pubnub calculate publish latencies - pubnub

I'd like to calculate PubNub publish latencies for PubNub clients before they actually begin publishing. Is there a preferred way to to this for PubNub?
To make my use case more clear, Im trying to synchronize clients, and these clients do not need to be synchronized at a wall-clock time, since they could be global. Hence this solution, wouldnt be necessary in my case (but it did point me in the right direction)
So I could still obtain a per-client latency calculation based on the above link, but that's for fetching the timestoken using the Time API. This was relevant for the above use-case which depended on clients syncing to a particular wall-clock time, hence a time-token was anyways required to be fetched
However in my case I dont need a timetoken. All clients can be synced using a simple wait for (k - latency) interval where k is a constant for all clients .
Therefore while I can use the timetoken method of calculating latency, I would prefer to know the actual publish latencies (unless there is no vast difference between the two)

Here are some steps I worked out myself to determine latency for publish
determine the local time (in milliseconds): start = now()
Client sends out a message with payload[ {"Type" = "latencyCheck"}, {"me"
= "MyPubNubUUID" }]
When Client receives message of the above signature with its own Id,
it sets another variable end = now()
latency to send a message and receive it yourself was : end - start


How are the missing events replayed?

I am trying to learn more about CQRS and Event Sourcing (Event Store).
My understanding is that a message queue/bus is not normally used in this scenario - a message bus can be used to facilitate communication between Microservices, however it is not typically used specifically for CQRS. However, the way I see it at the moment - a message bus would be very useful guaranteeing that the read model is eventually in sync hence eventual consistency e.g. when the server hosting the read model database is brought back online.
I understand that eventual consistency is often acceptable with CQRS. My question is; how does the read side know it is out of sync with the write side? For example, lets say there are 2,000,000 events created in Event Store on a typical day and 1,999,050 are also written to the read store. The remaining 950 events are not written because of a software bug somewhere or because the server hosting the read model is offline for a few secondsetc. How does eventual consistency work here? How does the application know to replay the 950 events that are missing at the end of the day or the x events that were missed because of the downtime ten minutes ago?
I have read questions on here over the last week or so, which talk about messages being replayed from event store e.g. this one: CQRS - Event replay for read side, however none talk about how this is done. Do I need to setup a scheduled task that runs once per day and replays all events that were created since the date the scheduled task last succeeded? Is there a more elegant approach?
I've used two approaches in my projects, depending on the requirements:
Synchronous, in-process Readmodels. After the events are persisted, in the same request lifetime, in the same process, the Readmodels are fed with those events. In case of a Readmodel's failure (bug or catchable error/exception) the error is logged and that Readmodel is just skipped and the next Readmodel is fed with the events and so on. Then follow the Sagas, that may generate commands that generate more events and the cycle is repeated.
I use this approach when the impact of a Readmodel's failure is acceptable by the business, when the readiness of a Readmodel's data is more important than the risk of failure. For example, they wanted the data immediately available in the UI.
The error log should be easily accessible on some admin panel so someone would look at it in case a client reports inconsistency between write/commands and read/query.
This also works if you have your Readmodels coupled to each other, i.e. one Readmodel needs data from another canonical Readmodel. Although this seems bad, it's not, it always depends. There are cases when you trade updater code/logic duplication with resilience.
Asynchronous, in-another-process readmodel updater. This is used when I use total separation of the Readmodel from the other Readmodels, when a Readmodel's failure would not bring the whole read-side down; or when a Readmodel needs another language, different from the monolith. Basically this is a microservice. When something bad happens inside a Readmodel it necessary that some authoritative higher level component is notified, i.e. an Admin is notified by email or SMS or whatever.
The Readmodel should also have a status panel, with all kinds of metrics about the events that it has processed, if there are gaps, if there are errors or warnings; it also should have a command panel where an Admin could rebuild it at any time, preferable without a system downtime.
In any approach, the Readmodels should be easily rebuildable.
How would you choose between a pull approach and a push approach? Would you use a message queue with a push (events)
I prefer the pull based approach because:
it does not use another stateful component like a message queue, another thing that must be managed, that consume resources and that can (so it will) fail
every Readmodel consumes the events at the rate it wants
every Readmodel can easily change at any moment what event types it consumes
every Readmodel can easily at any time be rebuild by requesting all the events from the beginning
there order of events is exactly the same as the source of truth because you pull from the source of truth
There are cases when I would choose a message queue:
you need the events to be available even if the Event store is not
you need competitive/paralel consumers
you don't want to track what messages you consume; as they are consumed they are removed automatically from the queue
This talk from Greg Young may help.
How does the application know to replay the 950 events that are missing at the end of the day or the x events that were missed because of the downtime ten minutes ago?
So there are two different approaches here.
One is perhaps simpler than you expect - each time you need to rebuild a read model, just start from event 0 in the stream.
Yeah, the scale on that will eventually suck, so you won't want that to be your first strategy. But notice that it does work.
For updates with not-so-embarassing scaling properties, the usual idea is that the read model tracks meta data about stream position used to construct the previous model. Thus, the query from the read model becomes "What has happened since event #1,999,050"?
In the case of event store, the call might look something like
EventStore.ReadStreamEventsForwardAsync(stream, 1999050, 100, false)
Application doesn't know it hasn't processed some events due to a bug.
First of all, I don't understand why you assume that the number of events written on the write side must equal number of events processed by read side. Some projections may subscribe to the same event and some events may have no subscriptions on the read side.
In case of a bug in projection / infrastructure that resulted in a certain projection being invalid you might need to rebuild this projection. In most cases this would be a manual intervention that would reset the checkpoint of projection to 0 (begining of time) so the projection will pick up all events from event store from scratch and reprocess all of them again.
The event store should have a global sequence number across all events starting, say, at 1.
Each projection has a position tracking where it is along the sequence number. The projections are like logical queues.
You can clear a projection's data and reset the position back to 0 and it should be rebuilt.
In your case the projection fails for some reason, like the server going offline, at position 1,999,050 but when the server starts up again it will continue from this point.

Socket.IO: most efficient way to update clients with massively fluctuating data

Imagine Unlike a chat app, the list of users (or players) and other environment objects will be constantly changing, for each player, as players move around the map. That is because each client can't receive updates about every object, because the map is too large and the lag would be too much. So which of the following methods of updating clients, with Socket.IO, would be more efficient:
Send an environment array containing data, which replaces the local arrays on each client.
Send individual messages when objects appear/disappear in a players field of view, and tinker with the local arrays object by object.
If there is a better way than the above two, please outline it.
This is a multi-vector tradeoff decision so without some measuring and probably experimentation, we can't really tell you what situation is optimal. But, we can direct your thinking which you can hopefully use to finish the analysis.
First off, to scale and reduce lag, you want to:
Send fewer messages to each client.
Send smaller payloads with each message as long as it doesn't make item #1 worse (e.g. as long as it doesn't cause you to send more messages).
Have fewer times on the server where you are doing calculations and then sending messages.
To send fewer messages to each client you want to:
Reduce the scope of the map that the client gets sent updates about to only things that are closely in view (it sounds like you're already doing some of that).
Combine as much information as you can in each message that you are going to send to a client - make sure that you're never sending more than one message to a given client for a particular update.
To send smaller messages to each client you want to:
Reduce the size of the data you send to each client. This means that if some data has not changed since that last time you communicated with this client, then don't resend that data. This would suggest that your second option (client updates its own local array) is a better way to do it because you only have to send deltas to the client and it remembers previous state.
Carefully analyze the format of the data you're sending to the client and reduce its size wherever possible. Straight JSON is often not the most efficient way to send data if you're trying to optimize transmission size.

socket io node js to get server time every one second performance

I want to display realtime server time on my webpage and would like to know if I can use socket.emit periodically (every 1 second) for that? And if I do use it, what is the performance impact?
Alternatively, I can simply get the timezone once from the server and just use browser's date object to get current time and convert the timezone to display realtime. But, in this case, I am assuming that my server's date-time setting is correctly configured.
Basically, I just want to know whats the performance impact on the server/client when i run a socket.emit every 1 second using setInterval
There's no point in sending server time constantly. Just time a round trip packet, send the server time once, add the transit time and then compare the server time to the local time to create an offset. Then, just use the local time + the offset from then on. It will be at least as accurate as constantly sending the server time and will be more efficient.
The idea is that the client clock and the server clock run at the same speed so you just need to know what the offset is between the two and then you can use the client clock plus the offset.
The performance impact of sending a small message every second to one client is probably no big deal, but if you have lots of clients connected, it could start to be significant and further could cause delays between the time each client is sent the packet thus rendering the sent time not that accurate.

How to get events count from Microsoft Azure EventHub?

I want to get events count from Microsoft Azure EventHub.
I can use EventHubReceiver.Receive(maxcount) but it is slow on big number of big events.
There is NamespaceManager.GetEventHubPartition(..).EndSequenceNumber property that seems to be doing the trick but I am not sure if it is correct approach.
EventHub doesn't have a notion of Message count, as EventHub is a high-Throughput, low-latency durable stream of events on cloud - getting the CORRECT current count at a given point of time, could be wrong the very next milli-second!! and hence, it wasn't provided :)
Hmm, we should have named EventHubs something like a StreamHub - which would make this obvious!!
If what you are looking for is - how much is the Receiver lagging behind - then EventHubClient.GetPartitionRuntimeInformation().LastEnqueuedSequenceNumber is your Best bet.
As long as no messages are sent to the partition this value remains constant :)
On the Receiver side - when a message is received - receivedEventData.SequenceNumber will indicate the Current sequence number you are processing and the diff. between EventHubClient.GetPartitionRuntimeInformation().LastEnqueuedSequenceNumber and EventData.SequenceNumber can indicate how much the Receiver of a Partition is lagging behind - based on which, the receiver process can Scale up or down the no. of Workers (work distribution logic).
more on Event Hubs...
You can use Stream Analytics, with a simple query:
TUMBLINGWINDOW(DURATION(hh, <Number of hours in which the events happened>))
Of course you will need to specify a time window, but you can potentially run it from when you started collecting data to now.
You will be able to output to SQL/Blob/Service Bus et cetera.
Then you can get the message out of the output from code and process it. It is quite complicated for a one off count, but if you need it frequently and you have to write some code around it, it could be the solution for you.

Probability distribution for sms answer delays

I'm writing an app using sms as communication.
I have chosen to subscribe to an sms-gateway, which provides me with an API for doing so.
The API has functions for sending as well as pulling new messages. It does however not have any kind of push functionality.
In order to do my queries most efficient, I'm seeking data on how long time people wait before they answer a text message - as a probability function.
Extra info:
The application is interactive (as can be), so I suppose the times will be pretty similar to real life human-human communication.
I don't believe differences in personal style will play a big impact on the right times and frequencies to query, so average data should be fine.
I'm impressed and honered by the many great answers recieved. I have concluded that my best shot will be a few adaptable heuristics, including exponential (or maybe polynomial) backoff.
All along I will be gathering statistics for later analysis. Maybe something will show up. I think I will cheat start on the algorithm for generating poll-frquenzies from a probability distribution. That'll be fun.
Thanks again many times.
In the absence of any real data, the best solution may be to write the code so that the application adjusts the wait time based on current history of response times.
Basic Idea as follows:
Step 1: Set initial frequency of pulling once every x seconds.
Step 2: Pull messages at the above frequency for y duration.
Step 3: If you discover that messages are always waiting for you to pull decrease x otherwise increase x.
Several design considerations:
Adjust forever or stop after sometime
You can repeat steps 2 and 3 forever in which case the application dynamically adjusts itself according to sms patterns. Alternatively, you can stop after some time to reduce application overhead.
Adjustment criteria: Per customer or across all customers
You can chose to do the adjustment in step 3 on a per customer basis or across all customers.
I believe GMAIL's smtp service works along the same lines.
well I would suggest finding some statistics on daily SMS/Text Messaging usage by geographical location and age groups and come up with an daily average, it wont be an exact measurement for all though.
Good question.
Consider that people might have multiple tasks and that answering a text message might be one of those tasks. If each of those tasks takes an amount of time that is exponentially distributed, the time to get around to answering the text message is the sum of those task completion times. The sum of n iid random variables has a Gamma distribution.
The number of tasks ahead of the text return also has a dicrete distribution - let's say it's Poisson. I don't have the time to derive the resulting distribution, but simulating it using #Risk, I get either a Weibull or Gamma distribution.
SMS is a store-and-forward messaging service, so you have to add in the delay that can be added by the various SMSCs (Short Message Service Centers) along the way. If you are connecting to one of the big aggregation houses (Sybase, TNS, mBlox etc) commercial bulk SMS providers (Clickatel, etc) then you need to allow for the message to transverse their network as well as the carriers network. If you are using a smaller shop then most likely they are using a GSM Modem (or modems) and there is a throughput limit on the message the can receive and process (as well as push out)
All that said, if you are using a direct connection or one of the big guys MO (mobile originated) messages coming to you as a CP (content provider) should take less than 5 seconds. Add to that the time it takes the Mobile Subscribers to reply.
I would say that anecdotal evidence form services I've worked on before, where the Mobile Subscriber needs to provide a simple reply it's usually within 10 seconds or not at all.
If you are polling for specific replies I would poll at 5 and 10 seconds then apply an exponential back off.
All of this is from a North American point-of-view. Europe will be fairly close, but places like Africa, Asia will be a bit slower as the networks are a bit slower. (unless you are connected directly to the operator and even then some of them are slow).
