when plotting several data file, last files are abandon from plotting in gnuplot - gnuplot

My code in gnuplot (**.p file) is:
plot '3exp0346.dat' u 1:2 w lp lt 7 lc rgb 'black' lw 2 title 'Present study' ,\
'3exp0346.dat' u 1:2 w p pt 4 lc rgb 'blue' title 'Exp in [3]' ,\
'3num0346.dat' u 1:2 w p pt 5 lc rgb 'blue' title 'Num in [3]' ,\
'2num0346.dat' u 1:2 w p pt 6 lc rgb 'red' title 'Num in [2]' ,\
'3exp02306.dat' u 1:2 w lp lt 7 lc rgb 'black' lw 2 ,\
'3exp02306.dat' u 1:2 w p pt 4 lc rgb 'blue' ,\
'3num02306.dat' u 1:2 w p pt 5 lc rgb 'blue' ,\
'2num02306.dat' u 1:2 w p pt 6 lc rgb 'red' ,\
'3exp0173.dat' u 1:2 w lp lt 7 lc rgb 'black' lw 2 ,\
'3exp0173.dat' u 1:2 w p pt 4 lc rgb 'blue' 2 ,\
'3num0173.dat' u 1:2 w p pt 5 lc rgb 'blue' ,\
'2num0173.dat' u 1:2 w p pt 6 lc rgb 'red' ,\
'3exp00865.dat' u 1:2 w lp lt 7 lc rgb 'black' lw 2 ,\
'3exp00865.dat' u 1:2 w p pt 4 lc rgb 'blue' ,\
'3num00865.dat' u 1:2 w p pt 5 lc rgb 'blue' ,\
'2num00865.dat' u 1:2 w p pt 6 lc rgb 'red'
Loading this code on gnuplot console following error appears
"meltcomp.p", line 28: ';' expected
then, Closing the console, graph will plot like this:
But last 4 data files are not present.
What would be problem in this case?

problem was 11 line. I am not allowed to leave comment.
'3exp0173.dat' u 1:2 w p pt 4 lc rgb 'blue' 2 ,\
in which 2 after color command makes problem. 2 shouldn't be there.


Gnuplot combing multiple value types in one line graph with different colours and dashes

I have three different lines, where colours and their dashes means different things which I want on one plot, instead of three. How do I accomplish that?
set datafile separator comma
$sample <<EOD
set format x '%Y'
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d"
plot '$sample' u 1:2 title "UK/Business" with linespoints dt 3 lw 5 pt 7 lc "red"
plot '$sample' u 1:2 title "USA/Social" with linespoints dt 3 lw 1 pt 7 lc "blue"
plot '$sample' u 1:2 title "UK/Social" with linespoints dt 3 lw 5 pt 7 lc "blue"
E.g. blue is "Social" and lw 1 (fine dots) is for USA.
Please check the manual or help plot. Plot elements for the same plot are separated by comma.
plot {<ranges>} <plot-element> {, <plot-element>, <plot-element>}
To improve readability you can split long code lines into several lines by using \. Note that no character is allowed after \ in the same line except carriage return/line feed.
Try this:
plot '$sample' u 1:2 title "UK/Business" w lp dt 3 lw 5 pt 7 lc "red", \
'' u 1:2 title "USA/Social" w lp dt 3 lw 1 pt 7 lc "blue", \
'' u 1:2 title "UK/Social" w lp dt 3 lw 5 pt 7 lc "blue"
Addition: (a filter depending on two (string)-columns)
You can implement a filter by using the ternary operator. Check help ternary and help strcol. A value which does not pass the filter will be set to NaN. If you still want to your points being connected with lines, you need to set datafile missing NaN.
