TestNG Close Browsers after Parallel Test Execution - multithreading

I want to close browsers after completion of all test. Problem is I am not able to close the browser since the object created ThreadLocal driver does not recognize the driver after completion of test value returning is null.
Below is my working code
package demo;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class ParallelMethodTest {
private static ThreadLocal<dummy> driver;
private int input;
private int length;
public void beforeMethod() {
System.err.println("Before ID" + Thread.currentThread().getId());
System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "chromedriver.exe");
if (driver == null) {
driver = new ThreadLocal<dummy>();
if (driver.get()== null) {
driver.set(new dummy());
#DataProvider(name = "sessionDataProvider", parallel = true)
public static Object[][] sessionDataProvider(Method method) {
int len = 12;
Object[][] parameters = new Object[len][2];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
parameters[i][0] = i;
return parameters;
#Test(dataProvider = "sessionDataProvider")
public void executSessionOne(int input,int length) {
System.err.println("Test ID---" + Thread.currentThread().getId());
// First session of WebDriver
// find user name text box and fill it
System.out.println("Parameter size is:"+length);
driver.get().getDriver().findElement(By.name("q")).sendKeys(input + "");
System.out.println("Input is:"+input);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
public void afterMethod() {
System.err.println("After ID" + Thread.currentThread().getId());
package demo;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.chrome.ChromeDriver;
import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass;
public class dummy {
public WebDriver getDriver() {
return newDriver;
public void setNewDriver(WebDriver newDriver) {
this.newDriver = newDriver;
private WebDriver newDriver;
public dummy() {
newDriver = new ChromeDriver();
public void close(){
System.out.println("In After Class");
Thanks in Advance.

private static ThreadLocal<dummy> driver is added at the class level. What is happening is that you have already declared the variable at class level. i.e. memory is already allocated to it. Multiple threads are just setting and resetting the values of the same variable.
What you need to do is create a factory that will return an instance of Driver based on a parameter you pass to it.Logic can be anything but taking a general use case example the factory will create a new object and return only if an existing object doesn't exist. Declare and initialise the driver (from factory) in your #Test Methods
Sample code for the factory would be something like
static RemoteWebDriver firefoxDriver;
static RemoteWebDriver someOtherDriver;
static synchronized RemoteWebDriver getDriver(String browser, String browserVersion, String platform, String platformVersion)
if (browser == 'firefox')
if (firefoxDriver == null)
DesiredCapabilities cloudCaps = new DesiredCapabilities();
cloudCaps.setCapability("browser", browser);
cloudCaps.setCapability("browser_version", browserVersion);
cloudCaps.setCapability("os", platform);
cloudCaps.setCapability("os_version", platformVersion);
cloudCaps.setCapability("browserstack.debug", "true");
cloudCaps.setCapability("browserstack.local", "true");
firefoxDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(URL),cloudCaps);
if (someOtherDriver == null)
DesiredCapabilities cloudCaps = new DesiredCapabilities();
cloudCaps.setCapability("browser", browser);
cloudCaps.setCapability("browser_version", browserVersion);
cloudCaps.setCapability("os", platform);
cloudCaps.setCapability("os_version", platformVersion);
cloudCaps.setCapability("browserstack.debug", "true");
cloudCaps.setCapability("browserstack.local", "true");
someOtherDriver = new RemoteWebDriver(new URL(URL),cloudCaps);
return someOtherDriver;

You have a concurrency issue: multiple threads can create a ThreadLocal instance because dummy == null can evaluate to true on more than one thread when run in parallel. As such, some threads can execute driver.set(new dummy()); but then another thread replaces driver with a new ThreadLocal instance.
In my experience it is simpler and less error prone to always use ThreadLocal as a static final to ensure that multiple objects can access it (static) and that it is only defined once (final).
You can see my answers to the following Stack Overflow questions for related details and code samples:
How to avoid empty extra browser opens when running parallel tests with TestNG
Session not found exception with Selenium Web driver parallel execution of Data Provider test case

This is happening because you are creating the driver instance in beforeMethod function so it's scope ends after the function ends.
So when your afterMethod start it's getting null because webdriver instance already destroy as beforeMethod function is already completed.
Refer below links:-
What is the default scope of a method in Java?


