
I then changed that value to DominantResourceCalculator.
But then when I restarted YARN and run the same Spark application, I still got the same result, say the cluster metrics still told that VCores used is 4! I also checked the CPU and memory usage on each node with htop command, I found that none of the nodes had all 10 CPU cores fully occupied. What can be the reason?
I tried also to run the same Spark job in fine-grained way, say with --num executors 40 --executor-cores 1, in this ways I checked again the CPU status on each worker node, and all CPU cores are fully occupied.
I was wondering the same but changing the resource-calculator worked for me.This is how I set the property:
Check in the YARN UI in the application how many containers and vcores are assigned, with the change the number of containers should be executors+1 and the vcores should be: (executor-cores*num-executors) +1.
Without setting the YARN scheduler to FairScheduler, I saw the same thing. The Spark UI showed the right number of tasks, though, suggesting nothing was wrong. My cluster showed close to 100% CPU usage, which confirmed this.
After setting FairScheduler, the YARN Resources looked correct.
Executors take 10 cores each, 2 cores for Application Master = 42 Cores requested when you have 40 vCores total.
Reduce executor cores to 8 and make sure to restart each NodeManager
Also modify yarn-site.xml and set these properties:
