How can I change the data source per tab instead of for the entire workbook? - excel

I am in the process of upgrading an excel spreadsheet we use to manage timecards with for employees every week, we use OCR to process them. Currently our big spreadsheet, its a multi-tabbed spreadsheet where every employee in a given department can see everyone else's time that gets logged.
What I am in the process of doing is making individual spreadsheets inside folders for each employee to access, these folders will be locked so employees of each department cant go in and see other peoples timecards. One master spreadsheet with the use of index/match will pull the data into the master spreadsheet.
I have one page completed for one employee but I have about 20+ more employees to go and it took 6 hours to do one page, is there a way that I can change the spreadsheet connection of one individual page instead of the entire workbook?
here is an illustration:
i have hundreds of cells on one tab connected to this external spreadsheet
With the use of the "Edit Links" prompt I am aware that I can change data sources, but I want to edit the connection per tab not the entire workbook
i want to have one tab pulling from one data source, and the next tab pulling from another data source. I want to accomplish this without going into each cell and updating the link and spending a 40 hour work week on something so small.
How can I do this?

using replace all, [ctrl + h] for windows, you can change any value within formulas on the entire page
works great


Is there a way to enter, save and delete entire row in a scrollable list and reflect the same changes in main data sheet in excel

Fisrt i would like to state that i don't know much about vba other than what i pick up from the internet and forums like this one. I have a problem and i'm hoping some on this forum will come to my rescue.
I'm trying to create a simple equipment maintenance system in excel. I do not want to use the vba user form Because i do not have much knowledge of vba coding.I have two sheets, Sheet1 (called Form) and sheet2 (called Data). So i have craeted an on sheet form on the left of the sheet1 (Form) which i would like to stay visible at all times So to achieve this i picked up a method from the internet of creating a scrollable list (Displaying all data entries from sheet1 (Form), i have also picked up vba code to save and reflect form entries on Sheet1 (Form) on sheet 2, so far so good. Coming to the problem, i would like to make and delete entries directly on to the scrollable list which would also reflect on the data sheet. Another problem i would like to know if possible is how to make the maximum value of the scrollable can increase automatically as data rows increase.
Please HELP!

How to print multiple iterations of the same sheet using VBA

I have a one pager that I have built for work that pulls data for specific stores into a one page document. Area managers will have anywhere from 10-15 stores that they cover. I would like to write a macro that allows them to select their area, run the one pager for each store within their area, then essentially append that to a list of sheets to print. The result I am looking for is a 10 - 15 page document laying out the one pager for each of the managers stores.
I have done a decent amount of research and haven't been able to find anything to this effect. I am not asking for someone to write the code for me, I just need a high level overview of 1) if this task is even possible to automate, and 2) what resources to use to learn how to do it. I appreciate any help you may have to offer!
It should be possible to create a userform to select the specific region. From there a macro could run your one pager for each of the defined stores in that region and place each one pager in a new worksheet as it went through the list. At the end you would have one workbook with 10-15 sheets. You can then either print or export the entire workbook.
Is that in the ballpark of what you were looking for?

Easily Update Master Spreadsheet from Various Spreadsheets

I have a master spreadsheet that we use for tracking a certain activity. The spreadsheet contains various lines with item descriptions, and open columns where end users are to fill in dates.
An updated master spreadsheet goes out to various end users to update date values and return it to the coordinator. The coordinator then takes the various feedback sheets, and updates the master accordingly.
Up to now, this has been quite a labor-intensive task as end-users change filtering settings before sending it back, and there are 1000+ lines, so it is hard to see what the end-users updated.
Does someone know of an effective method to do a task like this, using Excel directly or VBA?
I would recommend creating a server version of the master spreadsheet so that end-users could check out that document,fill in their dates and avoid the redundancy of having someone retype everything. Sharepoint's ideal for this kind of thing.
If you want to keep it to Excel alone, though, perhaps you could save all the modified user-input-provided workbooks to a designated folder. Then write a macro to loop through each of these files in the folder. Supposing that the cells the users fill/inputting data into were previously empty, check to see if they're now not empty and copy those changes to the master file.

Multiple user editing single Excel file using Single GUI

could anyone suggest a way multiple user can access single Excel file(Database) using Single userform. I have a system where multiple users have to update single excel file (Adding or deleting record). So could any of you suggest how should i proceed. I know this is an software process question rather than a software code question. But still asking, if Anybody could help me as i cannot find a feasible solution to do so.
When you have a network share available, would 'Shared Workbook' do the trick? (sounds a lot like it to me). You basically check a box that the workbook is from now on 'shared'. Excel will allow several users in parallel to open the same file for editing. It will make sure that everyones writes end up in the file (and that each save gives you others' edits).
You can find more info e.g. here:
This may not be what you want, but you an have multiple users editing multiple files, but have the data combined into a single file. This will work as long as you have a fixed maximum number of data editors (say 20). Just create a simple data entry file with the userform built in that stores the data entered in a sheet. Now create 20 copies of this, one for each user, and store them in a file sharing environment like SharePoint or a shared network drive. Now you can have the master "database" file aggregate them into a single file by using workbook links.
In order to be able to do things with them as if they were a single data set, you need to do a sort of union of the data, which is not straightforward in Excel. Again, you need to establish a hard maximum size for each user to edit - for example, 5000 rows. On a Sheet in your database workbook, designate rows 2-5001 for the first user, then leave an empty row (usually I color it black to make it easy to spot), then 5002-10003 for the next user, etc. In Cell B2, put the formula
=if('J:\Network folder\[Data Entry 1.xlsm]DataSheet'!B2="","",'J:\Network folder\[Data Entry 1.xlsm]DataSheet'!B2)
and fill that to all the cells in that range (down to row 5001). Then repeat in the next range (B5002, for the second range:
=if('J:\Network folder\[Data Entry 2.xlsm]DataSheet'!B2="","",'J:\Network folder\[Data Entry 1.xlsm]DataSheet'!B2)

If vloopup Return Values Query

Ok this is a tad complicated to explain and im guessing even harder to solve. Im trying to automate a debtor's list at my work so we don't have to manually change it every week which can take hours. Currently we have one master file that contains all amounts owed to us and another that lists all outstanding amounts and any information on that client relevant to the invoice.
The master file is automated from a CSV file however i am attempting to integrate the overdue list into this and make it automated as possible. This issue im having is if i automate the debtors list then any comments i have are also erased
Client-----Invoice #-----Amount-----Comment
X----------1-------------400--------Will not pay until (###)
Y----------2-------------500--------Having an issue with designs
What happens when i automate this is that the comments remain however all the other columns are replaced with the current data which messes the entries up. Essentially what i thought to do is the following however im not sure how to implement it.
Have the master debtor list on one worksheet and another sheet for the debtor's and comments
Using a formula the 2nd sheet will extract values from the master sheet based on the following:
If the invoice number is on the master list and not the 2nd sheet then all information will be copied to the 2nd sheet.
If the invoice number is on the master list and the 2nd sheet nothing will be done
If the invoice number is on the 2nd sheet but not on the master list the information will be deleted
I basically want the information to be retrieved if it isn't there, deleted if it isn't on the master list and left alone if it is on both already. This will therefore let people add comments but automatically delete once payment has been recorded.
Any help would be fantastic as ive tried a huge amount of If, vlookup, match etc and can't seem to get the result id like.