Is there a way to close and reopen browser when using cucumber scenario outlines and webdriver io

I'm using v5 of web driver io and a cucumber framework. I have scenario outlines with multiple examples. I would like to close the browser and reopen it in between the examples so I have a clean webpage. But I can't find a way to do this. I'm sure I've seen anything about this but I can't find it.
I've looked through the webdriverio docs and the last things I can find was from 2016 which said it wasn't possible but there was a discussion about implementing something but I can't find any more detail.
Are you looking for this:
You can use hooks, I share an example below.
UiHooks.java :
import cucumber.api.Scenario;
import cucumber.api.java.After;
import cucumber.api.java.Before;
public class UiHooks {
public static final String BASE_URL = "https://baseURL/";
private Scenario scenario;
public void beforeScenario(Scenario scenario) {
this.scenario = scenario;
#After(order = 1) //This will run first
public void afterScenario() {
if (scenario.isFailed()){
//do something like Secreen Shot or logger
#After(order = 0)//This will run second
public void afterTest() {
if (HookUtil.driver != null) {
if (HookUtil.seleniumBase != null) {
HookUtil.java :
public class HookUtil {
public static WebDriver driver = null;
public static SeleniumBase seleniumBase = null;
And then you can create a setup and call in the first step :
private void Setup() {
seleniumBase = new SeleniumBase(UiHooks.BASE_URL);
driver = seleniumBase.getDriver();
HookUtil.driver = driver;
HookUtil.seleniumBase = seleniumBase;

Cucumber, biggest challenge, browser invoke

In my framework each feature file when converted to step def I have to put browser invoke codes (SetProperties) and for each operations new windows comes. Please help me resolve the issue I tried inherentance where i put the codes and extended to step def classes did not work. I want to open one browser and that will do the operations for every feature files.
For example: I have a feature file for login content verification and another feature file for after login.
I put in the login the userName and Password again I had to put userName and password cor the other feature file after login along with browser invoke codes.
if you are still looking for answer. I would suggest initialize your browser in every step definition file or inside page object class(if you are using POM). create a class e.g: TestContext.java initialize your webdriver in that class.
public class TestContext {
private WebDriverLibrary webDriverLibrary;
private PageObjectLibrary pageObjectLibrary;
public TestContext() {
webDriverLibrary = new WebDriverLibrary();
pageObjectLibrary = new PageObjectLibrary(webDriverLibrary.getDriver());
// return WebDriverLibrary object
public WebDriverLibrary getWebDriverLibrary() {
return webDriverLibrary;
// return PageObjectLibrary object
public PageObjectLibrary getPageObjectLibrary() {
return pageObjectLibrary;
public class WebDriverLibrary {
private static WebDriver driver;
private static DriverType driverType;
private static EnvironmentType environmentType;
public WebDriverLibrary() {
driverType = FileReaderLibrary.getInstance().getConfigReader().getBrowser();
environmentType = FileReaderLibrary.getInstance().getConfigReader().getEnvironment();
// return webdriver instance
public WebDriver getDriver() {
if (driver == null)
driver = createDriver();
return driver;
private WebDriver createDriver() {
switch (environmentType) {
case LOCAL:
driver = createLocalDriver();
case REMOTE:
driver = createRemoteDriver();
return driver;
Hope this helps you.

Commons Configuration2 ReloadingFileBasedConfiguration

I am trying to implement the Apache Configuration 2 in my codebase
import java.io.File;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.PropertiesConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.ConfigurationBuilderEvent;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.ReloadingFileBasedConfigurationBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.fluent.Parameters;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.convert.DefaultListDelimiterHandler;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.EventListener;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.reloading.PeriodicReloadingTrigger;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.CompositeConfiguration;
public class Test {
private static final long DELAY_MILLIS = 10 * 60 * 5;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
CompositeConfiguration compositeConfiguration = new CompositeConfiguration();
PropertiesConfiguration props = null;
try {
props = initPropertiesConfiguration(new File("/tmp/DEV.properties"));
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
compositeConfiguration.addConfiguration( props );
new EventListener<ConfigurationBuilderEvent>()
public void onEvent(ConfigurationBuilderEvent event)
System.out.println("Event:" + event);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
// Have a script which changes the value of property1 in DEV.properties
protected static PropertiesConfiguration initPropertiesConfiguration(File propsFile) throws ConfigurationException {
if(propsFile.exists()) {
final ReloadingFileBasedConfigurationBuilder<PropertiesConfiguration> builder =
new ReloadingFileBasedConfigurationBuilder<PropertiesConfiguration>(PropertiesConfiguration.class)
.configure(new Parameters().fileBased()
.setListDelimiterHandler(new DefaultListDelimiterHandler(';')));
final PropertiesConfiguration propsConfiguration = builder.getConfiguration();
PeriodicReloadingTrigger trigger = new PeriodicReloadingTrigger(builder.getReloadingController(),
null, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
return propsConfiguration;
} else {
return new PropertiesConfiguration();
Here is a sample code that I using to check whether the Automatic Reloading works or not. However when the underlying property file is updated, the configuration doesn't reflect it.
As per the documentation :
One important point to keep in mind when using this approach to reloading is that reloads are only functional if the builder is used as central component for accessing configuration data. The configuration instance obtained from the builder will not change automagically! So if an application fetches a configuration object from the builder at startup and then uses it throughout its life time, changes on the external configuration file become never visible. The correct approach is to keep a reference to the builder centrally and obtain the configuration from there every time configuration data is needed.
This is different from what the old implementation was.
I was able to successfully execute your sample code by making 2 changes :
make the builder available globally and access the configuration from the builder :
add the listener to the builder :
`builder.addEventListener(ConfigurationBuilderEvent.ANY, new EventListener() {
public void onEvent(ConfigurationBuilderEvent event) {
System.out.println("Event:" + event);
Posting my sample program, where I was able to successfully demonstrate it
import java.io.File;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.PropertiesConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.ConfigurationBuilderEvent;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.ReloadingFileBasedConfigurationBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.builder.fluent.Parameters;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.event.EventListener;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.reloading.PeriodicReloadingTrigger;
public class TestDynamicProps {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Parameters params = new Parameters();
ReloadingFileBasedConfigurationBuilder<PropertiesConfiguration> builder =
new ReloadingFileBasedConfigurationBuilder<PropertiesConfiguration>(PropertiesConfiguration.class)
.setFile(new File("src/main/resources/override.properties")));
PeriodicReloadingTrigger trigger = new PeriodicReloadingTrigger(builder.getReloadingController(),
null, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
builder.addEventListener(ConfigurationBuilderEvent.ANY, new EventListener<ConfigurationBuilderEvent>() {
public void onEvent(ConfigurationBuilderEvent event) {
System.out.println("Event:" + event);
while (true) {
The problem with your implementation is, that the reloading is done on the ReloadingFileBasedConfigurationBuilder Object and is not being returned to the PropertiesConfiguration Object.

Philips Hue Bridge cannot connect to server desktop application

I am trying to connect my Desktop to the PHILIPS Hue light server using java.
When the code runs, it will flow into the Controller.java. When that happens, the FindBridges method in Controller.java runs. This is where the error occurs. In debugging, it displays a NullPointerException in thread "AWT-Event-Queue-0".
I presume that the server/lightbulb cannot be found at all, even though it is turned on and my android application can connect to it.
The error is stated below:
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.philips.lighting.gui.DesktopView$1.actionPerformed(DesktopView.java:72)
package com.philips.lighting;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import com.philips.lighting.hue.sdk.upnp.*;
import com.philips.lighting.data.HueProperties;
import com.philips.lighting.gui.AccessPointList;
import com.philips.lighting.gui.DesktopView;
import com.philips.lighting.gui.LightColoursFrame;
import com.philips.lighting.gui.PushLinkFrame;
import com.philips.lighting.hue.sdk.PHAccessPoint;
import com.philips.lighting.hue.sdk.PHBridgeSearchManager;
import com.philips.lighting.hue.sdk.PHHueSDK;
import com.philips.lighting.hue.sdk.PHMessageType;
import com.philips.lighting.hue.sdk.PHSDKListener;
import com.philips.lighting.model.PHBridge;
import com.philips.lighting.model.PHBridgeResourcesCache;
import com.philips.lighting.model.PHHueError;
import com.philips.lighting.model.PHHueParsingError;
import com.philips.lighting.model.PHLight;
import com.philips.lighting.model.PHLightState;
public class Controller {
private PHHueSDK phHueSDK;
private DesktopView desktopView;
private PushLinkFrame pushLinkDialog;
private LightColoursFrame lightColoursFrame;
private static final int MAX_HUE=65535;
private Controller instance;
public Controller(DesktopView view) {
this.desktopView = view;
this.phHueSDK = PHHueSDK.getInstance(); // or phHueSDK = PHHueSDK.getInstance();
this.instance = this;
public void findBridges() {
//To uniquely identify your app in the bridge whitelist we recommend you set your app name, and the device
phHueSDK.setAppName("SmartShowroomApp"); // e.g. phHueSDK.setAppName("QuickStartApp");
phHueSDK.setDeviceName("SmartDevice"); // e.g. If you are programming for Android: phHueSDK.setDeviceName(android.os.Build.MODEL);
phHueSDK = PHHueSDK.getInstance();
PHBridgeSearchManager sm = (PHBridgeSearchManager) phHueSDK.getSDKService(PHHueSDK.SEARCH_BRIDGE);
sm.search(true, true);
//This starts a UPNP/Portal Search and takes around 10 seconds.
//The PHSDKListener (onAccessPointsFound) will be notified with the bridges found.
private PHSDKListener listener = new PHSDKListener() {
public void onAccessPointsFound(List<PHAccessPoint> accessPointsList) {
// Handle your bridge search results here.
//Typically if multiple results are returned you will want to display them in a list
// and let the user select their bridge.
//If one is found you may opt to connect automatically to that bridge.
phHueSDK = PHHueSDK.getInstance();
if (accessPointsList != null && accessPointsList.size() > 0)
AccessPointList accessPointList = new AccessPointList(accessPointsList, instance);
accessPointList.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // Centre the AccessPointList Frame
phHueSDK.getAccessPointsFound().clear(); // Clear all connected access points
phHueSDK.getAccessPointsFound().addAll(accessPointsList); // Adds multiple results to the list
PHBridgeSearchManager sm = (PHBridgeSearchManager) phHueSDK.getSDKService(PHHueSDK.SEARCH_BRIDGE);
sm.search(false, false, true);
public void onAuthenticationRequired(PHAccessPoint accessPoint) {
// Start the Pushlink Authentication.
phHueSDK = PHHueSDK.getInstance();
// Arriving here indicates that Pushlinking is required (to prove the User has physical access to the bridge).
//Typically here you will display a pushlink image (with a timer) indicating to to the user they need to push the button on their bridge within 30 seconds.
pushLinkDialog = new PushLinkFrame(instance);
pushLinkDialog.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // Center the dialog.
public void onBridgeConnected(PHBridge bridge) {
phHueSDK = PHHueSDK.getInstance();
phHueSDK.enableHeartbeat(bridge, PHHueSDK.HB_INTERVAL);
// Here it is recommended to set your connected bridge in your sdk object (as above) and start the heartbeat.
// At this point you are connected to a bridge so you should pass control to your main program/activity.
// Also it is recommended you store the connected IP Address/ Username in your app here.
//This will allow easy automatic connection on subsequent use.
// Remember to disable the heartbeat when exiting your app
//If you are only interested in a particular resource (e.g. Lights), you can enable the multi resource heartbeat as follows:
//PHHeartbeatManager heartbeatManager = PHHeartbeatManager.getInstance();
//heartbeatManager.enableLightsHeartbeat(bridge, PHHueSDK.HB_INTERVAL);
// To stop the heartbeat you can use either of the below
String username = HueProperties.getUsername();
String lastIpAddress = bridge.getResourceCache().getBridgeConfiguration().getIpAddress();
System.out.println("On connected: IP " + lastIpAddress);
// Update the GUI.
// Close the PushLink dialog (if it is showing).
if (pushLinkDialog!=null && pushLinkDialog.isShowing()) {
// Enable the Buttons/Controls to change the hue bulbs.s
public void onCacheUpdated(List cacheNotificationsList, PHBridge bridge) {
// Here you receive notifications that the BridgeResource Cache was updated. Use the PHMessageType to
// check which cache was updated, e.g.
if (cacheNotificationsList.contains(PHMessageType.LIGHTS_CACHE_UPDATED)) {
System.out.println("Lights Cache Updated ");
public void onConnectionLost(PHAccessPoint accessPoint) {
// Here you would handle the loss of connection to your bridge.
phHueSDK = PHHueSDK.getInstance();
if (accessPoint == null)
System.out.println("Please reconnect to your bridge.");
public void onConnectionResumed(PHBridge bridge) {
PHHueSDK phHueSDK = PHHueSDK.getInstance();
for (int i = 0; i < phHueSDK.getDisconnectedAccessPoint().size(); i++)
if (phHueSDK.getDisconnectedAccessPoint().get(i).getIpAddress()
.equals(bridge.getResourceCache().getBridgeConfiguration().getIpAddress())) {
public void onError(int code, final String message) {
// Here you can handle events such as Bridge Not Responding, Authentication Failed and Bridge Not Found.
if (code == PHHueError.BRIDGE_NOT_RESPONDING) {
else if (code == PHMessageType.PUSHLINK_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED) {
else if (code == PHMessageType.PUSHLINK_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED) {
if (pushLinkDialog.isShowing()) {
else {
else if (code == PHMessageType.BRIDGE_NOT_FOUND) {
public void onParsingErrors(List<PHHueParsingError> parsingErrorsList) {
// Any JSON parsing errors are returned here.
//Typically your program should never return these.
for (PHHueParsingError parsingError: parsingErrorsList) {
System.out.println("ParsingError : " + parsingError.getMessage());
public PHSDKListener getListener() {
return listener;
public void setListener(PHSDKListener listener) {
this.listener = listener;
public void randomLights() {
PHBridge bridge = phHueSDK.getSelectedBridge();
PHBridgeResourcesCache cache = bridge.getResourceCache();
// And now you can get any resource you want, for example:
List<PHLight> allLights = cache.getAllLights();
Random rand = new Random();
for (PHLight light : allLights) {
PHLightState lightState = new PHLightState();
bridge.updateLightState(light, lightState); // If no bridge response is required then use this simpler form.
public void showControlLightsWindow() {
if (lightColoursFrame == null) {
lightColoursFrame = new LightColoursFrame();
lightColoursFrame.setLocationRelativeTo(null); // Centre window
* Connect to the last known access point.
* This method is triggered by the Connect to Bridge button but it can equally be used to automatically connect to a bridge.
public boolean connectToLastKnownAccessPoint() {
String username = HueProperties.getUsername();
String lastIpAddress = HueProperties.getLastConnectedIP();
if (username==null || lastIpAddress == null) {
desktopView.showDialog("Missing Last Username or Last IP. Last known connection not found.");
return false;
//Obviously, every time a user opens up their Android hue app or application you don't want them to have to select their bridge, authenticate pushlink everytime.
//The recommended way to overcome this issue is to store the connected IP Address/Username (using your preferred method storage) and if set try to connect automatically.
PHAccessPoint accessPoint = new PHAccessPoint();
return true;
//Note that the .connect method returns control to your PHSDKListener, so when connected the onBridgeConnected will be called again, and if your users Bridge IP has changed for example, onError will be called and can be handled programatically.
public void enableFindBridgesButton() {
public void showProgressBar() {
package com.philips.lighting.gui;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import layout.TableLayout;
import com.philips.lighting.Controller;
import com.philips.lighting.data.HueProperties;
* DesktopView.java
