I did one small application for myself using Google Visualization API (Org Chart). I like it and now i feel this API help me to address one of the business use case. Please suggest me on following questions.
1. Is it advisable to have these Google Visualization API in financial applications.
2. Google Visualization API need any licensing for commercial usage purpose.
3. Since it is not an open source framework, i am unable to track or assume how Google Visualization API is using my application data to render the chart.
a) Will it store the data that is being passed from my site?
b) How secure my data if i pass key values to org charts to prepare and render the chart on my website page.
I sincerely request you to provide your valuable suggestions.
Sample Example (not actual code):
<script src="http://www.google.com/jsapi" type="text/javascript"></script>
function drawChart(dataValues) {
data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
chart = new google.visualization.OrgChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
data.addColumn('string', 'PlanName');
data.addColumn('string', 'PaymentAmount');
data.addColumn('string', 'ValidationId');
data.addColumn('string', 'AccountName');
for (var i = 0; i < dataValues.length; i++) {
data.addRow([{ v: dataValues[i].PlanName, f: dataValues[i].Name }, dataValues[i].AccountName]);
// Draw the chart, setting the allowHtml option to true for the tooltips.
chart.draw(data, {
allowHtml: true, allowCollapse: true, size: 'medium', explorer: {
maxZoomOut: 100,
keepInBounds: true
google.visualization.events.addListener(chart, 'select', selectHandler);
The Google Visualization API is fine for use within financial applications and is completely free, according to the home page.
And as stated in the Data Policy at the bottom of most every example...
All code and data are processed and rendered in the browser. No data is sent to any server.
So your data is secure, from the standpoint it will not be exposed by the Google Visualization API.
The terms of service apply to all Google APIs, not just the Visualization API...
I have been exploring pdftron for my website on my trial version,but I could not find any specific examples for customising the signature tool,Any help appreciated.
This guide provides information about the signature tool and some of the APIs available https://www.pdftron.com/documentation/web/guides/advanced/signature
For example here's a code snippet from the guide about how to customize the sign here element.
var createSignHereElement = Annotations.SignatureWidgetAnnotation.prototype.createSignHereElement;
Annotations.SignatureWidgetAnnotation.prototype.createSignHereElement = function() {
// signHereElement is the default one with dark blue background
var signHereElement = createSignHereElement.apply(this, arguments);
signHereElement.style.background = 'red';
return signHereElement;
If you want to do more complicated customizations to the UI, the WebViewer UI components are all open source and able to be modified. Here is a link to the SignatureModal component that can get you started https://github.com/PDFTron/webviewer-ui/tree/master/src/components/SignatureModal
This guide discusses how to edit and run the UI https://www.pdftron.com/documentation/web/guides/ui/advanced-customization
I'm experimenting with Chrome browser extensions. I want to be able to take any text input into the browser (through the URL bar of the browser or onto text boxes on social media sites and so on) and send that text to a server. I'm wondering if this is possible in chrome and what functions I need to use to achieve this?
I suspect the logic of the extension would work something like this: any time a link is clicked where there is text in an input form / text box, extract that text or form input and send it using some JS requests library to a server.
Which Chrome API function can be used to get the text input into a form?
You can get DOM information (input, textareas, etc) using content_script which has direct access to the web page data. URL data can be accessed through either the popup.js or background.js using the chrome API chrome.tab.query.
In the past I have had the best luck using MutationObservers, this looks at real-time changes to the web page (or wherever you specify you want the observer to be). Then you can send that data to the server.
small example.
function extractinputdata() {
var inputdata = document.getElementById('some specfic HTML element')
if (inputdata != null) {
new MutationObserver(function(){
//when a change has been made to the element or its children, you can record the new data
}).observe(inputdata, {characterData: true, childList: false, subtree:true});
I'm creating a speed dial extension for myself (I know there's a lot of speed dial extension, but most of them will display ads, and my antivirus threat them as PuP), I wanted to save website's logo image, let user either place one picture by themselves, or give the url of the picture.
I am stuck with how to save images in chrome's offline storage (https://developer.chrome.com/apps/offline_storage#table), there's no example for saving other file types.
How do I save picture on google chrome's offline storage?
Take a look at chrome.storage API:
5MB data limit or unlimited if the extension has the unlimitedStorage permission
content scripts can directly access user data without the need for a background page.
It's asynchronous and therefore faster than the blocking and serial localStorage API.
User data can be stored as objects (the localStorage API stores data in strings). Only simple JSON-serializable objects are supported, though.
localStorage serializes everything so you'll have to convert the image to a dataurl first:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', favicon_url);
xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
xhr.onload = function(r) {
if (xhr.status != 200) {
localStorage.icon = 'data:image/png;base64,' +
btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(xhr.response)));
This is a simplified example which assumes png image type.
chrome.fileSystem API might be a better choice. (not suitable for an extension as it's only for apps)
HTML5 FileSystem API: currently could be the best choice but the API is no longer maintained by W3C so it's unclear whether it stays in the future.
I would convert the image to a data URL. At that point it's just a string so it's easy to save. For examples of data URL images see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_URI_scheme#Examples
I usually convert images to data URLs on the command line with cat whatever.png | base64 but there are a number of websites that will do it for you, if you prefer.
Hope that helps.
To create images yourself (Remember to change the mime type to whatever you need):
cat /apple/Downloads/80.png | printf "%s%s%s" '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' "$(base64 -w0)" '" alt="Red dot" />'
Examples of sites that will create data URLs for you:
I've made a fiddle to show how to use the file API to get an image as a data URL: https://jsfiddle.net/quvvtkwr/
I have many large KML data-sets, which are served using a hierarchy of region-based network-links; as described in the KML reference:
Using Regions in conjunction with NetworkLinks, you can create a hierarchy of pointers, each of which points to a specific sub-Region. The <viewRefreshMode>, as shown in the following KML file, has an onRegion option, which specifies to load the Region data only when the Region is active. If you provide nested Regions with multiple levels of detail, larger amounts of data are loaded only when the user's viewpoint triggers the next load.
This works nicely when loaded in Google Earth.
I now wish to load these in an application using the Google Earth plug-in. And I need to access the loaded content via the Google Earth API; (i.e. attach click events, alter styles) to integrate the content into the application.
The issue is, I haven't found any reference to an 'on-load' event for network links. In my mind, the way this would work is:
Load top-level network link via the API, attaching a call-back function which will be invoked when the network-link is loaded.
In the call-back function, parse the KML returned by network link. For intermediate levels in the regionation hierarchy, this KML will contain only network links to the next regionation level. Load these into the plug-in via the API, again specifying the same call-back function, which will be invoked when these are loaded (i.e. when their region becomes visible).
Eventually, the KML returned will contain the actual 'content'. At this stage we load the actual content (i.e. placemarks) into the plug-in, after performing any desired modifications (e.g. attaching event-listeners, setting styles, etc).
I'm thinking the javascript would look something like the following.
Please note: this is just a rough sketch to perhaps aid in understanding my question. I am NOT asking why this code doesn't work.
//create network link
var networkLink = ge.createNetworkLink("");
networkLink.setName("Regionated hierarchy root");
// create a Link object
//the network-links contained in the kml that will be returned in this file
//are region-based; they will only be loaded when the user zooms into the relevant
var link = ge.createLink("");
// attach the Link to the NetworkLink
//specify the callback function to be invoked when the network link is loaded
//this is is the part that doesn't actually exist; pure fiction...
networkLink.onLoad = networkLinkLoaded;
// add the NetworkLink feature to Earth
// function which will be invoked when a network-link is loaded
// i.e. when its region becomes active
function networkLinkLoaded(kml) {
//parse the kml returned for child network links,
//this will create the network link KmlObject, with a
//region specified on it.
for (childNetworkLink in parseNetworkLinks(kml)) {
//and append them, again hooking up the call-back
childNetworkLink.onLoad = networkLinkLoaded;
//if the user has zoomed in far enough, then the kml returned will
//contain the actual content (i.e. placemarks).
//parse the kml returned for content (in this case placemarks)
for (placemark in parsePlacemarks(kml)) {
//here we would attach event-listeners to the placemark
Is this possible?
Have I taken a wrong turn in my thinking? I believe I have followed recommended practices for managing large KML datasets, but I am unsure how to use these via the API.
As an example of the type of problem I am trying to solve:
Imagine you are building a web application using the Google Earth Plugin, and you want to display a placemark for every set of traffic-lights in the world. The placemarks should only display at an appropriate level-of-detail (e.g. when the camera is at 5km altitude). When a user clicks on a placemark, we want the web app to load statistics for that set of traffic-lights, and display them in a sidebar.
How would you engineer this?
You wouldn't need access to the object data directly to provide the functionality you require. You would handle the data load exactly like you have done, using a hierarchy of region-based network-links.
Then if your usage scenario is like the one you set out in your addendum then you would simply use the target data from the click event to load your statistical data based on the placemarks as required.
For example, you could simply set up a generic mousedown event handler on the window object and then test to see if the target is a placemark. You can add this generic listener before you load any data and it will still be fired when you click on your dynamically loaded placemarks. There is no need to attach individual event-listeners to the placemarks at all.
window.google.earth.addEventListener(ge.getWindow(), 'mousedown', onWindowMouseDown);
var onWindowMouseDown = function(event) {
if (event.getTarget().getType() == 'KmlPlacemark') {
// get the placemark that was clicked
var placemark = event.getTarget();
// do something with it, or one of its relative objects...
var document = placemark.getOwnerDocument();
var parent = placemark.getParentNode();
// etc...
Not sure if this is quite what you want but there is a kmltree api that will:
build out the kml tree for you based on the kml given
allow you to have a 'kmlloaded' event handler
function initCB(instance){
ge = instance;
var gex = gex = new GEarthExtensions(ge);
var tree = kmltree({
url: 'http://foo.com/regionatedRoot.kml',
gex: gex,
mapElement: $('#map3d'),
element: $('#tree'),
$(tree).bind('kmlLoaded', function(event, kmlObject){ //do something here });
it does require you to bring in another js api but it works pretty good and gives you some good built in functionality.
So far I haven't found anything just from the plug-in that will fire an event when the kml is loaded...
you might be able to try using fetchKml() especially if you are hardcoding that url for the link in there?
google.earth.fetchKml(ge, 'http://foo.com/regionatedRoot.kml', function(kmlObject){
//do logic here
How can you add images to a Google Document (not Spreadsheet or Presentation) via Google Apps Script. I don't see an addImage method. Surely the team would not have left this out.
From the docs:
function insertImage() {
// Retrieve an image from the web.
var resp = UrlFetchApp.fetch("http://www.google.com/intl/en_com/images/srpr/logo2w.png");
// Create a document.
var doc = DocumentApp.openById("");
// Append the image to the first paragraph.
I'm not sure if you can upload an image. But you sure can insert it into a Paragraph via a url.