Paralelize mixed f77 f90 Fortran code? - multithreading

I have a code written mostly in f77 however there are also routines written with the f90 syntax.
I've been reading how to use openMP for each case, but now I have the doubt how should I do it if I have both syntax in the same code?
More specifically should I use
use omp_lib
include 'omp_lib.h'
but in the same .f file I have both sintaxys. what if I use both?
I am compiling with gfortran 4.8.4.
If I use let's say
use omp_lib (meaning f90 syntax)
Then I have to use the correspondent syntax
!$omp parallel shared ( var1, var2 ) private ( i, j )
!$omp do
do j = 1, n
do i = 1, m
var1(i,j) = var2
end do
end do
!$omp end do
However a few lines down I'll have a do loop written in f77
c$omp parallel shared ( w ) private ( i, j )
c$omp do
do 20 i = 10, 1, -2
write(*,*) 'i =', i
20 continue
c$omp end do
but this way to call the parallel loop would be recognised by using use omp_lib?
The same question when is the opposite.

First, you need the use or include only if you call OpenMP procedures. If you just have a couple of !$omp directives it is not needed.
You only need this, when you call a procedure like:
call omp_set_num_threads(1)
tid = omp_get_thread_num()
but not for the directives.
For Fortran 90 and later code (even in fixed form which looks like Fortran 77) use
use omp_lib
because the compiler is then better able to check if you call the functions properly (it has an explicit interface to them).
If the code is true Fortran 77 (and not just looking like it), you have to use the include although technically Fortran 77 doesn't even know that. It is a common non-standard extension to Fortran 77.


Calling fftw routines from pure subroutines in Fortran90

Multithreaded FFTW can be implemented as in this from FFTW homepage. Instead, we want to call the serial FFTW routines within OpenMP parallel environment using multiple threads. We want variable and fourier_variable to be thread-safe. This could be done by using PURE subroutines and declaring variable and fourier_variable inside it. The question here is related to calling FFTW routines like fftw_execute_dft_r2c from within a PURE subroutine.
A stripped-down version of the code is presented here just for reference (the full code is an optimisation solver involving many FFTW calls).
USE fft_call
REAL(8), DIMENSION(1:N, 1:N) :: variable
COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), DIMENSION(1:N/2+1, 1:N) :: fourier_variable
DO JJ = 1, 5
call fourier_to_physical(fourier_variable, variable)
MODULE fft_call
PURE SUBROUTINE fourier_to_physical( fourier_variable, variable)
REAL(8), DIMENSION(1:N, 1:N) :: variable
COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), DIMENSION(1:N/2+1, 1:N), INTENT(OUT) :: fourier_variable
CALL fftw_execute_dft_r2c (plan_fwd, variable, fourier_variable)
END SUBROUTINE fourier_to_physical
END MODULE fft_call
The error while calling fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d from the PURE subroutine fourier_to_physical:
Error: Function reference to 'fftw_plan_dft_r2c' at (1) is to a non-PURE procedure within a PURE procedure
The question: is there a way to call FFTW routines like fftw_execute_dft_r2c from within a PURE subroutine in Fortran90?
Or, in other words, are their PURE versions of fftw_execute_dft_r2c such that we can call them from PURE procedures? We are beginners to OpenMP.

Private and public variables inside a module and a a subroutine in OpenMP

I am trying to parallelize a fairly complicated simulation code used for oil field calculations.
My question is, if I can declare a variable or some allocatable arrays and a few subroutines in a module, then use this module in another module/subroutine which contains the parallel region, will those variables and arrays be considered private to each thread (i.e. they will have separate copies of those variables and changes made to a variables in a thread won't be seen by other threads) or they'll be shared?
Like this:
module m2
implicit none
integer :: global
subroutine s2()
implicit none
integer :: tid
tid = ! Some calculation
end subroutine s2
end module m2
module m1
use m2
implicit none
subroutine s1
!$omp parallel do
do i=1, 9
call s2()
end do
!$omp end parallel do
end subroutine s1
end module m1
Will tid and global be private or shared?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Module variables are always shared in OpenMP unless you use the threadprivate directive. See Difference between OpenMP threadprivate and private for detailed description of threadprivate. So global will be shared.
The local variable tid is declared in the subroutine and called from the parallel region. Therefore it will be private unless it has the save attribute.
(Note that initialization like integer :: tid = 0 also adds the save implicitly, so be careful.)

Is it legal that the index for !$omp atomic different from its host's loop index variable?

I came across a question when I was learning about how to avoid a data conflict with multiple threads potential reading and writing using the OpenMP directive !$atomic.
Shown in the text below is the code snippet made up for my question. I am wondering if it is legal in FORTRAN to use a different index (here is j) for !$atomic than the loop index variable i, which is the one immediately following the directive !$omp parallel do private(a,b) ? Thanks.
program main
integer :: i,j
integer, dimension(10000) :: vx,vy,va,vb
!$omp parallel do private(j)
do i=1,10000
!$omp atomic update
end do
!$omp end parallel do
end program
Furthermore, is it OK to loop on an atomic directive?
program main
integer :: i,j
integer, dimension(10000) :: vx,vy
integer, dimension(12,10000) :: va,vb
!$omp parallel do private(j,k)
do i=1,10000
do k=1,12
!$omp atomic update
end do
!$omp end parallel do
end program
Yes, why not? It is just update of a memory address, there is no difference. There even wouldn't be much sense in using atomic with i in your case, as different threads have different values of i.
BUT, be aware of your race condition with j you are writing to it from more thread, it should be private.
Your second example adds nothing new, it is the same situation, still legal.

Is there a way to pass a parameter into a NATURAL subroutine?

I am new to the NATURAL programming language. I am trying to find a way that I can pass one parameter to a subroutine just like in C++ or Java. Right now I have to move everything to another variable and call the method. Thus is cumbersome and is a lot more code to write.
Question: Can a Natural Program Sub-Routine have a parameter list like in C++ or Java?
D = passVariable1
A = D
newVariable = A
#A = #D
#B = #E
#C = #F
What I would like to do.
DEFINE SUBROUTINE FLIP-DATE(A,B,C,D,E,F) <-- is this possible somehow?
#A = #D
#B = #E
#C = #F
The parameter data area (PDA) is a special verision of the local data area (LDA), that is used in function, external subroutine, or helproutine objects. You can either define parameters inline like
1 #A(N2)
1 #B(N2)
1 #C(N2)
1 #D(N2)
1 #E(N2)
1 #F(N2)
your local variables
Alternatively you can also create a separate source object, similar to an external LDA.
your local variables
Note that you cannot use parameters with an internal subroutine.
I suggest you start reading the Natural documentation on Software AG's web site, especially the "First Steps" manual, if you've never worked with this powerful language before.
parameter-data-area can be used to pass the data to sub programs and routines.

In what languages can you dynamically rewrite functions on the fly?