* The main GUI showing last connected IP/Username and buttons for Finding Bridges and Changing the Hue Lights, once connected to a bridge.
public class DesktopView extends JFrame {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7469471678945429320L;
private Controller controller;
private JButton setLightsButton;
private JButton randomLightsButton;
private JButton findBridgesButton;
private JButton connectToLastBridgeButton;
private JProgressBar findingBridgeProgressBar;
private JTextField lastConnectedIP;
private JTextField lastUserName;
public DesktopView(){
setTitle("Hue Desktop");
JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
// TODO - Move to another class
JPanel controls = new JPanel();
controls.setLayout(new GridLayout(2,3));
findingBridgeProgressBar = new JProgressBar();
//Set up components preferred size
String lastUsername = HueProperties.getUsername();
String lastConnectedIPStr = HueProperties.getLastConnectedIP();
JLabel labelLastConIP = new JLabel("Last Connected IP:");
lastConnectedIP = new JTextField(lastConnectedIPStr);
JLabel labelLastUsername = new JLabel("Last UserName:");
lastUserName = new JTextField(lastUsername);
findBridgesButton = new JButton("Find New Bridges");
findBridgesButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
connectToLastBridgeButton = new JButton("Auto Connect");
connectToLastBridgeButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
if (controller.connectToLastKnownAccessPoint()) {
setLightsButton = new JButton("Change Light Colours");
setLightsButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
randomLightsButton = new JButton("Randomize Lights");
randomLightsButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
double border = 10;
double size[][] =
{{border, 160, 20, 300, 20, 160}, // Columns
{border, 26, 10, 26, 26, 26,6,26}}; // Rows
mainPanel.setLayout (new TableLayout(size));
mainPanel.add(labelLastConIP, " 1, 1");
mainPanel.add(lastConnectedIP, " 3, 1");
mainPanel.add(labelLastUsername, " 1, 3");
mainPanel.add(lastUserName, " 3, 3");
mainPanel.add(findingBridgeProgressBar, " 3, 5");
mainPanel.add(connectToLastBridgeButton, " 5, 1");
mainPanel.add(findBridgesButton, " 5, 3");
mainPanel.add(randomLightsButton, " 5, 5");
mainPanel.add(setLightsButton, " 5, 7");
setPreferredSize(new Dimension(700,270));
getContentPane().add(new JLabel(" An example Java/Swing Desktop Application to control your Hue Lights."), BorderLayout.NORTH);
getContentPane().add(mainPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
//4. Size the frame.
setLocationRelativeTo(null); // Centre the window.
public void setController(Controller controller) {
this.controller = controller;
public JButton getSetLightsButton() {
return setLightsButton;
public JButton getRandomLightsButton() {
return randomLightsButton;
public JButton getFindBridgesButton() {
return findBridgesButton;
public JButton getConnectToLastBridgeButton() {
return connectToLastBridgeButton;
public void showDialog(String message) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, message);
public JProgressBar getFindingBridgeProgressBar() {
return findingBridgeProgressBar;
public JTextField getLastConnectedIP() {
return lastConnectedIP;
public JTextField getLastUserName() {
return lastUserName;
package com.philips.lighting;
import com.philips.lighting.data.HueProperties;
import com.philips.lighting.gui.DesktopView;
import com.philips.lighting.hue.sdk.PHHueSDK;
* HueDesktop.java
* An example Java/Swing Desktop application illustrating how to connect to a bridge and change your Hue lights
* using a Java Desktop Application.
* For more information on programming for Hue see:
* http://developers.meethue.com
class HueDesktop {
public static void main(String args[]) {
new HueDesktop();
public HueDesktop() {
PHHueSDK phHueSDK = PHHueSDK.create();
// Load in HueProperties, if first time use a properties file is created.
// Set Up the View (A JFrame, MenuBar and Console).
DesktopView desktopView = new DesktopView();
// Bind the Model and View
Controller controller = new Controller(desktopView);
// Register the PHSDKListener to receive callbacks from the bridge.
Did you ever solve this? In future it is probably best to post hue Java SDK issues on the GitHub site. https://github.com/PhilipsHue/PhilipsHueSDK-Java-MultiPlatform-Android/issues
I would have seen this sooner on here (I wrote this code btw so am possibly the culprit).
I do remember seeing a similar issue before, am pretty sure it was related to Macs and the JDK Compiler level used (I possibly used an incompatible Swing component on Mac and JDK 1.6). Can you let me know your OS and JDK Compiler level and I will check this further?

