OpenAM policy creation issue: could not add/authenticate Groups other than of master realm - openam

While creating OpenAM policy i couldn't find Group from same user store (can see groups in master realm).
Realm: / (Top Level Realm) > testRealm
Group in masterRealm: masterGroup
Group in testRealm: testGroup
Users in testGroup: admin
Create Policy(in testRealm) -> Define Subject Conditions ->
Type: Users&Groups
Group Subjects: doesn't shows "testGroup" in auto completion text box (but shows masterGroup).
Also i can see user "admin" in "User Subjects"
Why i am not able to see "testGroup"?
I created policy using "/policies" API with group name "testGroup".
Users in testGroup: admin
when executes policy evaluation API it returns empty attributes.
when i tried with user name "admin" in "User Subjects" box, policy evaluation API gives values.
Whats the issue with Groups in sub Realm in Policy?

issue already reported in JIRA.


Airflow authetication with LDAP based on owner

I am trying to configure my Airflow (version 2.10) LDAP authentication with RBAC.
UI access is restricted by the AD groups (multiple groups for Python Developer, ML Developer, etc.)
Members belonging to a particular group only should be able to view the DAGs created by fellow group members while the other group members shouldn't be.
Able to provide access to users via AD groups but all the users are able to see all the DAGs created. I want to restrict this access based on the defined set of owners, (this can be achieved by switching off the LDAP and creating users directly in Airflow, but I want it with AD groups.)
added fiter_by_owner=True in airflow.cfg file, seems nothing is effected.
Any thoughts on this.
From FAB,
we can configure roles & then map it to AD groups as below:
"ReadOnly_Altered": [
[".*", "can_list"],
[".*", "can_show"],
[".*", "menu_access"],
[".*", "can_get"],
[".*", "can_info"]
1: "ReadOnly_Altered"
And to use this, I assume we need to have the endpoints created from the application end similar to can_list, can_show .
In the case of Airflow, I am unable to find the end-points that provides access based on owner (or based on tags). I believe if we have them, I can map it to roles & then to AD groups accordingly.
With newer versions of Airlfow you can map LDAP groups to Airflow Groups.
Owner is an old and currently defunct feature which is deprecated.
You can see some examples about FAB configuration (Flask Application Builder implements all authentication features):
See the part which starts with:
You can give FlaskAppBuilder roles based on LDAP roles (note, this requires AUTH_LDAP_SEARCH to be set):
From the docs:
# a mapping from LDAP DN to a list of FAB roles
"cn=fab_users,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com": ["User"],
"cn=fab_admins,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com": ["Admin"],
# the LDAP user attribute which has their role DNs
# if we should replace ALL the user's roles each login, or only on registration
# force users to re-auth after 30min of inactivity (to keep roles in sync)
See here about roles (including custom roles)

Inviting a guest User to a SharePoint Site using PowerAutomate

We are developing a PowerAutomate Flow to automate the process of inviting external users to a SharePoint Site.
Below are the steps being followed so far
Created an MS Form for an external user to register
Passing the response**(Email)** from the form to the flow
Adding the user to a SharePoint Group using email parameter and sending an email invite to the External User(Requirement)
I have been able to get to point no 2 , However I have been experiencing challenges achieving point no 3
Came across different articles online for adding a guest users , However most of them talk about adding the guest to Azure AD as shown below
Also checked a few articles for running PowerShell commands from Flow , However this approach doesn't look straightforward either
The below article works only for internal users
The end goal here is to invite external user to a SharePoint Site once the user registers himself through a registration form (MS Form)
Would appreciate if anyone could help me out in achieving this.
Thanks in advance
Before inviting the user to SharePoint you must add him to Azure AD. So you will need to configure an HTTP action to invite the user first.
If you are using SharePoint Modern Sites (those who have Microsoft 365 groups associated), you need to create a HTTP action to add the guest to the group:
HTTP Action Configuration Here
NOTE: HTTP will not accept "#" sign directly, so you need to put it into a "Compose" or "Variable" and add it as per my screenshot.
In the URI you have the Group ID from Azure AD.
In the Body it's the guest user ID
You will need to register and Azure AD App to use for the HTTP action and give it the following permissions:
Graph -> Application -> GroupMember.ReadWrite.All, Group.ReadWrite.All and Directory.ReadWrite.All
Use the App ID and Secret to connect the HTTP action.
This is my solution to add Guest Users to Private Channels in MS Teams with PowerAutomate.
Step0 - Register the domain of the Guest Users in your AD account as a valida Guest Domain
Step1 - User a registration form (MS Forms)
Step2 - Create a Trigger Process in MS PowerAutomate to receive the Form Data. I like to create small/short flows to only capture and validate form data, and then call a separate Flow / RestService. This makes your solution a little bit more decoupled and reusable. (Imagine replacing the Form with a web app form or mobile app form in the future).
Create a second HTTP request trigger flow receiving the Form data (optional way to setup multi-flow solution)
Step3 - Create a Private Channel in teams via GrapAPI
GraphAPI - POST<teams_id>/channels
"membershipType": "private",
"displayName": "<e.g. channel name from form data>",
"description": "<e.g. description from form data>",
"members": [
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
"user#odata.bind": "'')",
"roles": [
"#odata.type": ""
Step4 - Call GraphAPI to retrieve the Guest User Details
GraphAPI: GET$filter=mail eq ''
I have added this in a loop - since I had many members who had to be added - and I also included a condition check to check if the domain is indeed valid
Now you can assign the output (or portions of the output) to some variables
Step5 - Retrieve the ID value from the step above (Step4). This is the value that must be used to add the new guest member.
Retrieve the ID from the Step4 output
Also set a variable to the account type - which should (MUST BE) be "guest"
Now - Add guest users to the private teams channel
Step6 - Call GraphAPI to add guest members
GraphAPI: POST<team_id>/channels/<channel_id>/members
Post Body:
The role must be "guest" for guest account
But valid options for other types of access can be
Microsoft documentation (HERE) states roles must be owner or empty
This did not work so well for me.
Use guest
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
"roles": [
"user#odata.bind": "'#{variables('principal_user')}')"
Bonus Step
Now you can catch all responses from the previous steps and respond back with an HTTP Request/Response connector.
A 200 response on successful executions
A non-200 response on failed executions (or how ever you desire)
To configure exception handling or failure handling responses do this below