### filtered data with different line colors
reset session
set datafile separator comma
$sample <<EOD
myTimeFmt = "%Y-%m-%d"
set format x '%d.%m.%Y' timedate
set key top left
set datafile missing NaN
myFilter(colData,colFilter1,key1,colFilter2,key2) = (strcol(colFilter1) eq key1) && (strcol(colFilter2) eq key2) ? column(colData) : NaN
plot $sample u (timecolumn(1,myTimeFmt)):(myFilter(2,3,"UK",4,"Business")) w lp dt 3 lw 5 pt 7 lc "red" title "UK/Business", \
'' u (timecolumn(1,myTimeFmt)):(myFilter(2,3,"USA",4,"Social")) w lp dt 3 lw 1 pt 7 lc "blue" title "USA/Social" , \
'' u (timecolumn(1,myTimeFmt)):(myFilter(2,3,"UK",4,"Social")) w lp dt 3 lw 5 pt 7 lc "blue" title "UK/Social"
### end of code
or a bit shortened if the columns 2,3,4 do not change within the plot command...
myTime(col) = timecolumn(col,myTimeFmt)
myFilter(key1,key2) = (strcol(3) eq key1) && (strcol(4) eq key2) ? column(2) : NaN
plot $sample u (myTime(1)):(myFilter("UK","Business")) w lp dt 3 lw 5 pt 7 lc "red" title "UK/Business", \
'' u (myTime(1)):(myFilter("USA","Social")) w lp dt 3 lw 1 pt 7 lc "blue" title "USA/Social" , \
'' u (myTime(1)):(myFilter("UK","Social")) w lp dt 3 lw 5 pt 7 lc "blue" title "UK/Social"

Gnuplot line and key colors

I'm trying to use Gnuplot to create a line chart. Each line is represented by a different color. What I want is the key has the same color as the line color. This is what I have right now, current version. Is it possible to set the text 'Line 2' colored as orange, 'Line 3' colored as red, etc?
This is what I wrote in the gp file:
set xlabel'x-axis'; \
set xrange[0:25];\
set ylabel 'y-axis';\
set yrange [2:9];\
set key left top;
p 'test.dat' using 1:2 w linespoints lw 5 lc rgb '#aadc32' pt 17 title 'Line 1' ,\
'test.dat' using 1:9 w linespoints lw 5 lc 'orange' lt 1 title 'Line 2',\
'test.dat' using 1:6 w linespoints lw 5 lc 'red' lt 8 title 'Line 3',\
'test.dat' using 1:7 w linespoints lw 5 lc 'violet' pt 6 title 'Line 4',\'test.dat' using 1:8 w linespoints lw 5 lc rgb '#b5367a' pt 19 title 'Line 5',\
'test.dat' using 1:3 w linespoints lw 5 lc 'cyan' pt 9 title'Line 6',\
'test.dat' using 1:4 w linespoints lw 5 lc 'blue' lt 9 title 'Line 7',\
'test.dat' using 1:10 w linespoints lw 5 lc rgb '#1c1044' lt 5 title 'Line 8',\
Thank you so much.
Unfortunately not. The plot title does not (now, gp5.2pl0) recognise the "textcolor" specifier.
plot x lw 3 lc rgb "blue" title "x" tc rgb "blue" # doesn't work
You can only print an empty (" ") plot title, and overprint it with a coloured label
set label 1 at 8,1 "bluetitle" tc rgb "blue"
That requires some fiddling with the placement of the label, of course.
You might put up a feature request on https://sourceforge.net/p/gnuplot/feature-requests/

How to make key colour black in Gnuplot

How can I make the key "symbols" black in colour when using palettes?
I think you cannot control this directly, here a workaround:
plot 'MOD1.dat' u 2:3:1 w p pt 7 ps 2 lt black, \
'MOD1.dat' u 2:3:1 w p pt 7 ps 2 lt palette notitle
So, we first plot the data without legend in black, then plot the data points but no legend. The nice thing about this approach is that there is no need to fix the x or y range.
I would just create a dummy line and use notitle on the real lines. Something like
set yrange[0:1]
plot "realdata1.data" u 1:2 w linespoints lt 1 notitle , \
"realdata2.data" u 1:2 w linespoints lt 2 notitle , \
1/0 w linespoints lt 1 lc rgb 'black' title 'Model1', \
1/0 w linespoints lt 1 lc rgb 'black' title 'Model2'
Then replace lt 1 with whatever you have used for style in your current plot. Note that you'll need to use set yrange for gnuplot to accept the dummy curve

align graphs in columwise by allowing the X-scale of each plot in same length using multiplot

I am trying to plot five graphs (a,b,c,d,e) in a column order as shown below.
The x-scale for each plot is different and they are not in a vertical line but graphs (c), (d) and (e) have almost similar x range values, that is 24.8.
When I plot these graphs in column order, I find graph labeled (a) and (b) are stretch and compressed respectively.
However, graphs labeled (c), (d) and (e) are having a same scale length.
I have drawn a red line vertically to show how the x-scale of each graph is aligned. (Please see the attached figure)
The gnuplot script that I used is given below.
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set terminal pngcairo size 600,550 enhanced dash #font "Arial-Bold,13" #fontscale 1.20
set output "zMulti-plot-LDP-lyoSystems.png"
set style line 1 lt 1 lw 1.5 lc rgb "red"
set style line 2 lt 3 lw 1.5 lc rgb "red"
set style line 3 lt 5 lw 1.5 lc rgb "red"
set style line 4 lt 1 lw 1.5 lc rgb "black"
set style line 5 lt 3 lw 1.5 lc rgb "black"
set style line 6 lt 5 lw 1.5 lc rgb "black"
set style line 7 lt 1 lw 1.5 lc rgb "green"
set style line 8 lt 3 lw 1.5 lc rgb "green"
set style line 9 lt 5 lw 1.5 lc rgb "green"
set style line 10 lt 1 lw 1.5 lc rgb "blue"
set style line 11 lt 3 lw 1.5 lc rgb "blue"
set style line 12 lt 5 lw 1.5 lc rgb "blue"
set style line 13 lt 1 lw 1.5 lc rgb "magenta"
set style line 14 lt 3 lw 1.5 lc rgb "magenta"
set style line 15 lt 5 lw 1.5 lc rgb "magenta"
set style line 16 lt 1 lw 1.5 lc rgb "#6495ED"
set style line 17 lt 3 lw 1.5 lc rgb "#6495ED"
set style line 18 lt 5 lw 1.5 lc rgb "#6495ED"
set macro
#ylabelFONT="font 'arial,16'"
labelFONT="font 'Arial,18'"
scaleFONT="font 'Arial-Bold,14'"
keyFONT="font 'Arial,10'"
#graph="using 1:2 with lines lw 1 "
xsize = 0.80
ysize = 0.22
xorigin = 0.002
yorigin = 0.02
set xrange [-24.8:24.8]
set yrange [0:2.5]
set xtic auto #scaleFONT # set xtics automatically
#set ytic 0,0.2,0.4 #scaleFONT # set ytics automatically
set ytic " " #0,0.2,0.4 #scaleFONT # set ytics automatically
unset key
set size 1.0,1.0
set multiplot
# plot A
set ylabel ""
set label "(e)" at 0,0.60 #scaleFONT
set origin xorigin,yorigin
set size xsize,(ysize+0.015)
plot "bcm25perRS-000-050ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 1 ,\
"bcm25perRS-000-050ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 2 ,\
"bcm25perRS-000-050ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 3 ,\
"bcm25perRS-051-100ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 4 ,\
"bcm25perRS-051-100ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 5 ,\
"bcm25perRS-051-100ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 6 ,\
"bcm25perRS-101-150ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 7 ,\
"bcm25perRS-101-150ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 8 ,\
"bcm25perRS-101-150ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 9 ,\
"bcm25perRS-151-200ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 10 ,\
"bcm25perRS-151-200ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 11 ,\
"bcm25perRS-151-200ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 12 ,\
"bcm25perRS-201-250ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 13 ,\
"bcm25perRS-201-250ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 14 ,\
"bcm25perRS-201-250ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 15 ,\
"bcm25perRS-251-300ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 16 ,\
"bcm25perRS-251-300ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 17 ,\
"bcm25perRS-251-300ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 18
# plot B
set xrange [-24.8:24.8]
set ylabel ""
unset label
set label "(d)" at 0,0.60 #scaleFONT
#set format x ""
set origin xorigin,(yorigin+0.19)
set size xsize,ysize+0.02
plot "bcm25perS-000-050ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 1 ,\
"bcm25perS-000-050ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 2 ,\
"bcm25perS-000-050ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 3 ,\
"bcm25perS-051-100ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 4 ,\
"bcm25perS-051-100ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 5 ,\
"bcm25perS-051-100ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 6 ,\
"bcm25perS-101-150ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 7 ,\
"bcm25perS-101-150ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 8 ,\
"bcm25perS-101-150ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 9 ,\
"bcm25perS-151-200ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 10 ,\
"bcm25perS-151-200ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 11 ,\
"bcm25perS-151-200ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 12 ,\
"bcm25perS-201-250ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 13 ,\
"bcm25perS-201-250ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 14 ,\
"bcm25perS-201-250ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 15 ,\
"bcm25perS-251-300ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 16 ,\
"bcm25perS-251-300ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 17 ,\
"bcm25perS-251-300ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 18
# plot C
set xrange [-24.4:24.4]
set ylabel ""
unset label
set label "(c)" at 0,0.60 #scaleFONT
set origin xorigin,(yorigin+0.385)
set size xsize,ysize+0.02
plot "bcm25perR-000-050ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 1 ,\
"bcm25perR-000-050ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 2 ,\
"bcm25perR-000-050ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 3 ,\
"bcm25perR-051-100ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 4 ,\
"bcm25perR-051-100ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 5 ,\
"bcm25perR-051-100ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 6 ,\
"bcm25perR-101-150ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 7 ,\
"bcm25perR-101-150ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 8 ,\
"bcm25perR-101-150ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 9 ,\
"bcm25perR-151-200ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 10 ,\
"bcm25perR-151-200ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 11 ,\
"bcm25perR-151-200ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 12 ,\
"bcm25perR-201-250ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 13 ,\
"bcm25perR-201-250ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 14 ,\
"bcm25perR-201-250ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 15 ,\
"bcm25perR-251-300ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 16 ,\
"bcm25perR-251-300ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 17 ,\
"bcm25perR-251-300ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 18
# plot D
set xrange [-26.2:26.2]
set xtics auto
set ylabel ""
unset label
set label "(b)" at 0,0.60 #scaleFONT
set origin xorigin,(yorigin+0.58)
set size xsize,ysize+0.02
plot "malto23per-000-050ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 1 ,\
"malto23per-000-050ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 2 ,\
"malto23per-000-050ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 3 ,\
"malto23per-051-100ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 4 ,\
"malto23per-051-100ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 5 ,\
"malto23per-051-100ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 6 ,\
"malto23per-101-150ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 7 ,\
"malto23per-101-150ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 8 ,\
"malto23per-101-150ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 9 ,\
"malto23per-151-200ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 10 ,\
"malto23per-151-200ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 11 ,\
"malto23per-151-200ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 12 ,\
"malto23per-201-250ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 13 ,\
"malto23per-201-250ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 14 ,\
"malto23per-201-250ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 15 ,\
"malto23per-251-300ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 16 ,\
"malto23per-251-300ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 17 ,\
"malto23per-251-300ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 18
# plot E
set xrange [-20.0:20.0]
set xtics auto
set ylabel ""
unset label
set label "(a)" at 0,0.60 #scaleFONT
set origin xorigin,(yorigin+0.77)
set size xsize,ysize+0.02
plot "malto12per-000-050ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 1 ,\
"malto12per-000-050ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 2 ,\
"malto12per-000-050ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 3 ,\
"malto12per-051-100ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 4 ,\
"malto12per-051-100ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 5 ,\
"malto12per-051-100ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 6 ,\
"malto12per-101-150ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 7 ,\
"malto12per-101-150ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 8 ,\
"malto12per-101-150ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 9 ,\
"malto12per-151-200ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 10 ,\
"malto12per-151-200ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 11 ,\
"malto12per-151-200ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 12 ,\
"malto12per-201-250ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 13 ,\
"malto12per-201-250ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 14 ,\
"malto12per-201-250ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 15 ,\
"malto12per-251-300ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 16 ,\
"malto12per-251-300ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 17 ,\
"malto12per-251-300ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 18
# plot F
set size 0.3,0.5
set origin 0.76,0.55
set bmargin at screen 0
set key center center
set border 0
unset xlabel
unset ylabel
unset label
unset tics
set format x ""
set format y ""
set yrange [0:1]
plot 2 ls 1 t '1-50ns', \
2 ls 4 t '51-100ns', \
2 ls 7 t '101-150ns', \
2 ls 10 t '151-200ns', \
2 ls 13 t '201-250ns', \
2 ls 16 t '251-300ns'
unset multiplot
Can someone have a look into this issue and help me to get a multiplot as I shown but let the scale of each plot is align in vertical order?
It is OK if the graph size is small or big.
But I want the scale to be in line vertically.
Appreciate all your help.
Thank you.
If I edit the set xrange [-26.2:26.2] to be same for all, than I get something below.. which I dont want. I only want as how I shown in the first picture.
Basically you must adjust x-values of the plot size and origin such, that the widest plots keep their current size, and all others are shifted and squeezed according to their smaller ranges.
Since I don't have any data files and cannot test the whole script anyway, here is a sketch of what you need to do:
xsize(width) = 0.80 * width / width_max
ysize = 0.22
width_max = (2 * 26.2)
left_min = -26.2
xorigin(left) = 0.002 + (left - left_min) * xsize / width_max
yorigin = 0.02
set multiplot
# plot A
set xrange [-24.8:24.8]
set origin xorigin(-24.8),yorigin
set size xsize(2*24.8),(ysize+0.015)
plot ...
# plot B
set xrange [-24.8:24.8]
set origin xorigin(-24.8),(yorigin+0.19)
set size xsize(2*24.8),ysize+0.02
plot ...
# plot C
set xrange [-24.4:24.4]
set origin xorigin(-24.4),(yorigin+0.385)
set size xsize(2*24.4),ysize+0.02
plot ...
# plot D
set xrange [-26.2:26.2]
set origin xorigin(-26.2),(yorigin+0.58)
set size xsize(2*26.2),ysize+0.02
plot ...
# plot E
set xrange [-20.0:20.0]
set origin xorigin(-20),(yorigin+0.77)
set size xsize(2*20),ysize+0.02
plot ...

Adjusting the scale of every plot in multiplot to be evenly spaced

I am trying to plot multiple graphs using "multiplot" option from gnuplot.
The figure I plot was as below.
I have a small problem but I dont know how to solve this. The problem is regarding the scale of every individual plot. If one notice, scale for every plot a, b, c, d and e is different. For every plot I used different set xrange values. So, I understand gnuplot tried to stretched the plots to fit into the given width limit. Due to that, the scale along horizontal axis do not evenly spaced.
I want the scale to be evenly spaced for every plot especially for horizontal axis.
Below I have given the full code for your view.
How I can get this done?
Many thanks in advance.
