OpenBSD 5.8 New User Error - openbsd

When I try to create a new user I get an error on OpenBSD 5.8
# useradd -m foo
bin/pax: invalid option -- 'e'
Try 'pax --help' or 'pax --usage' for more information.
useradd: [Warning] can't systemcd /etc/skel && /bin/pax -rw -pe . /home/foo'`
It looks like it is creating the user, but it is not populating the home directory with the needed skeleton files.
Any help would be much appreciated.

I recommend doing it like this:
# useradd -k /etc/skel/ -s /bin/ksh -G wheel,operator -m foo
(without being in wheel or at least operator groups you almost do not exist)
or using the built in script:
# adduser


Using mkdir -m -p and chown together correctly

I would like to create a directory using a bash script and then set the mode to 00755 at the same time
mkdir -p -m=00755 "/dir/dir2"
Is this the correct way of using them together and can I also add chown command to the same line while creating them?
It goes a little like this:
install -d -m 0755 -o someuser -g somegroup /dir/dir2
If you want to set the owner during creation, you can simply impersonate as this user, using sudo for example:
sudo -uTHE_USER mkdir -p -m=00755 "/dir/dir2"
This has the advantage that there will be no time difference between creation and changing the ownership, which could otherwise being harmful if exploited.
Yes that should work. As for the chown, simply follow the command ' && chown... '. && is similar to ; except the next command ONLY executes if the previous command exits success (0).

Why this linux command can affect the environment variables?

When I changed my current user to admin using
sudo su admin
I found that the environment variable changed too. What I intend to do is to change my user to admin with the env not changed.
Then I found a command as follows:
sudo bash -c "su - admin"
This command does indeed what I want, but I googled about bash -c, with no clue to why this command can do that for me. Could anyone give me a clear explanation? Thanks a lot.
first you should read the sudo manpage and set theses options in the /etc/sudoers file or you can do it interactively (see second below).
default sudoers file may not preserve the existing $USER environment unless you set the config options to do so. You'll want to read up on env_reset because depending on your OS distribution the sudo config will be different in most cases.
I dont mean to be terse but I am on a mobile device..
I do not recommend using sudo su .. for anything. whomever is sharing sudo su with the public is a newb, and you can accomplish the same cleaner with just sudo.
with your example whats happining is you are starting a subshell owned by the original user ("not admin") . you are starting the subshell with -c "string" sudo has the equivelant of the shell's -c using -s which either reads the shell from the arg passed to -s or the shell defined in the passwd file.
second you should use:
$ sudo -u admin -E -s
much cleaner right ? :)
-u sets the user, obviously
-s we just explained
-E preserves the orig user env
see for yourself just
$ echo $HOME # should show the original users /home/orig_user
$ env
your original env is preserved with none of that sudo su ugliness.
if you were interested in simulating a users login without preserving the env..
$ sudo -u user -i
or for root:
Might require -E depending on distro sudoers file
$ sudo -s
$ sudo -i
-i simulates the login and uses the users env.
hopefully this helps and someone will kindly format it to be more readable since im on my mobile.
bash with -c argument defines below.
-c string
If the -c option is present, then commands are read from string. If there are arguments after the string, they are assigned to the positional parameters, starting with $0.
Thanks & Regards,

Adding FTP user via bash script issue

I have a .sh file (lets say that is executed via a cronjob that contains the commands to create an FTP user.
The file looks like so...
mkdir /var/www/vhosts/domain/path;
useradd -d /var/www/vhosts/domain/path -ou <uid> -g <group> -s /bin/false <username>;
echo <password> | passwd <username> --stdin;
Now here is my problem. If I run it directly through SSH using...
sh problems and it works as intended.
But if I let the cronjob run it the directory is created but the user is not added.
What gives?
As it stands, there is an alternative to useradd known as adduser. In Debian or Ubuntu, adduser is a perl script and performs sequential functions like create the user using adduser, assign it to a group, create home directory etc.
As per adduser man page-
adduser and addgroup are friendlier front ends to the low level tools
like useradd, groupadd and usermod programs, by default choosing
Debian policy conformant UID and GID values, creating a home directory
with skeletal configuration, running a custom script, and other
In Fedora, RedHat, and CentOS, adduser is just a symbolic link to useradd.
[root#hobbit ~]# which /usr/sbin/adduser
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 2012-09-20 20:20 /usr/sbin/adduser -> useradd
If you are on any on the above OS then you can try adduser redirect 2> to a add_user.log file and check the file to see if something goes wrong.
I have resolved this simply adding /usr/bin/ to the useradd function.
mkdir /var/www/vhosts/domain/path;
/usr/bin/useradd -d /var/www/vhosts/domain/path -ou <uid> -g <group> -s /bin/false <username>;
echo <password> | passwd <username> --stdin;
Thanks everyone for helping me get on the right track. Hope this helps someone out there.

Adding or Modifying User in Bash Shell Script

As I am trying to learn bash shell, I want to have some idea how can I add or modify the user in Bash Shell script?
Quick Ex:
Adding an user:
user=$1 #first argument
passuser=$2 # second argument
newpasswd=$(perl -e 'print crypt($ARGV[0], "S#LtStR!Ng")' $passuser)
createuser='/usr/sbin/useradd' # PATH to `useradd` package
##create and update password, then assign the apache group to the user
$createuser -d /home/$user -g $apache -m -s /bin/bash -p $newpasswd $user
root#ip-ad-2as2-ds:#./ test test1234
This way you can control the modify-user script, just change the createuser variable to have the proper modify-user (usermod) package.
Use adduser(8).

How to useradd with multiple parameters

I'm trying to use multiple parameters with the useradd command in linux, and I'm not really sure exactly what I should do??
I have tried the following:
useradd -b /home/ -g admin -m -p PASSWD -s USERNAME
Needless to say, it doesn't work. Can anyone tell me the correct syntax to get this working? Thanks, your help is always appreciated!
EDIT: I'm not getting an error message, It is just returning the flag variables followed by an ng
The -s flag is for specifying the shell.
So either leave the -s flag out,
useradd -b /home/ -g admin -m USERNAME
or specify a shell:
useradd -b /home/ -g admin -m -s /bin/bash USERNAME
PS. Don't specify the password on the command line. It would be visible to other users listing the processes. Moreover, specifying the password this way requires you to enter the encrypted password.
hmmmm maybe the MAN page: useradd
