I was reading through the announcement of ClassyPrelude and got to here:
instance (b ~ c, CanFilterFunc b a) => CanFilter (b -> c) a where
filter = filterFunc
The writer then mentioned that this would not work:
instance (CanFilterFunc b a) => CanFilter (c -> c) a where
filter = filterFunc
Which makes sense to me, as c is completely unrelated to the constraint on the left.
However, what isn't mentioned in the article and what I don't understand is why this wouldn't work:
instance (CanFilterFunc b a) => CanFilter (b -> b) a where
filter = filterFunc
Could someone explain why this is different to the first mentioned definition? Perhaps a worked example of GHC type inference would be helpful?
Michael already gives a good explanation in his blog article, but I'll try to illustrate it with a (contrived, but relatively small) example.
We need the following extensions:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies #-}
Let's define a class that is simpler than CanFilter, with just one parameter. I'm defining two copies of the class, because I want to demonstrate the difference in behaviour between the two instances:
class Twice1 f where
twice1 :: f -> f
class Twice2 f where
twice2 :: f -> f
Now, let's define an instance for each class. For Twice1, we fix the type variables to be the same directly, and for Twice2, we allow them to be different, but add an equality constraint.
instance Twice1 (a -> a) where
twice1 f = f . f
instance (a ~ b) => Twice2 (a -> b) where
twice2 f = f . f
In order to show the difference, let us define another overloaded function like this:
class Example a where
transform :: Int -> a
instance Example Int where
transform n = n + 1
instance Example Char where
transform _ = 'x'
Now we are at a point where we can see a difference. Once we define
apply1 x = twice1 transform x
apply2 x = twice2 transform x
and ask GHC for the inferred types, we get that
apply1 :: (Example a, Twice1 (Int -> a)) => Int -> a
apply2 :: Int -> Int
Why is that? Well, the instance for Twice1 only fires when source and target type of the function are the same. For transform and the given context, we don't know that. GHC will only apply an instance once the right hand side matches, so we are left with the unresolved context. If we try to say apply1 0, there will be a type error saying that there is still not enough information to resolve the overloading. We have to explicitly specify the result type to be Int in this case to get through.
However, in Twice2, the instance is for any function type. GHC will immediately resolve it (GHC never backtracks, so if an instance clearly matches, it's always chosen), and then try to establish the preconditions: in this case, the equality constraint, which then forces the result type to be Int and allows us to resolve the Example constraint, too. We can say apply2 0 without further type annotations.
So this is a rather subtle point about GHC's instance resolution, and the equality constraint here helps GHC's type checker along in a way that requires fewer type annotations by the user.
to complete the #kosmikus answer
same applies to purescript - you need equality constraint to derive type properly (you can try here http://try.purescript.org)
module Main where
import Prelude
-- copied from https://github.com/purescript/purescript-type-equality/blob/master/src/Type/Equality.purs
class TypeEquals a b | a -> b, b -> a where
to :: a -> b
from :: b -> a
instance refl :: TypeEquals a a where
to a = a
from a = a
class Twice1 f where
twice1 :: f -> f
class Twice2 f where
twice2 :: f -> f
instance mytwice1 :: Twice1 (a -> a) where
twice1 f = f >>> f
instance mytwice2 :: TypeEquals a b => Twice2 (a -> b) where
twice2 f = f >>> from >>> f
class Example a where
transform :: Int -> a
instance exampleInt :: Example Int where
transform n = n + 1
instance exampleChar :: Example Char where
transform _ = 'x'
-- will raise error
-- No type class instance was found for Main.Twice1 (Int -> t1)
apply1 x = twice1 transform x
-- to resolve error add type declaration
apply1 :: Int -> Int
-- compiles without error and manual type declaration, has type Int -> Int automatically
apply2 x = twice2 transform x
But in idris you don't
module Main
import Prelude
interface Twice f where
twice : f -> f
Twice (a -> a) where
twice f = f . f
interface Example a where
transform : Int -> a
Example Int where
transform n = n + 1
Example Char where
transform _ = 'x'
-- run in REPL to see that it derives properly:
-- $ idris src/15_EqualityConstraint_Twice_class.idr
-- *src/15_EqualityConstraint_Twice_class> :t twice transform
-- twice transform : Int -> Int
-- Summary:
-- in idris you dont need equality constaint to derive type of such functions properly
The type class Data.Foldable has the following definition:
class Foldable t where
{-# MINIMAL foldMap | foldr #-}
foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
<more definitions>
The minimal stanza says, that I it's possible to define an instance only with the foldr function.
In all the examples I can compile, the foldr function has type a -> a -> a. However I'm unable
to define something where the foldr function has really type a -> b -> b where the types a and b
are different.
The following code shows an example, that does NOT compile:
import Data.Foldable
data Tree a = Tree a a | Leaf a
class Size a where
size :: a -> Int
instance Size a => Foldable (Tree a) where
foldr :: a -> Int -> Int
foldr x n = size x + n
Is it possible to define an instance of Foldable with foldr, where the types a and b are really different?
The problem isn't that the types are different. The type of your foldr is just not the same as what Foldable requires. It would need to be:
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
And those a and b type parameters must remain as parameters: this has to work for all choices of a and b. You can't constrain them to some other type class and you can't restrict one of them to be a concrete Int type.
It seems that what you want can be achieved by using the actual foldr function instead of modifying it. You can not change the signature of a type class method, and in this case, there is no need. Try implementing foldr by providing a sensible implementation of its type and then write a function addSize that can be passed as the first argument to foldr. foldr addSize 0 will have the behavior you want.
I'm trying to create a typed expression parser in Haskell, which works great so far, but I'm currently struggling to implement higher order functions. I've boiled the problem down to a simple example:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies,GADTs,FlexibleContexts,RankNTypes #-}
-- A function has an argument type and a result type
class Fun f where
type FunArg f
type FunRes f
-- Expressions are either constants of function applications
data Expr a where
Const :: a -> Expr a
App :: Fun f => f -> FunArg f -> Expr (FunRes f)
-- A very simple function
data Plus = Plus
-- Which takes two integer expressions and returns an integer expression
instance Fun Plus where
type FunArg Plus = (Expr Int,Expr Int)
type FunRes Plus = Int
-- A more complicated function which lifts a function to lists (like in haskell)
data Map f r = Map f
-- For this we need the concept of lifting function arguments:
class Liftable a where
type LiftRes a
-- A singleton argument is lifted by changing the expression type from a to [a]
instance Liftable (Expr a) where
type LiftRes (Expr a) = Expr [a]
-- Two function arguments are lifted by lifting each argument
instance (Liftable a,Liftable b) => Liftable (a,b) where
type LiftRes (a,b) = (LiftRes a,LiftRes b)
-- Now we can declare a function instance for Map
instance (Fun f,Liftable (FunArg f),r ~ LiftRes (FunArg f)) => Fun (Map f r) where
type FunArg (Map f r) = r
type FunRes (Map f r) = [FunRes f]
-- Now a parser for functions:
parseFun :: [String] -> (forall f. Fun f => f -> a) -> a
-- The parser for the plus function is easy:
parseFun ["plus"] f = f Plus
-- But the parser for map is not possible:
parseFun ("map":sym) f
= parseFun sym (\fun -> f (Map fun))
The problem seems to be that there is no way to convince the type checker that every LiftRes is itself Liftable, because recursive class declarations are forbidden.
My question is: How do I make this work? Are there other examples of typed expression parsers from which I could take hints?
EDIT: It seems that this discussion about type family constraints seems to be very related. However, I fail to make their solution work in my case, maybe someone can help with that?
The easiest way to make your example work is to remove the Liftable (FunArg f) constraint from the instance declaration. But I think your example is just so condensed that it doesn't show why you actually need it.
So the next best thing is to add a Liftable (FunArg f) superclass constraint to the Fun class:
class Liftable (FunArg f) => Fun f where
If this is not feasible (i.e., if not all your functions have liftable argument types), then you cannot expect to write a parseFun of the given type.
A more general remark: I think what you're trying to do here is very strange, and perhaps too much at once. Parsing from unstructured strings into a context-free datatype is already difficult enough. Why not do that first, and write a separate function that transforms the "untyped", but structured representation of your language into a typed one.
EDIT (as a reaction to the comments, revised): As pointed out in the discussion on type family constraints that you also linked in your question, you can bypass the superclass cycle restriction by using ConstraintKinds. Here is a way to make your reduced example work. Perhaps this will scale to the full solution?
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, GADTs #-}
import Data.Constraint -- from the constraints package
import Data.Proxy -- from the tagged package
-- A function has an argument type and a result type
class Liftable (FunArg f) => Fun f where
type FunArg f
type FunRes f
-- Expr, Plus, and instance Fun Plus as before
class Liftable a where
type LiftRes a
get :: p a -> Dict (Liftable (LiftRes a))
-- acquire "superclass" dictionary by calling this method and
-- then pattern matching on the result
instance Liftable (Expr a) where
type LiftRes (Expr a) = Expr [a]
get _ = Dict
instance (Liftable a, Liftable b) => Liftable (a, b) where
type LiftRes (a, b) = (LiftRes a, LiftRes b)
get (_ :: p (a, b)) =
case get (Proxy :: Proxy a) of -- extra code required
Dict -> case get (Proxy :: Proxy b) of -- extra code required
Dict -> Dict
data Map f r = Map f
instance (Fun f, Liftable r, r ~ LiftRes (FunArg f)) => Fun (Map f r) where
type FunArg (Map f r) = r
type FunRes (Map f r) = [FunRes f]
parseFun :: forall a. [String] -> (forall f. Fun f => f -> a) -> a
parseFun ["plus"] f = f Plus
parseFun ("map" : sym) f = parseFun sym
(\ (fun :: g) -> case get (Proxy :: Proxy (FunArg g)) of -- extra code required
Dict -> f (Map fun))
We're used to having universally quantified types for polymorphic functions. Existentially quantified types are used much less often. How can we express existentially quantified types using universal type quantifiers?
It turns out that existential types are just a special case of Σ-types (sigma types). What are they?
Sigma types
Just as Π-types (pi types) generalise our ordinary function types, allowing the resulting type to depend on the value of its argument, Σ-types generalise pairs, allowing the type of second component to depend on the value of the first one.
In a made-up Haskell-like syntax, Σ-type would look like this:
data Sigma (a :: *) (b :: a -> *)
= SigmaIntro
{ fst :: a
, snd :: b fst
-- special case is a non-dependent pair
type Pair a b = Sigma a (\_ -> b)
Assuming * :: * (i.e. the inconsistent Set : Set), we can define exists a. a as:
Sigma * (\a -> a)
The first component is a type and the second one is a value of that type. Some examples:
foo, bar :: Sigma * (\a -> a)
foo = SigmaIntro Int 4
bar = SigmaIntro Char 'a'
exists a. a is fairly useless - we have no idea what type is inside, so the only operations that can work with it are type-agnostic functions such as id or const. Let's extend it to exists a. F a or even exists a. Show a => F a. Given F :: * -> *, the first case is:
Sigma * F -- or Sigma * (\a -> F a)
The second one is a bit trickier. We cannot just take a Show a type class instance and put it somewhere inside. However, if we are given a Show a dictionary (of type ShowDictionary a), we can pack it with the actual value:
Sigma * (\a -> (ShowDictionary a, F a))
-- inside is a pair of "F a" and "Show a" dictionary
This is a bit inconvenient to work with and assumes that we have a Show dictionary around, but it works. Packing the dictionary along is actually what GHC does when compiling existential types, so we could define a shortcut to have it more convenient, but that's another story. As we will learn soon enough, the encoding doesn't actually suffer from this problem.
Digression: thanks to constraint kinds, it's possible to reify the type class into concrete data type. First, we need some language pragmas and one import:
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures #-}
import GHC.Exts -- for Constraint
GADTs already give us the option to pack a type class along with the constructor, for example:
data BST a where
Nil :: BST a
Node :: Ord a => a -> BST a -> BST a -> BST a
However, we can go one step further:
data Dict :: Constraint -> * where
D :: ctx => Dict ctx
It works much like the BST example above: pattern matching on D :: Dict ctx gives us access to the whole context ctx:
show' :: Dict (Show a) -> a -> String
show' D = show
(.+) :: Dict (Num a) -> a -> a -> a
(.+) D = (+)
We also get quite natural generalisation for existential types that quantify over more type variables, such as exists a b. F a b.
Sigma * (\a -> Sigma * (\b -> F a b))
-- or we could use Sigma just once
Sigma (*, *) (\(a, b) -> F a b)
-- though this looks a bit strange
The encoding
Now, the question is: can we encode Σ-types with just Π-types? If yes, then the existential type encoding is just a special case. In all glory, I present you the actual encoding:
newtype SigmaEncoded (a :: *) (b :: a -> *)
= SigmaEncoded (forall r. ((x :: a) -> b x -> r) -> r)
There are some interesting parallels. Since dependent pairs represent existential quantification and from classical logic we know that:
(∃x)R(x) ⇔ ¬(∀x)¬R(x) ⇔ (∀x)(R(x) → ⊥) → ⊥
forall r. r is almost ⊥, so with a bit of rewriting we get:
(∀x)(R(x) → r) → r
And finally, representing universal quantification as a dependent function:
forall r. ((x :: a) -> R x -> r) -> r
Also, let's take a look at the type of Church-encoded pairs. We get a very similar looking type:
Pair a b ~ forall r. (a -> b -> r) -> r
We just have to express the fact that b may depend on the value of a, which we can do by using dependent function. And again, we get the same type.
The corresponding encoding/decoding functions are:
encode :: Sigma a b -> SigmaEncoded a b
encode (SigmaIntro a b) = SigmaEncoded (\f -> f a b)
decode :: SigmaEncoded a b -> Sigma a b
decode (SigmaEncoded f) = f SigmaIntro
-- recall that SigmaIntro is a constructor
The special case actually simplifies things enough that it becomes expressible in Haskell, let's take a look:
newtype ExistsEncoded (F :: * -> *)
= ExistsEncoded (forall r. ((x :: *) -> (ShowDictionary x, F x) -> r) -> r)
-- simplify a bit
= ExistsEncoded (forall r. (forall x. (ShowDictionary x, F x) -> r) -> r)
-- curry (ShowDictionary x, F x) -> r
= ExistsEncoded (forall r. (forall x. ShowDictionary x -> F x -> r) -> r)
-- and use the actual type class
= ExistsEncoded (forall r. (forall x. Show x => F x -> r) -> r)
Note that we can view f :: (x :: *) -> x -> x as f :: forall x. x -> x. That is, a function with extra * argument behaves as a polymorphic function.
And some examples:
showEx :: ExistsEncoded [] -> String
showEx (ExistsEncoded f) = f show
someList :: ExistsEncoded []
someList = ExistsEncoded $ \f -> f [1]
showEx someList == "[1]"
Notice that someList is actually constructed via encode, but we dropped the a argument. That's because Haskell will infer what x in the forall x. part you actually mean.
From Π to Σ?
Strangely enough (although out of the scope of this question), you can encode Π-types via Σ-types and regular function types:
newtype PiEncoded (a :: *) (b :: a -> *)
= PiEncoded (forall r. Sigma a (\x -> b x -> r) -> r)
-- \x -> is lambda introduction, b x -> r is a function type
-- a bit confusing, I know
encode :: ((x :: a) -> b x) -> PiEncoded a b
encode f = PiEncoded $ \sigma -> case sigma of
SigmaIntro a bToR -> bToR (f a)
decode :: PiEncoded a b -> (x :: a) -> b x
decode (PiEncoded f) x = f (SigmaIntro x (\b -> b))
I found an anwer in Proofs and Types by Jean-Yves Girard, Yves Lafont and Paul Taylor.
Imagine we have some one-argument type t :: * -> * and construct an existential type that holds t a for some a: exists a. t a. What can we do with such a type? In order to compute something out of it we need a function that can accept t a for arbitrary a, that means a function of type forall a. t a -> b. Knowing this, we can encode an existential type simply as a function that takes functions of type forall a. t a -> b, supplies the existential value to them and returns the result b:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
newtype Exists t = Exists (forall b. (forall a. t a -> b) -> b)
Creating an existential value is now easy:
exists :: t a -> Exists t
exists x = Exists (\f -> f x)
And if we want to unpack the existential value, we just apply its content to a function that produces the result:
unexists :: (forall a. t a -> b) -> Exists t -> b
unexists f (Exists e) = e f
However, purely existential types are of very little use. We cannot do anything reasonable with a value we know nothing about. More often we need an existential type with a type class constraint. The procedure is just the same, we just add a type class constraint for a. For example:
newtype ExistsShow t = ExistsShow (forall b. (forall a. Show a => t a -> b) -> b)
existsShow :: Show a => t a -> ExistsShow t
existsShow x = ExistsShow (\f -> f x)
unexistsShow :: (forall a. Show a => t a -> b) -> ExistsShow t -> b
unexistsShow f (ExistsShow e) = e f
Note: Using existential quantification in functional programs is often considered a code-smell. It can indicate that we haven't liberated ourselves from OO thinking.
I was reading through the announcement of ClassyPrelude and got to here:
instance (b ~ c, CanFilterFunc b a) => CanFilter (b -> c) a where
filter = filterFunc
The writer then mentioned that this would not work:
instance (CanFilterFunc b a) => CanFilter (c -> c) a where
filter = filterFunc
Which makes sense to me, as c is completely unrelated to the constraint on the left.
However, what isn't mentioned in the article and what I don't understand is why this wouldn't work:
instance (CanFilterFunc b a) => CanFilter (b -> b) a where
filter = filterFunc
Could someone explain why this is different to the first mentioned definition? Perhaps a worked example of GHC type inference would be helpful?
Michael already gives a good explanation in his blog article, but I'll try to illustrate it with a (contrived, but relatively small) example.
We need the following extensions:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies #-}
Let's define a class that is simpler than CanFilter, with just one parameter. I'm defining two copies of the class, because I want to demonstrate the difference in behaviour between the two instances:
class Twice1 f where
twice1 :: f -> f
class Twice2 f where
twice2 :: f -> f
Now, let's define an instance for each class. For Twice1, we fix the type variables to be the same directly, and for Twice2, we allow them to be different, but add an equality constraint.
instance Twice1 (a -> a) where
twice1 f = f . f
instance (a ~ b) => Twice2 (a -> b) where
twice2 f = f . f
In order to show the difference, let us define another overloaded function like this:
class Example a where
transform :: Int -> a
instance Example Int where
transform n = n + 1
instance Example Char where
transform _ = 'x'
Now we are at a point where we can see a difference. Once we define
apply1 x = twice1 transform x
apply2 x = twice2 transform x
and ask GHC for the inferred types, we get that
apply1 :: (Example a, Twice1 (Int -> a)) => Int -> a
apply2 :: Int -> Int
Why is that? Well, the instance for Twice1 only fires when source and target type of the function are the same. For transform and the given context, we don't know that. GHC will only apply an instance once the right hand side matches, so we are left with the unresolved context. If we try to say apply1 0, there will be a type error saying that there is still not enough information to resolve the overloading. We have to explicitly specify the result type to be Int in this case to get through.
However, in Twice2, the instance is for any function type. GHC will immediately resolve it (GHC never backtracks, so if an instance clearly matches, it's always chosen), and then try to establish the preconditions: in this case, the equality constraint, which then forces the result type to be Int and allows us to resolve the Example constraint, too. We can say apply2 0 without further type annotations.
So this is a rather subtle point about GHC's instance resolution, and the equality constraint here helps GHC's type checker along in a way that requires fewer type annotations by the user.
to complete the #kosmikus answer
same applies to purescript - you need equality constraint to derive type properly (you can try here http://try.purescript.org)
module Main where
import Prelude
-- copied from https://github.com/purescript/purescript-type-equality/blob/master/src/Type/Equality.purs
class TypeEquals a b | a -> b, b -> a where
to :: a -> b
from :: b -> a
instance refl :: TypeEquals a a where
to a = a
from a = a
class Twice1 f where
twice1 :: f -> f
class Twice2 f where
twice2 :: f -> f
instance mytwice1 :: Twice1 (a -> a) where
twice1 f = f >>> f
instance mytwice2 :: TypeEquals a b => Twice2 (a -> b) where
twice2 f = f >>> from >>> f
class Example a where
transform :: Int -> a
instance exampleInt :: Example Int where
transform n = n + 1
instance exampleChar :: Example Char where
transform _ = 'x'
-- will raise error
-- No type class instance was found for Main.Twice1 (Int -> t1)
apply1 x = twice1 transform x
-- to resolve error add type declaration
apply1 :: Int -> Int
-- compiles without error and manual type declaration, has type Int -> Int automatically
apply2 x = twice2 transform x
But in idris you don't
module Main
import Prelude
interface Twice f where
twice : f -> f
Twice (a -> a) where
twice f = f . f
interface Example a where
transform : Int -> a
Example Int where
transform n = n + 1
Example Char where
transform _ = 'x'
-- run in REPL to see that it derives properly:
-- $ idris src/15_EqualityConstraint_Twice_class.idr
-- *src/15_EqualityConstraint_Twice_class> :t twice transform
-- twice transform : Int -> Int
-- Summary:
-- in idris you dont need equality constaint to derive type of such functions properly
While using applicative functors in Haskell I've often run into situations where I end up with repetitive code like this:
instance Arbitrary MyType where
arbitrary = MyType <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
In this example I'd like to say:
instance Arbitrary MyType where
arbitrary = applyMany MyType 4 arbitrary
but I can't figure out how to make applyMany (or something similar to it). I can't even figure out what the type would be but it would take a data constructor, an Int (n), and a function to apply n times. This happens when creating instances for QuickCheck, SmallCheck, Data.Binary, Xml serialization, and other recursive situations.
So how could I define applyMany?
Check out derive. Any other good generics library should be able to do this as well; derive is just the one I am familiar with. For example:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Data.DeriveTH
import Test.QuickCheck
$( derive makeArbitrary ''MyType )
To address the question you actually asked, FUZxxl is right, this is not possible in plain vanilla Haskell. As you point out, it is not clear what its type should even be. It is possible with Template Haskell metaprogramming (not too pleasant). If you go that route, you should probably just use a generics library which has already done the hard research for you. I believe it is also possible using type-level naturals and typeclasses, but unfortunately such type-level solutions are usually difficult to abstract over. Conor McBride is working on that problem.
I think you can do it with OverlappingInstances hack:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies, OverlappingInstances #-}
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Applicative
class Arbitrable a b where
convert :: Gen a -> Gen b
instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrable b c) => Arbitrable (a->b) c where
convert a = convert (a <*> arbitrary)
instance (a ~ b) => Arbitrable a b where
convert = id
-- Should work for any type with Arbitrary parameters
data MyType a b c d = MyType a b c d deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Arbitrary (MyType Char Int Double Bool) where
arbitrary = convert (pure MyType)
check = quickCheck ((\s -> s == s) :: (MyType Char Int Double Bool -> Bool))
Not satisfied with my other answer, I have come up with an awesomer one.
-- arb.hs
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Monad (liftM)
data SimpleType = SimpleType Int Char Bool String deriving(Show, Eq)
uncurry4 f (a,b,c,d) = f a b c d
instance Arbitrary SimpleType where
arbitrary = uncurry4 SimpleType `liftM` arbitrary
-- ^ this line is teh pwnzors.
-- Note how easily it can be adapted to other "simple" data types
ghci> :l arb.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( arb.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> sample (arbitrary :: Gen SimpleType)
>>>a bunch of "Loading package" statements<<<
SimpleType 1 'B' False ""
SimpleType 0 '\n' True ""
SimpleType 0 '\186' False "\208! \227"
Lengthy explanation of how I figured this out
So here's how I got it. I was wondering, "well how is there already an Arbitrary instance for (Int, Int, Int, Int)? I'm sure no one wrote it, so it must be derived somehow. Sure enough, I found the following in the docs for instances of Arbitrary:
(Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary d) => Arbitrary (a, b, c, d)
Well, if they already have that defined, then why not abuse it? Simple types that are merely composed of smaller Arbitrary data types are not much different than just a tuple.
So now I need to somehow transform the "arbitrary" method for the 4-tuple so that it works for my type. Uncurrying is probably involved.
Stop. Hoogle time!
(We can easily define our own uncurry4, so assume we already have this to operate with.)
I have a generator, arbitrary :: Gen (q,r,s,t) (where q,r,s,t are all instances of Arbitrary). But let's just say it's arbitrary :: Gen a. In other words, a represents (q,r,s,t). I have a function, uncurry4, which has type (q -> r -> s -> t -> b) -> (q,r,s,t) -> b. We are obviously going to apply uncurry4 to our SimpleType constructor. So uncurry4 SimpleType has type (q,r,s,t) -> SimpleType. Let's keep the return value generic, though, because Hoogle doesn't know about our SimpleType. So remembering our definition of a, we have essentially uncurry4 SimpleType :: a -> b.
So I've got a Gen a and a function a -> b. And I want a Gen b result. (Remember, for our situation, a is (q,r,s,t) and b is SimpleType). So I am looking for a function with this type signature: Gen a -> (a -> b) -> Gen b. Hoogling that, and knowing that Gen is an instance of Monad, I immediately recognize liftM as the monadical-magical solution to my problems.
Hoogle saves the day again. I knew there was probably some "lifting" combinator to get the desired result, but I honestly didn't think to use liftM (durrr!) until I hoogled the type signature.
Here is what I'v got at least:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module ApplyMany where
import Control.Applicative
import TypeLevel.NaturalNumber -- from type-level-natural-number package
class GetVal a where
getVal :: a
class Applicative f => ApplyMany n f g where
type Res n g
app :: n -> f g -> f (Res n g)
instance Applicative f => ApplyMany Zero f g where
type Res Zero g = g
app _ fg = fg
(Applicative f, GetVal (f a), ApplyMany n f g)
=> ApplyMany (SuccessorTo n) f (a -> g)
type Res (SuccessorTo n) (a -> g) = Res n g
app n fg = app (predecessorOf n) (fg<*>getVal)
Usage example:
import Test.QuickCheck
data MyType = MyType Char Int Bool deriving Show
instance Arbitrary a => GetVal (Gen a) where getVal = arbitrary
test3 = app n3 (pure MyType) :: Gen MyType
test2 = app n2 (pure MyType) :: Gen (Bool -> MyType)
test1 = app n1 (pure MyType) :: Gen (Int -> Bool -> MyType)
test0 = app n0 (pure MyType) :: Gen (Char -> Int -> Bool -> MyType)
Btw, I think this solution is not very useful in real world. Especially without local type-classes.
Check out liftA2 and liftA3. Also, you can easily write your own applyTwice or applyThrice methods like so:
applyTwice :: (a -> a -> b) -> a -> b
applyTwice f x = f x x
applyThrice :: (a -> a -> a -> b) -> a -> b
applyThrice f x = f x x x
There's no easy way I can see to get the generic applyMany you're asking for, but writing trivial helpers such as these is neither difficult nor uncommon.
[edit] So it turns out, you'd think something like this would work
liftA4 f a b c d = f <$> a <*> b <*> c <*> d
quadraApply f x = f x x x x
data MyType = MyType Int String Double Char
instance Arbitrary MyType where
arbitrary = (liftA4 MyType) `quadraApply` arbitrary
But it doesn't. (liftA4 MyType) has a type signature of (Applicative f) => f Int -> f String -> f Double -> f Char -> f MyType. This is incompatible with the first parameter of quadraApply, which has a type signature of (a -> a -> a -> a -> b) -> a -> b. It would only work for data structures that hold multiple values of the same Arbitrary type.
data FourOf a = FourOf a a a a
instance (Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (FourOf a) where
arbitrary = (liftA4 FourOf) `quadraApply` arbitrary
ghci> sample (arbitrary :: Gen (FourOf Int))
Of course you could just do this if you had that situation
ghci> :l +Control.Monad
ghci> let uncurry4 f (a, b, c, d) = f a b c d
ghci> samples <- sample (arbitrary :: Gen (Int, Int, Int, Int))
ghci> forM_ samples (print . uncurry4 FourOf)
There might be some language pragma that can shoehorn the "arbitrary" function into the more diverse data types. But that's currently beyond my level of Haskell-fu.
This is not possible with Haskell. The problem is, that your function will have a type, that depends on the numeric argument. With a type system that allows dependent types, that should be possible, but I guess not in Haskell.
What you can try is using polymorphism and tyeclasses to archieve this, but it could become hacky and you need a big bunch of extensions to satisfy the compiler.