Azure AD B2C with custom policies: Unable to authenticate user with temporary password

I have configured Azure AD B2C with custom policies but I am unable to authenticate with a new user created in the Azure portal. The user has a temporary password. Azure AD B2C returns the error text Invalid username or password, even though the username and password is correct.
I have confirmed that it is possible to login with the new user and temporary password in Azure AD B2C using non custom policies. After logging in, the user gets prompted to change their password.
The problem can be reproduced using the custom policies described in this guide:
Get started with custom policies.
Additional information:
I have configured the b2crecorder<guid> in the UserJourneyRecorderEndpoint. Which gives access to more information through<guid>
The problem result in the following logging:
The message was received from null
Validation via SelfAssertedAttributeProvider
Additional validation is required...
OperativeTechnicalProfile is login-NonInteractive
Mapping 'username' partner claim type to 'signInName' policy claim type
Mapping default value 'undefined' to policy 'grant_type'
Mapping default value 'undefined' to policy 'scope'
Mapping default value 'undefined' to policy 'nca'
Mapping default value 'undefined' to policy 'client_id'
Mapping default value 'undefined' to policy 'resource_id'
Using validation endpoint at:
Orchestration Step: 1
RA: 0
Protocol selected by the caller: OAUTH2
Communications with the caller handled by: OAuth2ProtocolProvider
IC: True
OAuth2 Message: MSG(d56987e9-be2e-46fc-a7a4-23e317f8f174) Message Detail
Exception of type 'Web.TPEngine.Providers.BadArgumentRetryNeededException' was thrown.
The most common reason for this that Grant Permissions has not been executed.
On the "ProxyIdentityExperienceFramework application" -> after selecting the checkbox for Access IdentityExperienceFramework -> clicking on Select and hitting Done, you must also complete the next step:
Select Grant Permissions, and then confirm by selecting Yes.
Sorry, after reading your situation carefully, both a "sign-up or sign-in policy" or "custom policy" do not support the Azure Active Directory forceChangePasswordNextLogin flag. (forceChangePasswordNextLogin will only work with a "sign-up policy") There is a feature request tracking this here.
Since this is the first SO article that pops up on this question, I'll add that another possibility to check when hitting this problem is, make sure the Proxy app type is Native, not Web.

How to get user group in nodejs using passport-azure-ad

i am using nodejs passport-azure-ad for AD authentication with OIDCStrategy. Every thing is working fine but i am not able to fetch correct groups. Although i update responseType: 'code id_token', and getting groups id as well but groups are different from the azure portal showing.
I am not sure about your scenario . If you wan to get group claims by setting groupMembershipClaims property in manifest . Your choices for setting the groupMembershipClaims property are null (the default), All or SecurityGroup. If you choose SecurityGroup you will get group claims in the JWT token for just security groups the user is a member of. If you choose All you will get group claims in the JWT token for security groups and distribution lists the user is a member of. If you want to just get security groups the user is a member of , you should set value to SecurityGroup , then you will find group object IDs now provided in the claims . You could check that value with object id value in group property from azure portal .
If your question is getting group name with group object id in token claims , please provide more details about that, for example , which api you are using .
If i misunderstand your scenario , please feel free to let me know .

Allowing all users to impersonate any user in liferay

I have a requirement where I have to allow all of my regular users to impersonate a user of their choice.
I haven't been able to make this work. This is what I've done so far:
Added the following properties to
Created a role for the purposes of impersonation
Defined permissions for this new role: Portal > Users and organizations > View & Impersonate
Assigned this role to a non-administrator user (user A)
I don't need my users to see the list of users they can impersonate, I just want liferay to impersonate a user if ?doAsUserId=x is present in the url (which does work if you are an administrator).
When I try to impersonate user B using user A, nothing happens. I get this error in the tomcat log:
1ERROR [http-bio-8180-exec-85][PortalImpl:5990] User 80413 does not have the permission to impersonate 25105
(User 80413 is my User A, the one attempting to impersonate user B [25105])
Am I missing something else?
There is a condition in Lifeary, which checks the permission on the list of organizations for the impersonation. So, the user who is impersoneting the other user, must have a permission for "impersonation" in all the organisation of which, these users are part of.
if (doAsUser.isDefaultUser() ||
permissionChecker, doAsUserId, organizationIds,
ActionKeys.IMPERSONATE)) {
request.setAttribute(WebKeys.USER_ID, new Long(doAsUserId));
return doAsUserId;
So, those 2 users must be part of same organization and must be having impersonation permission for that organization.
