Deploy Node.js app with Apache porting issue - node.js

I'm deploying a simple node.js app and I'm using apache as a web server. I installed apache correctly and the only thing I changed in the httpd.conf file was the DocumentRoot and Directory. I pointed these to the directory of my node application. I restarted apache and when I go to the public IP I only see the apache testing page?? However if i curl the private IP address.. with the port extension (:8000) than it returns the index page of my app. How do I get apache to send the request to the correct port ?
Edit: If I curl just the private IP address it returns the html for the Apache testing page.

You proxy the request from Apache to Node rather than try to make Apache call the node command directly (like you would do with PHP).
You can do this with config like this:
ProxyPass /app
This means if you go to then you will be calling your node service.
You can of course ProxyPass / so everything goes to your node service, but most people find it's best to allow the web server to handle static pages and resources (as its good at that) and then have node return dynamic content - either directly returning HTML or just returning data in JSON format and the front end javascript using that data.


How to manage sub-domains in node sites

I am creating my first MEAN2 app, but I stuck in mid. My site required one front-end ( and one back-end( to manage content. In future I would like to have a unique URL (* for all the uses who will register at my site, for which there would not be a any directory in real. How could I acchieve it in a best way. To be more clear my requirement is - (original site) (a sub-domain to be managed from same server.js file)
* (based on request host)
Note: I have created site using angular-cli are my structure is like below
-mysite(angular 4 app)
-admin(another angular 4 app)
This problem is not specific to node.js. However, in order to setup a domain successfully for your web app, you'll need 2 things:
Web Server
This will manage for you virtual hostnames etc. I would advise you to look at setting up nginx as a reverse proxy in front of your node app.
Domain provider
This will actually allow you to publicly use the domain * Then you will have to setup a DNS Record, generally an A record, to point at your server IP Address.
This is very high level :) but should be enough to get you started.
If you want to test locally just setup nginx with a test server name to proxy_pass to your local nodejs app (i.e. http://localhost:3000) and create a host entry in your hosts file for that hostname.

Messenger bot - Sample code

I am trying to create a bot. Using this project. My setup is as follows:
Amazon EC2 instance. I created a I have added the ssl certifications. I have pointed the sub-domain to the /var/www/sub-domain/
I have installed the unzip and installed the project in /var/www/sub-domain/project/ I have configured the project and correctly run it:
Node app is running on port 5000
If I access I access to the projects public index. I understand that means the port is open and the node app works.
Now when I am trying to configure in facebook my webhook I dont understand what url callbak to use. From what I understand in the configuration the server url whould be and the configuration should work. but it doesnt.
What url should I use?
Your callback URL should be your actual file where facebook would send user data. Like if you were using PHP, you'd say: http://yourhost/chatbot.php. Currently, webhook would be the URL on which your node app is listening.
Your webhook needs to an accessible URL. I don't know which sample code you used, but my guess is that with your current set up you should use
You can use Apache or Nginx to make it accessible on (port 80) with ProxyPass/proxy_pass directives.
I have installed the unzip and installed the project in /var/www/sub-domain/project/ [...] I access to the projects public index
The Javascript files of your project don't need to and should not be accessible to the public, as they may contain your application's secret IDs and tokens.

URL Masking in address bar

I have an application in my server for example at, my client wants to run this application with his domain name As:
But i don't want to install my application to client server. is there any way to access my server with clientDomain name?
Yes very possible.
If your client is running Apache, and has mod_proxy installed, most do by default.
Then you can use .htaccess directives like so:
ProxyPassReverse "/pos" ""
In addition, reverse proxies can be used simply to bring several servers into the same URL space.
More info here:

Node Application to run in a sub-folder under Apache

I have a simple node/angular application and I would like it to run under a sub-folder of an apache/php application.
What I mean:
At the moment the node app runs under this url I need the application to run under
Do I need to change something in my apache configuration except moving the application under that folder?
The node app now is under opt/applications/node/applicationName
I am new to Node.js so please make sure that you explain your solution in details or else I am going to get even more confused :)
Apache simply serves files. However, your node application will also serve files without the need of an extra server. So you don't want your node.js files to be in a folder served by Apache (this will make the source code public which you probably don't want in most cases). Instead, the way to go is to run node.js on a custom port (like the above and to redirect from apache to that port like so:
RewriteRule /nodeapps/applicationName/(.*) http://localhost:8080/$1 [P]

[NodeJS]Is my backend code secured?

I'd like to create a simple site on NodeJS. For example, it has two files (app.js - main application file) and router,js (a url file). I'd like to know - if it possibke for anyone just to access to get the source code of my application? I'm asking 'cause for example in PHP you cant just access to php, as you know server just gives you the result of working of this PHP-file, but not the file itself. So, how to make my nodejs-app invisible for public access? Thanks!
I make sure that all files for Node.js are never in a path that is served by another web server such as Apache. That way, there is little danger of the source ever being served by accident.
My node program's and files go in /var/nodejs with a sub-folder for each application in Node. By default of course, Node will not serve ANYTHING unless you tell it to.
At the root of my Apache configuration, I make sure that ALL folders are secured so that I explicitly have to enable serving on any folder structure even under the /var/www folders that I use for all Apache sites.
So you are pretty safe with a default setup of Node and Apache as long as you keep the folders separate. Also Node will not serve source code accidentally, you would have to set up a Node server that read the file as text and wrote it to the http stream.
That depends on how you are using Node.js and what you are using for a web server in front of it. Unlike PHP running as CGI or as a module in Apache, node and the node application itself is a server.
If you have a webserver with your node source directory exposed then the url you provided in the question will most likely result in your source code being served. Even if you were using Apache and proxying to node, there is usually no output filter involved. Instead requests are passed to the backend node server which interprets them.
