Booking Engine Payment Gateway Logic - node.js

I am developing a booking engine in node js & Parse for a hotel website. In this I am checking for availability twice. Once when user fills all booking details and other before going to payment gateway. The payment gateway (CCAvenue) has success and cancel URL where they post data as per users behaviour. But the problem here is that if the tab is closed by the user there is no event called by the payment gateway. I can open this payment gateway page in new tab. But still I want the booking id of the booking cancelled due to tab close.
NOTE: I am creating booking with PENDING status and updating the status to ACTIVE when payment is successful.

The simpler answer is to update to PENDING status and also a "Pending Expire DateTime". Make this whatever works for your business. Maybe 1 Hour.
Then if they have NOT posted a payment successfully within one hour then you change the PENDING to "FailedDeposit" and allow the room to be booked again.
Make sure your user is aware of that they have to pay deposit and do NOT give them a confirmation until after the payment is received. The user doesn't need to know that you are holding the room for them. They should believe that they are not confirmed until they pay.


Stripe Elements - Payment Updates Database

I am currently integrating Stripe Elements into my ReactJS app. What I am developing is a system in which my users can upload an image to display as an advertisement on my web app for 30 days. This means that a payment needs to update a row in my database with a new expiration date. We are also having the users manually renew each expiration period so we are not using subscriptions.
From what I understand, the flow is as follows for a first time customer:
User goes to the advertisement upload page
The user submits the advertisement form. Client sends POST request to my API server and creates payment intent with NodeJS Stripe SDK
Advertisement is saved into DB with an expiration date of null.
Payment Intent ID is saved to relationship table associating it with the banner
Payment Intent secret is sent to client with status OK
Client Secret is given to Elements to show and handle the payment form
Stripe sends the event to my webhook endpoint with Payment Intent ID.
Use Payment Intent ID to find which banner advertisement should be updated with new expiration date
From what I've read on the docs, this flow should work. If anyone notices issues, please let me know!
My question is: can I show the user their next advertisement expiration date right after their purchase? Or do I need to show them "Pending" until my webhook receives the event?
Thanks in advance for any answers or advice!
You can, but whether or not you should is primarily a business decision for you to make based on the customer experience you're hoping to achieve.
It will likely be influence by the exact integration path and payment method options that you're offering. If you're going to use the Payment Element with delayed notification payment methods, then you may want to wait for confirmation that the payment was successful.
But if you're using the Card Element(s) and only accepting cards, then part of the response from confirmCardPayment is the Payment Intent if the payment was successful so you have a more immediate indicator of success.

How do you generate a stripe invoice after a successfull checkout session

Quite suprisingly, it is not possible to automatically generate an invoice after as successfull checkout session with Stripe.
An invoice must always come before a payment in the stripe system.
I am left with having to recreate the invoice through a bunch of API calls fetching the PaymentIntent or the CheckoutSession that was just performed to recompute the data for the invoice and mark it as paid (not even sure I can retrieve everything I need)
This seems quite hacky... Is this the right way to do it or shall I just handle invoicing outside of stripe (quite annoying too) ?
just want clarify if you need Invoice or Receipt, because they are two different things
Invoice is something you send to customer to ask for payment (before payment)
Receipt is a proof of succeeded payment (after payment)
My understanding is that the payment is already collected upon a succeeded checkout session, so you probably want to send receipts to customers. To enable email receipts, you can go to Settings -> Emails and tick the Email customers about Successful payment box. Please note that emails won't be sent in test mode.
Let me explain a solution that you can use to generate invoices after payment in stripe. This solution is based on Zapier connectors.
There are three systems that we should connect.
Plumsail Documents
First, you have to set up a Stripe connection to Zapier. Go to Zapier, create a Zap, find the Stripe connection, and select "New Payment" as the trigger event. Then, connect your Stripe account with Zapier and make a test in Zap. If everything ok, go to the second step.
Second. After you have done the Zap connection for Stripe, go to Plumsail Documents, create the process, and make a template for your invoice.
Third. Set up a Plumsail Documents connection to Zapier. Go to your Zap (where you have made the connection to Stripe before), find the Plumsail Documents action, and set the Start Process as Action Event. Next, you have to select your process and match output data from Stripe payment with your invoice template in Plumsail Documents.
It seems a bit complicated, so you can read the article with a more detailed description of this solution. Also, there are screenshots for all processes.
As a result, you will get a fully automated custom invoice generation whenever you will get a payment in Stripe.
Max, product manager at Plumsail.

Order confirmations with asynchronous 3DS payments and webhooks

Our application has different plans (Basic, Advanced, Pro). We use Stripe.
Each Plan gives you X amount of credits per month.
We credit each
Customer with the credits when he has made a successful payment
either by subscription creation, subscription update, or subscription
The Customer is only credited on successful payment; we listen for the invoice.payment_succeeded webhook on our server and credit the user in our database.
The problem we face is this:
Customer attempts to use some credits. We detect that he has no
credits nor a Plan.
Customer is prompted to sign up for plan.
Customer provides payment details.
Customer authorises 3DS on the client via stripe.confirmCardPayment(). He's informed that payment went through.
Customer attempts to use his credits. At this point the webhook invoice.payment_succeeded
event did not arrive on our server to update our internal Customer and credit him his
credits (or mark his subscription as active). So the user is still blocked from using our application. He's notified that he
doesn't have any credits.
We eventually receive the webhook that payment has gone through and we update the
customer subscription and credit his credits.
As you can see step 5 is problematic. The customer has paid however when he tries to use his credits he is informed he doesn't have any because the webhook that will credit his credits has not arrived yet on our server.
The webhook will arrive within the next minute or so but in the meantime the Customer is baffled that he paid for credits yet when trying to use them he's informed he doesn't have any.
How would you handle this?
Possible solutions
Client sends HTTP call to credit his account
When stripe.confirmCardPayment() succeeds, send an HTTP call from client -> server to credit the user.
This solution is both insecure and error prone.
It shifts the responsibility of crediting the user account to the client. Nothing would stop the client from sending forged HTTP calls to credit his own account.
If the user closes down his browser immediately after stripe.confirmCardPayment() succeeds, the call to credit his account would never reach our servers.
Client polls server to query successful completion
Every invoice.payment_succeeded event gets processed on our server and saved in a table successful_invoices.
When stripe.confirmCardPayment() succeeds we poll our server to find out
if a successful invoice with the invoice_id exists in that table.
If it does, we hide the loading screen and tell the client that his payment was processed and his credits have been credited successfully.
This is our preferred solution for the time being.
This is something we have faced already in various payment gateway integrations. You have to wait for the webhook to confirm the payment.
Then there needs to be a backup event that requests the gateway to confirm if the payment status is successful and so you can update the same in your records.
Normally, the webhooks do the needful else your payment_create event from your app can request that provider to check the status. But there is a mild chance of this not getting update unless you put a delay to check this post payment_create.
We tried adding a CRON that checks the status of the payment made in last 1 min. All payment having pending status from last run are picked status is updated from gateway provider. BUt in this case you need to be sure that no record should have a duplicate run in form of event from payment create and added to cron as well at same time.

Proper way to handle customer delays in stripe payment gateway

I have a question to ask about payment strategy with Stripe Checkout API. consider following scenario
A vendor published 10 products(apples) for 5$ each in a marketplace
A customer wants to buy 8 of them, and he fill the details and click checkout button
( stripe checkout page comes)
But customer waits idle for 1 hr without completing the payment ( just looking at the UI)
Mean while someone else buy all 10 apples
first customer doesn't know about that because he is already in final payment page.
And he pays 40 $ for 8 apples
Transaction is fault because no apples left to deliver.
I am trying to integrate Stripe payment gateway to my marketplace platform and I could not find a solution for this kind of scenario.
Is there any feature in Stripe to handle this ? Like session timeout period ?
Or What is the standard way to handle this ?
Appreciate your help.
I don't know if this is still relevant!
But I had the same problem before. What I did is I start managing the sessions from the application side. So I have a stripe sessions table and I have a timeout, and status of the session. Also, I have a purchase table with a status that could be pending if the user didn't pay yet. So I can update the items counts in the real store.
This is the scenario I have implemented. It might help you or anyone who is thinking of this problem. Maybe there is a more perfect scenario but this works for me :v:
User presses on pay
The application makes a POST request to your application create session endpoint, with all needed information
In the backend, check if this user has an active session with the same information, if yes just redirect him to that active session id. If no just create another stripe session, record its info in your database and redirect the user to the new session id
Then add a purchase record with the amount/quantity the user is attempting to get (with status = pending) and the session id you have. Then update the items page and subtract this quantity...
Create a webhook with that session id. So you can know if it is done or not (you have to have an endpoint that accepts session ids)
You check your active sessions periodically (cronjob) if a session is too old (like one hour) you just delete it and delete the pending purchase then update the items count in your store back to the actual count.
And when stripe calls your webhook with the required events, you can now set the session status and purchase status to done (Don't forget to check the call signature for more security)
I hope this will help you.

How to deal with subscriptions using PayPal's REST SDK

I am trying to create a basic subscription service on my site and I am not sure of a standard way to deal with subscriptions. I'm sure I could hack something together but I'm just wondering if there is a suggested way.
So I have created a billing plan and activated it.
I have a subscribe button on my site that creates a billing agreement referring to the billing plan created in step 1 and redirects the user to the PayPal website were they can login and accept the subscription.
Once the user completes the actions on the PayPal website they are returned back to my site with a token were I then execute the agreement using the returned token from PayPal as per the documentation.
So I guess after these steps the subscription is created for that user, is active and the first payment is made immediately.
In my database, I have a field for each user names subscribed and it's value is a boolean which I set to true once they are returned to my site and the execute command is successful.
My problem is keeping this boolean value up to date for each user as this is the value I check to see if they can access the content.
Canceling - I can provide a cancel button on my site to cancel their subscription and when successful I can set the value to false. But what if they cancel through the PayPal website? I think there is a webhook names BILLING.SUBSCRIPTION.CANCELLED which may send me the agreement ID and If I save it in my database I can see which user it belongs to and set their subscription to false.
After the first month has passed and the next payment is due, is there a webhook sent for a successful payment or a failed payment so I can then set the subscription value accordingly? I see there is a webhook named PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED but I don't know if this fired for a successful payment and PAYMENT.SALE.DENIED for a failed payment. If these webhooks exist for subscriptions I imagine it should be a simple solution to keeping this subscribed value up to date.
Hope this made some sense.
