Apply a function to every element in a list to every element in another list - Haskell - haskell

My ultimate goal is to find if a list y contains all the elements of list x (I'm checking if x is a subset of y sort of thing)
subset x y =
and [out | z <- x
, out <- filter (==z) y ]
This doesn't work, and I know it's because z is a list still. I'm trying to make sense of this.
I think I may have to use the elem function, but I'm not sure how to split x into chars that I can compare separately through y.
I'm ashamed to say that I've been working on this simple problem for an hour and a half.

Checking whether all elements of xs are elements of ys is very straightforward. Loop through xs, and for each element, check if it is in ys:
subset xs ys = all (\x -> elem x ys) xs

You could also use the list difference function (\\). If you have list y and list x, and you want to check that all elements of x are in y, then x \\ y will return a new list with the elements of x that are not in y. If all the elements of x are in y, the returned list will be empty.
For example, if your list y is [1,2,3,4,5] and your list x is [2,4], you can do:
Prelude> [2,4] \\ [1,2,3,4,5]
If list y is [1,2,3,4,5] and list x is [2,4,6], then:
Prelude> [2,4,6] \\ [1,2,3,4,5]

Easy way to reason about subsets is to use sets as the data type.
import qualified Data.Set as S
subset :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
subset xs ys = S.isSubsetOf (S.fromList xs) (S.fromList ys)
Then it's as simple as:
*Main> subset [1..5] [1..10]
*Main> subset [0..5] [1..10]

Let's break this down into two subproblems:
Find if a value is a member of a list;
Use the solution to #1 to test whether every value in a list is in the second one.
For the first subproblem there is a library function already:
elem :: (Eq a, Foldable t) => a -> t a -> Bool
Lists are a Foldable type, so you can use this function with lists for t and it would have the following type:
elem :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
EXERCISE: Write your own version of elem, specialized to work with lists (don't worry about the Foldable stuff now).
So now, to tackle #2, one first step would be this:
-- For each element of `xs`, test whether it's an element of `ys`.
-- Return a list of the results.
notYetSubset :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [Bool]
notYetSubset xs ys = map (\x -> elem x ys) xs
After that, we need to go from the list of individual boolean results to just one boolean. There's a standard library function that does that as well:
-- Return true if and only if every element of the argument collection is
-- is true.
and :: Foldable t => t Bool -> Bool
EXERCISE: write your own version of and, specialized to lists:
myAnd :: [Bool] -> Bool
myAnd [] = _fillMeIn
myAnd (x:xs) = _fillMeIn
With these tools, now we can write subset:
subset :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [Bool]
subset xs ys = and (map (\x -> elem x ys) xs)
Although a more experienced Haskeller would probably write it like this:
subset :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [Bool]
subset xs ys = every (`elem` ys) xs
{- This:
(`elem` ys) a syntactic shortcut for this:
\x -> x elem ys
...where every is another standard library function that is just a shortcut for the combination of map and and:
-- Apply a boolean test to every element of the list, and
-- return `True` if and only if the test succeeds for all elements.
every :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
every p = and . map p


Generating a set using higher order functions and unions

I am studying a past exam and I came across a question where I must write a function called setFunc to generate a set where I apply a function on each element in a list of tuples (which are a result of the Cartesian product operation)
First I implemented a helper function to take the union of sets:
Then I tried to implement the main function:
setFunc x y = f x y
setFunc (x:xs) (y:ys) = (f x y) OrdUnion (setFunc f xt ys)
Help on fixing setFunc would be appreciated.
I must use ordUnion somehow and I am not permitted to use sort.
This sort of constraint is expected to appear within the body of the question.
A core part of the problem is that we want the output list to be sorted (from your example), but we are told nothing about possible order-preserving properties of the argument function. So we must accept that the f x y output values will be produced in some unpredictable random order.
For example, we expect this equality to hold:
setFunc (*) [-7,2] [-7,3] == [-21,-14,6,49]
that is, the maximal output value results from the two minimal input values.
Hence, we are somewhat coerced into solving the problem in 2 steps:
produce the f x y output values in whatever order
sort the list produced in step 1.
Let's call the step 1 function cartesianFunc. It is easy to write it in recursive fashion:
cartesianFunc :: Ord c => (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
cartesianFunc f [] ys = []
cartesianFunc f (x:xs) ys = (map (f x) ys) ++ (cartesianFunc f xs ys)
Note that we have dropped the useless Ord constraints on types b and c.
$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.8.4: :? for help
λ> :load q13784671.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( q13784671.hs, interpreted )
Ok, one module loaded.
λ> cartesianFunc (*) [1,2,4] [1,3,9]
Now for step 2:
We may not use the library sort function. But we have to use function ordUnion, which merges two ordered lists into a bigger ordered list.
Assuming we had yet another function, say splitHalf, which could split a list into two roughly equal parts, we could obtain our own sort function by:
splitting the input list
recursively sorting its two halves
combining our two sorted halves using the merging ordUnion function.
To split a list, we can use the well-know tortoise-hare algorithm where at each iteration, the first part advances by one step and the second part advances by two steps.
This gives this code:
ordUnion :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
ordUnion a [] = a
ordUnion [] b = b
ordUnion (x:xs) (y:ys) = case compare x y of
LT -> x : ordUnion xs (y:ys)
EQ -> x : ordUnion xs ys
GT -> y : ordUnion (x:xs) ys
splitHalfTH :: [a] -> ([a],[a])
splitHalfTH xs = th xs xs
th (y:ys) (_:_:zs) = let (as,bs) = th ys zs in (y:as, bs)
th ys _ = ([],ys)
mySort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
mySort [] = []
mySort [a] = [a]
mySort xs = let (as,bs) = splitHalfTH xs in ordUnion (mySort as) (mySort bs)
and finally we can come up with our setFunc function by combining mySort and cartesianFunc:
setFunc :: Ord c => (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
setFunc fn xs ys = mySort (cartesianFunc fn xs ys)
λ> cartesianFunc (*) [1,2,4] [1,3,9]
λ> mySort $ cartesianFunc (*) [1,2,4] [1,3,9]
λ> setFunc (*) [1,2,4] [1,3,9]

Haskell: Create a list of tuples from a tuple with a static element and a list

Need to create a list of tuples from a tuple with a static element and a list. Such as:
(Int, [String]) -> [(Int, String)]
Feel like this should be a simple map call but am having trouble actually getting it to output a tuple as zip would need a list input, not a constant.
I think this is the most direct and easy to understand solution (you already seem to be acquainted with map anyway):
f :: (Int, [String]) -> [(Int, String)]
f (i, xs) = map (\x -> (i, x)) xs
(which also happens to be the desugared version of [(i, x) | x < xs], which Landei proposed)
Prelude> f (3, ["a", "b", "c"])
This solution uses pattern matching to "unpack" the tuple argument, so that the first tuple element is i and the second element is xs. It then does a simple map over the elements of xs to convert each element x to the tuple (i, x), which I think is what you're after. Without pattern matching it would be slightly more verbose:
f pair = let i = fst pair -- get the FIRST element
xs = snd pair -- get the SECOND element
in map (\x -> (i, x)) xs
The algorithm is no way specific to (Int, [String]), so you can safely generalize the function by replacing Int and String with type parameters a and b:
f :: (a, [b]) -> [(a, b)]
f (i, xs) = map (\x -> (i, x)) xs
this way you can do
Prelude> f (True, [1.2, 2.3, 3.4])
and of course if you simply get rid of the type annotation altogether, the type (a, [b]) -> [(a, b)] is exactly the type that Haskell infers (only with different names):
Prelude> let f (i, xs) = map (\x -> (i, x)) xs
Prelude> :t f
f :: (t, [t1]) -> [(t, t1)]
Bonus: you can also shorten \x -> (i, x) to just (i,) using the TupleSections language extension:
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
f :: (a, [b]) -> [(a, b)]
f (i, xs) = map (i,) xs
Also, as Ørjan Johansen has pointed out, the function sequence does indeed generalize this even further, but the mechanisms thereof are a bit beyond the scope.
For completeness, consider also cycle,
f i = zip (cycle [i])
Using foldl,
f i = foldl (\a v -> (i,v) : a ) []
Using a recursive function that illustrates how to divide the problem,
f :: Int -> [a] -> [(Int,a)]
f _ [] = []
f i (x:xs) = (i,x) : f i xs
A list comprehension would be quite intuitive and readable:
f (i,xs) = [(i,x) | x <- xs]
Do you want the Int to always be the same, just feed zip with an infinite list. You can use repeat for that.
f i xs = zip (repeat i) xs

Is there any function in Haskell that applies a two argument function to two lists, element by element?

I just wanted to multiply two lists element by element, so I'd pass (*) as the first argument to that function:
apply :: Num a => (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
apply f xs ys = [f (xs !! i) (ys !! i) | i <- [0..(length xs - 1)]]
I may be asking a silly question, but I actually googled a lot for it and just couldn't find. Thank you, guys!
> :t zipWith
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
> zipWith (*) [1,2,3] [4,5,6]
It's the eighth result provided by Hoogle when queried with your type
(a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
Moreover, when you need to implement your own function, use list !! index only as a last resort, since it usually leads to a bad performance, having a cost of O(index). Similarly, length should be used only when necessary, since it needs to scan the whole list.
In the zipWith case, you can avoid both and proceed recursively in a natural way: it is roughly implemented as
zipWith _ [] _ = []
zipWith _ _ [] = []
zipWith f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : zipWith f xs ys
Note that this will only recurse as much as needed to reach the end of the shortest list. The remaining part of the longer list will be discarded.

Checking to see if a list is ordered consecutively

Is there any library function in Haskell that'll allow me to check if a list is ordered consecutively? eg. [1,2,3,4] is valid, [1,2,3,10] is invalid.
Basically I can have a list that ranges anywhere between 3 to 5 elements and I'm trying to check if that list is ordered consecutively.
My Attempt (I'm not sure if this is the right way to approach it, seems to be way too much repetition)
isSucc:: [Integer] -> Bool
isSucc[] = True
isSucc(x:y:zs) =
if (x+1) == y
then True && isSucc(y:zs)
else isSucc(y:zs)
After I have this function working, I'm planning on using it to filter a lists of lists (Keep the list inside the list only and only if it is ordered consecutively)
You can use the trick zipWith f xs (drop 1 xs) to apply f to consecutive pairs of list elements. (Notice drop 1 rather than tail, because the latter fails if the list is empty!)
If you replace f with <= you'll get a list of Bool values. Now see whether they're all True.
isSucc xs = and $ zipWith (<=) xs (drop 1 xs)
There's no standard function for that.
Here's a fixed version of your function, making it generic, removing the redundant conditions and adding the missing ones:
isSucc :: (Enum a, Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
isSucc [] = True
isSucc (x:[]) = True
isSucc (x:y:zs) | y == succ x = isSucc $ y:zs
isSucc _ = False
I prefer to use a little more readable solution than one that has been offered by MathematicalOrchid.
First of all we will define the utilitarian function pairwise that might be useful in many different circumstances:
pairwise xs = zip xs $ tail xs
or in more modern way:
import Control.Applicative ((<*>))
pairwise = zip <*> tail
and then use it with the other combinators:
isSucc xs = all (\(x,y) -> succ x == y) $ pairwise xs
There is another way,
isOrdered :: (Enum a, Eq a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
isOrdered op (a:b:ls) = op a b && isOrdered op (b:ls)
isOrdered op _ = True
isSucc = isOrdered ((==) . succ)
If you want to check that all consecutive differences are equal to one, you can use
isIncreasingByOne :: (Eq a, Num a) => [a] -> Bool
isIncreasingByOne = all (==1) (zipWith (-) (tail xs) xs)
This works for numeric types (hence the Num a constraint), including Float and Double. It's also easy to adapt if you want to check that a sequence is increasing by more than 5 at a time, say.
-- This checks if ordered
isordd:: [Int] -> Bool
isordd [] = True
isordd (x:y:xs)
| x > y = False
| lengh xs == 0 = True
| otherwise = isordd (y:xs)
-- This calculates the length of the list
lengh [] = 0
lengh (x:xs) = 1+lengh xs

Lack of understanding infinite lists and seq operator

The code below retains, for a given integer n, the first n items from a list, drops the following n items, keeps the following n and so on. It works correctly for any finite list.
In order to make it usable with infinite lists, I used the 'seq' operator to force the accumulator evaluation before the recursive step as in foldl' as example.
I tested by tracing the accumulator's value and it seems that it is effectively computed as desired with finite lists.
Nevertheless, it doesn't work when applied to an infinite list. The "take" in the main function is only executed once the inner calculation is terminated, what, of course, never happens with an infinite list.
Please, can someone tell me where is my mistake?
main :: IO ()
main = print (take 2 (foo 2 [1..100]))
foo :: Show a => Int -> [a] -> [a]
foo l lst = inFoo keepOrNot 1 l lst []
inFoo :: Show a => (Bool -> Int -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]) -> Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
inFoo keepOrNot i l [] lstOut = lstOut
inFoo keepOrNot i l lstIn lstOut = let lstOut2 = (keepOrNot (odd i) l lstIn lstOut) in
stOut2 `seq` (inFoo keepOrNot (i+1) l (drop l lstIn) lstOut2)
keepOrNot :: Bool -> Int -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
keepOrNot b n lst1 lst2 = case b of
True -> lst2 ++ (take n lst1)
False -> lst2
Here's how list concatenation is implemented:
(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
(++) [] ys = ys
(++) (x:xs) ys = x : xs ++ ys
Note that
the right hand list structure is reused as is (even if it's not been evaluated yet, so lazily)
the left hand list structure is rewritten (copied)
This means that if you're using ++ to build up a list, you want the accumulator to be on the right hand side. (For finite lists, merely for efficiency reasons --- if the accumulator is on the left hand side, it will be repeatedly copied and this is inefficient. For infinite lists, the caller can't look at the first element of the result until it's been copied for the last time, and there won't be a last time because there's always something else to concatenate onto the right of the accumulator.)
The True case of keepOrNot has the accumulator on the left of the ++. You need to use a different data structure.
The usual idiom in this case is to use difference lists. Instead of using type [a] for your accumulator, use [a] -> [a]. Your accumulator is now a function that prepends a list to the list it's given as input. This avoids repeated copying, and the list can be built lazily.
keepOrNot :: Bool -> Int -> [a] -> ([a] -> [a]) -> ([a] -> [a])
keepOrNot b n lst1 acc = case b of
True -> acc . (take n lst1 ++)
False -> acc
The initial value of the accumulator should be id. When you want to convert it to a conventional list, call it with [] (i.e., acc []).
seq is a red herring here. seq does not force the entire list. seq only determines whether it is of the form [] or x : xs.
You're learning Haskell, yes? So it would be a good idea as an exercise to modify your code to use a difference list accumulator. Possibly the use of infinite lists will burn you in a different part of your code; I don't know.
But there is a better approach to writing foo.
foo c xs = map snd . filter fst . zipWith f [0..] $ xs
where f i x = (even (i `div` c), x)
So you want to group a list into groups of n elements, and drop every other group. We can write this down directly:
import Data.List (unfoldr)
groups n xs = takeWhile (not.null) $ unfoldr (Just . splitAt n) xs
foo c xs = concatMap head . groups 2 . groups c $ xs
dave4420 already explained what is wrong with your code, but I'd like to comment on how you got there, IMO. Your keepOrNot :: Bool -> Int -> [a] -> [a] -> [a] function is too general. It works according to the received Bool, any Bool; but you know that you will feed it a succession of alternating True and False values. Programming with functions is like plugging a pipe into a funnel - output of one function serves as input to the next - and the funnel is too wide here, so the contact is loose.
A minimal re-write of your code along these lines could be
foo n lst = go lst
go lst = let (a,b) = splitAt n lst
(c,d) = splitAt n b
a ++ go d
The contact is "tight", there's no "information leakage" here. We just do the work twice (*) ourselves, and "connect the pipes" explicitly, in this code, grabbing one result (a) and dropping the other (c).
(*) twice, reflecting the two Boolean values, True and False, alternating in a simple fashion one after another. Thus this is captured frozen in the code's structure, not hanging loose as a parameter able to accommodate an arbitrary Boolean value.
Like dava4420 said, you shouldn't be using (++) to accumulate from the left. But perhaps you shouldn't be accumulating at all! In Haskell, lazyness makes straighforward "head-construction" often more efficient than the tail recursions you'd need to use in e.g. Lisp. For example:
foo :: Int -> [a] -> [a] -- why would you give this a Show constraint?
foo ℓ = foo' True
where foo' _ [] = []
foo' keep lst
| keep = firstℓ ++ foo' False other
| otherwise = foo' True other
where (firstℓ, other) = splitAt ℓ lst