mpl_top = 0.4 #inch outer top margin, title goes here
mpl_bot = 0.7 #inch outer bottom margin, x label goes here
mpl_left = 0.3 #inch outer left margin, y label goes here #vj
mpl_right = 0.8 #inch outer right margin, y2 label goes here #vj
mpl_height = 1.0 #inch height of individual plots
mpl_width = 2.2 #inch width of individual plots #vj
mpl_dx = 0.1 #inch inter-plot horizontal spacing
mpl_dy = 0.4 #inch inter-plot vertical spacing
mpl_ny = 5 #number of rows
mpl_nx = 1 #number of columns
# calculate full dimensions
xsize = mpl_left+mpl_right+(mpl_width*mpl_nx)+(mpl_nx-1)*mpl_dx
ysize = mpl_top+mpl_bot+(mpl_ny*mpl_height)+(mpl_ny-1)*mpl_dy
# placement functions
# rows are numbered from bottom to top
bot(n) = (mpl_bot+(n-1)*mpl_height+(n-1)*mpl_dy)/ysize
top(n) = 1-((mpl_top+(mpl_ny-n)*(mpl_height+mpl_dy))/ysize)
# columns are numbered from left to right
left(n) = (mpl_left+(n-1)*mpl_width+(n-1)*mpl_dx)/xsize
right(n) = 1-((mpl_right+(mpl_nx-n)*(mpl_width+mpl_dx))/xsize)
#set terminal postscript eps enhanced color dl 2.0 size xsize,ysize "Helvetica" 28
##set encoding iso_8859_1
##set tics scale 1
#set output 'nxm_plot.eps'
set terminal pngcairo size 650,650 enhanced dash #font "Arial-Bold,13" #fontscale 1.20
set output "Fill-Multi-plot-LDP-lyoSystemLast50ns.png"
set encoding iso_8859_1
set offsets
set autoscale fix
set size 1,1
set nokey
# define x-axis settings for all subplots
#set xrange [-30:30]
set yrange [0:3]
set xlabel ''
#set format x ''
set xtic auto
#set xtics 5 #pi
#set mxtics 4
#set style line 4 lt 4 lw 10 # Please DISABLE pause -1
set style line 1 lt 1 lw 1.5 lc rgb "red"
set style line 2 lt 3 lw 1.5 lc rgb "red"
set style line 3 lt 5 lw 1.5 lc rgb "red"
set style line 4 lt 1 lw 1.5 lc rgb "black"
set style line 5 lt 3 lw 1.5 lc rgb "black"
set style line 6 lt 5 lw 1.5 lc rgb "black"
set style line 7 lt 1 lw 1.5 lc rgb "green"
set style line 8 lt 3 lw 1.5 lc rgb "green"
set style line 9 lt 5 lw 1.5 lc rgb "green"
set style line 10 lt 1 lw 1.5 lc rgb "blue"
set style line 11 lt 3 lw 1.5 lc rgb "blue"
set style line 12 lt 5 lw 1.5 lc rgb "blue"
set style line 13 lt 1 lw 1.5 lc rgb "magenta"
set style line 14 lt 3 lw 1.5 lc rgb "magenta"
set style line 15 lt 5 lw 1.5 lc rgb "magenta"
set style line 16 lt 1 lw 1.5 lc rgb "#6495ED"
set style line 17 lt 3 lw 1.5 lc rgb "#6495ED"
set style line 18 lt 5 lw 1.5 lc rgb "#6495ED"
set macro
#ylabelFONT="font 'arial,16'"
labelFONT="font 'Arial,16'"
scaleFONT="font 'Arial-Bold,14'"
scaleFONtt="font 'Helvetica,10'"
keyFONT="font 'Arial,12'"
#graph="using 1:2 with lines lw 1 "
# start plotting
set multiplot
# subplot 1-5
# set horizontal margins for first column
set lmargin at screen left(1)
set rmargin at screen right(1)
# set horizontal margins for third row (top)
set tmargin at screen top(5)
set bmargin at screen bot(5)
set label "(a)" at -1.5,2.5 #labelFONT
set title ''
unset ylabel
set xrange [-20.0:20.0]
set format y "" #"%-2.1f"
plot "malto12per-000-050ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 1 ,\
"malto12per-000-050ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 2 ,\
"malto12per-000-050ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 3 ,\
"malto12per-051-100ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 4 ,\
"malto12per-051-100ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 5 ,\
"malto12per-051-100ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 6 ,\
"malto12per-101-150ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 7 ,\
"malto12per-101-150ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 8 ,\
"malto12per-101-150ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 9 ,\
"malto12per-151-200ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 10 ,\
"malto12per-151-200ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 11 ,\
"malto12per-151-200ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 12 ,\
"malto12per-201-250ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 13 ,\
"malto12per-201-250ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 14 ,\
"malto12per-201-250ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 15 ,\
"malto12per-251-300ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 16 ,\
"malto12per-251-300ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 17 ,\
"malto12per-251-300ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 18
# subplot 1-4 at top most
# set horizontal margins for first column
set lmargin at screen left(1)
set rmargin at screen right(1)
# set horizontal margins for third row (top)
set tmargin at screen top(4)
set bmargin at screen bot(4)
unset label
set label "(b)" at -1.5,2.5 #labelFONT
set title ''
unset ylabel
set xtics
set xrange [-26.2:26.2]
set format y "" #"%-2.1f"
plot "malto23per-000-050ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 1 ,\
"malto23per-000-050ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 2 ,\
"malto23per-000-050ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 3 ,\
"malto23per-051-100ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 4 ,\
"malto23per-051-100ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 5 ,\
"malto23per-051-100ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 6 ,\
"malto23per-101-150ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 7 ,\
"malto23per-101-150ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 8 ,\
"malto23per-101-150ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 9 ,\
"malto23per-151-200ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 10 ,\
"malto23per-151-200ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 11 ,\
"malto23per-151-200ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 12 ,\
"malto23per-201-250ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 13 ,\
"malto23per-201-250ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 14 ,\
"malto23per-201-250ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 15 ,\
"malto23per-251-300ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 16 ,\
"malto23per-251-300ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 17 ,\
"malto23per-251-300ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 18
# subplot 1-3
# set horizontal margins for first column
set lmargin at screen left(1)
set rmargin at screen right(1)
# set horizontal margins for second row (middle)
set tmargin at screen top(3)
set bmargin at screen bot(3)
unset label
set label "(c)" at -1.5,2.5 #labelFONT
set title ''
set ylabel "Number Density" #labelFONT
set xrange [-24.2:24.2]
set format y "" #"%-1.1f"
plot "bcm25perR-000-050ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 1 ,\
"bcm25perR-000-050ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 2 ,\
"bcm25perR-000-050ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 3 ,\
"bcm25perR-051-100ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 4 ,\
"bcm25perR-051-100ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 5 ,\
"bcm25perR-051-100ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 6 ,\
"bcm25perR-101-150ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 7 ,\
"bcm25perR-101-150ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 8 ,\
"bcm25perR-101-150ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 9 ,\
"bcm25perR-151-200ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 10 ,\
"bcm25perR-151-200ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 11 ,\
"bcm25perR-151-200ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 12 ,\
"bcm25perR-201-250ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 13 ,\
"bcm25perR-201-250ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 14 ,\
"bcm25perR-201-250ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 15 ,\
"bcm25perR-251-300ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 16 ,\
"bcm25perR-251-300ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 17 ,\
"bcm25perR-251-300ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 18
# subplot 1-2
# set horizontal margins for first column
set lmargin at screen left(1)
set rmargin at screen right(1)
# set horizontal margins for second row (middle)
set tmargin at screen top(2)
set bmargin at screen bot(2)
unset label
set label "(d)" at -1.5,2.5 #labelFONT
set title ''
unset ylabel
set xrange [-24.8:24.8]
set format y "" #"%-1.1f"
plot "bcm25perS-000-050ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 1 ,\
"bcm25perS-000-050ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 2 ,\
"bcm25perS-000-050ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 3 ,\
"bcm25perS-051-100ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 4 ,\
"bcm25perS-051-100ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 5 ,\
"bcm25perS-051-100ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 6 ,\
"bcm25perS-101-150ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 7 ,\
"bcm25perS-101-150ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 8 ,\
"bcm25perS-101-150ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 9 ,\
"bcm25perS-151-200ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 10 ,\
"bcm25perS-151-200ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 11 ,\
"bcm25perS-151-200ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 12 ,\
"bcm25perS-201-250ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 13 ,\
"bcm25perS-201-250ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 14 ,\
"bcm25perS-201-250ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 15 ,\
"bcm25perS-251-300ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 16 ,\
"bcm25perS-251-300ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 17 ,\
"bcm25perS-251-300ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 18
# subplot 1-1
# set horizontal margins for first column
set lmargin at screen left(1)
set rmargin at screen right(1)
# set horizontal margins for first row (bottom)
set tmargin at screen top(1)
set bmargin at screen bot(1)
unset label
set label "(e)" at -1.5,2.5 #labelFONT
set title ''
# now set a label and tic marks for the x-axis
set xlabel "Distance / ({\305})" #labelFONT
unset ylabel
set xrange [-24.1:24.1]
set format y "" # "%-1.1f"
plot "bcm25perRS-000-050ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 1 ,\
"bcm25perRS-000-050ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 2 ,\
"bcm25perRS-000-050ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '1-050ns' w l ls 3 ,\
"bcm25perRS-051-100ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 4 ,\
"bcm25perRS-051-100ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 5 ,\
"bcm25perRS-051-100ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '51-100ns' w l ls 6 ,\
"bcm25perRS-101-150ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 7 ,\
"bcm25perRS-101-150ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 8 ,\
"bcm25perRS-101-150ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '101-150ns' w l ls 9 ,\
"bcm25perRS-151-200ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 10 ,\
"bcm25perRS-151-200ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 11 ,\
"bcm25perRS-151-200ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '151-200ns' w l ls 12 ,\
"bcm25perRS-201-250ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 13 ,\
"bcm25perRS-201-250ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 14 ,\
"bcm25perRS-201-250ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '201-250ns' w l ls 15 ,\
"bcm25perRS-251-300ns_only_HEAD.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 16 ,\
"bcm25perRS-251-300ns_only_TAIL.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 17 ,\
"bcm25perRS-251-300ns_only_WATER.dat" using 1:2 title '251-300ns' w l ls 18
set size 0.3,0.5
set origin -0.56,-0.35
set bmargin at screen 0
#set key at screen 0.85,screen 0.45 Left reverse spacing 1.0 samplen 1.0 maxcols 1 maxrows 6 #keyFONT
set key at screen 1.00,screen 0.45 maxcols 3 maxrows 6 #keyFONT
#set key center left
set border 0
unset xlabel
unset ylabel
unset label
unset tics
set format x ""
set format y ""
set yrange [0:1]
plot 2 ls 1 t '1-50ns', \
2 ls 4 t '51-100ns', \
2 ls 7 t '101-150ns', \
2 ls 10 t '151-200ns', \
2 ls 13 t '201-250ns', \
2 ls 16 t '251-300ns'
unset multiplot
If I understood you correctly, you want the units to have the same length for all graphs. You can dynamically set the margins to obtain this effect with a do loop. Basically you'll need to define the xranges at the beginning and also the maximum range that you will find (you could do this also automatically with a bit more work). The following code should do what you want (read the comments for further info):
# This function returns the ranges for each graph,
# I have only defined 3
range(i)=(i == 1 ? "-20 20" : \
i == 2 ? "-25 25" : \
i == 3 ? "-15 15" : 1/0)
# Number of graphs and maxrange
N = 3; maxrange = 50.
set xtics 5.
set multiplot
# Loop
do for [i=1:N] {
# Set the margins
set tmargin at screen 0.98-(i-1.)/N
set bmargin at screen 0.74-(i-1.)/N
# Set range and calculate total range for graph i
set xrange [word(range(i),1) : word(range(i),2)]
totalrange = word(range(i),2) - word(range(i),1)
# Center the graphs at 0.55 and scale them depending on their range
set lmargin at screen 0.55-0.43*totalrange/maxrange
set rmargin at screen 0.55+0.43*totalrange/maxrange
# Plot
plot sin(x) not
Of course there is room for plenty of customization here.
You can define your functions also depending on the label i so they change through the loop:
f(x,i) = (i == 1 ? sin(x) : \
i == 2 ? cos(x) : \
i == 3 ? tan(x) : 1/0)
plot f(x,i)
If you have data files, you can do the same in this way:
datafiles = "data1 data2 data3"
plot word(datafiles,i)
Likewise with the styles and so on:
set style line 1 lw 1
set style line 2 lw 2
set style line 3 lw 3
plot f(x,i) ls i
Finally, if you want complete control (e.g. you are mixing functions and datafile or something else) you can define if statements within the for loop:
if (i == 1) {plot sin(x)}
if (i == 2) {plot cos(x)}
if (i == 3) {plot "data1"}
