"No subscriptions found for Azure Account" - azure

In Azure trial subscription my MSN email is associated with an other account with owner rights. But when I try to access Azure publishSettings it generates an error No Subscription fouund .
Please help me to resolve the issue. Do I need Co-administrator or Service Administrator rights along with owner rights ?

Service Administrator and Co-Administrator originated with the old portal at http://manage.windowsazure.com. The new portal, found at http://portal.azure.com, has introduced role based access control (RBAC), which provides the notion of Owner. You can find a lot of details about RBAC at https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/role-based-access-control-configure/.
When RBAC was rolled out, Administrators where automatically added as Owners. It's possible to be an RBAC Owner in a subscription without being an Administrator, as Owner applies to ResourceGroups or Resources within a subscription.
The webpage you're trying to use has been available for a long time and from the looks of it has not have been updated to support RBAC. The download of the publish profile from that webpage is based on selecting a subscription, which an Owner of a ResourceGroup or Resource would not necessarily have full access to everything in the subscription.
That means if you have your account added as a Co-Administrator or Service Administrator, that webpage should work.

It could be the difference between Microsoft Account and Azure Active Directory Account. Check which you are using.
I suggest you to clear all cookies, cache and temporary internet files on browser or use InPrivate/Incognito mode. Login again and it will work.

Click the "Sign Out" button and then login with the account that is associated with your trial. Owner rights should be sufficient.

You may have found an answer but in searching for an answer I found this link which says the owners you added through the Azure portal cannot manage services in the Azure classic portal.
So I MUST add co-administrator IN the classic portal so they can administer classic portal
Worked immediately after added my New Portal global admin as a co-administrator in the classic portal


Can the classic Account Administrator on an Azure Subscription be changed, when the original Account Owner no longer exsists?

We have several (MSDN/Visual Studio Enterprise) Azure Subscriptions that was created by users that no longer exists in our Active Directory.
As a Global Administrator I'm able to do almost everything, including giving owner rights. But I found a few things that only the classic Account Administrator can do:
Re-activate a deactivated subscription
Update Subscription Address
Change the Service Administrator
Is there a way to change the Account owner/Account Administrator (both names are use in Azure) of a subscription, if that user does not exist anymore?
Bonus: Is this also possible if the subscription is diabled?
Here I'm trying to reactivate a disabled MSDN/Visual Studio Enterprise subscription, but I can't because I'm not the Account Administrator:
Here I'm trying to change the Service Administrator on an active subscription. I have owner rights, but I'm not the Account Administrator:
Here I'm trying to delete resources on a disabled subscription. But I cannot because I cannot reactive the subscription. This in turn means I cannot even delete resources and free up global unique names:
Reactivating the Disabled MSDN/VS Enterprise Subscription without Account Administrator Role access. Only the Account Administrator can switch offer on this subscription.
You should have appropriate administrator role access on the Subscription scope to manage the Subscriptions and follow the steps provided in this MS Doc for switching to different models of Azure Subscriptions.
Changing the Service Administrator with Owner Right but no-Account Admin role assigned.
I believe being the Service Administrator can change the Service Administrator details if the user is assigned with the Subscription Scope Owner role as stated in this MS Doc of Changing the Service Admin in Azure.
I'm trying to delete resources on a disabled subscription. But I cannot because I cannot reactive the subscription. This in turn means I cannot even delete resources and free up global unique names.
You cannot delete the resources on disabled subscription because it allows Read-only access on the resources within the disabled subscription.
If there are any issues in deleting the resources, mail the details to Microsoft Support - supportmail#microsoft.com so that they would assist the possible steps, or they will delete that disabled subscription from the backend by confirming your consent.

Azure Cloud service deploy under not owner

My customer added my microsoft profile to his subscription as owner.
I logged to Visual Studio with this profile and try to publish cloud service. But I get an error:
why so and how to fix it?
Cloud services are not available in this subscription.
This error is caused because for Azure Service Management (ASM) resources you should be co-admin in order to deploy services.
If you look on the new portal, you can see that you have permission for publishing on this subscription but one thing to keep in mind is that this “Owner” role is only valid for Azure Resource Manager resources. Even though you can manage Cloud Services on the new portal, it is an ASM resource and that’s why this role is not applicable for it. Roles configured on the new portal are RBAC and they are only valid for ARM resources.
So, you should ask for the subscription an Admin to add your user as co-admin on the old portal.
More information about co-admin and owner, please refer to this blog.
Sorry for my mistake.
For now, we should use new portal to add co-administrator, like this:
More information about add Co-administrator via new portal, please refer to this link.
User should be added as co-administrator, not only as owner. More information about it here:
Ability to add user as co-administrator is already added to new portal (and deprecated on old portal):

subscription not visible

We have purchased one Pay-As-You-Go subscription that was not visible in azure old portal (management portal)
but its visible in new portal!
I have given the contributer role
Please let me know how I can add in old management portal
In order to access old management portal, you need to be added as a co-administrator there. A Contributor role is specific to Azure's Role-based access control (RBAC) and only new portal is aware of them. Old portal doesn't know anything about RBAC and only users added as administrators (administrators, co-administrator, service administrator etc.) can access old portal.
Please ask your account administrator to add you as a co-administrator. Please see this link for more details: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/billing-add-change-azure-subscription-administrator/.

Cannot see Azure AD even having role as global admin and co-admin on its subscription

I don't really understand why on this case. My company has an azure subscription for development/testing environment.
At the beginning I am co-admin on this subscription with my Microsoft account. Now I need to manage applications under Azure AD of that subscription. So my Microsoft Account is leveraged to Global Admin of this Azure AD.
But even my MS account is leveraged to Global Admin, I cannot see or have access to Azure AD.
After searching around and based on this article:
I am GUEST (user type) on Azure AD, so even I am global admin, I still cannot have access to this Azure AD.
From the link, this happens because:
One way you can become an AAD GUEST is when you are made a co-admin on an Azure subscription before being added to the AAD associated with it
It can be fixed by using powershell like #CtrlDo's answer. But you have to create an global admin with work/school account since this approach does not work with Microsoft account:
PowerShell - Connecting to Azure Active Directory using Microsoft Account
We have another approach which can be done in the UI that we think it's simpler:
Remove my account out of co-admins of subscription.
Remove my account out of Azure AD.
Add my account back to Azure AD as Global Admin.
Add my account back to be co-admin on subscription.
That does work perfectly
When you were added to the AAD, your user type might have been set to "guest"
See https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/active-directory-create-users/ for more information.
See https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/dstfs/2015/12/23/issues-with-azure-active-directory-guest-users-in-aad-backed-visual-studio-team-services-accounts/ for an older post on how to view the issue in powershell and fix it.

Co-Administrator can't see subscription in new Azure portal

Simply, I have an Azure corporate subscription. I have a co-administrator who has his own personal 90-day trial subscription. When the co-administrator uses the new preview portal (manage.windowsazure.com) he can see their personal subscription (where he is admin) but cannot select or view the corporate subscription (where he is co-administrator).
Any ideas? We want to have multiple people within our company assigned as co-administrators so they can play with the preview features (Virtual Machines, Azure Web Sites, Media Services).
I had this problem as well, in fact trying to see data via the resources.azure.com site was proving unfruitful.
As it turns out the new portal has its own user management features that are more granular than the admin/co-admin of the old portal.
Allow a subscription owner to make you a contributor or owner in the new portal and you should be able to see more data on the subscription via the new portal.
To do that:
As the service administrator, go to the new portal
Browse to Subscriptions
Locate & select the subscription you need to add users into
In the subscription details blade, select settings
Under resource management, select users
You'll notice that even though you are a co-admin, you're not listed among the users.
Add the user and make them a contributor/owner
There's more information on Azure's role-based access control here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/role-based-access-control-configure/
The Azure Admin has changed so the 2 current answers are outdated. Follow the following steps:
Open the subscription, click on 'my permissions' then 'click here to view complete access details for this subscription'
In Access Control (IAM), Click on Role assignments, then click Add
Choose 'Add role assignment' then choose the role to be 'Contributor' and choose which user you want to add from the right hand pane , then click Save.
Make sure the user is listed as a contributor under 'Role Assignments'
The main problem with Windows Azure preview portal is that if you are account administrator for any specific Windows Azure Subscription, it will only show configuration specific to that particular subscription when u used the live ID which is account administrator for other Windows Azure Accounts. If same live ID is service administrator of two different Subscriptions then in preview portal both subscription details will show up. This issue is related with Windows Azure Preview Portal and still in progress.
So if you want to solve this problem, you should use OrgID/liveID which is service administrator in multiple subscriptions (if applicable) this way that LiveID will shows details with both subscriptions.
