How to create a running process graph in Linux - linux

Basically, I need to draw a graph over all running Linux Processes.
I followed below step's but looking out some best solution for this work.
Using Top command get all running process and redirect to a file, next then extract input from given file and draw Graph using some programming API.
This step's seem to be very tedious, Is there any other way to do this work in Linux itself. Please give a suggestion.

You should investigate the /proc filesystem, it has the information you need in a matter that is easily accessible to a perl script.
There is some documentation available at
Of special interest to you is the "children" meta file, there is some documentation at


Matlab: How to use Neural Network Toolbox with Command Line (not GUI)

I need to make a neural network to fit some data, a very large set of data, and my laptop is not powerful enough to use the training tools in the Neural Network Toolbox. I have access to a nice Linux cluster with Matlab, but the compute nodes don't do X11, so I can only use command line or script.
After reading the Mathworks page on Using Neural Network Toolbox, it looks like it should be possible to harness the functionality of tools such as nftool from the command line, but even after looking at the Getting Started Guide and the User's Guide, I found no understandable instructions of how to start calling commands to the NNT without bringing up a GUI.
The closest was on page 20 of the User's Guide, in the third paragraph, where it says that reading the code of the GUI tools provides a good introduction to using the toolbox by command line. However, the code (found in C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2016a\toolbox\nnet) contains a lot of references to commands I'm not familiar with, particularly running Java from within Matlab.
Despite having used the nftool several times, I do not recognize any of the lines as "Ah, this is what does that". So, I guess what I'm looking for is a set of instructions that connect the commands to what they do.
If you use the NN UI first, it can generate the matlab code for you, as an example. There is no simple answer to your question as the NN toolbox has quite a large array of functionality, so essentially the answer would be a complete tutorial.
In fact if you click that link, the advice is precisely what I was saying above.
After stepping through the nftool (or similar) screens, don't stop at the Deploy screen, keep going by clicking next to the final 'Save' screen and choose simple or advanced scripts.

Recording Line Numbers of Executed Paths

For Google Chrome Extension, is it possible to record the sequence of line numbers (with file names) (with the existing variables values in case of JavaScript) that are executed during the execution of HTML/CSS/JavaScript?
This is certainly possible but exceedingly difficult.
One can, in principle, implement it using chrome.debugger API, which gives the same access to the page as DevTools.
However, that API basically consists of sending almost-raw Remote Debugging protocol commands, and there aren't many samples to go on with. Debugger domain seems relevant.
So, it's possible but it's a lot of work, and additionally it's going to slow execution to a crawl.
As such, this is not a good problem to solve with extensions. It's better served by modification of Chromium code and maybe existing debugging capabilities of it. Basically, to efficiently output this information you need to get down to browser internals.

Google Chrome over Linux FrameBuffer

I am working on a project where I need to run Google chromium over Linux FrameBuffer, I need to run it without any windowing system dependency ( It should draw on the buffer we provide it to draw, this will make its porting to any embedded system very easy) , I do not need its multi-tab GUI, I just need its renderer window in the buffer, has any body ever tried this? Any help on what approach should I use for this?
If you need to have some direct control of the window functions, or want to poke around in the DOM data, then the right way to solve this problem is to probably look at embedding webkit directly. This will be much faster and cleaner than what I am about to suggest.
Now, let's suppose you don't need all that fancy control and that you are really lazy. An ancient, low tech solution to your problem could be to create a virtual frame buffer and then read its contents directly. To do this, you can set up xvfb on your server:
xvfb is an old unix tool that lets you create a virtual x-server with whatever type of configuration you want. More importantly, it can be configured to write the contents of its X server's screen directly to a memory mapped file! You can also set it up to use shared memory, which is a bit faster though also more complicated.
I guess you will have better luck with uzbl and GTK/DirectFB. Same engine, and works with javascripts. For the facebook chat issue, I think you just have to change the user-agent string.
There is the Origyn Web Browser, which is supposed to be an embedded WebKit-based browser that looks portable and does not depend on "heavy" libraries (like GTK). Their web page is but it looks like their database crashed, which is a little worrying maybe.
try to port webkit engine to the netsurf framebuffer-based code.
You could buy one of the remaining 10 (or so) OGD1 boards.
Then you can talk directly to hardware using libpci.
However you will still need code that draws a picture into a memory buffer.
I realize this answer is more a shameless plug.
But people who are interested in your question might want such a board.
I already have a board like this and it would help a lot if it got more exposure.
This project:
Achieves that. It runs Webkit on a virtual display and captures the rendered output in form of PDF. You can customize that do do something else.
OR you can create a display with tigthvnc, and set DISPLAY variable so that Chrome renders in that display.
I suggest using the webkit2pdf package (which is available for many different Linux distributions). Then use fbgs which is a wrapper for the fbi frame buffer program, that displays PDF files right on the frame buffer.

