How to provide new rest-template for every request to int-http:outbound-gateway? - spring-integration

I am facing issue with the int-http:outbound-gateway when I am passing a rest-template which holds the basic credentials at the initial time. But, if any one changes credentials in database, rest-template cannot get those updated credential dynamically.
My code,
<int-http:outbound-gateway id="OutboundGateway"
<bean id="httpComponentsMessageSender" class="">
<property name="credentials">
<bean class="org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials">
<constructor-arg value="${fromDatabase.userName}"/>
<constructor-arg value="${fromDatabase.password}"/>
<bean id="restTemplate" class="org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate">
<bean class="org.springframework.http.client.HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory">
<property name="httpClient" value="#{httpComponentsMessageSender.httpClient}"/>
Is there any solution for this?

You don't need to do anything with the rest-template. There is need really just update the credentials on the underlying HttpClient.
I'd do that similar to the code:
((org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient) getHttpClient())
.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(authScope, credentials);
I mean in case of changing credential in the DB you should retrieve that #{httpComponentsMessageSender.httpClient} in your service and call that code.
In fact the credentials are used for each request:
return context;
where it is used from the AbstractHttpClient.doExecute().
So, update the credentials on the HttpClient in one place has effect for the next HTTP Request from the <int-http:outbound-gateway>.
But, in this approach a new httpClient instance is being passed
Right, you can use the HttpClientBuilder but only once, on the initialization phase. I mean you need it for the httpClient injection to the httpComponentsMessageSender.
And the reason for that is because you can pass there (HttpClientBuilder) your own CredentialsProvider. When the same setCredentials(authScope, credentials) can be used from your DB service.


Synchronizing JMS Message Queue and JDBC transaction- Is Transaction proxy needed

We need to persist message from a JMS Queue to a database in a transaction ensuring that JMS message is not acknowledged in case any error is thrown during DB persist.
Based on the solution provided here- Transaction handling while using message driven channel adapter & service activator
Below is the approach I arrived at
<int-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter id="jmsIn"
acknowledge="transacted" channel="jmsInChannel"/>
<int:channel id=" jmsInChannel " />
<bean id="dataSource"
<property name="driverClassName" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" />
<property name="url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testdb" />
<!-- Transaction manager for a datasource -->
<bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager">
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<bean id="sconnectionFactory" class="org.springframework.jms.connection.TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy">
<property name="targetConnectionFactory">
<bean class="project.TestConnectionFactory">
<property name="synchedLocalTransactionAllowed" value="true" />
Please confirm if the understanding is correct. Also, have the below queries
Is the TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy necessary in this scenario
JMS Queue and JDBC are two separate transactional resources. Is injecting jdbc transaction manager into JMS adapter as shown in this example equivalent to using a ChainedTransactionManager(chaining JMS Transaction Mananger and JDBC transaction manager)
For TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy, please, consult its JavaDocs:
* Proxy for a target CCI {#link javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory}, adding
* awareness of Spring-managed transactions. Similar to a transactional JNDI
* ConnectionFactory as provided by a Java EE server.
* <p>Data access code that should remain unaware of Spring's data access support
* can work with this proxy to seamlessly participate in Spring-managed transactions.
* Note that the transaction manager, for example the {#link CciLocalTransactionManager},
* still needs to work with underlying ConnectionFactory, <i>not</i> with this proxy.
I'm not sure how is that related to your request about JMS+DB transaction, but I think you should worry about transaction manager which supports both those transactional resources.
For this purpose Spring suggests JtaTransactionManager for XA transactions.
Or you can consider to use ChainedTransactionManager based on the Dave Syer article:
If local transaction are fine for you, you really can go ahead with the TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy and its synchedLocalTransactionAllowed to true. And, of course, use that DataSourceTransactionManager directly from the <int-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter>.
Otherwise you have to go with the ChainedTransactionManager. This solution really adds some overhead over the first TransactionAwareConnectionFactoryProxy-based one.

Spring Integration AMQP - retries continuously despite retry advice

I've used Spring Integration with JMS very successfully before, but we're now using with RabbitMQ / AMQP and having some issues with error handling.
I have an int-amqp:inbound-channel-adapter with with a errorChannel set up to receive any exception, here an ErrorTransformer class inspects the failed Message's cause exception. Then depending on the type of exception either :-
suppresses the exception and transforms into a JSON object that can go to AMQP outbound-channel-adapter as a business reply explaining the failure. Here I want the original message consumed/ACKed.
Or Re-throws the causing exception to let RabbitMQ re-deliver the message, a certain number of times.
I found that re-throwing caused the message to be re-delivered continuously, I then read about StatefulRetryOperationsInterceptorFactoryBean, so added an advice chain to retry 3 times, then I got exception about no message-id, so also added a 'MissingMessageIdAdvice' at the start of the advice chain.
Despite the advice, I still get continuous re-tries for a RuntimeException that is re-thrown from errorChannel's ErrorTransformer. I'm publishing the message via RabbitMQ admin just using the defaults. Not sure if the lack of a message-id is making this not work, if so how do I get a message to have an id ?
I'm confused about the differences between the :-
A) ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler (I've set as the inbound adapter's error-handler) which allows me to provide a customFatalExceptionStrategy to implement isFatal(). Where I believe fatal=true (means DISCARD) and message is consumed and discarded, but how can I still send an outbound failure message ?
B) And the errorChannel I have on the inbound adapter which I'm using to inspect an Exception and transform into a outbound fail response message. Here I guess I could throw AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException, but then why have the ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler as well ? and will thorwing AmqpRejectAndDontRequeueException work
<int-amqp:inbound-channel-adapter id="amqpInRequestPatternValuation" channel="requestAmqpIn" channel-transacted="true" transaction-manager="transactionManager"
queue-names="requestQueue" error-channel="patternValuationErrorChannel" connection-factory="connectionFactory"
receive-timeout="59000" concurrent-consumers="1"
advice-chain="retryChain" error-handler="customErrorHandler" />
<bean id="customErrorHandler" class="org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler">
<constructor-arg ref="customFatalExceptionStrategy"/>
<bean id="customFatalExceptionStrategy" class="abc.common.CustomFatalExceptionStrategy"/>
<!-- ADVICE CHAIN FOR CONTROLLING NUMBER OF RE-TRIES before sending to DLQ (or discarding if no DLQ) without this any re-queued fatal message will retry forever -->
<util:list id="retryChain">
<bean class="org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.retry.MissingMessageIdAdvice">
<bean class="org.springframework.retry.policy.MapRetryContextCache" />
<ref bean="retryInterceptor" />
<bean id="retryInterceptor"
<property name="retryOperations" ref="retryTemplate" />
<property name="messageRecoverer" ref="messageRecoverer"/>
<bean id="retryTemplate" class="">
<property name="retryPolicy" ref="simpleRetryPolicy" />
<property name="backOffPolicy">
<bean class="org.springframework.retry.backoff.ExponentialBackOffPolicy">
<property name="initialInterval" value="10000" />
<bean id="simpleRetryPolicy" class="org.springframework.retry.policy.SimpleRetryPolicy">
<property name="maxAttempts" value="3" />
You have to use RejectAndDontRequeueRecoverer to stop re-delivery in the end of retries:
* MessageRecover that causes the listener container to reject
* the message without requeuing. This enables failed messages
* to be sent to a Dead Letter Exchange/Queue, if the broker is
* so configured.
Yes, the messageId is important for that retry use-case.
You can inject custom MessageKeyGenerator strategy to determine a unique key from message if you can't supply it manually during sending.
I never got around to posting the solution, so here it is.
Once I had configured the retry advice chain to the AMQP inbound channel adapter which must include a messageRecoverer of RejectAndDontRequeueRecoverer (which I believe is also the dafault). The important point I was missing was to ensure that when sender's send a message they include a message_id. So if publishing via the RabbitMQ Admin Console I needed to include the predefined message_id property and supply a value.
Using the 'MissingMessageIdAdvice' doesn't help (so I removed) as it will generate a different message_id on each re-deliver on the message leading to the re-try count not incrementing as each delivery was considered different from the last

CAS 4.x, & LDAP Attributes

I have the same problem as several other questions here, none of which have really been answered; that is, with CAS 4.x (4.2.6 actually) I cannot get LDAP attributes to return to the client application.
Question 1 This seems like overkill; custom code to get around what is a "simple" problem.
Question 2 Had already done this, and it didn't work.
So, now it's my turn to ask... is there some magic to making it work? We've used 3.5 for a long time without any issues. I'm trying to convert those settings to the 4.x Maven overlayer and new context configuration of 4.x, and it's not doin' it.
I can see in the logs that CAS is requesting, and getting the properties I'm looking for from LDAP. But they are not getting put in the token back to the application.
What more needs to be done beyond what the Apereo documentation lays out? I'm thinking it's the attribute repository maybe??? If something would help you help me through this, just ask: Config, Logs (redacted of course)... anything.
Update #1. Here is my resolvers list. NOTE: I keep code/settings in place commented out until I get it to work before I clean stuff out.
<util:map id="authenticationHandlersResolvers">
<entry key-ref="proxyAuthenticationHandler" value-ref="proxyPrincipalResolver" />
<entry key-ref="primaryAuthenticationHandler" value-ref="primaryPrincipalResolver" />
<!--<entry key-ref="ldapAuthenticationHandler" value-ref="primaryPrincipalResolver" /> -->
<entry key-ref="ldapAuthenticationHandler" value="#{null}" />
Update #2
I've done more testing, and still am unsuccessful. I think, it's coming down to the principalAttributeMap of the LdapAuthenticationHandler not working, OR, the attributeReleasePolicy of the serviceRegistryDao... anyone see any issues in this config?
<bean id="ldapAuthenticationHandler" class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.LdapAuthenticationHandler"
<property name="principalAttributeMap">
<entry key="cn" value="cn" />
<entry key="mail" value="Email" />
<entry key="memberOf" value="Groups" />
<entry key="displayName" value="displayName" />
<bean id="serviceRegistryDao" class="">
<property name="registeredServices">
<bean class=""
p:name="All Servicesxxx"
p:description="Allow connections for all services and protocols"
<property name="attributeReleasePolicy">
<bean class="" />
To quote from CAS Security Guide:
All communication with the CAS server MUST occur over a secure channel
(i.e. TLSv1). There are two primary justifications for this
The authentication process requires transmission of security
The CAS ticket-granting ticket is a bearer token.
Since the disclosure of either data would allow impersonation attacks, it’s
vitally important to secure the communication channel between CAS
clients and the CAS server.
Practically, it means that all CAS urls must use HTTPS, but it also
means that all connections from the CAS server to the application must
be done using HTTPS:
when the generated service ticket is sent back to the application on the “service” url when a
proxy callback url is called.
HTTPS is a must in CAS. However, there are possibilities to disable it but it is highly recommended not to do so. If you have struggle to handle the SSL configuration, I recommend you read my question where I explain in detail how to deal with the keystores.

Logging SOAP message on http gateway spring integration

I am using spring integration (4.0.6) to make SOAP calls from rest service using int-http:outbound-gateway and int-ws:outbound-gateway. Is there a way to log SOAP request message only in case of exception.
<int:gateway id="myGateway" service-interface="myservice">
<int:method name="getData" request-channel="reqChannel" reply-channel="repChannel">
my outbound-gateway configured as below
<int-http:outbound-gateway id="og1" request-channel="reqChannel" url="xxx" http-method="POST" reply-channel="repChannel" reply-timeout="10000" message-converters="converter" request-factory="reqFactory">
<bean id="reqFactory"
<property name="cTimeout" value="20000"/>
<property name="rTimeout" value="20000"/>
Ok, Try this method.
Create your own error Handler which implements the spring Error Handler Interface. In your context file
<bean id="soapErrorHandlingSyncTaskExecutor"
<bean class="org.springframework.core.task.SyncTaskExecutor" />
<bean class="ErrorHandle"
<bean id="errorSender" class="org.springframework.integration.core.MessagingTemplate"
p:defaultChannel-ref="errors" />
When ever your WS adapter throws any exception then org.springframework.integration.util.ErrorHandlingTaskExecutor catches this exception now its upto you how you handle the exception in your error handler.
The SOAP faultcode and faultstring is found in the MessagingException's cause (if a SoapFaultClientException).
Here i am sending the error messages to a channel for me to monitor.
Hope this helps.
Would be better to share some config and the point where would you like to get a log/exception.
Both, <int-http:outbound-gateway> and <int-ws:outbound-gateway> have <request-handler-advice-chain> ability, where you could use ExpressionEvaluatingRequestHandlerAdvice and send an ErrorMessage with the request (guilty?) message for any diagnostics.
You should configure the readTimeout on the appropriate ClientHttpRequestFactory, e.g. HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory#setReadTimeout(int timeout).
Regarding converters and the wish to log their results in case of error...
How about to implement ClientHttpRequestInterceptor with the desired logic:
try {
return execution.execute(request, body);
catch (Exception e) {
I'm prety sure that the byte[] body is your SOAP request.
See ClientHttpRequestInterceptor JavaDocs for more info.
The ClientHttpRequestInterceptor is part of RestTemplate, which can be injected to the http:outbound-gateway.
For the ws:outbound-gateway you should use ClientInterceptor with the handleFault implementation and extract MessageContext.getRequest() for your purpose.

how to add a retry advice with jms:message-driven-channel-adapter

I am new to spring integration. My requirement is that if there is a connection problem to the jms q then it should try to connect 3 times then log it and exit the process. I am not able to do it. It throws an error saying it needs the ref attribute for service:activator. But I don't have/know reference of which class to provide here. Is there any other way of doing it?
<int-jms:message-driven-channel-adapter id="msgIn" channel="toRoute" container="messageListenerContainer" />
<int:service-activator id="service" input-channel="toRoute" >
<bean class="org.springframework.integration.handler.advice.RequestHandlerRetryAdvice">
<property name="recoveryCallback">
<bean class="org.springframework.integration.handler.advice.ErrorMessageSendingRecoverer">
<constructor-arg ref=“errorChannel" />
You seem to have completely misunderstood what the framework does.
The service-activator gets a message when one is received from JMS (which implies the connection is good), and needs "something" (a reference to a bean or an expression) to invoke as a result of receiving that message.
The retry advice is to retry calling that service if it fails to process the message for some reason. It is unrelated to whatever is the source of the message (JMS in this case).
It's not clear why you are trying to use Spring Integration for something as simple as testing whether a JMS broker is available.
Perhaps if you can provide some larger context someone might be able to help.
