deploy wso2esb in docker container with kubernetes - linux

can someone help with how to deploy wso2esb in docker container with kubernetes?
currently im running only one node/master at local machine with ubuntu server 14.04 LTS
if im running with this
sudo docker run --name esb isim/wso2esb
it instantly trigger the service inside the container
but if im running with this
kubectl run esb1 --image=isim/wso2esb
the container just run, without trigger the service inside the container
btw im using isim/wso2esb from docker hub
hope someone can help me..

From the comments above, it looks like you were connecting to the wrong IP address, which you discovered by running kubectl logs esb1.
In general, you can follow the Kubernetes Debugging FAQ when you see an issue like this to see if it is a common problem that has already been documented.


Deploy on digitalocean using docker-compose and docker machine

I am trying to publish a Nodejs application with docker-compose and docker-machine on digitaocean. When I do docker-compose up -d, the application works well on the server but when I shut down my computer or stop docker everything also stops on the server.
Could someone please help me move forward. Thanks in advance

Azure app service doesn't install docker properly

I am currently trying to start ElasticSearch on an Azure app service using Docker. I install docker through the ssh available in azure app services. Docker seem to install alright in the console, however when I run
docker pull
I get the following error in the ssh console:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
I have installed and uninstall Docker several times, however I still get the same error
Azure App service does not allow you to run Elastic Search due to its limitations
You may use Elastic as a Service on Azure or install it in AKS or VM.
You are trying to install Docker inside the Docker container
App Service for Linux comes with a bunch of preconfigured containers such as Node, PHP, Java, Python, Ruby and .NET Core.
The exact issue you mentioned means that Docker daemon is not started in your Linux environment
To start the Docker daemon use command:
systemctl start docker

What is the best way pull updated changes into the Docker containers that already deployed?

I had to perform these steps to deploy my Nodejs/Angular site to AWS via DockerCloud
Write Dockerfile
Build Docker Images base on my Dockerfiles
Push those images to Docker Hub
Create Node Cluster on DockerCloud Account
Write Docker stack file on DockerCloud
Run the stack on DockerCloud
See the instance running in AWS, and can see my site
If we require a small thing changes that require a pull from my project repo.
BUT we already deployed our dockers as you may know.
What is the best way pull those changes into the Docker containers that already deployed ?
I hope we don’t have to :
Rebuild our Docker Images
Re-push those images to Docker Hub
Re-create our Node Cluster on DockerCloud
Re-write our docker stack file on DockerCloud
Re-run the stack on DockerCloud
I was thinking
SSH into a VM that has the Docker running
git pull
npm start
Am I on the right track?
You can use docker service update --image
I have not experience with AWS but I think you can build and update automatically.
If you want to treat a Docker container as a VM, you totally can, however, I would strongly caution against this. Anything in a container is ephemeral...if you make changes to files in it and the container goes down, it will not come back up with the changes.
That said, if you have access to the server you can exec into the container and execute whatever commands you want. Usually helpful for dev, but applicable to any container.
This command will start an interactive bash session inside your desired container. See the docs for more info.
docker exec -it <container_name> bash
Best practice would probably be to update the docker image and redeploy it.

Docker Cloud and JHipster console

Is it possible to set up JHipster console on Docker Cloud? My application is deployed on Heroku.
If is there no option, please advise where can I set up docker in cloud.
Yes docker cloud is an option although I've never tried it. If you have simple needs and don't need container orchestration on multiple hosts I would recommend creating a simple VM with docker on your favorite cloud provider (using docker-machine for example) and then deploy the console there using docker-compose. It's really easy to do.
1) SSH on your server
2) Install docker and docker-compose
3) Get the docker-compose file from
4) Run docker-compose up -d
The console will be available on port 5601.
Refer to the docs at :
More advanced setup are possible but this is the easiest way to go. Also note that it is perfectly possible to run the JHipster-Console without Docker but it requires some work. To do this, setup an ELK stack yourself usinh on simple logstash configuration and scripts to preload the dashboards.
Ok, locally everything is fine. So how (step by step) push JHipster Console to docker-cloud and connect it with my application on heroku?

connecting to services on docker host from docker container

Apologies for asking two unrelated questions.
what is the best way of accessing the host machine of the docker container (i.e. I am trying to access a kafka instance running on the host, from my docker container so that I can publish some messages)
when I run docker run ..... on an image which I've modified that may have an issue/syntax error, it will naturally not start - is there a log file anywhere that I would be able to take a look at to debug the issue. (this question is somewhat related to the 1st question, since I did what was suggested on another post, but the image is still not starting)
This is an ongoing discussion on what to use and what not, I don't really know what is best. Using the docker run --net="host" is pretty easy but can be dangerous. See From inside of a Docker container, how do I connect to the localhost of the machine?.
Use docker logs containerid or lookup the raw data in /var/lib/docker/containers/containerid/ for Ubuntu.
You should have no problem connecting to the host using the local lan interface ip address. Suppose you have a host with ip
docker run --rm -ti ubuntu bash
should give you a response.
You can use docker logs to see the standard output of your container.