Designing a self Recallable/Destructible email program

This is one of my assignments and I need some help in getting started. The basic idea behind the assignment is that I have to design a self destructible email program that is capable of destructing the message after (n) time duration.
Speaking about self destructible emails, there are quite a few ones on the internet offering the same service. But what they do is, they just convert the email message into an image and store them on their servers. Now, they send the message attaching the image inline with it. After they receive a hit on that image (which means that the message was being opened), they simply delete the image and the inline image link breaks! BOOM!
IMO, that's not what a self destructing email should be like. Nevertheless, in my case, I have to take care of following points:
I have to do it for TEXT. No image, nothing else.
I have to assume that the systems used throughout the process will be UNIX based (I don't know how that is going to make a difference).
There are also some hints regarding the usage of various network layers in solving the problem.
This isn't supposed to be done "in general". What I mean by that is, I have to do that ONLY for one/two UNIX systems. Let me put it this way, all I have is two UNIX systems and nothing else. Now I want to create a program (in UNIX itself) that would do that self-destructing thing. I have total control of protocols and the network layers and I have to code anything and everything required at any level.
This is more geared towards the StackOverflow side of things but I have no problem getting you started.
The first thing I'd like to point out is that you seem to be heavily over-analyzing this. The services that have self-destructing e-mails which are image based are simply deleting a file after it is viewed. All you need to do differently is put that text in a file and get it's contents before deleting it. This fits well with the UNIX philosophy since so many programs already make use of flat files.
The part you seem to have left out is how you are building this. You describe it as an e-mail program and then talk about web services. Is this a web-based project or a program you are designing for Linux? Do you have to code everything from scratch or can you parse output from Linux utilities to grab the mail? These kinds of things really would simplify the process.

How do you visualize logfiles in realtime?

Sometimes it might be useful, but mostly just looking cool or impressive to visualize log files (anything from http requests and to bandwith usage to cups of coffee drunk per day).
I know about Visitorville which I think look a bit silly, and then there's gltail.
How do you "visualize" your log files in realtime?
There is also the logstalgia tool. Visualizes Apache logs. See for more details and a youtube video.
You may take a look at Apache Chainsaw. This nifty tool allows Log incomes from nearly everyqhere and has live filtering and colering. If you have an already written Log, I'm not sure if it can read it, it's been a while since I used it last time (was very usefull for the prototyping phase of our JBoss server)
Google has released the Visualization API that is probably flexible enough to help you:
The Google Visualization API lets you access multiple sources of structured data that you can display, choosing from a large selection of visualizations. The Google Visualization API also provides a platform that can be used to create, share and reuse visualizations written by the developer community at large.
It requires some Javascript knowledge and includes Google Docs integration, Spreadsheet integration. Check out the Gallery for some examples.
You could take a look at this. 3D realtime vis app
We use Awk and Perl scripts to parse the log files and create summary reports and "databases" (technically databases in that each row corresponds to a unique event with many columns of data about that event, but not stored in a traditional database format. We're moving in that direction). I like Awk because you can very quickly search for specific strings in the log files using regex, keep counters and gather data from the log file entries, and do all kinds of calculations with that data. Then use your favorite plotting software. We use Excel, mainly because that's what was here before I started this job. I prefer MATLAB and it's open-source cousin, Octave, which is built on gnuplot.
I prefer Sawmill for visualizing data. You can basically throw any log file against it, and it will not only autodetect its structure*, but will also decide on how to analyze it. Even if you have a custom log file, you can still define what and how shall be analyzed and visualized.
I mainly use R to visualize data, but I've heard of Orange, too.
Not sure if it fits the question, but I just released this:
numStepCsvLogVis - analyze logfile data in CSV format
It uses Python's matplotlib, is motivated by the need to visualize syslog data in context of debugging kernel circular buffer operation (and variables) in C; and it visualizes by using CSV file format as intermediary to the logfile data (I cannot explain it better in brief - take a look at the README for more detail).
It has a "step" player accessed in terminal, and can handle "live" stdin input, but unfortunately, I cannot get a better response that 1 FPS when plot renders, so I wouldn't really call it "realtime" per se - but you can use it to eventually generate sonified videos of plot animations.
A simple solution is to use Logstalgia alongside the lightweight local-web-server.
First install the above. Then, from the root folder of your site visualise your logs in realtime with:
$ ws --log-format default | logstalgia -
Using SciTe, Notepad++ or other powerful text editor which have file processing routines, so you can create a script that colorizes parts of the log or just delete some non-important lines from it