Jackrabbit and concurrent modification

After we have done some performance testing for our application which uses jackrabbit we faced with the huge problem with concurrent modification jackrabbit's repository. Problem appears when we add nodes or edit them in multithread emulation. Then I wrote very simple test which shows us that problem is not in our environment.
There is it:
Simple Stateless Bean
public class TestFacadeBean implements TestFacadeRemote, TestFacadeLocal {
public void doAction(int name) throws Exception {
new TestSynch().doAction(name);
Simple class
public class TestSynch {
public void doAction(int name) throws Exception {
Session session = ((Repository) new InitialContext().
new SimpleCredentials("username", "pwd".toCharArray()));
List added = new ArrayList();
Node folder = session.getRootNode().getNode("test");
for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
Node child = folder.addNode("" + System.currentTimeMillis(),
// saving butch changes
//checking in all created nodes
for (Node node : added) {
And Test class
public class Test {
private int c = 0;
private int countAll = 50;
private ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
public ExecutorService getExecutor() {
return executor;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test test = new Test();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
private void start() throws Exception {
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
TestFacadeRemote testBean = (TestFacadeRemote) getContext().
lookup( "test/TestFacadeBean/remote");
for (int i = 0; i < countAll; i++) {
getExecutor().execute(new TestInstallerThread(i, testBean));
while (!getExecutor().isTerminated()) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println(c + " shutdown " +
(System.currentTimeMillis() - time));
class TestInstallerThread implements Runnable {
private int number = 0;
TestFacadeRemote testBean;
public TestInstallerThread(int number, TestFacadeRemote testBean) {
this.number = number;
this.testBean = testBean;
public void run() {
try {
System.out.println("Installing data " + number);
System.out.println("STOP" + number);
} catch (Exception e) {
public Context getContext() throws NamingException {
Properties properties = new Properties();
//init props
return new InitialContext(properties);
If I initialized executor with 1 thread in pool all done without any error. If I initialized executor with 5 thread I got sometimes errors:
on client
java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.transaction.RollbackException: [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.commitwhenaborted] [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.commitwhenaborted] Can't commit because the transaction is in aborted state
at org.jboss.aspects.tx.TxPolicy.handleEndTransactionException(TxPolicy.java:198)
on server at the beginning warn
ItemStateReferenceCache [ItemStateReferenceCache.java:176] overwriting cached entry 187554a7-4c41-404b-b6ee-3ce2a9796a70
and then
javax.jcr.RepositoryException: org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemStateException: there's already a property state instance with id 52fb4b2c-3ef4-4fc5-9b79-f20a6b2e9ea3/{http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0}created
at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.PropertyImpl.restoreTransient(PropertyImpl.java:195) ~[jackrabbit-core-2.2.7.jar:2.2.7]
at org.apache.jackrabbit.core.ItemSaveOperation.restoreTransientItems(ItemSaveOperation.java:879) [jackrabbit-core-2.2.7.jar:2.2.7]
We have tried synchronize this method and other workflow for handle multithread calls as one thread. Nothing helps.
And one more thing - when we have done similar test without ejb layer - all worked fine.
It looks like container wrapped in own transaction and then all crashed.
Maybe somebody faced with such a problem.
Thanks in advance.
From the Jackrabbit Wiki:
The JCR specification explicitly states that a Session is not thread-safe (JCR 1.0 section 7.5 and JCR 2.0 section 4.1.2). Hence, Jackrabbit does not support multiple threads concurrently reading from or writing to the same session. Each session should only ever be accessed from one thread.
If you need to write to the same node concurrently, then you need to use multiple sessions, and use JCR locking to ensure there is no conflict.
