I'm writing a nodejs module to abstract the detail of driving motors connected to Raspberry Pi's gpio headers.
The node module I'm using for communicating with the pi's gpio is pi-gpio
I'm testing my module with jasmine, and because I know the pi-gpio module that I require has specific hardware requirements and that it won't run on my development PC (because it's not a pi), I am using proxyquire to stub the dependency.
Consider the following (simplified) module:
'use strict';
var gpio = require("pi-gpio");
const LOW = 0,
HIGH = 1;
var leftMotorStop = function leftMotorStop() {
gpio.write(MOTOR_LEFT_ENABLE, LOW, function (err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
module.exports = {
"leftMotorStop": leftMotorStop
And my jasmine spec:
describe("Node Pibot tests", function() {
var nodepibot,
stubGpio = {
write: function() {}
beforeEach(function() {
var proxyquire = require('proxyquire').noCallThru();
nodepibot = proxyquire("../main/nodepibot", {'pi-gpio': stubGpio});
it("Should stop left motor", function() {
// Given
spyOn(stubGpio, "write");
// When
// Then
expect(stubGpio.write).toHaveBeenCalledWith(22, 0, jasmine.any(Function));
The above tests my 'happy path' - IE. I am asserting that when leftMotorStop is called on my module, then the write method is called on the pi-gpio library with appropriate parameters.
What I would like to be able to do is test the un-happy path - IE. to test the anonymous callback function when err has a value in which case I assert an exception is thrown back.
Does anyone know how I would go about this?
Just rewrite your stubbed write function, to call the error function:
var nodepibot,
stubGpio = {
write: function(var1, var2, callback) {
callback("stubbed error");
How do I call the function expression "extractUserProgress" which is situated in an external module from server.js?
I have clarified further what is happening in my code.
I have a chain of function expressions in my module that follow from "extractUserProgress". The last function returns an array which is what I'm after.
//setGen.js (module file)
module.exports = function(app, db) {
var extractUserProgress = function() {
//Access mongoDB and do stuff
var nextFunction = function(x) {
let y = [];
//calculate y
return y // this is what i'm after
const setGen = require("./setGen")
app.get("/setGen", function(req, res){
//data here from select input
extractUserProgress //How to call from here?
console.log(y) //array from module
I have required the module in server.js but not sure how to export function in this scenario where the functions in module also needs to access mongoDB.
You can achieve this easily if you change the structure of your exports a little.
const extractUserProgress = function (app, db) {
console.log('This can be called');
//Access mongoDB and do stuff
module.exports = {
you can call this function from the otherside this way.
const newFile = require('./server');
newFile.extractUserProgress(); // you can pass arguments APP and DB to this function
With the code as-is, you can't - extractUserProgress is not accessible, it's declared inside the exported function scope.
If you need it accessible, and also need to keep the exported signature, then you can return a hash of functions e.g.
module.exports = function(app, db) {
return {
extractUserProgress(...) {
// More functions
// Usage
const setGen = require('./setGen')(app, db)
If you don't need to maintain the existing exported function, then you can export the functions as a hash instead
module.exports = {
extractUserProgress(...) {
// More functions
// Usage
const setGen = require('./setGen')
I am just learning NodeJS and I come from a Java/Scala background.
I am writing a service that communicates with Amazon SNS and handles endpoints/tokens.
Basically there is a list of SNS applications that I have in my environment, and this list is rarely modified, so I would like to pre-load its values into a variable or constant on server startup.
The SNS-SDK provided by Amazon has this function for listing the applications:
listPlatformApplications(params, callback)
So what I naively tried to do was this:
var applications = [];
var loadApplications = function() {
sns.listPlatformApplications({}, function(err, data){
if (err) {
} else {
return data['PlatformApplications'].map(function (app) {
return app['PlatformApplicationArn']
And basically what happens is that some calls come in before this callback finishes, when the list is still empty.
How would I go about pre-loading this data, or any other data, before the server starts responding to requests?
Or maybe my reasoning for this is wrong, and there would be another approach to handle this on NodeJS that is more idiomatic
If you absolutely must use a callback instead of a promise (spoiler alert: you don't), you have to call the server startup command within the SNS callback. So you would do something like this:
var startServer = require('my-server.js');
var applications = [];
var loadApplications = function() {
sns.listPlatformApplications({}, function(err, data){
if (err) {
} else {
var snsData = data['PlatformApplications'].map(function (app) {
return app['PlatformApplicationArn']
If instead, you can use promises (which you absolutely should!), you could start the SNS request at server start and await the result whenever needed. Your code would look something like this:
const startServer = require('my-server.js');
const loadApplications = async () => {
const data = sns.listPlatformApplications({}).promise();
const snsData = data['PlatformApplications'].map(function (app) {
return app['PlatformApplicationArn']
return snsData;
const applications = loadApplications();
// inside my-server.js
const startServer = async (applications) => {
const doSomethingWithApplications = await applications;
I'm new to nodejs and working now to automatize functionnal test doing BDD with cucumber and protractor.
For some of my steps, i need to send query to an oracle database and then use the result to make a search in the tested website.
1- I'm trying with oracleDB witch returns me the expected result that i put in a variable but this one is not available in my steps. Method sendKeys of webdriver puts "undefined" in the input.
2- I'm also wondering if there's not another way because it was hard to install oracledb and the next task is to have jenkins builds
here is my code:
var dbQueryContract = function() {
var oracledb = require('oracledb');
//Database communication
user : "xxx",
password : "xxx",
connectString : "xxx"
function(err, connection)
if (err) {
"select xxx, xxx " +
"FROM xxxxx " +
"where xxx is not null and rownum < 5",
resultSet: true
// bind value for :id [110],
function(err, result)
if (err) { console.error(err.message); return; }
criteria= result.rows[0][0];
// the connection is ok and i can log result.rows[0][0] i want to use for search
module.exports = new dbQueryContract();
// Use the external Chai As Promised to deal with resolving promises in
// expectations.
var chai = require('chai');
var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
var expect = chai.expect;
var page1 = require('../page1.js');
var page2 = require('../page2.js');
var dbQueryContract = require('../dbQueryContract.js');
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
// Chai expect().to.exist syntax makes default jshint unhappy.
// jshint expr:true
module.exports = function() {
this.Given(/^thanx for help$/, function(next) {
// console.log(dbQueryContract.numabo.result.rows[0][0]);
dbQueryContract().then(function(criteria) {
page2.searchInput.sendKeys(criteria, protractor.Key.ENTER);
this.When(/^i learn more$/, function(next) {
This code doesn't look right. Your module is exporting the result of invoking new dbQueryContract();. However, that function isn't really a constructor function. You're not setting any properties on this or adding any properties to the prototype. Also, you're not returning anything, which is probably why your getting undefined later.
The next problem is that you're chaining a then call, assuming that the driver uses promises - it doesn't (at least not yet). You'd need to have your function return a deferred which you'd need to resolve at the right time yourself. There's some discussion here about adding more robust JavaScript layer:
If we go that route I'd like to see all async methods return a promise by default which would make things easier...
For example, I have the code below:
var db = require('./_mongo.js');
module.exports = {
check: function (cb) {
var content = {};
content.collection = 'counters';
content.query = {_id: 'ping'};
content.columns = {};
db.read(content, function(err, result){
if (err) {
else {
How do I write a unit test for the 'check' function, without actually accessing the database, while at the same time checking if I am able to code the correct 'content' variable being passed to the read method?
You can mock an entire module with a mock framework, like sinon.js:
var db = sinon.mock(require('_mongo.js'))
I would not recommend to mock database access, it could require you to code all possible responses...
It would be best if you would hide the database access behind an abstracted service layer and mock that layer.
For example, you can create a database access layer in this way:
var db = require('./_mongo.js');
module.exports = {
//this is a mockable method
getCounter: function (id, callback) {
var content = {};
content.collection = 'counters';
content.query = {_id: id};
content.columns = {};
db.read(content, callback);
//and then using it
module.exports = {
check: function (cb) {
//access the actual method or the mock
da.getCounter('ping', function(err, result){
if (err) {
else {
test-studio provides mechanisms for stubbing out module dependencies. It also supports things like executing individual or groups of tests and stepping node-inspector into individual tests.
Read more about it here.
I'm building a logging module for my web app in nodejs. I'd like to be able to test using mocha that my module outputs the correct messages to the terminal. I have been looking around but haven't found any obvious solutions to check this. I have found
process.stdout.on('data', function (){})
but haven't been able to get this to work. does anybody have any advice?
process.stdout is never going to emit 'data' events because it's not a readable stream. You can read all about that in the node stream documentation, if you're curious.
As far as I know, the simplest way to hook or capture process.stdout or process.stderr is to replace process.stdout.write with a function that does what you want. Super hacky, I know, but in a testing scenario you can use before and after hooks to make sure it gets unhooked, so it's more or less harmless. Since it writes to the underlying stream anyway, it's not the end of the world if you don't unhook it anyway.
function captureStream(stream){
var oldWrite = stream.write;
var buf = '';
stream.write = function(chunk, encoding, callback){
buf += chunk.toString(); // chunk is a String or Buffer
oldWrite.apply(stream, arguments);
return {
unhook: function unhook(){
stream.write = oldWrite;
captured: function(){
return buf;
You can use it in mocha tests like this:
describe('console.log', function(){
var hook;
hook = captureStream(process.stdout);
it('prints the argument', function(){
Here's a caveat: mocha reporters print to the standard output. They do not, as far as I know, do so while example (it('...',function(){})) functions are running, but you may run into trouble if your example functions are asynchronous. I'll see if I can find more out about this.
I've attempted jjm's answer and had problems which I suspect was due to my programs async behaviour.
I found a solution via a cli on github that uses the sinon library.
An example code to test:
/* jshint node:true */
module.exports = Test1;
function Test1(options) {
options = options || {};
Test1.prototype.executeSync = function() {
Test1.prototype.executeASync = function(time, callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, time);
And the mocha tests:
/* jshint node:true */
/* global describe:true, it:true, beforeEach:true, afterEach:true, expect:true */
var assert = require('chai').assert;
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var sinon = require("sinon");
var Test1 = require("../test");
var test1 = null;
describe("test1", function() {
beforeEach(function() {
sinon.stub(console, "log").returns(void 0);
sinon.stub(console, "error").returns(void 0);
test1 = new Test1();
afterEach(function() {
describe("executeSync", function() {
it("should output correctly", function() {
assert.isTrue(console.log.called, "log should have been called.");
assert.equal(console.log.callCount, 4);
describe("executeASync", function() {
it("should output correctly", function(done) {
test1.executeASync(100, function() {
assert.isTrue(console.log.called, "log should have been called.");
assert.equal(console.log.callCount, 4);
I'm providing the above as it demonstrates working with async calls, it deals with both console and error output and the method of inspection is of more use.
I should note that I've provided two methods of obtaining what was passed to the console, console.log.getCall(0).args[0] and console.log.args[0][0]. The first param is the line written to the console. Feel free to use what you think is appropriate.
Two other libraries that help with this are test-console and intercept-stdout I haven't used intercept-stdout, but here's how you can do it with test-console.
var myAsync = require('my-async');
var stdout = require('test-console').stdout;
describe('myAsync', function() {
it('outputs something', function(done) {
var inspect = stdout.inspect();
myAsync().then(function() {
assert.ok(inspect.output.length > 0);
Note: You must use Mocha's async api. No calling done() will swallow mocha's test messaging.