Excel Index Partial match - excel

I have Sheet1 with column A listing every single country in alphabetical order..
1 Afghanistan<
2 Albania
3 Algeria
4 American Samoa
5 Andorra
228 United Kingdom
229 United States
I have Sheet2 column A with empty cells with adjacent cells in column B listing address details
1 empty cell Unit 3, Road;London, United Kingdom
2 empty cell Building 1, Road, TX, United States
3 empty cell 8th floor, Business Park, India 1234
What I would like to know is how can I obtain the country within the address details in sheet2 column B and place them in Sheet2 column A, based on a match on the list of countries in Sheet1 column A.
Part of the problem is there is no coherent method as to how to country is placed within the address; could be at the end or in the middle of the address.
I have tried various index match formulas with no luck
any help would be appreciated.

I tried it with the reference table being in A1:B7, and lookups being A10:B10 onwards down. The formula is for these cells. You can adjust it for Sheet1/2!.
Assuming your data is in B10 onwards, and your reference data was in B1:B7, you can write this formula in A10 =INDEX($B$1:$B$7,MAX(IF(ISERROR(FIND($B$1:$B$7,B10)),-1,1)*(ROW($B$1:$B$7)-ROW($B$1)+1))). This is an array formula, so please hit Ctrl+Shift+Enter for excel to read it as an array formula.
(In the screenshot, I have pasted the table in A10:B12 as values only in D10:E12)

Text to Columns with a comma delimiter


If a cell's value is found on another column, how to return the cell's value from another column which is on same row with the synced cell?

My Excel table is looking like this.
A column is the one that I want to fill in with correct data.
B column is where the lookup values are.
C column is the one where I want to extract data from.
D column is where data from B column will be searched.
For example, if data from B2 is found on D7 cell, I want to have in A2 the value from C7.
My Countries///My Codes////All Countries//////All Codes
AD Afghanistan AF
AU Albania AL
Algeria DZ
American Samoa AS
Andorra AD
Angola AO
Anguilla AI
Antarctica AQ
Antigua and Barbuda AG
Argentina AR
Armenia AM
Aruba AW
Australia AU
Austria AT
Azerbaijan AZ
It would be much appreciated your help because I would like to learn as much as I can about excel formulas.
Kind Regards,
In A1 enter:
and copy down:
MATCH() finds the row.INDEX() grabs the value.
Chris is right, looks like you need a vlookup, example
B1 would be
B2 would be
And so on
It works like this
Vlookup (value to lookup, range the lookup and return values are in, column number from range you want to return, exact match only (0 or false))
Though Chris's link is more detailed

Excel function to Auto-Populate value in Column C based on the combination of values in column A and Column B

I have 3 columns with values filled in already in my metasheet. A combination of values in column A and column B makes the selection unique. I need to pull/return the value in column C for the values selected in columns A & B. for example: In sheet 1, I have the following data:
country Month weather
1 USA Jan winter
2 USA Feb fall
3 USA May summer
4 China Jan summer
5 China Feb spring
6 China May fall
7 India Jan fall
8 India Feb summer
9 India May Rain
Now, say for a random row 25, I have A25 as a dropdown list with value selected ="India" and B25 as a dropdown list with value selected="Feb", in which case I would want C25 to have a dropdown list with the value in it being "Summer".
I tried this formula:
=VLOOKUP(B25, OFFSET(B$1:C$9, MATCH(A25,A$1:A$9,0)-1, 0, 2, 2), 2, 0)
But this one gives me an error: "The list source must be a delimited list, or a reference to a single row or column".
I did refer to this solution. But I get the above mentioned error as the data validation for C25 is a list.
Any suggestions/ideas on this would be helpful!
Thank you!
If your sheet is set-up like this:
You can use:
You will need to make a second sheet with a matrix like following -
Here you will define all the weathers for country and month pair. I have used the default name i.e. Sheet2 and filled the values that were available from your data. You will lookup the values from this for filling on Sheet1. Sheet1 will be like this -
=VLOOKUP(B2,Sheet2!$A$1:$D$13, MATCH(A2, Sheet2!$A$1:$D$1, 0), FALSE)
Here B2 is the month value, A2 is the country value. Sheet2!$A$1:$D$13 is the range for VLOOKUP and Sheet2!$A$1:$D$1 is the range for MATCH. VLOOKUP will match the month, MATCH will match the country and get the column index.

Sum Multiple values in different Rows using Vlookup Function

France 152
Italy 255
France 221
Spain 215
USA 222
Spain 155
I desire to add each value occurring in front of repeating countries using Vlookup function
France 373
Spain 370
If you use a SUMIF then you can total the columns
If the data starts in cell A1 then in cell C2 type
then drag the formula down. this will give totals for each country
Or if you just want to show the first instance (where it says France for example) then use
You won't be able to do it with a vlookup.
You could use a pivot table which might be easier and that is useful for this exact type of question.
To get the list of repeating countries enter the following formula in Cell D2
Then to get sum of corresponding country, in Cell E2 enter
Drag/Copy formulas as required. See image for reference.

Splitting addresses into columns in Excel

I need help splitting addresses into columns in Excel.
Addresses in COLUMN A are written like:
601 W Houston St Abbott, TX 76621 United States
13498 US 301 South Riverview, FL 33578 United States
COLUMN B is actually a helper column. It contains only the city names from COLUMN A. My idea was to somehow match COLUMN B with COLUMN A and then all matches move to another column. That would separate City from the Address.State, Zip and Country I can use "split text to columns" since "comma" is delimiter. But I need help splitting address and the city.
There is a "comma" right after the city name, but some cities has more than one word in city name.
What I need to do is split the addresses like it's highlighted in green in the image below.
What is the best way to do that in Excel? What would be the formula for that?
We can use a quirk of LOOKUP to get this working.
=LOOKUP(1E+99,FIND(B$2:B$100,A2),B$2:B$100) in D2 will return the city based on searching for matches in column B. Note that this will need the full range of column B specified to be filled.
Then we can put =LEFT(A2,FIND(D2,A2)-2) in C2 to get the first part of the address.
The rest is easy if we can assume that the state, Zip and country are of constant length (if you've got any addressses outside the US then you'll need to alter this):
=LEFT(RIGHT(A2,22),3) in E2
=LEFT(RIGHT(A2,19),5) in F2
=RIGHT(A2,13) in G2
Since you already have City in Col B, just replace the city in A
Column C Paste special values in Col C
Split Column C using comma.
Then split the Column D using "space". Assuming you have all records in US, you can add the country to all rows if required.
I missed that the city name in the row does not correspond to the address. To match the city from the Master, you can use this array formula:
C2 =INDEX(B:B,MATCH(1,MATCH(""&$B:$B&"",A2,0),0))
Array formula must be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter.
However, this will find the first match. If you have cities Foster & Foster City in your master, Foster City wlll never be matched. So, sort the cities in descending order of length.
Once you have the City name matched you can follow the steps I gave earlier. Note that I have adjusted the formula to take into account the city name that has been matched by this new formula.
So, it is possible to get it done with the formula. It may not be the best way, but I got what I needed.
I've added a new sheet and named it "cities"
I moved the city list from sheet 1 to COL A in sheet "cities"
In sheet 1, B1 = =INDEX(cities!$A$1:$A$10000;LOOKUP(99^99;MATCH(RIGHT(TRIM(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(A2;",";REPT(" ";255));255));ROW($A$1:$A$100));cities!$A$1:$A$10000;0)))
Then I've simply use SUBSTITUTE to remove city names from column A in Sheet 1: C1==SUBSTITUTE(A1, B1, "")
And that's it!

Vlookup from another sheet using multiple columns

I have an excel workbook with 2 sheets.
Sheet 4 and Sheet 5:
Sheet 4 has the following columns:
type model name year
U acura jane 1998
D honda peter 2002
U bmz fred 1993
Sheet 5 also has the same columns but with an additional column sales.
type model name sales
U acura jane 2.3
D honda peter 3.8
U bmz fred 19
IN both the sheets, I created an additional column called "key" concatenating type-model-name (A2&B2&C2)
type model name year key
U acura jane 1998 Dacurajane
D honda peter 2002 Dhondapeter
U bmz fred 1993 Dbmzfred
To get the sales in Sheet1, I am giving the following vlookup.
I looked at other similar answers, trimmed the columns and did what the recommendations were, but it still returns #N/A
Can anyone point out what my mistake it?
Thanks In advance.
=INDEX(Sheet5!D:D, MATCH(E2, Sheet5!A:A&Sheet5!B:B&Sheet5!C:C, 0))
Enter with Ctrl-Shift-Enter
Also I am assuming that the sales is in column D of Sheet5. If different, put the appropriate column in as first parameter to the INDEX function.
Also please consider using restricted range references in the match function, instead of full column references - for speed & efficiency.
on cell E1 you will have KEY on cell E2 you will place =CONCATENATE(A2,B2,C2,D2) Combines contents above into a phrase "DFocusManuel2016". That should work for the combine part just paste that and drag down as desired on E2.
You can cover the rest of the cell population by simply assigning links to the cells so on cell A2,B2,C2 and D1 you will have =SHEETNAME!Y10 which Y10 corresponds to the source cell and Sheet name to the source sheet.
