ITextSharp and nested form fields - nested

I need some help to fill a pdf, given by a customer with ITextSharp.
I have a problem with a field that is similar to a radio button.
If I try to list all the fields of my form I can't easily find which field I have to fill and the allowed values.
I've tried to inspect the form with iTextRUPS:
Can someone help me to find a way to fill these kind of fields ?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards


Add link in Field help Netsuite

Can I add a link/url in field help of a custom field in NetSuite.
Yes. Make sure you wrap the text you set for the custom field's help display setting in html tags.
<html>Custom item field help with a link. Web site</html>
As mentioned in the help for Setting Display Options for Custom Fields:
In the Help field, enter a brief description of the kind of
information you want entered in the field.
The help is available when the name of the field is clicked.
You can enter HTML in the field. Be sure to begin your markup source
with <html> and end with </html>.

Populate Textboxes by Clicking a Table in MVC

Populate Textboxes by Clicking a Table in MVC. The Javascript code which I am using doesn't change the text boxes values when I select another row on the table.
Does anyone have an idea please help?
I have the Answer to My own question, so any one who needs it. just say the word and I'll type the problem is am using a phone right now

Conditional form fields in Lotus Notes

I try to build an advanced form in Lotus Notes. Some fields should hide in condition to the state of other fields.
I can hide one field by defining a formula for this. But the problem is I have to first save the document, close it and reopen it to see the fields are hidden.
I want that the field is hiding while the UI doc is in edit mode when I change the state of fields.
Thank you!
Best regards
You can set option "Refresh fields on keyword change" to recalculate the hidden formulas of other fields.
This option is avaliable for fields of type
Dialog list
Radio button
Try to use one of the following commands:
#Command( [RefreshHideFormulas] )
I hope this helps.
You can use various approaches to achieve this. If you use some sort of select-fields like Radiobutton or Checkbox you can use the field option "Refresh on keyword change" to recalculate the formula.
You could use Call notesUIDocument.RefreshHideFormulas but beware of it's greedy resource consumption on large forms.
Link on IBM Knowledge Center

How to create a document in jtextpane?

I'm sorry, maybe there is such a question.
I'm a beginner.
I want to make jtextpane with this form, as shown below.
I understand that the Style do the first part of the document.
I do not understand how to insert the table after the text.
Please help me.
Very grateful.
document in jtextpane
You need an HTMLDocument. Set an HTMLEditorKit to your text pane. Then, use insertHTML to insert your table.

Customize Acumatica bulit-in dropdown list with conditions

I have used the answer to Woody's question at
Is there a easy way to customize Acumatica build-in dropdown list? to customize several dropdown lists. Thank you for the guidance with that one. I want to further customize a different drop-down list based on the Class ID and the Status of an Acumatica Case. I am not sure at all how to achieve this. Can anyone provide advice please?
If you are able to write proper 'Search' BQL to get the result, you can use the PXSelector attribute. If you use 'Current' it will use the the current documents field value. So as per your case, you can use the current ClassID and Status to dynamically populate your selector.
Where<DiscountSequence.discountID, Equal<Current<DiscountSequence.discountID>>>>))]
Hope this helps.
I propose you to consider customizable selector, with which you can completely control all your data which will be displayed. Here is example of implementation.
