Spark: Memory Usage - apache-spark

I am measuring memory usage for an application (WordCount) in Spark with ps -p WorkerPID -o rss. However the results don’t make any sense. Because for every amount of data (1MB, 10MB, 100MB, 1GB, 10GB) there is the same amount of memory used. For 1GB and 10GB data the result of the measurement is even less than 1GB. Is Worker the wrong process for measuring memory usage? Which process of the Spark Process Model is responsible for memory allocation?

Contrary to popular belief Spark doesn't have to load all data into main memory. Moreover WordCount is a trivial application and amount of required memory only marginally depends on the input:
amount of data loaded per partition with SparkContext.textFile depends on a configuration not input size (see for example: Why does partition parameter of SparkContext.textFile not take effect?).
size of the key-value pairs is roughly constant with typical input.
intermediate data can be spilled to disk if needed.
last but not least amount of memory used by executors is capped by a configuration.
Keeping all of that in mind behavior different than what you see would be troubling at best.


how spark handles out of memory error when cached( MEMORY_ONLY persistence) data does not fit in memory?

I'm new to the spark and i am not able to find clear answer that What happens when a cached data does not fit in memory?
many places i found that If the RDD does not fit in memory, some partitions will not be cached and will be recomputed on the fly each time they're needed.
for example:lets say 500 partition is created and say 200 partition didn't cached then again we have to re-compute the remaining 200 partition by re-evaluating the RDD.
If that is the case then OOM error should never occur but it does.What is the reason?
Detailed explanation is highly appreciated.Thanks in advance
There are different ways you can persist in your dataframe in spark.
1)Persist (MEMORY_ONLY)
when you persist data frame with MEMORY_ONLY it will be cached in spark.cached.memory section as deserialized Java objects. If the RDD does not fit in memory, some partitions will not be cached and will be recomputed on the fly each time they're needed. This is the default level and can some times cause OOM when the RDD is too big and cannot fit in memory(it can also occur after recalculation effort).
To answer your question
If that is the case then OOM error should never occur but it does.What is the reason?
even after recalculation you need to fit those rdd in memory. if there no space available then GC will try to clean some part and try to allocate it.if not successfully then it will fail with OOM
when you persist data frame with MEMORY_AND_DISK it will be cached in spark.cached.memory section as deserialized Java objects if memory is not available in heap then it will be spilled to disk. to tackle memory issues it will spill down some part of data or complete data to disk. (note: make sure to have enough disk space in nodes other no-disk space errors will popup)
when you persist data frame with MEMORY_ONLY_SER it will be cached in spark.cached.memory section as serialized Java objects (one-byte array per partition). this is generally more space-efficient than MEMORY_ONLY but it is a cpu-intensive task because compression is involved (general suggestion here is to use Kyro for serialization) but this still faces OOM issues similar to MEMORY_ONLY.
it is similar to MEMORY_ONLY_SER but one difference is when no heap space is available then it will spill RDD array to disk the same as (MEMORY_AND_DISK) ... we can use this option when you have a tight constraint on disk space and you want to reduce IO traffic.
5)Persist (DISK_ONLY)
In this case, heap memory is not used.RDD's are persisted to disk. make sure to have enough disk space and this option will have huge IO overhead. don't use this when you have dataframes that are repeatedly used.
These are similar to above mentioned MEMORY_ONLY and MEMORY_AND_DISK. the only difference is these options replicate each partition on two cluster nodes just to be on the safe side.. use these options when you are using spot instances.
7)Persist (OFF_HEAP)
Off heap memory generally contains thread stacks, spark container application code, network IO buffers, and other OS application buffers. even you can utilize this part of the memory from RAM for caching your RDD with the above option.

