Can't find port 3000 after killing process - node.js

What happened was, I was fiddling with node, but when I killed node with ctrl+c, and started it up again i got an EADDRINUSE error:
EADDRINUSE, Address already in use
So I followed the advise given for killing :3000 using its PID: Kill localhost:3000 process from Windows command line
So, now when I run netstat -a -o, I can't find port 3000. Which makes sense, I killed it. But how do I get it up and running again, and set up so that port 3000 is listened to?!
Yeah, I've tried starting my server again, but nothing happens. Literally no response. It worked before.
Version: $ node -v
Yes, I am a major n00b, let's get that out of the way. Thanks.
'use strict'
var port = 3000;
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
app.get('/', function(req,res){ res.send("I love treehosue"); });
app.listen(port, function(){ process.exit() console.log("server running on "+port); });

I had the same problem. The way I solved this issue was by simply erasing everything and starting anew. But instead of running (npm init --yes), I only ran npm init and manually filled the empty fields such as repo, etc. Hope this helps to everyone even though this question was posted in 2016.

The steps you have taken to kill the process are correct.
The problem you are experiencing is likely coming from unexpectedly terminating the application. The socket is missing a proper close operation and the OS blocks the port for a certain timeout.
From personal experience, on a linux system this can be somethink around 30sec.


Port not running but app wont stop running in browser - Windows - React - Node

So when I go to localhost:3001 it shows project I worked on before. I restart my computer, its still there, kill all node/vscode processes in task manager, its still there. I tried the npx kill port 3001 - seems ok says "port killed" but, the app still there in localhost 3001. When I use netstat findstr 3001 shows nothing there. When I use CurrPort or cmd to check all ports listening - 3001 doesn't show up.
If I listen in port 3000, everything works normal, but when I npm start another app in React itll take me to port 3001 and it doesnt give any error. Except when it opens on Port 3001 it doesnt display the app I npm started in, it still shows that ghost app that I cant get out of port 3001.
In the network tab of the ghost app/port 3001 it shows port 3001 there. I cant post screenshots cus low reputation but idk if something with the initiators in network tab might give a hint to what the problem is.
I could always just set it so React uses 3002 onwards or just run one app at a time in port:3000 buts its bothering that this ghost app has taken over a port.
Hopefully its just something stupid Im overlooking, but if anybody ever had a similar experience let me know!
TL:DR my port 3001 is showing not running listening everywhere I check but everytime I go to it it shows this old project and if I try to run another app at the port terminal says its running, everything ok ,but it is still that old app still there
So it seemed to be something with the browser not port, worked normal in another browser. So went into the inspector tools of the browser went in storage and deleted all cookies, cache, local&session storage and that fixed it. Also killing the service-worker.js process in the port worked for someone else who had the same problem from the project.

I can't run the node.js server in localhost

I am beginner in node.js programming. I did the simple program. I am running this program in localhost 8086.I am using Webstorm to execute this.This program works perfectly last two weeks. Suddenly it shows the error. I cannot able to run this program in localhost. It shows the error event in (port listen 8086). Can anyone solve this issue? Thanks in advance..
var express=require("express");
var app=express();
response.send("I got a request");
console.log("I got a request");
console.log("server running at port 8086");
Another application is already using that port. Check if you installed / started another software that might use the port 8086.
EARDRINUSE means that the port is already in use.
You had run another server use the same port like 8086 (in your case).
Maye you had run node app in other terminal in WebStorm. Please close it and run it again.
You can check PORT no. is available or not using by
netstat -tulnp | grep <port no>

Getting ECONNRESET response using node's http.get function

I finally figured out what was causing this problem and didn't find any direct answers online, so I thought I'd post an answer (below). Anyway, here's the problem:
I have a simple node app running on port 3000. I was trying out some database connection pooling, and I wanted to load test it to make sure it was working the way I expected. I installed siege and tried:
$ siege -c 10 -r 10 -b http://localhost:3000
I got a Connection reset by peer error. So I tried reducing the number of connections:
$ siege -c 1 -r 1 -b http://localhost:3000
Same problem. I thought maybe it was a problem with siege, so I tried nperf and got a ECONNRESET error. Same with artillery.
The weird thing is that I could connect using curl, telnet, and the web browser and got a valid response.
I tried logging errors in the express app, but it never seemed to receive a request. I tried monitoring network traffic using nettop, but it never showed a connection using siege or nperf (though it did using curl).
I wrote a client app to connect using the same method that nperf uses (node's http.get function), and got the same ECONNRESET response.
I wrote a simple express app running on port 3001 and it worked fine! I tried commenting out most of the lines in my port 3000 app so it was basically the same as my 3001 app, but it still didn't work. I was beginning to suspect that webpack was doing something strange, and then finally started to realize...see answer below.
Maybe there's another program on port 3000!
So, I ran:
$ sudo lsof -i -P | grep -i "listen"
and I found an old VM I'd forgotten to halt, that had port 3000 exposed (another project). I shut it down and everything worked great!
I thought node warned if a port was being used, but for some reason it didn't notice this one.
Anyway, if you're getting a similar error, do a port scan!

Node js : works on local, but not on my server

When trying node on my webserver (hosted by some company), i realized that it doesn't work.
The issue i get is a timeout error.
On my local machine, the script works. On the server, the script doesn't work, but i confirmed that node works, with a 'hello world' program.
Here, to perform my test on the webserver, i use the simplest node program i can think of (beside 'hello world') :
Simple node program
var http = require('http');
var port = 8080;
console.log("*** Node script launched ***");
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
console.log('Ok, server launched.');
res.end('Message from the server : ok!');
console.log((new Date())+' : OK. Server is listening.');
Edit : Corrected a typo in the program above. ==> Changed "Server.listen" into "server.listen". Thanks to #Num8er for noticing (unfortunately, this didn't solve the issue).
So after some research, i corrected one thing : specifying '' as IP (before that, that part was left out). But it didn't solve my issue. And now, i can't find anything else that might be wrong (in the program. But i'm a newbie so...).
I suspect that the issue may come from my hoster, but i don't know how to pose a diagnostic on this situation.
Here is all the data i have :
Program output when launched on the webserver
*** Node script launched ***
Fri Aug 28 2015 01:45:00 GMT+0200 (CEST) : OK. Server is listening.
Output from browser (chrome)
This webpage is not available
I have 2 questions :
Do you have an idea what the problem might be?
Do you know the steps i could take to be able to pose a diagnostic on this situation. Is there a way to tell if node is correctly listening? Is there a way to monitor if my client request gets to the server. If yes, is it blocked? Where is it blocked?
I think You're stopping application after You see the words:
"OK. Server is listening."
Code works without problem.
I believe that You're closing terminal or doing ctrl+c
Try to run the app using forever.
Install it using:
npm install -g forever
run Your app using:
forever start app.js
stop it using:
forever stopall
check status:
forever list
There is one more thing also.
If You using cloud services like C9.
so better change port line to:
var port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
Also, not sure about the webserver you're using, but the Port # might also be an issue.
I do know that on Heroku deployments I have to use something along the lines of:
var port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
This means that your application is fine but your port 8080 is not open in you server , Have you tried to navigate to http://serverip:8080 if it has ERR_TIMED_OUT problem , then the problem is in your port as I said.

Error: listen EADDRINUSE when trying to run an Express.js application?

When I try to run my application an Express.js server, the first time with a new port works fine, but then when I try to run it again on that port, I get the "Error: listen EADDRINUSE" error.
I already tried killing all the possible node/gulp processes, also, checked netstat and I do not see port 8080 being used by anything.
What could be the culprit?
This usually happens if the node process is still running your app when you go to run it again. Express will try to bind to the same port but it's already being use by the last node instance you created.
Kill all node processes and try again.
I know that this post is very old. But right now I saw something.
When I was in the same situation as you are in, I opened the console in my browser and I can see some errors. When I solved those errors, everything works fine.
