Office add-in ribbon button - ms-office

I'm trying out the new style JavaScript based office add-ins and can't see how I can add the add-in launcher button to the ribbon.
I know that Command add-ins which can add tabs etc are not released yet, I'm just talking about a button that will launch my add-in.
It's a TaskPaneApp.
It seems to be possible because (in my version of office 16 at least) I can see that under the Insert tab, Wikipedia add-in has it own button in the Add-In group.
Currently I've just added a Shared Drive as a trusted location and am launching the app from there. As this is an internal app, it's likely to stay there.

You just need to add some elements to your manifest file:

Make sure you are using the latest version of Word, Excel or PowerPoint; it must be 16 or higher.
Also, make sure to use HTTPS requests.
The XML manifest is super sensitive.
Look for closing /> for all the tags, because you might be missing them somewhere.
You could also use this NPM module which is supported by Microsoft to validate your XML file.


Can;t show task pane of excel add-in tutorial

I am learning Office add-n and have just been practicing to make a button in excel. I can't show the new button in the excel ribbon even copy and run the complete add-in project from GitHub. Can anyone help?
Best regards
You need to make sure the following applies:
Office Desktop products must be versioned 16 or higher
In your XML, you need to make sure that you are making all HttpS requests. It must be secure
Make sure that you are not missing any closing tag />.
Also you should be able to see the changes on 365 since they are using the latest version.

Remove/Update Excel Add-In Sideloaded via Shared Catalog

I am developing/testing an Excel Add-In. I added it to the desktop version using the "shared folder catalog" process outlined here:
I updated the manifest XML for new ribbon commands, but Excel is not updating. I am unable to update/remove/reinstall an add-in installed from the "Shared Folder". I tried removing the add-in catalog and re-adding it in Trust Center Settings, but that did not work.
It is caching your manifest. Try bumping the version number in the manifest. This will alter Excel that it's cached manifest is no longer valid.
If bumping the version doesn't trigger the update, you can manually clear your cache by deleting the contents of %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Wef\. For non-Windows environments, see Testing & Troubleshooting in the Office.js documentation.
The solution to this was pressing the Refresh button in the top-right corner of the 'Office Add-Ins' dialog.
The answer below by #marc-lafleur hints in the right direction: it is about caching. But it is not the Wef folder you have to empty, it's the Temporary Internet Files as Office actually uses IE to display the JS add ins and such everything is loaded from the IE's cache.
For dev, it might be best to just disable it.

Office add-in with both taskpane and content?

I spent all night looking this up and can't find it.
Is it possible to have an Excel/Office add-in that has both content and taskpane components?
Really, I want a content app, but I want extra options/buttons in the ribbon and taskpane that will trigger different actions/changes in my content app. Whenever I try to add the VersionOverrides xml node to my manifest on a content app, it always fails. None of my buttons show up. All the examples I can find that work have the namespace [...]/taskpaneappversionoverrides. I've tried changing it to [...]/contentappversionoverrides but that doesn't work either.
The reason I want this is because inserting a content app is obtuse because you have to go to Insert > My Addins > Select add in. It is hard to find. But it is really easy to trigger actions when they've installed a taskpane add in.
<VersionOverrides xmlns="" xsi:type="VersionOverridesV1_0">
<Host xsi:type="Workbook">
... custom tab, groups, buttons, etc
It is not possible to launch a taskpane from a content add-in and commands are only supported for the taskpane manifest. An alternative for your scenario is to have a content add-in and then, to declutter some of the UI in your content add-in, use the dialog API (E.g. have a gear icon than then opens the dialog for more real state where you present more options).
Longer term I'm thinking we should have an API to allow you to insert web objects on the document. So the model would be to just have a single "add-in" concept, that has commands, and then from commands you use APIs to do stuff, including inserting web objects into the document, displaying dialogs, or panes.
At this time you can only show a taskpane or a dialog through an add-in command. It is a scenario that we've heard and we have in our roadmap to address (not committed date yet). We can reply to this thread when the functionality is available for preview.
Is there a particular scenario you want where you'd need this to be a content add-in (i.e. a data visualization?).

It is possible to modify the state of office addin command?

I am looking for how to modify the state of office app addin command,but get no results.Can anyone tell me is it possible to dynamically disable or hide the addin command button in Office ribbon after being loaded.It seems the Manifest file only load initially,and can't be changed after that? Thank you!
No. At present, the add-in command button only control by the menifest. It is not able to disable dynamically. You can submit the feedback from here if you require this feature.
As a workaround, you may also consider developing an VSTO add-in. However it only works for the Windows platform. Here is an helpful thread.

Multi-phase MS Office Application Level Add-Ins

I am tasked with upgrading a current add-in, and creating a new add-in for Office Excel. The requirements dictate that these solutions be implemented as application level add-ins as opposed to document-level. Each solution is isolated in a separate group within the same proprietary tab on the Office Ribbon.
Is is possible to have multiple application-level add-in solutions or must these be contained within one Visual Studio solution. If they must be contained within a single solution what would be the best practice for tabling (and hiding from the end-user) the solution that is still a work in progress? \
To clarify, I will define each programmatic entity to be accomplished as a task. Each task is contained within a single group on the Ribbon. All tasks/groups are on the same custom ribbon "tab". How do I release these projects individually to end-users? I should be able to release Task-A to to end-users without worry about the status of Task-B even though they are on the same ribbon tab?
There is no issue in having all the application addin under single solution, I preferred to have it in a single solution in my projects.
With regards to hiding from the end user, if you are going for Click once deployment then just publish the addins which are ready for release. Even if you go for MSI you should be able to do the same by deploying only the addins which are ready to release.
You could also hide the ribbon tabs if they are not completed yet. Hope this answers your question.
Reply to your Appended Question:
In our project we just hide the buttons from the ribbon by setting Visible = False so that the QA or enduser could not be able to see this hidden button. Eventhough there is unfinished/untested code they are never invoked.