Spark OOM error explanation and alleviation

Sometimes, you will get an OutOfMemoryError not because your RDDs don’t fit in memory, but because the working set of one of your tasks, such as one of the reduce tasks in groupByKey, was too large. Spark’s shuffle operations (sortByKey, groupByKey, reduceByKey, join, etc) build a hash table within each task to perform the grouping, which can often be large. The simplest fix here is to increase the level of parallelism, so that each task’s input set is smaller.
I think it this way, please correct me if I am wrong.
Suppose there are 2 Data Nodes to process the Dataset and both these nodes collectively has a memory of 32GB(16 GB per Data Node). The data set size is 100 GB and let us suppose this data, when read by spark, is partitioned into 10 partitions of 10GB each. It is obvious that the 100GB file cannot be fit into 32 GB RAM at a time. so the partitions have to be loaded into memory and processed in a iterative manner. so I assume as below.
first iteration, 2 partitions, 10GB each are loaded into memory on each data node.
second iteration, 2 partitions, 10GB each are loaded into memory on each data node.
Fifth iteration, 2 partitions, 10GB each are loaded into memory on each data node.
If this is how the spark is processing, during every iteration, only 2 partitions are loaded into memory. Does that mean, the other partitions which were unable to be accommodated in memory, were read but spilled to disk and they are waiting for the memory to be freed? or those partitions are not read at all and they will be read only when the resources are available. which is true?
During processing if there is a need to groupby/reduceby/join, then it mandates a shuffle. so if one of the shuffle partition is greater than RAM size then the job will fail with OOM error. Example, 10 partitions were processed and shuffled. Now the shuffle partitions are only 4 partitions with 25GB each.
(Default shuffle partitions are 200, but only 4 partitions have the total data remaining are empty.) since the shuffle partition size is greater than 16MB RAM, will the spark job fail? Is my understanding correct?
I understand that, you do not really need that your data fit in memory. Spark processes the data on partition basis. But My question is what if the partition itself is not fitting in memory. Would it still spill the data to disk and start processing or it will fail with OOM error?
The second question I have is, If another spark job(Job2) is triggered during the above spark job(job1) is under execution, and suppose this is also having 100GB file to process with 10 partitions of 10GB each. so when job1 Iteration1 is under execution, there is only 6 MB free slot available in the memory. The job2's partition of 10GB cannot be loaded into memory for processing job2. so will the Job2 wait till the memory is freed up? or will this job also fail with OOM error?
The explanation (bold) is correct.
On your comments:
Unless you explicitly repartition, your partitions will be HDFS block size related, the 128MB size and as many that make up that file.
Then you have number of executors, say 2, per Worker / Data Node. Then max 4 tasks / partitions will be active at any given time.
What would be the point of loading all partitions to memory if you can service at most 4? You would be clogging up the system to the detriment of other Spark Apps. This is all like a normal OS then.
Of course it is a bit more complicated, e.g. if you have 10 Data Nodes and allocation only 2 Executors, there is traffic to move stuff about. Just keeping it simple.
OOM errors only occur if a partition exceeds max partition size. For the rest disk space is needed for spilling.

Will spark load data into in-memory if data is 10 gb and RAM is 1gb

If i have cluster of 5 nodes, each node having 1gb ram, now if my data file is 10gb distributed in all 5 nodes, let say 2gb in each node, now if i trigger
val rdd = sc.textFile("filepath")
will spark load data into the ram and how spark will deal with this scenario
will it straight away deny or will it process it.
Lets understand the question first #intellect_dp you are asking, you have a cluster of 5 nodes (here the term "node" I am assuming machine which generally includes hard disk,RAM, 4 core cpu etc.), now each node having 1 GB of RAM and you have 10 GB of data file which is distributed in a manner, that 2GB of data is residing in the hard disk of each node. Here lets assume that you are using HDFS and now your block size at each node is 2GB.
now lets break this :
each block size = 2GB
RAM size of each node = 1GB
Due to lazy evaluation in spark, only when "Action API" get triggered, then only it will load your data into the RAM and execute it further.
here you are saying that you are using "collect" as an action api. Now the problem here is that RAM size is less than your block size, and if you process it with all default configuration (1 block = 1 partition ) of spark and considering that no further node will going to add up, then in that case it will give you out of memory exception.
now the question - is there any way spark can handle this kind of large data with the given kind of hardware provisioning?
Ans - yes, first you need to set default minimum partition :
val rdd = sc.textFile("filepath",n)
here n will be my default minimum partition of block, now as we have only 1gb of RAM, so we need to keep it less than 1gb, so let say we take n = 4,
now as your block size is 2gb and minimum partition of block is 4 :
each partition size will be = 2GB/4 = 500mb;
now spark will process this 500mb first and will convert it into RDD, when next chunk of 500mb will come, the first rdd will get spill to hard disk (given that you have set the storage level "MEMORY_AND_DISK_ONLY").
In this way it will process your whole 10 GB of data file with the given cluster hardware configuration.
Now I personally will not recommend the given hardware provisioning for such case,
as it will definitely process the data, but there are few disadvantages :
firstly it will involve multiple I/O operation making whole process very slow.
secondly if any lag occurs in reading or writing to the hard disk, your whole job will get discarded, you will go frustrated with such hardware configuration. In addition to it you will never be sure that will spark process your data and will be able to give result when data will increase.
So try to keep very less I/O operation, and
Utilize in memory computation power of spark with an adition of few more resources for faster performance.
When you use collect all the data send is collected as array only in driver node.
From this point distribution spark and other nodes does't play part. You can think of it as a pure java application on a single machine.
You can determine driver's memory with spark.driver.memory and ask for 10G.
From this moment if you will not have enough memory for the array you will probably get OutOfMemory exception.
In the otherhand if we do so, Performance will be impacted, we will not get the speed we want.
Also Spark store only results in RDD, so I can say result would not be complete data, any worst case if we are doing select * from tablename, it will give data in chunks , what it can affroad....

