awk with zero output - linux

I have four column and I would like to do this:
429 0 10 0
287 115 89 64
0 629 0 10
542 0 7 0
15 853 0 12
208 587 5 4
435 203 12 0
604 411 27 3
0 232 0 227
471 395 5 5
802 706 15 15
1288 1135 11 23
1063 386 13 2
603 678 7 14
0 760 0 11
awk '{if (($2+$4)/($1+$3)<0.2 || ($1+$3)==0) print $0; else if (($1+$3)/($2+$4)<0.2 || ($2+$4)==0) print $0; else print $0}' INPUT
But I have error message :
awk: cmd. line:1: (FILENAME=- FNR=3) fatal: division by zero attempted
Even if I have added condition:
...|| ($1+$3)==0...
Can somebody explain me what I am doing wrong?
Thank you so much.
PS: print $0 is just for illustration.

Move the "($1+$3) == 0" to be the first clause of the if statement. Awk will evalulate them in turn. Hence it still attempts the first clause of the if statement first, triggering the divide by zero attempt. If the first clause is true, it won't even attempt to evaulate the second one. So:-
awk '{if (($1+$3)==0 || ($2+$4)/($1+$3)<0.2) print $0; else if (($1+$3)/($2+$4)<0.2 || ($2+$4)==0) print $0; else print $0}' INPUT

You're already dividing by zero in your conditional statement ($1+$3=0 on the ninth line of your list). That's where the error comes from. You should change the ordering in your conditional statement: first verify that $1+$3!=0 and only then use it to define your next condition.


how to write awk code with specific condition

I want to create a code that operates on a certain number of a row of data, for which I just want to count negative numbers to make them positive by multiplying by the number itself negative
expected output
this is what I've been try
awk 'int($0)<0 {$4 = int($0) + 360}
END {print $4}' data.txt
but I don't even get the output, anyone can help me?
awk '$0 < 0 { $0 = $0 * $0 } 1' data.txt
The first condition multiplies the value by itself when it's negative. The condition 1 is always true, so the line is printed unconditionally.
awk '{print($0<0)?$0*$0:$0}' input
$ awk '{print $0 ^ (/-/ ? 2 : 1)}' file
You could also match only digits that start with - and in that case multiply them by themselves
awk '{print (/^-[0-9]+$/ ? $0 * $0 : $0)}' data.txt

How to print file name with data from where data is coming?

I have below mentioned files in path 1,
For example data in file fb1.tril.cap are like shown below,
AT99565 150 500 (DEST 81)
AT99565 101 501 (DEST 883)
AT99565 152 502 (419)
For example data in file fb2.tril.cap are like shown below,
AT99565 103 1503 (DEST 165)
AT99565 104 154 (DEST 199)
For example data in file fb3.tril.cap are like shown below,
RT61446 80 863 (DEST 968)
RT20447 32 39 (DEST 570)
RT51224 73 74 (592)
I had written code like shown below to print my required fields,
while read file_name
cat ${file_name} | awk -F' ' '$4 == "(DEST" { print
$1, $2, $3, $5}' | awk -F')' '{print $1, $2, $3, $4}' | uniq >> output.csv
done < path_1
I'm getting below output,
AT99565 150 500 81
AT99565 101 501 883
AT99565 103 1503 165
AT99565 104 154 199
RT61446 80 863 968
RT20447 32 39 570
But i want to print file name also along with data from where data is coming, like shown below,
AT99565 150 500 81 fb1.tril.cap
AT99565 101 501 883 fb1.tril.cap
AT99565 103 1503 165 fb2.tril.cap
AT99565 104 154 199 fb2.tril.cap
RT61446 80 863 968 fb3.tril.cap
RT20447 32 39 570 fb3.tril.cap
Can anyone help me to complete my job by printing file name as well along with the data. Thanks in advance.
First I am not able to test my code solution but this code might be run for you.
while read file_name
cat ${file_name} | awk -F' ' '$5 == "(DEST" { print
$1, $2, $3, $5}' | awk -F')' '{print $1, $2, $3, $4, $file_name}' | uniq >> output.csv
done < path_1
A sed one-liner:
sed 's/[()]\|DEST//g;F' fb*.tril.cap | sed -n 'h;n;G;s/\n/ /gp'
How it works:
s/[()]\|DEST//g: Instead of parsing (DEST and such, just remove them. What's left after that are the four desired items.
Then use sed's File name command to print the file name.
Since F prints immediately, a 2nd sed invocation is needed to juggle the output a bit.
If the output spacing is too uneven, add a tr to convert the spaces into tabs:
sed 's/[()]\|DEST//g;F' fb*.tril.cap | sed -n 'h;n;G;s/\n/ /gp' |
tr -s ' '
Using Perl one liner
> ls -l fb*tril*cap
-rw-r--r-- 1 aaaaa bbbbb 77 Dec 6 09:20 fb1.tril.cap
-rw-r--r-- 1 aaaaa bbbbb 58 Dec 6 09:21 fb2.tril.cap
-rw-r--r-- 1 aaaaa bbbbb 74 Dec 6 09:21 fb3.tril.cap
> perl -lane ' print $_,$ARGV if $F[3]=~/\(DEST/ and s/\(DEST //g and s/\)//g ' fb*tril*cap
AT99565 150 500 81 fb1.tril.cap
AT99565 101 501 883 fb1.tril.cap
AT99565 103 1503 165 fb2.tril.cap
AT99565 104 154 199 fb2.tril.cap
RT61446 80 863 968 fb3.tril.cap
RT20447 32 39 570 fb3.tril.cap

How to sort or rearrange numbers from multiple column into multiple row [fixed into 4 columns]?

I have 1 text file, which is test1.txt.
text1.txt contain as following:
##[A1] [B1] [T1] [V1] [T2] [V2] [T3] [V3] [T4] [V4]## --> headers
1 1000 0 100 10 200 20 300 30 400
40 500 50 600 60 700 70 800
1010 0 101 10 201 20 301 30 401
40 501 50 601
2 1000 0 110 15 210 25 310 35 410
45 510 55 610 65 710
1010 0 150 10 250 20 350 30 450
40 550
A1 and B1 -> for each A1 + (B1 + [Tn + Vn])
A1 should be in 1 column.
B1 should be in 1 column.
T1,T2,T3 and T4 should be in 1 column.
V1,V2,V3 and V4 should be in 1 column.
How do I sort it become like below?
Desire Output:
## A1 B1 Tn Vn ## --> headers
1 1000 0 100
10 200
20 300
30 400
40 500
50 600
60 700
70 800
1010 0 101
10 201
20 301
30 401
40 501
50 601
2 1000 0 110
15 210
25 310
35 410
45 510
55 610
65 710
1010 0 150
10 250
20 350
30 450
40 550
Here is my current code:
First Attempt:
cat test1.txt | awk ' { a=$1 b=$2 } { for(i=1; i<=5; i=i+1) { t=substr($0,11+i*10,5) v=substr($0,16+i*10,5) if( t ~ /^\ +[0-9]+$/ || t ~ /^[0-9]+$/ || t ~ /^\ +[0-9]+\ +$/ ){ printf "%7s %7d %8d %8d \n",a,b,t,v } }}' | less
1 1000 400 0
40 500 800 0
1010 0 401 0
2 1000 410 0
1010 0 450 0
I'm trying using simple awk command, but still can't get the result.
Can anyone help me on this?
Unlike what is stated elsewhere, there's nothing tricky about this at all, you're just using fixed width fields in your input instead of char/string separated fields.
With GNU awk for FIELDWIDTHS to handle fixed width fields it really couldn't be much simpler:
$ cat tst.awk
# define the width of the input and output fields
FIELDWIDTHS = "2 4 5 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 99"
ofmt = "%2s%5s%6s%5s%6s%s\n"
# strip leading/trailing blanks and square brackets from every field
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
NR==1 {
# print the header line
printf ofmt, $1, $2, $3, "Tn", "Vn", " "$NF
# print every other line
for (i=4; i<NF; i+=2) {
printf ofmt, $1, $2, $3, $i, $(i+1), ""
$1 = $2 = $3 = ""
$ awk -f tst.awk file
## A1 B1 Tn Vn ## --> headers
1 1000 0 100
10 200
20 300
30 400
40 500
50 600
60 700
70 800
1010 0 101
10 201
20 301
30 401
40 501
50 601
2 1000 0 110
15 210
25 310
35 410
45 510
55 610
65 710
1010 0 150
10 250
20 350
30 450
40 550
With other awks you'd use a while() { substr() } loop instead of FIELDWIDTHS so it'd be a couple more lines of code but still trivial.
The above will be orders of magnitude faster than an equivalent shell script. See
This isn't easy because it is hard to identify when you have the different styles of row — those with values in both column 1 and column 2, those with no value in column 1 and a value in column 2, and those no value in column 1 or 2. A first step is to make this easier — sed to the rescue:
$ sed 's/[[:space:]]\{1,\}$//
s/|\( *[0-9][0-9]* \)\( *[^|]\)/|\1|\2/
t a' data
1 | 1000 | 0 | 100 | 10 | 200 | 20 | 300 | 30 | 400
| | 40 | 500 | 50 | 600 | 60 | 700 | 70 | 800
| 1010 | 0 | 101 | 10 | 201 | 20 | 301 | 30 | 401
| | 40 | 501 | 50 | 601
2 | 1000 | 0 | 110 | 15 | 210 | 25 | 310 | 35 | 410
| | 45 | 510 | 55 | 610 | 65 | 710
| 1010 | 0 | 150 | 10 | 250 | 20 | 350 | 30 | 450
| | 40 | 550
The first line removes any trailing white space, to avoid confusion. The next two expressions handle the fixed-width columns 1 and 2 (6 characters each). The next line creates a label a; the substitute finds a pipe |, some spaces, some digits, a space, and some trailing material which doesn't include a pipe; and inserts a pipe in the middle. The t a jumps back to the label if a substitution was done.
With that in place, it becomes easy to manage awk with a field separator of |.
This is verbose, but seems to do the trick:
awk -F '|' '
$1 > 0 { printf "%5d %4d %3d %3d\n", $1, $2, $3, $4
for (i = 5; i <= NF; i += 2) { printf "%5s %4s %3d %3d\n", "", "", $i, $(i+1) }
$2 > 0 { printf "%5s %4d %3d %3d\n", "", $2, $3, $4
for (i = 5; i <= NF; i += 2) { printf "%5s %4s %3d %3d\n", "", "", $i, $(i+1) }
{ for (i = 3; i <= NF; i += 2) { printf "%5s %4s %3d %3d\n", "", "", $i, $(i+1) }
1 1000 0 100
10 200
20 300
30 400
40 500
50 600
60 700
70 800
1010 0 101
10 201
20 301
30 401
40 501
50 601
2 1000 0 110
15 210
25 310
35 410
45 510
55 610
65 710
1010 0 150
10 250
20 350
30 450
40 550
If you need to remove the headings, add 1d; to the start of the sed script.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r '1d;s/^(.{11}).{11}/&\n\1/;s/^((.{5}).*\n)\2/\1 /;s/^(.{5}(.{6}).*\n.{5})\2/\1 /;/\S/P;D' file
Delete the first line (if the header is needed see below). The key fields occupy the first 11 (the first key is 5 characters and the second 6) characters and the data fields occupy the next 11. Insert a newline and the key fields before each pair of data fields. Compare the keys on adjacent lines and replace by spaces if they are duplicated. Do not print any blank lines.
If the header is needed, use the following:
sed -r '1{s/\[[^]]+\]\s*//5g;y/[]/ /;s/1/n/3g;s/B/ B/;G;b};s/^(.{11}).{11}/&\n\1/;s/^((.{5}).*\n)\2/\1 /;s/^(.{5}(.{6}).*\n.{5})\2/\1 /;/\S/P;D' file
This does additional formatting on the first line to remove superfluous headings, []'s, replace 1's by n, add an additional space for alignment and a following empty line.
Further more. By utilising the second line of the input file as a template for the data, a sed script can be created that does not have any hard coded values:
sed -r '2!d;s/\s*\S*//3g;s/.\>/&\n/;h;s/[^\n]/./g;G;s/[^\n.]/ /g;s#(.*)\n(.*)\n(.*)\n(.*)#1d;s/^(\1\2)\1\2/\&\\n\\1/;s/^((\1).*\\n)\\2/\\1\3/;s/^(\1(\2).*\\n\1)\\2/\\1\4/;/\\S/P;D#' file |
sed -r -f - file
The script created from the template is piped into a second invocation of the sed as a file and run against the original file to produce the required output.
Likewise the headers may be formatted if need be as so:
sed -r '2!d;s/\s*\S*//3g;s/.\>/&\n/;h;s/[^\n]/./g;G;s/[^\n.]/ /g;s#(.*)\n(.*)\n(.*)\n(.*)#s/^(\1\2)\1\2/\&\\n\\1/;s/^((\1).*\\n)\\2/\\1\3/;s/^(\1(\2).*\\n\1)\\2/\\1\4/;/\\S/P;D#' file |
sed -r -e '1{s/\[[^]]+\]\s*//5g;y/[]/ /;s/1/n/3g;s/B/ B/;G;b}' -f - file
By extracting the first four fields from the second line of the input file, Four variables can be made. Two regexp and two values. These variables can be used to build the sed script.
N.B. The sed script is created from strings extracted from the template and the variables produced are also strings so they can be concatenated to produce further new regexp's and new values etc etc
This is a rather tricky problem that can be handled a number of ways. Whether bash, perl or awk, you will need to handle to number of fields in some semi-generic way instead of just hardcoding values for your example.
Using bash, so long as you can rely on an even-number of fields in all lines (except for the lines with the sole initial value (e.g. 1010), you can accommodate the number of fields is a reasonably generic way. For the lines with 1, 2, etc.. you know your initial output will contain 4-fields. For lines with 1010, etc.. you know the output will contain an initial 3-fields. For the remaining values you are simply outputting pairs.
The tricky part is handling the alignment. Here is where printf which allows you to set the field-width with a parameter using the form "%*s" where the conversion specifier expects the next parameter to be an integer value specifying the field-width followed by a parameter for the string conversion itself. It takes a little gymnastics, but you could do something like the following in bash itself:
(note: edit to match your output header format)
declare -i nfields wd=6 ## total no. fields, printf field-width modifier
while read -r line; do ## read each line (preserve for header line)
arr=($line) ## separate into array
first=${arr[0]} ## check for '#' in first line for header
if [ "${first:0:1}" = '#' ]; then
nfields=$((${#arr[#]} - 2)) ## no. fields in header
printf "## A1 B1 Tn Vn ## --> headers\n" ## new header
fields=${#arr[#]} ## fields in line
case "$fields" in
$nfields ) ## fields -eq nfiles?
cnt=4 ## handle 1st 4 values in line
printf " "
for ((i=0; i < cnt; i++)); do
if [ "$i" -eq '2' ]; then
printf "%*s" "5" "${arr[i]}"
printf "%*s" "$wd" "${arr[i]}"
for ((i = cnt; i < $fields; i += 2)); do ## handle rest
printf "%*s%*s%*s\n" "$((2*wd))" " " "$wd" "${arr[i]}" "$wd" "${arr[$((i+1))]}"
$((nfields - 1)) ) ## one less than nfields
cnt=3 ## handle 1st 3 values
printf " %*s%*s" "$wd" " "
for ((i=0; i < cnt; i++)); do
if [ "$i" -eq '1' ]; then
printf "%*s" "5" "${arr[i]}"
printf "%*s" "$wd" "${arr[i]}"
for ((i = cnt; i < $fields; i += 2)); do ## handle rest
if [ "$i" -eq '0' ]; then
printf "%*s%*s%*s\n" "$((wd+1))" " " "$wd" "${arr[i]}" "$wd" "${arr[$((i+1))]}"
printf "%*s%*s%*s\n" "$((2*wd))" " " "$wd" "${arr[i]}" "$wd" "${arr[$((i+1))]}"
* ) ## all other lines format as pairs
for ((i = 0; i < $fields; i += 2)); do
printf "%*s%*s%*s\n" "$((2*wd))" " " "$wd" "${arr[i]}" "$wd" "${arr[$((i+1))]}"
Rather than reading from a file, just use redirection to redirect the input file to your script (if you want to just provide a filename, then redirect the file to feed the output while read... loop)
Example Use/Output
$ bash <dat/text1.txt
## A1 B1 Tn Vn ## --> headers
1 1000 0 100
10 200
20 300
30 400
40 500
50 600
60 700
70 800
1010 0 101
10 201
20 301
30 401
40 501
50 601
2 1000 0 110
15 210
25 310
35 410
45 510
55 610
65 710
1010 0 150
10 250
20 350
30 450
40 550
As between awk and bash, awk will generally be faster, but here with formatted output, it may be closer than usual. Look things over and let me know if you have questions.

Problems combining awk scripts

I am trying to use awk to parse a tab delimited table -- there are several duplicate entries in the first column, and I need to remove the duplicate rows that have a smaller total sum of the other 4 columns in the table. I can remove the first or second row easily, and sum the columns, but I'm having trouble combining the two. For my purposes there will never be more than 2 duplicates.
Example file:
Desired output in this case would be to remove the rows:
lmo0330 1 1 0 1
lmo0506 7 21 2 10
And keep the other two rows with the same gene id in the column. The final parsed file would look like this:
Here's what I have tried (this doesn't do anything. But the first part removes the second duplicate, and the second part sums the counts):
awk 'BEGIN {!a[$1]++} {for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) t+=$i; print t; t=0}'
I tried modifying the 2nd part of the script in the best answer of this question: Removing lines containing a unique first field with awk?
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1]++;next}(a[$1] > 1)' ./infile ./infile
But unfortunately I don't really understand what's going on well enough to get it working. Can anyone help me out? I think I need to replace the a[$1] > 1 part with [remove (first duplicate count or 2nd duplicate count depending on which is larger].
EDIT: I'm also using GNU Awk 3.1.7 if that matters.
You can use this awk command:
awk 'NR == 1 {
} {
s = $2+$3+$4+$5
} s >= sum[$1] {
sum[$1] = s;
if (!($1 in rows))
a[++n] = $1;
rows[$1] = $0
} END {
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
print rows[a[i]]
}' file | column -t
gene SRR034450.out.rpkm_0 SRR034451.out.rpkm_0 SRR034452.out.rpkm_0 SRR034453.out.rpkm_0
lmo0001 160 323 533 293
lmo0002 135 317 504 306
lmo0003 1 4 5 3
lmo0004 35 59 58 48
lmo0005 113 218 257 187
lmo0006 279 519 653 539
lmo0007 563 1053 1165 1069
lmo0008 34 84 203 107
lmo0009 13 45 90 49
lmo0010 57 210 237 169
lmo0011 65 224 247 179
lmo0012 65 226 250 215
lmo0013 342 500 738 682
lmo0014 662 1032 1283 1311
lmo0015 321 413 631 637
lmo0016 175 253 273 325
lmo0017 3 6 6 6
lmo0018 33 38 46 45
lmo0019 13 1 39 1
lmo0020 3 12 28 15
lmo0021 3 4 14 12
lmo0022 2 3 5 1
lmo0023 2 0 3 2
lmo0024 1 0 2 6
lmo0330 1 1 1 3
lmo0506 151 232 60 204

