Programmatically start systemd service or test if service running - linux

I need to start a service and (later) detect if it running from within a C++ program. Is there a simpler approach than invoking systemctl with suitable arguments and parsing the output?
The source of the service is entirely under my control. (Currently it is written in bash, but a C++ wrapper is entirely possible.)
(I've had a brief look at DBus - it is clearly very powerful, but fails the "simpler" test.)
The source of the service is entirely under my control. (Currently it is written in bash, but C++ is entirely possible.)
The code is for an embedded device running a variant of Debian Jessie. Portability is not a major concern (but obviously the answer will be more useful to others if it is portable).

Most programs are written with the other way in mind (even in pre-systemd days).
Typical services (those having and started with a single server process) are writing their PID (as an ASCII number on a single line) in some /var/run/ file at their startup. If you adopt such a convention in your service, you can read that file using fscanf then check that the process is running with kill(pid, 0); (of course, you cannot be certain that it is the same service, but it probably would be).
I have right now more than 20 files matching /var/run/*.pid, notably /var/run/ & /var/run/
So, assuming you can improve the code of your service FooBar (if that functionality is not there), change its code to write its pid into /var/run/; this is a documented convention.
If you can change the service, you might have it providing some ping or nop functionality; so you would add to it some RPC facility which justs check that the service is running (and could also give some additional information, like the version of the program, etc.). Most existing Linux services have such feature.

Why not flip the problem around? No parsing would be needed.
ttm.update.service will do the following.
systemctl stop ttm.service
systemctl disable ttm.service
#do you update here
#if the service configs changed do
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable ttm.service
systemctl start ttm.service
ttm.service would never have to worry about the updater, it just runs and do it's job.


Init.d script to systemd problem with parameters

I am trying to upgrade my init.d script called "myService" to systemd .The init.d script has 1 parameter which decides what to do, with the following switch case:
case "$choice" in
# starts service logic here
# stops service logic here
# runs some .sh file from our PC
In order to upgrade to systemd I create myService.service file in systemd and set in the properties of the file on ExecuteStart and ExecuteStop to execute the init.d file with parameter start or stop,now I can do : systemctl start myService.service ,however if I want to invoke the filter option I am not allowed to do systemctl filter myService.service since "filter" is not valid option for systemctl .Any suggestions how can I overcome this?
This scheme does not fit within systemd responsibilities as a service manager, such as (but not limited to):
running services (e.g. starting, stopping, etc.)
the configuration of the above (e.g. which system level to run in)
providing information on the status of a service
declaring the dependencies and the handling between the various services
Although you did not provide information on the implementation of the service, it seems that the filter mode is an application/server specific action. Moreover, it's not clearly described what happens when the service is stopped and filter is issued.
So, keeping in mind the separation of concerns, I'd suggest using systemd to control the start and stop of your service, but use whatever IPC (D-Bus, sockets, signals, etc.) that service is using to trigger the filter operation.

How to run application on linux in the background but leave possibility to interact with it?

I want to run my application on linux in the background (at startup of course).
I want to be able to call start/stop/restart commands directly from console (it have to be simple just like for /etc/init.d - just call simple command directly from console).
I want to be able to call status - and I want that this command will somehow get the actual status of application returned by itself. I thought that I can call some method which returns String or just use stdin to send command but when I do noup .. &, or start-stop-daemon, then the stdin is detached. Is there a simple way to attach stdin back to the application (I've seen that I can create a pipe, but this is pretty complitated). Or what is the best way to communicate with application after it is started as a daemon (I can make a socket and connect through telnet for example, but I am looking for simpler solution and possibility to do it directly from console, without starting telnet first)? Ideally it will be great to get the possibility to send any command, but simple status will be sufficient (but again - it have to communicate with the application to get that status somnehow)
I have found many different answers. Some of them says to simply use nohup and &, and some others says that nohup and & is old fashion. Some answers says to use start-stop-daemon or JSvc (for java). But it seems that none of them will suffice this 3 requirements from me.
So... What are the simplest possibilities for all of 3 requirements to be met?
PS. I don't want to use screen. The application must be run as a linux daemon.
PPS. Application is written in Java but I am looking for generic soluction which is not limited to java.
You should create a command line tool for communicate with a daemon in way you need. The tool itself can use TCP/IP or named pipes.
And then use cli-tool start|stop|restart|status from console.
If you need to start a daemon at startup sequence (before user login) you have to deal with init system (init.d, systemd, OpenRC, etc...).
Dragons be here:
Be sure that init doesn't restart your daemon after manual stop via cli.
Command line tool itself runs with unprivileged user rights, so restart may be hard if first startup script use superuser rights or application-specific user and, especially in case deep init integration, you might have to use sudo cli-tool start.
To avoid this one possible solution is to make wrapper daemon, that runs forever via init and control the underlying application (start-stop) with proper rights.
Cons: Develop two additional tools for a daemon.
Pros: Wrapper daemon can operate as a circuit breaker between superuser/specific user and userspace.

How can I tell Puppet to stop a service on shutdown without keeping it running?

On a linux (RedHat family) system, I have an init-script-based service that is started/stopped manually most of the time, and in general is only run in response to specific, uncommon situations. The init scripts are thin wrappers around code that I do not have control over.
If the service is killed without running the stop action on its init script, it is aborted uncleanly and leaves the system in a broken state that requires manual intervention to fix.
When the systems running the service shut down, they kill it uncleanly. I can register the service with chkconfig such that it gets shut down via the init script when the host shuts down; this solves the problem on a per-host basis.
I would like to automate the configuration of this service to stop-at-shutdown via Puppet.
How can I tell Puppet to register a service with chkconfig such that the service will be stopped via the init script when the system shuts down, but will not otherwise be managed by Puppet?
What I've Tried:
I made a hokey exec statement in Puppet that calls chkconfig directly, but that feels inelegant (and will probably break in some way I haven't thought of).
I played around with the noop flag to the service type in Puppet, but it didn't seem to have the desired effect.
Puppet does not have any built-in support for configuring which runlevels a service runs in, nor any built-in, generalized support for chkconfig. Ordinarily it is a service-installation responsibility to register the service with chkconfig; services that are installed from the system RPMs are registered that way.
Furthermore, chkconfig recognizes structured comments at the top of initscripts to determine which runlevels the service will run in by default, according to LSB convention. A proper initscript need only be registered with chkconfig to have the default runlevels set -- in particular, for it to be set to be stopped in runlevels 0 and 6, which is what you're after.
If you're rolling your own initscripts and deploying them manually or directly via Puppet (as opposed to packaging them up and installing them via Yum) then your best bet is probably to build a defined type that manages the initscript and its registration. You do not need and probably do not want a Service resource for it, but a File resource to put the proper file in place and an Exec resource to handle registration sounds about right.

How to keep Supervisord running unconditionally?

In the Supervisord conf files you can specify to autorestart a certain program with:
But is there an equivalent for [Supervisord] itself?
What is the recommended method of making sure Supervisord continues running unconditionally, especially if the Supervisord process gets killed.
Actually your question is a particular application of the famous "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?" that is "Who will guard the guards?".
In a modern Linux system the central guarding point is init process (the process number 1). If init dies, the Linux kernel immediately panics, and thus you have to go to your data center (I mean go afoot) and press reset button. There're a lot of alternative init implementations, here is one of those "comparison tables" :)
The precise answer how to configure a particular init implementation depends on what init version you use in that system. For example systemd has its own machinery for configure service restart upon their deaths (directives Restart=, RestartSec=, WatchdogSec= etc in a corresponding unit-file. Other init implementations like Ubuntu Upstart also has its analogues (respawn directive in a service configuration file). Even old good SysV init has respawn option for a service line in /etc/inittab, but usually user-level services aren't started directly inittab, only virtual console managers (getty, mgetty etc)

Linux Equivalent to Windows Service Functions?

I'm trying to find the Linux equivalent to Windows Service Functions. For example, Windows has ServiceMain for the entry point, SetServiceStatus to set a status, RegisterServiceCtrlHandler, and HandlerEx to respond to control codes such as start, pause and stop requests, etc.
I checked in W. Richard Steven's Advanced Programming in the UNIX® Environment, but I guess its a bit dated for the task. Searching for "linux service api" and "linux ipc service start stop" (and similar) are producing some http and database results, but nothing too useful.
Would anyone know the C interface for writing Linux service programs?
Linux services differ much:
You develop a script (rarely binary) to handle start/stop/status
command-line parameters (to start Your standalone Main() app/process or to do anything
"registration" is done by putting that script into
/etc/rc.d/init.d/ and creating corresponding
/etc/rc.d/rc{level}.d/S{order} symbolic link(s)
there is no
out-of-the-box support/idea/paradigm of service-dependencies or
If You run:
/sbin/service --status-all
it'll run /etc/rc.d/init.d/ scripts with "status" parameter
