I am learning NDK but I can't use from that show me these errors:
"First, the Android NDK support only works with the new experimental Gradle plugin for Android (which in turn requires Gradle 2.5).
Check out http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/android-ndk-preview - there are more info on how to set up Android Studio for NDK and http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/gradle-experimental for list of changes that need to be done when changing gradle plugin to experimental.
Android studio says
"This version of the Android Support plugin for IntelliJ IDEA (or Android Studio) cannot open this project, please retry with version 2021.1.1 or newer."
Unrecognized Android Studio (or Android Support plugin for IntelliJ IDEA) version '202.7660.26.42.7486908', please retry with version 2020.3.1 or newer.
To solve this issue you can either open your project with android studio version 2020.3.1 or just change Android Gradle Plugin Version in the project stucture settings to the version that your Android Studio supports, I use Android Studio 4.2.2 so I changed the version to 4.2.2 and it works for me.
1. Why
It happens if the Intellij Android Support plugin version used has a lower major/minor version than the current Android Gradle plugin
2. How
You have three options.
Add android.injected.studio.version.check=false to gradle.properties to temporary stop AGP version checking
Upgrade Android Studio to the newest version (Maybe the Canary builds)
Preview builds can be installed side by side with stable versions.(Sugguest)
Downgrade Android Gradle Plugin Version to fit your Android Studio
Read More
1- change your go-to the build.gradle -> in allprojects -> repositories then change the jcenter() to mavenCentral()
2- open file ->project structure -> project -> change the Android Gradle Plugin Version to 4.2.2 and gradle version to 7.0.2
This is one of the main problems of this error.
This happens because of the Intellij android support plugin has a lower major/minor version than the Current gradle plugin.
To fix this error please go through these steps
open file ->project structure -> project -> change the Android Gradle Plugin Version to 4.2.2 and gradle version to 7.0.2
This step fixes my error.
Thank You
what can i do in this situation? In Android Studio 4, I'm seeing this issue: The specified Android SDK Build Tools version (28.0.3) is ignored, as it is below the minimum supported version (29.0.2) for Android Gradle Plugin 4.0.0. Android SDK Build Tools 26.0.2 will be used.
Change your buildToolsVersion to '29.0.2' in build.gradle file.
As on version Android 4.1.2 it says remove buildToolsVersion "28.0.2" from your build.gradle file since it has its own default build tools now and just Sync it. It worked for me.
Open File-> Project Structure.
Issue: It says "Project Structure is unavailable for projects that use Gradle KTS build files. This project uses Gradle KTS build files which are not fully supported in this version of Android Studio"
I am using the below configuration
Android Studio : 3.5.3
Gradle plugin : 3.5.3
Gradle wrapper : 5.5.1
Is this the expected behavior? Can anyone provide a suggestion to fix this
Android studio 3.5.x did not support very well Gradle Kotlin DSL.
You shoud try it on android 4.X it's way better supported.
I am trying to build an Android Java app using Android Studio 1.0.1. However, my app uses some C++ code that I build using the NDK as controlled by Android.mk and Application.mk files. But Android Studio tries its own build and gets it wrong as it is not using my *.mk files. I know there have been some answers how to do this for previous versions of Android Studio but they evidently do not work for 1.0.1.
So how do I disable Android NDK builds in Android Studio 1.0.1?
Just add the sourceSets.main.jni.srcDirs = [] to 'android' section of your build.gradle. This will disable automatic call of ndk-build with auto-generated Android.mk.
And yes, this line should be added to the project-specific gradle file.