I recently had the necessity of rewriting a javascript function in javascript, dynamically. The ease with which I did it, and how fun it was, astounded me.
Over here I've got some HTML:
<div id="excelExport1234"
onclick="if(somestuff) location.href='http://server/excelExport.aspx?id=56789&something=else'; else alert('not important');"
>Click here to export to excel</div>
And I couldn't change the outputted HTML, but I needed to add an extra parameter to that link. I started thinking about it, and realized I could just do this:
excelExport = $('excelExport1234');
if (needParam)
eval('excelExport.onclick = ' + excelExport.onclick.toString().replace("excelReport.aspx?id", "excelReport.aspx?extraParam=true&id") + ';');
eval('excelExport.onclick = ' + excelExport.onclick.toString().replace("extraParam=true&", "") + ';');
And it worked like a champ! excelExport.onclick returns a function object which I convert to a string, and do some string manip on. Since it's now in the form of "function() { ... }", I just go back and assign it to the onclick event of the dom object. It's a little ugly having to use eval, but AFAIK there isn't a javascript function constructor that can take a string of code and turn it into an object nicely.
Anyway, my point isn't that I'm super clever (I'm not), my point is that this is cool. And I know javascript isn't the only language that can do this. I've heard that lisp has had macros for years for this exact purpose. Except to really grok macros you need to really grok lisp, and I don't grok it, I just 'kind of get it'.
So my question is: In what other languages can you (easily) dynamically rewrite functions, and can you show me a simple example? I want to see where else you can do this, and how it's done!
(also, I have no idea what to tag this as, so I took random guesses)
LISP is the ultimate language at this. LISP functions are actual LISP lists, meaning you can manipulate LISP source code as if it were any other data structure.
Here's a very trivial example of how it works:
(define hi
(lambda () (display "Hello World\n")))
;; Displays Hello World
(set! hi
(lambda () (display "Hola World\n")))
;; Displays Hola World
This, however, is possible in any language where functions are first-class objects. One of the most interesting showcases of the power of this syntax for LISP is in its macro system. I really don't feel I could do the topic justice, so read these links if you're interested:
I guess it depends on what exactly you define as "easily dynamic rewriting". For example in .Net you have the Func type and lambdas which allows you to define functions as variables or as temporary anonymous functions eg.
int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Func<int[], int> somefunc;
if (someCondition)
somefunc = (is => is.Sum());
} else {
somefunc = (is => is.Count());
The above is a very contrived example of either counting the items in an array of integers or summing then using dynamically created functions subject to some arbitrary condition.
Note - Please don't point out that these things can be easily accomplished without lambdas (which they obviously can) I was simply trying to write a very simple example to demonstrate the concept in C#
Self-modifying code is also called degenerate code. This is generally considered a bad thing, and it used to be a goal of high-level languages to prevent it from being written easily.
This is from the wikipedia entry:
Self-modifying code is seen by some as a bad practice which makes code harder to read and maintain. There are however ways in which self modification is nevertheless deemed acceptable, such as when sub routine pointers are dynamically altered - even though the effect is almost identical to direct modification.
I think that it is the case in most of dynamic languages. Here is an example in Python
def f(x):
print x
def new_function(x): print "hello", x
f = new_function
The output is
hello world
I think that such technique should be used carefully
Scheme allows you to do that.
(define (salute-english name) (display "Hello ") (display name))
(define (salute-french nom) (display "Salut ") (display nom))
Now you redefine a fonction by assigning the salute variable to the right function, either salute-english or salute-french, like this:
(define salute salute-english)
(define (redefined-the-salute-function language)
(if (eq? language 'french)
(set! salute salute-french)
(set! salute salute-english)))
More generaly functional programming language allows you to do that or as functions are first class value. Functions can be manipulated, passed around, sometimes assigned to variables and so on. The list then include: Lisp, Scheme, Dylan, OCaml and SML. Some languages having first class functions includes Python, Ruby, Smalltalk and i think Perl.
Note that when you have an interactive language where you can interactively type your program, the redefinition of functions/methods must be possible: the REPL has to be able to do that, just in case you happen to retype the definition of an already defined functions.
I used to do this all the time in TCL, it was a breeze and worked wonderfully. I could investigate somethings interface over the network and then create a custom-made interface on the fly to access and control things. For example, you could make a custom SNMP interface from a generic SNMP library.
I haven't used it, but C# has some built-in support for generating it's own byte-code, which is fairly impressive.
I've done this sort of thing in C as well, but there it is non-portable and almost never worth the hassle. It is a technique used sometimes for "self-optimizing" code to generate the appropriate C function to optimally process a given data set.
You could do it in C++, but it wouldn't be easy, safe, or recommended.
Generate the text of the source code
invoke the compiler (fork & exec) to build a dynamic library. In gcc, you can pass the source code you want to compile on standard input, it doesn't have to be in a file.
Load the library (LoadLibrary() on windows, dlopen() on linux)
get a function pointer to whatever function you want (GetProcAddress() on windows, dlsym() on linux)
If you want to replace an existing function, if it's a virtual function you could modify the v-table to point to the new function (that part especially is a horrible idea fraught with peril). The location of the v-table or the format of it isn't part of the C++ standard, but all the toolchains I've used have been consistent within themselves, so once you figure out how they do it, it probably won't break.
Easy enough in Perl.
*some_func = sub($) {
my $arg = shift;
print $arg, "\n";
Re Sam Saffron's request:
*hello_world = sub() {
print "oops";
*hello_world = sub() {
print "hello world";
create or replace procedure test
execute immediate '
create or replace procedure test2
Here's something else in Python (in addition to luc's answer), which I am not recommending, but just to show it - there is exec, which can execute a string which you could build to be whatever code...
I/O shown here is from a Python 2.5.2 interpreter session. Just some simple examples of constructing strings to execute from substrings (>>> is the interpreter prompt)...
>>> def_string = 'def my_func'
>>> param_string_1 = '():'
>>> param_string_2 = '(x):'
>>> do_string_1 = ' print "Do whatever."'
>>> do_string_2 = ' print "Do something with", x'
>>> do_string_3 = ' print "Do whatever else."'
>>> do_string_4 = ' print "Do something else with", x'
>>> def_1 = '\n'.join([def_string+param_string_1, do_string_1, do_string_3])
>>> print def_1
def my_func():
print "Do whatever."
print "Do whatever else."
>>> exec def_1
>>> my_func()
Do whatever.
Do whatever else.
>>> def_2 = '\n'.join([def_string+param_string_2, do_string_2, do_string_4])
>>> print def_2
def my_func(x):
print "Do something with", x
print "Do something else with", x
>>> exec def_2
>>> my_func('Tom Ritter')
Do something with Tom Ritter
Do something else with Tom Ritter
Trivial in Ruby:
def hello_world; puts "oops"; end
# oops
def hello_world; puts "hello world"; end
# hello world
Of course that example is boring:
require "benchmark"
# why oh _why
class Object
def metaclass; class << self; self; end; end
def meta_eval &blk; metaclass.instance_eval &blk; end
class Turtle
def make_it_move(klass)
klass.send(:define_method, :move) { |distance|
puts "moving #{distance} meters"
sleep(0.1 * distance)
turtle =
# moving 1 meters
def profile(instance, method)
instance.meta_eval do
m = instance_method(method)
define_method method do |*a|
puts "Benchmarking #{instance.class} #{method}"
puts Benchmark.measure {
profile(turtle, :move)
# Benchmarking Turtle move
# moving 10 meters
# 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 1.000994)
# moving 3 meters
The code above:
Defines a blank class
Adds a method to it
Grabs an instance
Intercepts that method on that instance only
Changing what a function does is supported in a lot of languages, and it's not as complicated as you might think. In functional languages, functions are values, and function names are symbols that are bound to them like any variable. If the language allows you to reassign the symbol to a different function, this is trivial.
I think the more interesting features are the ability to get the source code for a function (toString above) and to create a new function from a string (eval in this case).