Why is spark MEMORY_AND_DISK slower than MEMORY_ONLY?

I have a pretty typical RDD scenario where I gather some data, persist it, and then use the persisted RDD multiple times for various transforms. Persisting speeds things up by an order of magnitude, so persisting is definitely warranted.
But I'm surprised at the relative speed of the different methods of persisting. If I persist using MEMORY_AND_DISK, each subsequent use of the persisted RDD takes about 10% longer than if I use MEMORY_ONLY. Why is that? I would have expected them to have the same speed if the data fits in memory, and I expected MEMORY_AND_DISK to be faster if some partitions don't fit in memory. Why do my timings consistently not show that to be true?
Your CPU typically access memory at around 10 Gb/s whereas an access to an SSD takes 600Mb/s
The partitions that don't fit into memory when MEMORY_ONLY is chosen are recomputed using the parent rdds partitionning. If you have no wide dependency that should be ok
It is impossible to tell without the context, but there are at least two cases where MEMORY_AND_DISK:
Data is larger than available memory - with MEMORY_AND_DISK partitions that doesn't fit in memory will be stored on disk.
Partitions have been evicted from memory - with MEMORY_AND_DISK there are stored on disk, with MEMORY_ONLY there are lost and have to be recomputed and eviction might trigger large GC sweep.
Finally you have to remember that _DISK can use different levels of hardware and software caching so different block might be accessed with a speed comparable to the main memory.

How to optimize shuffle spill in Apache Spark application

I am running a Spark streaming application with 2 workers.
Application has a join and an union operations.
All the batches are completing successfully but noticed that shuffle spill metrics are not consistent with input data size or output data size (spill memory is more than 20 times).
Please find the spark stage details in the below image:
After researching on this, found that
Shuffle spill happens when there is not sufficient memory for shuffle data.
Shuffle spill (memory) - size of the deserialized form of the data in memory at the time of spilling
shuffle spill (disk) - size of the serialized form of the data on disk after spilling
Since deserialized data occupies more space than serialized data. So, Shuffle spill (memory) is more.
Noticed that this spill memory size is incredibly large with big input data.
My queries are:
Does this spilling impacts the performance considerably?
How to optimize this spilling both memory and disk?
Are there any Spark Properties that can reduce/ control this huge spilling?
Learning to performance-tune Spark requires quite a bit of investigation and learning. There are a few good resources including this video. Spark 1.4 has some better diagnostics and visualisation in the interface which can help you.
In summary, you spill when the size of the RDD partitions at the end of the stage exceed the amount of memory available for the shuffle buffer.
You can:
Manually repartition() your prior stage so that you have smaller partitions from input.
Increase the shuffle buffer by increasing the memory in your executor processes (spark.executor.memory)
Increase the shuffle buffer by increasing the fraction of executor memory allocated to it (spark.shuffle.memoryFraction) from the default of 0.2. You need to give back
Increase the shuffle buffer per thread by reducing the ratio of worker threads (SPARK_WORKER_CORES) to executor memory
If there is an expert listening, I would love to know more about how the memoryFraction settings interact and their reasonable range.
To add to the above answer, you may also consider increasing the default number (spark.sql.shuffle.partitions) of partitions from 200 (when shuffle occurs) to a number that will result in partitions of size close to the hdfs block size (i.e. 128mb to 256mb)
If your data is skewed, try tricks like salting the keys to increase parallelism.
Read this to understand spark memory management:
