Cassandra query getting error - cassandra

Friends I am getting this error when executing the following query : syntax error near unexpected token `('
Help me...
INSERT INTO table_name(account_sid, transcription_id, audio_url, call_sid, callback_method, callback_url, cost, duration, recording_sid, status, transcription_change_date, transcription_date, transcription_sid, transcription_text, type) VALUES ('534534534534535', now(), '', '', '', '','', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');

Type is a keyword in CQL, hence it is failing.
You can use double quotes to escape.
INSERT INTO table_name(account_sid, transcription_id, audio_url, call_sid, callback_method, callback_url, cost, duration, recording_sid, status, transcription_change_date, transcription_date, transcription_sid, transcription_text, "type") VALUES ('534534534534535', now(), '', '', '', '','', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
List of keywords in CQL


How we can check the the variable text is number or not in Azure logic app without inline

I have variables a = "hhddj"; Variable b = "1234";. I need an expression that gives a is type string and b is type int. Like we have Isnumeric(a) needs to return false, and Isnumeric(b) needs to return true.
The following expression can be used for checking whether the text in variables('a') is in fact an integer:
equals(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(variables('a'), '0', ''), '1', ''), '2', ''), '3', ''), '4', ''), '5', ''), '6', ''), '7', ''), '8', ''), '9', ''), '')

AWK + gsub - how to round floating number

Do you have an idea of how I can round float numbers after multiplying?
I have the following SQL dump:
`honzavolfcz_product` (`product_id`, `feed_product_id`, `import_id`,
`import_active_product`, `model`, `sku`, `upc`, `ean`, `jan`, `isbn`, `mpn`,
`location`, `quantity`, `stock_status_id`, `product_status_id`, `image`,
`manufacturer_id`, `shipping`, `price`, `points`, `tax_class_id`,
`date_available`, `weight`, `weight_class_id`, `length`, `width`, `height`,
`length_class_id`, `subtract`, `minimum`, `sort_order`, `status`, `date_added`,
`date_modified`, `viewed`)
VALUES ('10', '0', '1',
'1', 'model', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '1', '1', '0', 'catalog/zbozi/bozi_laska_obal.jpg',
'0', '1', '**112.50**', '0', '1',
'2019-01-15', '0.00', '1', '0.00', '0.00', '0.00',
'1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '2019-02-15 16:16:29',
'2019-02-15 16:16:29', '293');
And I want to multiply the price value (112.50) by 1.21 (taxes) and the round-up or down. I wrote the following command which does the multiplication but I do not know how to round it:
awk '{a=substr($58,2,length($58)-3);gsub(a,a*1.21);print}' a > b
The result:
`honzavolfcz_product` (`product_id`, `feed_product_id`, `import_id`,
`import_active_product`, `model`, `sku`, `upc`, `ean`, `jan`, `isbn`, `mpn`,
`location`, `quantity`, `stock_status_id`, `product_status_id`, `image`,
`manufacturer_id`, `shipping`, `price`, `points`, `tax_class_id`,
`date_available`, `weight`, `weight_class_id`, `length`, `width`, `height`,
`length_class_id`, `subtract`, `minimum`, `sort_order`, `status`, `date_added`,
`date_modified`, `viewed`)
VALUES ('10', '0', '1',
'1', 'model', '', '', '', '', '', '',
'', '1', '1', '0', 'catalog/zbozi/bozi_laska_obal.jpg',
'0', '1', '**136.125**', '0', '1',
'2019-01-15', '0.00', '1', '0.00', '0.00', '0.00',
'1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '2019-02-15 16:16:29',
'2019-02-15 16:16:29', '293');
I would like to have there 136 instead of 136.125. Of course, 137 if it would be 136.555.
Thank you in advance.
This may be what you want:
$ awk '{a=substr($58,2); $58=sprintf("\047%d\047,",a*1.21)} 1' file
INSERT INTO honzavolfcz_product (product_id, feed_product_id, import_id, import_active_product, model, sku, upc, ean, jan, isbn, mpn, location, quantity, stock_status_id, product_status_id, image, manufacturer_id, shipping, price, points, tax_class_id, date_available, weight, weight_class_id, length, width, height, length_class_id, subtract, minimum, sort_order, status, date_added, date_modified, viewed) VALUES ('10', '0', '1', '1', 'model', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '1', '1', '0', 'catalog/zbozi/bozi_laska_obal.jpg', '0', '1', '136', '0', '1', '2019-01-15', '0.00', '1', '0.00', '0.00', '0.00', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '2019-02-15 16:16:29', '2019-02-15 16:16:29', '293');
but the rounding probably won't go quite as you'd like by default. See and for how to control it with GNU awk.

Pulling item properties from Microsoft Sharepoint document library with Microsoft Graph API

I'm able to successfully pull file metadata from my SharePoint library with the Microsoft Graph API, but am having trouble pulling the properties of an item:
I can get a partial list of properties using this endpoint:{site-id}/drives/{}/items/{}/children?$expand=listItem($expand=fields)
But the list that comes from this endpoint doesn't match the list of properties that exists on the item.
For example, below is a list of fields that come from that endpoint - you can see that '.Push Too Salsify.' (one of the fields I need) is not present. There are also other fields that exist but don't appear in the item properties:
{'ParentLeafNameLookupId': '466', 'CLIPPING_x0020_STATUS': 'Not Started', 'Edit': '0', 'EditorLookupId': '67', '_ComplianceTagWrittenTime': '', 'RequiredField': 'teams/WORKFLOWDEMO/Shared Documents/1062CQP6.Phase4/1062CQP-Phase4-Size.tif', 'PM_x0020_SIGN_x0020_OFF': 'No', 'QA_x0020_APPROVED': 'No', 'ImageWidth': 3648, 'PM_x0020_Approval_x0020_Status': '-', 'AuthorLookupId': '6', 'SelectedFlag': '0', 'NameOrTitle': '1062CQP-Phase4-Size.tif', 'ItemChildCount': '0', 'FolderChildCount': '0', 'LinkFilename': '1062CQP-Phase4-Size.tif', 'ParentVersionStringLookupId': '466', 'PHOTOSTATUS': 'Not Started', '#odata.etag': '"c4b7516e-64df-46d2-b916-a1ee6f29d24a,8"', 'Thumbnail': '3648', '_x002e_Approval_x0020_Status_x002e_': 'Approved', 'Date_x0020_Created': '2019-10-09T04:25:40Z', '_CommentCount': '', 'Created': '2019-10-09T04:25:33Z', 'PreviewOnForm': '0', '_ComplianceTag': '', 'FileLeafRef': '1062CQP-Phase4-Size.tif', 'ImageHeight': 3648, 'LinkFilenameNoMenu': '1062CQP-Phase4-Size.tif', '_ComplianceFlags': '', 'ContentType': 'Document', 'Preview': '3648', 'ImageSize': '3648', 'Product_x0020_Category': 'Baseball', 'DATE_x0020_ASSIGNED': '2019-10-09T04:25:40Z', 'DateCreated': '2019-10-09T04:25:40Z', 'WORKFLOW_x0020_SELECTION': ['Select'], 'Predecessors': [], 'FileType': 'tif', 'LEGAL_x0020_APPROVED': 'No', 'PUSH_x0020_READY': False, 'FileSizeDisplay': '74966432', 'id': '466', '_LikeCount': '', '_ComplianceTagUserId': '', 'Modified': '2019-10-09T14:41:25Z', 'DocIcon': 'tif', '_UIVersionString': '0.7', '_CheckinComment': ''}
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've scoured the documentation and can't seem to find the correct endpoint to pull item properties from a Sharepoint DriveItem.

