Inject within Guice to ManagedBean JSF - jsf

i have a problem injecting within a Guice (#Inject) a repository class to a #ManagedBean class (JSF), which is using EntityManager to get info from db. I've read a lot of old articles with strange ways to do it, but nothing worked. Here is the code:
public class InitConfigListener extends GuiceServletContextListener {
protected Injector getInjector() {
return Guice.createInjector(new ServletModule() {
protected void configureServlets() {
install(new JpaPersistModule("db-manager"));
}, new RepositoryModule());
public class RepositoryModule extends AbstractModule {
public void configure() {
public class BooksView {
private List<Book> bookList;
private IBookRepository booksRepository;
public BooksView() { }
public BooksView(IBookRepository booksRepository) {
this.booksRepository = booksRepository;
public void initBookList() {
bookList = booksRepository.getAll();
public List<Book> getBookList() {
return bookList;
public void setBookList(List<Book> bookList) {
this.bookList = bookList;
EntityManager was injected in repositories. After bindings of repositories, #Inject in class BooksView didn't executed, #PostConstruct was and repository injected was null.
Thanks for help.

Guice works a little bit differently to CDI as BalusC mentioned.
What is happening is that the CDI is executing properly and calling the post constructs on the methods.
JSF Classes are also not Guice managed but CDI Managed so you need to call guice from your front end (which is correct) unless you are using servlet based web fronts, where you use guice-servlet can get around this. Method annotations also require aopalliance.
You can initialize Guice through a filter (example : for undertow based containers, or as a ServletContextListener as mentioned here ( if you would like to startup before a #PostConstruct in a JSF view.
An interesting thing as well, is in an EE environment, the #PostConstruct timing is different in #Singleton's. In standalone environments you can place the injection builder in this location to load injections for ejb and servlets (from a module in the war)

You can use Guice as long as you configure JSF Appropriately.
In a nutshell, to do this you need to enable two things
- Set a custom application factory
- Configure EL to get the bindings from Guice
Set the application factory via the faces-config.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<faces-config version="2.1" xmlns=""
A servlet context parameter (web.xml) or for undertow/embeddeds a deployment info
deploymentInfo.addServletContextAttribute(RIConstants.FACES_INITIALIZER_MAPPINGS_ADDED, Boolean.TRUE)
.addListener(new ListenerInfo(com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.class));
Then in your module -
Use your choice mechanism of scanning, and bind all #javax.inject.Named and #ManagedBean to keys you are going to use in the Guice EL Resolver replacing the CDI/CustomInject/any form on injection that JSF uses with Guice.
Module Binder Example Here
Guice EL Resolver Example Here
Faces Application Wrapper
Optional View Scope Impl
Below is a bundled implementation which you can simply attach, using the Guiced EE framework for JDK 11 and up in modular JPMS (backwards compatible to 1.8)
Note * because of the invalid ServiceProviders in the javax.faces library, the framework references a local javax.faces which at time of updating this was at 2.3.9 with the providers removed to enable you building your JRE with JLink or simply executing your application in JPMS
Then you can just use #ManagedBean and/or #Named (JSF2.3) appropriately with all injections in pretty much any environment, except Servlet 4 which guice-servlet does not yet support


Inject CDI managed bean in SystemEventListener

I have used answer of How to disable elements from within a ViewHandler after jsf has embedded the composite component? to programmatically disable all components in all forms. A SystemEventListener catches and disables all components.
What I would like to add is getting some logic from a CDI bean. It appears that I cannot #Inject a CDI bean inside SystemEventListener. Is there some other mechanism to get logic from CDI beans? I have lots of components and it would be very time consuming to add disabled="#{bean.disabled}" to all components. As I understand this is the right approach to "batch disable" or I'm heavily mistaken here?
It seems that you're not using JSF 2.2 yet. Since that version, a lot of JSF artifacts have been made eligible for CDI injection, including SystemEventListener instances. See also What's new in JSF 2.2? - Issue 763. If you're running JSF 2.0/2.1 on a Servlet 3.0 capable container, then it should be a minimum of effort to upgrade to JSF 2.2.
If you can't upgrade for some reason, then you can always programmatically grab the CDI managed bean via JNDI. The CDI BeanManager instance is available at JNDI name java:comp/BeanManager. Once having it at hands, use the below getReference() utility method to obtain the reference of interest.
public static <T> T getReference(BeanManager beanManager, Class<T> beanClass) {
Bean<T> bean = resolve(beanManager, beanClass);
return (bean != null) ? getReference(beanManager, bean) : null;
public static <T> Bean<T> resolve(BeanManager beanManager, Class<T> beanClass) {
Set<Bean<?>> beans = beanManager.getBeans(beanClass);
for (Bean<?> bean : beans) {
if (bean.getBeanClass() == beanClass) {
return (Bean<T>) beanManager.resolve(Collections.<Bean<?>>singleton(bean));
return (Bean<T>) beanManager.resolve(beans);
public static <T> T getReference(BeanManager beanManager, Bean<T> bean) {
return (T) beanManager.getReference(bean, bean.getBeanClass(), beanManager.createCreationalContext(bean));
(source code from OmniFaces Beans/BeansLocal)
So, in a nutshell:
BeanManager beanManager = (BeanManager) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/BeanManager");
YourBean yourBean = getReference(beanManager, YourBean.class);
// ...
Or, if you're already using OmniFaces 1.x, or are open to using it, use its Beans utility class (available since 1.6 only):
YourBean yourBean = Beans.getReference(YourBean.class);
// ...
Both return a proxy reference, you could safely assign it as an instance variable of the SystemEventListener class during its construction.

Injecting ResourceBundle via #ManagedProperty doesn't seem to work inside #Named

How can I access messages bundle from java code to get message according to current locale?
I tried using #ManagedProperty like below:
public class UserBean implements Serializable {
private ResourceBundle bundle;
// ...
public void setBundle(ResourceBundle bundle) {
this.bundle = bundle;
However, it remains null. It seems that it doesn't work inside a #Named.
This is how I registered the resource bundle in faces-context.xml:
updated by author:
I get error
16:29:10,968 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[default-host].[/WEBSearchPrime_JB_lang].[Faces Servlet]] (http-localhost- Servlet.service() for servlet Faces Servlet threw exception: org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalProductException: WELD-000054 Producers cannot produce non-serializable instances for injection into non-transient fields of passivating beans\\n\\nProducer\: Producer Method [PropertyResourceBundle] with qualifiers [#Any #Default] declared as [[method] #Produces public util.BundleProducer.getBundle()]\\nInjection Point\: [field] #Inject private model.UserBean.bundle
note, that I also put Serializable interface
You can't use #javax.faces.bean.ManagedProperty in a CDI managed bean as annotated with #Named. You can only use it in a JSF managed bean as annotated with #ManagedBean.
You need use #javax.faces.annotation.ManagedProperty instead, along with an #Inject. This was introduced in JSF 2.3.
#Inject #javax.faces.annotation.ManagedProperty("#{msg}")
private ResourceBundle bundle;
Noted should be that this gets injected as a #Dependent. So be aware that when you inject this into a #SessionScoped bean, then it would basically become #SessionScoped too and thus stick to the originally injected value forever. So any potential locale changes later on in the session won't be reflected there. If this is a blocker, then you should really inject it into a #RequestScoped or #ViewScoped only, or make use of a #Producer as shown below.
CDI doesn't have native annotations to inject the evaluation result of an EL expression. The CDI approach is using a "CDI producer" with #Produces wherein you return the concrete type, which is PropertyResourceBundle in case of .properties file based resource bundles.
So, if you cannot upgrade to JSF 2.3, then just drop this class somewhere in your WAR:
public class BundleProducer {
public PropertyResourceBundle getBundle() {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
return context.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(context, "#{msg}", PropertyResourceBundle.class);
With this, can inject it as below:
private PropertyResourceBundle bundle;
In addition to BalusC's answer:
Since JSF 2.3 it is also possible to inject a resource bundle defined in faces-config.xml without the use of a producer method. There is a new annotation javax.faces.annotation.ManagedProperty (note it is in the ...annotation package, not the ...bean package) that works with #Inject:
// ...
import javax.faces.annotation.ManagedProperty;
// ...
public class UserBean implements Serializable {
// ...
private ResourceBundle bundle;
// ...
Perhaps I'm getting something wrong, but actually neither of the solutions provided worked for my use case. So I'm providing another answer that worked for me.
With the answer provided by BalusC I encountered the following problems:
As I'm using ajaxbased validation, my beans are #ViewScoped, and
must be serializable. As neither ResourceBundle nor
PropertyResourceBundle are serializable they can't be injected with
#Dependent scope.
If I try to change the producer to use #RequestScoped it also fails
because ResourceBundle is not proxyable as it defines final
As I'm using JSF 2.3 (JBoss 7.2EAP) I went with the solution provided by Jören Haag and initially it seemed to work. Like the original question, I also have multiple supported locales, and the user can change between locales (in my case ca and es)
The problems I faced with Jören answer are
The ResourceBundle returned is evaluated when the bean is created. In his example he is using a #SessionScoped bean. The ResourceBundle will be resolved with the current locale when the session is created. If the user later changes the locale, the ResourceBundle will not get updated. This also happens with #ViewScoped beans if the user can change the language without changing the view.
I also encountered another issue with beans that need to preload data with a <f:viewAction>. In this case, the bean is instantiated earlier, so the ResourceBundle gets injected before the user locale is set with <f:view locale="#{sessionBean.locale}">. So If the user browser is using es, but the user changed the locale to ca, the bundle will be loaded with es instead, because the view locale is not set to ca with the sessionBean.locale until the render phase.
To overcome this issues that's the solution that worked for me for the use case of the question using injection would be:
public class UserBean implements Serializable {
private Instance<ResourceBundle> bundle;
// ....
public void someAction() {
String message = bundle.get().getString("someLabel");
// ...
As the original question doesn't require injection, only asks how to access a resource bundle with the current locale, a solution without injection, and without the overhead of evaluating EL expression #{msg} every time bundle.get() is called would be:
public class UserBean implements Serializable {
private FacesContext context;
// ...
public void someAction() {
ResourceBundle bundle = context.getApplication().getResourceBundle(context, "msg");
String message = bundle.getString("someLabel");
// ...

#Inject-ed value null in #FacesComponent

I have the impression that CDI is not working with classes that have a #javax.faces.component.FacesComponent. Is this true?
Here's my example, that doesn't work. The MyInjectableClass is used at other points in the code where injection is not a problem, so it must be about the #FacesComponent annotation I think.
The class I want to inject:
public class MyInjectableClass implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4556482219775071397L;
The component which uses that class;
#FacesComponent(value = "mycomponents.mytag")
public class MyComponent extends UIComponentBase implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5656806814384095309L;
protected MyInjectableClass injectedInstance;
public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
/* injectedInstance is null here */
Unfortunately, even for JSF 2.2 #FacesComponent, #FacesValidator and #FacesConverter are not valid injection targets (read What's new in JSF 2.2? by Arjan Tijms for more details). As Arjan points out:
It’s likely that those will be taken into consideration for JSF 2.3 though.
What can you do for now? Well, you've got basically two choices:
Handle CDI injection via lookup, or switch to EJB and do the simpler EJB lookup;
Annotate tour class with #Named instead of #FacesComponent, #Inject the component the way you did and register your component in faces-config.xml. As the UI component instance is created via JSF Application#createComponent(), not via CDI you will also need a custom Application implementation as well (exactly like OmniFaces has for those converters/validators).
And, by the way, you've got two issues with what you've got this far: (1) what is meant by #Named #Stateful when the former is from a CDI world and the latter is from EJB world and (2) are you sure you intend to keep state in a faces component that's basically recreated on every request?
#FacesCompnent is managed by JSF and injection is not supported into them.
Passing the value in from the XHTML page via a composite component attribute worked for us.

What makes a bean a CDI bean?

In the top answer to this question for example : Java EE 6 #javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. #javax.inject.Named vs. #javax.faces.ManagedBean I read that:
To deploy CDI beans, you must place a file called beans.xml in a
META-INF folder on the classpath. Once you do this, then every bean in
the package becomes a CDI bean.
And also it is said that:
If you want to use the CDI bean from a JSF page, you can give it a
name using the javax.inject.Named annotation.
I have a sample code that goes like this:
public class SignUpPage {
private User user;
public void init() {
user = new User();
private UserDao userDao;
// rest of the class
So as far as I understand, my bean is still a JSF Managed Bean, it is not a CDI bean(or is it?). By the way, I have a beans.xml in my WEB-INF folder.
And #Inject works just fine in here. Also, I can access the bean with EL just fine(which makes me think it is still a JSF Managed Bean)
The UserDao class looks something like this:
public class UserDao {
EntityManager em;
public void initialize(){
EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("Persistence");
em = emf.createEntityManager();
So, it is as far as I know an EJB..
So do I have any CDI beans in this example? How does #Inject work here?
Hope my question is clear, Regards!
By CDI specification, every JavaBean is a Managed Bean (do not confuse it with JSF #ManagedBean, this is a different one) in project where the beans.xml is present. So every class is also eligible for dependency injection. Note that default scope of this class is Dependent.

Inject a EJB into a JSF converter with JEE6 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to inject #EJB, #PersistenceContext, #Inject, #Autowired, etc in #FacesConverter?
(5 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a stateless EJB that acceses my database.
I need this bean in a JSF 2 converter to retreive an entity object from the String value parameter. I'm using JEE6 with Glassfish V3.
#EJB annotation does not work and gets a NPE, because it's in the faces context and it has not access to the EJB context.
My question is:
Is it still possible to Inject this bean with a #Resource or other annotation, or a JNDI lookup, or do I need a workaround?
Do a JNDI lookup like this:
try {
ic = new InitialContext();
myejb= (MyEJB) ic
} catch (NamingException e) {
I never used JSF 2.0 (only 1.0), but chapter 5.4 of the spec says:
[...] allow the container to inject references to
container managed resources into a managed bean instance before it is made accessible to the JSF application.
Only beans declared to be in request,
session, or application scope are
eligble for resource injection.
But so far I understand, a JNDI lookup should do the trick.
Other (yet not so pretty) solution may be using binding instead of converterId. Using JSF managed beans only:
<f:converter binding="#{app.personConverter}" />
Where appBean stands for something like:
class AppBean {
private PersonService ps;
private Converter personConverter;
There MAY be a nicer solution in CDI-style (JSR-299) but i've failed to make this one running:
<f:converter binding="#{cdiBean}" />
Where cidBean ought to be:
#Named class CdiBean implements Converter { #EJB ... }
Fails with 'Default behavior invoked of requiring a converter-id passed in the constructor'
Anyhow first approach using binding and app scoped JSF bean works.
The Seam Faces extension for JSF 2.0 and CDI allows #Inject support directly in Validators and Converters.
Check it out:
i don't know if this solution is pretty... but it does work:
public class AcquisitionConverter implements Converter
private AcquisitionService service;
public Object getAsObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String value)
public String getAsString(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object value)
<h:inputText value="#{flowController.acquisition}" converter="#{acquisitionConverter}">
with jsf 2.1.3 (mojarra) and glassfish 3.1.1