Supplement patterns

I have these kind of records in a file:
1867 121 2 56
1868 121 1 6
1868 121 2 65
1868 122 0 53
1869 121 0 41
1869 121 1 41
1871 121 1 13
1871 121 2 194
I would like to get this output:
1867 121 2 56
1868 121 1 6
1868 121 2 65
1868 122 0 53
1869 121 0 41
1869 121 1 41
1870 121 0 0
1871 121 1 13
1871 121 2 194
The difference is the 1870 121 0 0 row.
So, if the difference between the numbers in the first column is greater than 1, then we have to include a line with the missing number (the above case it is 1870) and the other columns. One should get the other columns in a way, that let the second column be the minimum of the possible values of the numbers of the column (in the example these values might be 121 or 122), and for the same as in the third column case. The value of the last column let be always zero.
Can anybody suggest me something? Thanks in advance!
I am trying to solve it with awk, but maybe there is (are) other nicer or more practical solution(s) for this...
Something like this could work -
awk 'BEGIN{getline;a=$1;b=$2;c=$3}
NR==FNR{if (b>$2) b=$2; if (c>$3) c=$3;next}
{if ($1-a>1) {x=($1-a); for (i=1;i<x;i++) {print (a+1)"\t"b,c,"0";a++};a=$1} else a=$1;print}' file file
BEGIN{getline;a=$1;b=$2;c=$3} -
In this BEGIN block we read the first line and assign values in column 1 to variable a, column 2 to variable b and column 3 to variable c.
NR==FNR{if (b>$2) b=$2; if (c>$3) c=$3;next} -
In this we scan through the entire file (NR==FNR) and keep track of the lowest possible values in column 2 and column 3 and store them in variables b and c respectively. We use next to avoid running the second pattern{action} statement.
{if ($1-a>1) {x=($1-a); for (i=1;i<x;i++) {print (a+1)"\t"b,c,"0";a++};a=$1} else a=$1;print} -
This action statement checks the for the value in column 1 and compares it with a. If the the difference is more than 1, we do a for loop to add all the missing lines and set the value of a to $1. If the value in column 1 on successive lines is not greater than 1, we assign the value of column 1 to a and print it.
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat file
1867 121 2 56
1868 121 1 6
1868 121 2 65
1868 122 0 53
1869 121 0 41
1869 121 1 41
1871 121 1 13 # <--- 1870 skipped
1871 121 2 194
1875 120 1 12 # <--- 1872, 1873, 1874 skipped
[jaypal:~/Temp] awk 'BEGIN{getline;a=$1;b=$2;c=$3}
NR==FNR{if (b>$2) b=$2; if (c>$3) c=$3;next}
{if ($1-a>1) {x=($1-a); for (i=1;i<x;i++) {print (a+1)"\t"b,c,"0";a++};a=$1} else a=$1;print}' file file
1867 121 2 56
1868 121 1 6
1868 121 2 65
1868 122 0 53
1869 121 0 41
1869 121 1 41
1870 120 0 0 # Assigned minimum value in col 2 (120) and col 3 (0).
1871 121 1 13
1871 121 2 194
1872 120 0 0 # Assigned minimum value in col 2 (120) and col 3 (0).
1873 120 0 0 # Assigned minimum value in col 2 (120) and col 3 (0).
1874 120 0 0 # Assigned minimum value in col 2 (120) and col 3 (0).
1875 120 1 12
Perl solution. Should work for large files, too, as it does not load the whole file into memory, but goes over the file two times.
use warnings;
use strict;
my $file = shift;
open my $IN, '<', $file or die $!;
my #mins;
while (<$IN>) {
my #cols = split;
for (0, 1) {
$mins[$_] = $cols[$_ + 1] if $cols[$_ + 1] < $mins[$_ ]
or ! defined $mins[$_];
seek $IN, 0, 0;
my $last;
while (<$IN>) {
my #cols = split;
$last //= $cols[0];
for my $i ($last .. $cols[0]-2) {
print $i + 1, "\t#mins 0\n";
$last = $cols[0];
A Bash solution:
# initialize minimum of 2. and 3. column
read no min2 min3 c4 < "$infile"
# get minimum of 2. and 3. column
while read c1 c2 c3 c4 ; do
[ $c2 -lt $min2 ] && min=$c2
[ $c3 -lt $min3 ] && min=$c3
done < "$infile"
while read c1 c2 c3 c4 ; do
# insert missing line(s) ?
while (( c1- no > 1 )) ; do
echo -e "$no $min2 $min3 0"
# now insert existing line
echo -e "$c1 $c2 $c3 $c4"
done < "$infile"
One way using awk:
if ( ARGC > 2 ) {
print "Usage: awk -f script.awk <file-name>"
exit 0
## Need to process file twice, duplicate the input filename.
ARGV[2] = ARGV[1]
col2 = -1
col3 = -1
## First processing of file. Get min values of second and third columns.
FNR == NR {
col2 = col2 < 0 || col2 > $2 ? $2 : col2
col3 = col3 < 0 || col3 > $3 ? $3 : col3
## Second processing of file.
FNR < NR {
## Get value of column 1 in first row.
if ( FNR == 1 ) {
col1 = $1
## Compare current value of column 1 with value of previous row.
## Add a new row while difference is bigger than '1'.
while ( $1 - col1 > 1 ) {
printf "%d\t%d %d %d\n", col1, col2, col3, 0
## Assing new value of column 1.
col1 = $1
Running the script:
awk -f script.awk infile
1867 121 2 56
1868 121 1 6
1868 121 2 65
1868 122 0 53
1869 121 0 41
1869 121 1 41
1870 121 0 0
1871 121 1 13
1871 121 2 194
