Swap logical operator arguments for faster evaluation? - haskell

Does any programming language implement swapping of arguments of logical operation (such as AND, OR) for faster evaluation?
Example (I think such method could be implemented in a lazy evaluation language like Haskell)
Lets say we have defined two predicates A and B.
During program execution, B was evaluated to "True" and A was not evaluated
In the later execution we have condition IF A OR B
Arguments of "OR" are swapped, and the condition becomes IF B OR A
Condition is evaluated to "True" without evaluating A

Under lazy evaluation, AND and OR are not commutative.
foo :: Int -> Bool
foo n = False && foo (n+1) -- evaluates to False
bar :: Int -> Bool
bar n = bar (n+1) && False -- diverges
Under eager evaluation (strict semantics), and absence of side effects, they are commutative. I am not aware of any usual optimization being done by some compiler here, though. (Constants folding aside.)
If side effects are present, AND/OR are not commutative, of course. For instance, an Ocaml compiler can not swap the arguments unless it can prove that at least one of them is side effect-free.

It's not done automatically as part of the language (possibly because it would not be free to perform this reordering check, so you would often end up paying for an optimization that can't be made). However, there are library functions you can use to this end. See, for example, unamb. With that, you can write
(|||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
a ||| b = (a || b) `unamb` (b || a)
And if one operation is cheaper to compute, it can be chosen.


Strictness of dataToTag argument

In GHC.Prim, we find a magical function named dataToTag#:
dataToTag# :: a -> Int#
It turns a value of any type into an integer based on the data constructor it uses. This is used to speed up derived implementations of Eq, Ord, and Enum. In the GHC source, the docs for dataToTag# explain that the argument should already by evaluated:
The dataToTag# primop should always be applied to an evaluated argument.
The way to ensure this is to invoke it via the 'getTag' wrapper in GHC.Base:
getTag :: a -> Int#
getTag !x = dataToTag# x
It makes total sense to me that we need to force x's evaluation before dataToTag# is called. What I do not get is why the bang pattern is sufficient. The definition of getTag is just syntactic sugar for:
getTag :: a -> Int#
getTag x = x `seq` dataToTag# x
But let's turn to the docs for seq:
A note on evaluation order: the expression seq a b does not guarantee that a will be evaluated before b. The only guarantee given by seq is that the both a and b will be evaluated before seq returns a value. In particular, this means that b may be evaluated before a. If you need to guarantee a specific order of evaluation, you must use the function pseq from the "parallel" package.
In the Control.Parallel module from the parallel package, the docs elaborate further:
... seq is strict in both its arguments, so the compiler may, for example, rearrange a `seq` b into b `seq` a `seq` b ...
How is it that getTag is guaranteed to behave work, given that seq is insufficient for controlling evaluation order?
GHC tracks certain information about each primop. One key datum is whether the primop "can_fail". The original meaning of this flag is that a primop can fail if it can cause a hard fault. For example, array indexing can cause a segmentation fault if the index is out of range, so indexing operations can fail.
If a primop can fail, GHC will restrict certain transformations around it, and in particular won't float it out of any case expressions. It would be rather bad, for example, if
if n < bound
then unsafeIndex c n
else error "out of range"
were compiled to
case unsafeIndex v n of
!x -> if n < bound
then x
else error "out of range"
One of these bottoms is an exception; the other is a segfault.
dataToTag# is marked can_fail. So GHC sees (in Core) something like
getTag = \x -> case x of
y -> dataToTag# y
(Note that case is strict in Core.) Because dataToTag# is marked can_fail, it won't be floated out of any case expressions.

Can any recursive definition be rewritten using foldr?

Say I have a general recursive definition in haskell like this:
foo a0 a1 ... = base_case
foo b0 b1 ...
| cond1 = recursive_case_1
| cond2 = recursive_case_2
Can it always rewritten using foldr? Can it be proved?
If we interpret your question literally, we can write const value foldr to achieve any value, as #DanielWagner pointed out in a comment.
A more interesting question is whether we can instead forbid general recursion from Haskell, and "recurse" only through the eliminators/catamorphisms associated to each user-defined data type, which are the natural generalization of foldr to inductively defined data types. This is, essentially, (higher-order) primitive recursion.
When this restriction is performed, we can only compose terminating functions (the eliminators) together. This means that we can no longer define non terminating functions.
As a first example, we lose the trivial recursion
f x = f x
-- or even
a = a
since, as said, the language becomes total.
More interestingly, the general fixed point operator is lost.
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = f (fix f)
A more intriguing question is: what about the total functions we can express in Haskell? We do lose all the non-total functions, but do we lose any of the total ones?
Computability theory states that, since the language becomes total (no more non termination), we lose expressiveness even on the total fragment.
The proof is a standard diagonalization argument. Fix any enumeration of programs in the total fragment so that we can speak of "the i-th program".
Then, let eval i x be the result of running the i-th program on the natural x as input (for simplicity, assume this is well typed, and that the result is a natural). Note that, since the language is total, then a result must exist. Moreover, eval can be implemented in the unrestricted Haskell language, since we can write an interpreter of Haskell in Haskell (left as an exercise :-P), and that would work as fine for the fragment. Then, we simply take
f n = succ $ eval n n
The above is a total function (a composition of total functions) which can be expressed in Haskell, but not in the fragment. Indeed, otherwise there would be a program to compute it, say the i-th program. In such case we would have
eval i x = f x
for all x. But then,
eval i i = f i = succ $ eval i i
which is impossible -- contradiction. QED.
In type theory, it is indeed the case that you can elaborate all definitions by dependent pattern-matching into ones only using eliminators (a more strongly-typed version of folds, the generalisation of lists' foldr).
See e.g. Eliminating Dependent Pattern Matching (pdf)

How to do parallel "either-side" short-circuiting with "and" and "or"

Does haskell have a parallel "and" method
parAnd :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
such that
(a `parAnd` b)
will spark the evaluation of a and b in parallel and return false as soon as either a or b evaluates to false (and not wait for the other one)?
Is there some way to implement such a thing?
Normally, this is not possible. You can do something like
a `par` b `pseq` (a && b)
but if b evaluates to False, a is still fully evaluated.
However, this is possible with the unambiguous choice operator created by Conal Elliott for his Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) implementation. It's available on Hackage as unamb package and does exactly what you want. In particular, it contains
-- | Turn a binary commutative operation into one that tries both orders in
-- parallel. Useful when there are special cases that don't require
-- evaluating both arguments.
-- ...
parCommute :: (a -> a -> b) -> a -> a -> b
and also directly defines pand,por and other similar commutative functions, such that
pand undefined False -> False
pand False undefined -> False
This is provided by Conal Elliott's unamb package. It uses unsafePerformIO under the covers to evaluate both a && b and b && a on separate threads, and returns when either produces a result.

Memoizing multiplication

My application multiplies vectors after a (costly) conversion using an FFT. As a result, when I write
f :: (Num a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
f c xs = map (c*) xs
I only want to compute the FFT of c once, rather than for every element of xs. There really isn't any need to store the FFT of c for the entire program, just in the local scope.
I attempted to define my Num instance like:
data Foo = Scalar c
| Vec Bool v -- the bool indicates which domain v is in
instance Num Foo where
(*) (Scalar c) = \x -> case x of
Scalar d -> Scalar (c*d)
Vec b v-> Vec b $ map (c*) v
(*) v1 = let Vec True v = fft v1
in \x -> case x of
Scalar d -> Vec True $ map (c*) v
v2 -> Vec True $ zipWith (*) v (fft v2)
Then, in an application, I call a function similar to f (which works on arbitrary Nums) where c=Vec False v, and I expected that this would be just as fast as if I hack f to:
g :: Foo -> [Foo] -> [Foo]
g c xs = let c' = fft c
in map (c'*) xs
The function g makes the memoization of fft c occur, and is much faster than calling f (no matter how I define (*)). I don't understand what is going wrong with f. Is it my definition of (*) in the Num instance? Does it have something to do with f working over all Nums, and GHC therefore being unable to figure out how to partially compute (*)?
Note: I checked the core output for my Num instance, and (*) is indeed represented as nested lambdas with the FFT conversion in the top level lambda. So it looks like this is at least capable of being memoized. I have also tried both judicious and reckless use of bang patterns to attempt to force evaluation to no effect.
As a side note, even if I can figure out how to make (*) memoize its first argument, there is still another problem with how it is defined: A programmer wanting to use the Foo data type has to know about this memoization capability. If she wrote
map (*c) xs
no memoization would occur. (It must be written as (map (c*) xs)) Now that I think about it, I'm not entirely sure how GHC would rewrite the (*c) version since I have curried (*). But I did a quick test to verify that both (*c) and (c*) work as expected: (c*) makes c the first arg to *, while (*c) makes c the second arg to *. So the problem is that it is not obvious how one should write the multiplication to ensure memoization. Is this just an inherent downside to the infix notation (and the implicit assumption that the arguments to * are symmetric)?
The second, less pressing issue is that the case where we map (v*) onto a list of scalars. In this case, (hopefully) the fft of v would be computed and stored, even though it is unnecessary since the other multiplicand is a scalar. Is there any way around this?
I believe stable-memo package could solve your problem. It memoizes values not using equality but by reference identity:
Whereas most memo combinators memoize based on equality, stable-memo does it based on whether the exact same argument has been passed to the function before (that is, is the same argument in memory).
And it automatically drops memoized values when their keys are garbage collected:
stable-memo doesn't retain the keys it has seen so far, which allows them to be garbage collected if they will no longer be used. Finalizers are put in place to remove the corresponding entries from the memo table if this happens.
So if you define something like
fft = memo fft'
where fft' = ... -- your old definition
you'll get pretty much what you need: Calling map (c *) xs will memoize the computation of fft inside the first call to (*) and it gets reused on subsequent calls to (c *). And if c is garbage collected, so is fft' c.
See also this answer to How to add fields that only cache something to ADT?
I can see two problems that might prevent memoization:
First, f has an overloaded type and works for all Num instances. So f cannot use memoization unless it is either specialized (which usually requires a SPECIALIZE pragma) or inlined (which may happen automatically, but is more reliable with an INLINE pragma).
Second, the definition of (*) for Foo performs pattern matching on the first argument, but f multiplies with an unknown c. So within f, even if specialized, no memoization can occur. Once again, it very much depends on f being inlined, and a concrete argument for c to be supplied, so that inlining can actually appear.
So I think it'd help to see how exactly you're calling f. Note that if f is defined using two arguments, it has to be given two arguments, otherwise it cannot be inlined. It would furthermore help to see the actual definition of Foo, as the one you are giving mentions c and v which aren't in scope.

Does the existence rseq/seq break referential transparency? Are there some alternative approaches that don't?

I always thought that replacing an expression x :: () with () :: () would be one of the most basic optimizations during compiling Haskell programs. Since () has a single inhabitant, no matter what x is, it's result is (). This optimization seemed to me as a significant consequence of referential transparency. And we could do such an optimization for any type with just a single inhabitant.
(Update: My reasoning in this matter comes from natural deduction rules. There the unit type corresponds to truth (⊤) and we have an expansion rule "if x : ⊤ then () : ⊤". For example see this text p. 20. I assumed that it's safe to replace an expression with its expansion or contractum.)
One consequence of this optimization would be that undefined :: () would be replaced by () :: (), but I don't see this as a problem - it would simply make programs a bit lazier (and relying on undefined :: () is certainly a bad programming practice).
However today I realized that such optimization would break Control.Seq completely. Strategy is defined as
type Strategy a = a -> ()
and we have
-- | 'rseq' evaluates its argument to weak head normal form.
rseq :: Strategy a
rseq x = x `seq` ()
But rseq x :: () so the optimization would simply discard the required evaluation of x to WHNF.
So where is the problem?
Does the existence of rseq and seq break referential transparency (even if we consider only terminating expressions)?
Or is this a flaw of the design of Strategy and we could devise a better way how to force expressions to WHNF compatible with such optimizations?
Referential transparency is about equality statements and variable references. When you say x = y and your language is referentially transparent, then you can replace every occurence of x by y (modulo scope).
If you haven't specified x = (), then you can't replace x by () safely, such as in your case. This is because you are wrong about the inhabitants of (), because in Haskell there are two of them: One is the only constructor of (), namely (). The other is the value that is never calculated. You may call it bottom or undefined:
x :: ()
x = x
You certainly can't replace any occurrence of x by () here, because that would chance semantics. The existence of bottom in the language semantics allows some awkward edge cases, especially when you have a seq combinator, where you can even prove every monad wrong. That's why for many formal discussions we disregard the existence of bottom.
However, referential transparency does not suffer from that. Haskell is still referentially transparent and as such a purely functional language.
Your definition of referential transparency is incorrect. Referential transparency does not mean you can replace x :: () with () :: () and everything stays the same; it means you can replace all occurrences of a variable with its definition and everything stays the same. seq and rseq are not in conflict with referential transparency if you use this definition.
seq is a red herring here.
unitseq :: () -> a -> a
unitseq x y = case x of () -> y
This has the same semantics as seq on unit, and requires no magic. In fact, seq only has something "magic" when working on things you can't pattern match on -- i.e., functions.
Replacing undefined :: () with () has the same ill effects with unitseq as with the more magical seq.
In general, we think of values not only as "what" they are, but how defined they are. From this perspective, it should be clear why we can't go implementing definedness-changing transformations willy-nilly.
Thanks all for the inspiring answers. After thinking about it more, I come to the following views:
View 1: Considering terminating expressions only
If we restrict ourselves to a normalizing system, then seq (or rseq etc.) has no influence on the result of a program. It can change the amount of memory the program uses and increase the CPU time (by evaluating expressions we won't actually need), but the result is the same. So in this case, the rule x :: () --> () :: () is admissible - nothing is lost, CPU time and memory can be saved.
View 2: Curry-Howard isomorphism
Since Haskell is Turing-complete and so any type is inhabited by an infinite loop, the C-H corresponding logic system is inconsistent (as pointed out by Vitus) - anything can be proved. So actually any rule is admissible in such a system. This is probably the biggest problem in my original thinking.
View 3: Expansion rules
Natural deduction rules give us reductions and expansions for different type operators. For example for -> it's β-reduction and η-expansion, for (,) it is
fst (x, y) --reduce--> x (and similarly for snd)
x : (a,b) --expand--> (fst x, snd x)
etc. With the presence of bottom, the reducing rules are still admissible (I believe), but the expansion rules not! In particular, for ->:
rseq (undefined :: Int -> Int) = undefined
but it's η-expansion
rseq (\x -> (undefined :: Int -> Int) x) = ()
or for (,):
case undefined of (a,b) -> ()
case (fst undefined, snd undefined) of (a,b) -> ()
etc. So in the same way, the expansion rule for () is not admissible.
View 4: Lazy pattern matching
Allowing x :: () to expand to () :: () could be viewed as a special case of forcing all pattern matching on single-constructor data types to be lazy. I've never seen lazy pattern matching to be used on a multi-constructor data type, so I believe this change would allow us to get rid of the ~ lazy pattern matching symbol completely. However, it would change the semantic of the language to be more lazy (see also Daniel Fischer's comment to the question). And moreover (as described in the question) break Strategy.