Cassandra indexes vs materialized view

I have next Cassandra table structure:
CREATE TABLE ringostat.hits (
hitId uuid,
clientId VARCHAR,
PRIMARY KEY (hitId, clientId)
INSERT INTO ringostat.hits (hitId, clientId, session, traffic)
VALUES('550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000'. 'clientId', {'id': '1', 'number': '1', 'startTime': '1460023732', 'endTime': '1460023762'}, {'referralPath': '/example_path_for_example', 'campaign': '(not set)', 'source': '', 'medium': 'referal', 'keyword': '(not set)', 'adContent': '(not set)', 'campaignId': '', 'gclid': '', 'yclid': ''});
INSERT INTO ringostat.hits (hitId, clientId, session, traffic)
VALUES('650e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000'. 'clientId', {'id': '1', 'number': '1', 'startTime': '1460023732', 'endTime': '1460023762'}, {'referralPath': '/example_path_for_example', 'campaign': '(not set)', 'source': '', 'medium': 'cpc', 'keyword': '(not set)', 'adContent': '(not set)', 'campaignId': '', 'gclid': '', 'yclid': ''});
INSERT INTO ringostat.hits (hitId, clientId, session, traffic)
VALUES('750e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000'. 'clientId', {'id': '1', 'number': '1', 'startTime': '1460023732', 'endTime': '1460023762'}, {'referralPath': '/example_path_for_example', 'campaign': '(not set)', 'source': '', 'medium': 'referal', 'keyword': '(not set)', 'adContent': '(not set)', 'campaignId': '', 'gclid': '', 'yclid': ''});
I want to select all rows where source='' AND medium='referal'.
SELECT * FROM hits WHERE traffic['source'] = '' AND traffic['medium'] = 'referal' ALLOW FILTERING;
Without add ALLOW FILTERING I got error: No supported secondary index found for the non primary key columns restrictions.
That's why I see two options:
Create index on traffic column.
Create materialized view.
Create another table and set INDEX for traffic column.
Which is the best option ? Also, I have many fields with MAP type on which I will need to filter. What issues can be if on every field I will add INDEX ?
Thank You.
From When to use an index.
Do not use an index in these situations:
On high-cardinality columns because you then query a huge volume of records for a small number of results. [...] Conversely, creating an index on an extremely low-cardinality column, such as a boolean column, does not make sense.
In tables that use a counter column
On a frequently updated or deleted column.
To look for a row in a large partition unless narrowly queried.
If your planned usage meets one or more of these criteria, it is probably better to use a materialized view.

How to pretty print dictionary returned by robot.libraries.BuiltIn.BuiltIn.get_variables

Jython v2.5
RobotFramework v2.7.5
Log4j v1.2.16
I have a Jython script as a listener that logs the variables dictionary but it is not pretty-printed by pprint module as it does with attributes dictionary.
I am using BuiltIn().get_variables() function to get the variables dictionary as:
def start_suite(self, name, attributes):'<<<start_suite>>>')
self.LOGGER.debug('variables # start suite: %s' % pprint.pformat(BuiltIn().get_variables()))
self.LOGGER.debug('attributes # start suite: %s' % pprint.pformat(attributes))
but this is the output in the logs:
2013-05-29 08:03:11,493 [51a618afdf08ff6296260098] DEBUG [NativeMethodAccessorImpl] - variables scoped at start suite: {'${outputdir}': u'/mypath/', '${outputfile}': 'NONE', '${reportfile}': 'NONE', '${none}': None, '${prevtestmessage}': '', '${suitemetadata}': {}, '${suitedocumentation}': '', '${\\n}': '\n', '${/}': '/', '${true}': True, '${:}': ':', '${suitesource}': u'/mypath/source', '${space}': ' ', u'${environment}': u'sit', '${suitename}': u'MySuite', '${debugfile}': 'NONE', '${null}': None, '${logfile}': 'NONE', '${prevteststatus}': '', '${tempdir}': u'/tmp', '${execdir}': u'mypath3', '${prevtestname}': '', '${false}': False, '#{empty}': (), '${empty}': ''}
2013-05-29 08:03:11,499 [51a618afdf08ff6296260098] DEBUG [NativeMethodAccessorImpl] - attributes # start suite: {'doc': '',
'longname': u'BcvDocumentImageRequestTest',
'metadata': {},
'source': u'/robotRoot/MyTest',
'starttime': '20130529 08:03:11.224',
'suites': [u'MyTest', u'MyTest'],
'tests': [],
'totaltests': 2}
As you observe, and is stated in the docs (albeit ambiguously), BuiltIn().get_variables() does not return a dictionary, but a dictionary-like object - to pretty-print you will have to get a dictionary from it:
