Prevent backward lines in gnuplot - gnuplot

I have some values given by clock time, where the first column is the time. However, the values until 2 o clock still belong to the current day. Given
3 1
12 4
18 1
21 2
1 3
2 0
named as, I'd like to print this in gnuplot:
set xrange [0:24]
plot '' with lines
However, the plot contains a backward line. It's striking through the whole diagram.
Is there a way to tell gnuplot to explicitly not print such backward lines, or even better, print them wrapping around the x axis (e.g. in my example drawing the line as a forward line up to 24, and then continuing it at 0)?
Note: The x axis of the plot should still start at 0 and end at 24.

As far as wrapping over the edge of the graph (a pac-man like effect), gnuplot can't do that on it's own. Even doing it manually, you would have to somehow calculate the right point to re-enter the graph based on the slope of the connecting line, and insert a new point into the data to control where the re-entry line enters, and where the exiting line exits. This would require external processing.
If you can do some outside preprocessing, adding a blank line before the 1 3 line will insert a discontinuity into the plot and prevent gnuplot from connecting those points (see help datafile for how gnuplot handles blank lines). Of course, you could always sort the data too.
I would recommend sorting the data before plotting, but if you do want to do this wrapping effect, the following python program ( will set up the data for it
data = [tuple(map(float,x.strip().split(" "))) for x in open("data.txt","r")]
data2 = sorted(data)
back_in_to = data2[0]
out_from = data2[-1]
xdelta = back_in_to[0] + 24 - out_from[0]
ydelta = back_in_to[1] - out_from[1]
slope = ydelta/xdelta
outy = out_from[1] + (24-out_from[0])*slope
for x in data2:
if x[0]==data[-1][0]: print("")
It reads in the data (assumed to be in data.txt, and calculates the points where a line should leave the graph and where it should re-enter, adding these points to the sorted data. It adds a blank line after the last point in the original graph, causing the break in the line. We can then plot like
plot "<" with lines
If we look at your original plot
we see the backward line that you referred to which reaches from the furthest right point to the next left point. The plot that the python program pre-processed reaches through the right of the graph to move back to this point.


Gnuplot - plotting series based on label in third column

I have data in the format:
1 1 A
2 3 ab
1 2 A
3 3 x
4 1 x
2 3 A
and so on. The third column indicates the series. That is in the case above there are 3 distinct data series, one designated A, another designated ab and last designated x. Is there a way to plot the three data series from such data structure in gnuplot without using eg. awk? The difficulty here is that the number of categories (here denoted A, ab, x) is quite large and it is not feasible to write them out by hand.
I was thinking along the lines:
plot data u 1:2:3 w dots
but that does not work and I get warning: Skipping data file with no valid points (I tried quoted and unquoted version of the third column). A similar question has to manually define the palette which is undesirable.
With a little bit of work you can make a list of unique categories from within gnuplot without using external tools. The following code snippet first assembles a list of the entire third column of the data file, and then loops over it to generate a list of unique category names. If memory use or processing time become an issue then one could probably combine these steps and avoid forming a single string with the entire third column.
delimiter = "#" # some character that does not appear in category name
categories = ""
stats "test.dat" using (categories = categories." ".delimiter.strcol(3).delimiter) nooutput
unique_categories = ""
do for [cat in categories] {
if (strstrt (unique_categories, cat) ==0) {
unique_categories = unique_categories." ".cat
set xrange[0:5]
set yrange [0:4]
plot for [cat in unique_categories] "test.dat" using 1:(delimiter.strcol(3).delimiter eq cat ? $2 : NaN) title cat[2:strlen(cat)-1]
Take a look at the contents of the string variables categories and unique_categories to get a better idea of what this code does.

Scatter plot for every pairs in a two column matrix

I have a matrix which contains the atom numbers of the pairs of atoms which are in contact with each other. My matrix is like this:
column 1: atom number i;
column 2: atom number j
i,j runs from 1 to 800.
If there is a pair i-j in the matrix, place a dot corresponding to the position (i,j) of the matrix.
How do I plot such matrix?
A= [1,3; 3,8; 3,1; 6,2; 2,6; 1,2; 5,2; 8,3; 2,5; 2,1]
I want to Plot the matrix A, where X and Y-axis run from 1 to 8. Place a dot for every combination of X and Y which are present in A.
I want a plot like this:
Isn't this just a scatter plot?
If your m x 2 matrix is saved in a text file then this is trivial.
Here are the contents of an example data file "input.dat":
4 3
3 4
5 3
3 5
8 2
2 8
All you need to do is open the data file in xmgrace using xmgrace input.dat.
Now, initially it will be a line plot, but if you do 'Plot' > 'Set Appearance' and then with the only set already being selected you can set the 'Symbol Properties' 'Type:' to Diamond and 'Line Properties' 'Type:' to None you will already be on your way. Setting the symbol fill to solid red, tweaking the axis ranges and showing major tick grid lines will give a plot like the one you gave as an example.
You can save a parameters file and in future load the parameters at the beginning using
xmgrace -param template.par input2.dat.
But, having said all this, why not just plot it in matlab?

Gnuplot, simple xy graph, bug?

I have a file called plot.txt with a number of values such as:
1 7.5000000000000000
2 10.312500000000000
3 11.660156250000000
4 12.425537109375000
5 12.913055419921875
6 13.248996734619141
7 13.493841290473938
8 13.679883163422346
9 13.825851876754314
10 13.943356417876203
This list continuous until about 450. When i try to plot it with lines i get a linear line across the graph. Why is this? line graph And how do I get rid of it?
write(write_unit,*)'plot ''plot.txt'' with linespoints '
!Kaller på gnuplot
call execute_command_line("gnuplot -persist plotgnu.txt")
When i plot it without linespoints I get the the correct graph just with points point graph
write(write_unit,*)'plot ''plot.txt'' '
Your data file contains the same data set four times without empty lines:
1 7.5000000000000000
2 10.312500000000000
437 14.999999999999998
438 14.999999999999998
1 7.5000000000000000
2 10.312500000000000
If you plot that with lines you do of course also get a line from the last point of the first "data set" to the first point of the second occurrence of the data set. And that is the line you are seeing.

gnuplot auto sorts times

i have a file which looks as follows:
and im trying to do the simple task of making a graph with time X axis & number Y axis.
code as follows:
unset multiplot
set xdata time
set datafile separator ","
set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
set format x "%H:%M"
set title "defect number"
set xlabel "X"
set ylabel "Y"
plot "Defect_number_03-03-16_08.04.49.csv" using 1:2 w lines
pause -1
problem is that gnuplot autosorts the time and my chart looks like this:
I want to make a chart according to the order in the file, any help will be great =)
When you give the plot command
plot datafile u 1:2
you are telling gnuplot that the first column is your x-value and the second is your y-value. Naturally, earlier times are further to the left (as you didn't post your full data, I have used only the part you did post - this will cause a "skip" in the axis labels).
You can use a pseudocolumn to use the line number as your x-value. The 0 column corresponds to the line number (see help pseudocolumns).
Thus plot datafile u 0:2 will use the line number as the x-coordinate and the 2nd column as the y-coordinate.
We still need to add the correct x-axis labels, and can't rely on them to be generated correctly in this case. We would use the xtic function to do this, as1
plot datafile u 0:2:xtic(1)
which tells gnuplot to use the value in column 1 as an xtic, but it will read this literally and not format it as you have desired with the time. To do this, we can manually cast this to the correct string
plot datafile u 0:2:xtic(strftime("%H:%M",strptime("%H:%M:%S",strcol(1)))) w lines
Here, the strcol function reads column 1 as a string, the strptime function turns this into the internal time representation using the specified format string for reading it, and finally the strftime formats this as time string using the specified output string.
As Christoph stated in his answer, these solutions will cause uniform spacing of the points. If the points are already uniform spaced, this is not a problem, and if the points are very close to uniform spaced, it is probably acceptable as well (it looks like your points are about 1 minute apart give or take a couple of seconds).
However, if we want the absolutely correct spacing, we will need to add a date to the lines. This could be done in the original data file during the creation, or we could use an external process to add the dates only when needed leaving the original file exactly the same.
As you are only marking off the time and not the day in your tic marks, the actual day doesn't matter. It only matters that the times from the next morning are in the next day from the times from the last night.
We can use an external program to add dates. The following python 3 program reads the data file and adds a date to it (using Jan 1st, 2015 for the first date - as previously mentioned this date doesn't really matter). If a time occurs earlier in the day from the previous one, it moves to the next day. Here is the program
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
from sys import argv
last = None
offset = timedelta(days=0)
for x in open(argv[1],"r"):
vals = x.split(",")
dte = datetime.strptime("01/01/2015 "+vals[0],"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") + offset
if last!=None and last>dte:
offset+= timedelta(days=1)
dte = dte + offset
last = dte
print(dte.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),vals[1],sep=",",end="")
The output from running this on the data file looks like:
2015-01-01 19:40:47,2772
2015-01-01 19:41:50,2896
2015-01-01 19:42:50,2870
2015-01-01 19:43:51,2851
2015-01-01 19:44:53,2824
2015-01-01 19:45:55,2891
2015-01-02 07:52:53,2772
2015-01-02 07:53:56,2767
We can now read data from this program by opening a pipe in our plot command.
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
plot "< datafile" u 1:2 with lines
1 Note that this also causes labels to overlap, as it uses all of them. To use every other one, we could have used xtic(int($0) % 2 == 0 ? strcol(1):""). A similar technique can be used with the format using the correct labels as well.
A proper solution is to save your data with full date and time, or as timestamps.
All other solutions with $0 and labelling the xtics with xticlabel requires your data to be spaces equidistantly, which doesn't seem to be the case.
So, just save your data as e.g. UNIX timestamp and you can use all nice gnuplot features without fiddling.

How to plot piecewise function using data plot in Gnuplot?

According to figure above. this picture is generated from data points in text file. My question is that how can i remove the line at any two points if graph is jumped? (In my picture see that graph is jump about on x~260)
note that my purpose is that i just want to make this graph look like piecewise function that mean line on the middle of graph should not be connected because is jumped.
In gnuplot you can split a line in several parts either when you have an invalid data value somewhere, or an empty line.
For the first situation, you could check inside the using statement, if the difference to the previous point is too large, and invalidate the current point. But that would also make you loose not only the connecting line, but also the first point after the jump:
plot 'test.dat' using (y2=y1,y1=$2,$1):($0 > 0 && abs(y2-y1) > lim ? 1/0 : y1) with linespoints
The test data file I used is
1 1
2 1.1
3 0.95
4 1
5 5
6 6
7 5.5
8 5.8
9 -2
10 -2.5
11 -4
As you see, the points at x=5 and x=9 are lost.
Alternatively, you can pipe your data through an external tool like awk for the filtering. In this case you can insert an empty line when the difference between two consecutive y-values exceeds some limit:
filter(lim) = 'awk ''{if(NR > 1 && sqrt((y-$2)**2) > '.lim.') print ""; print; y=$2}'' test.dat'
plot '< '.filter(3) using 1:2 with lines
Note, that I used the sqrt((..)**2) only to simulate an abs function, which awk doesn't have.
