excel sort columns in groups of 2 - excel

I've a data in a row looking like this ->
5 0.1 3 0.5 9 17 1 0.1...
These are in groups of two, i.e., 0.1 is associated for 5 & 0.5 for 3 & so on
I want to sort the row in groups of two ->
1 0.1 3 0.5 5 0.1 9 17

This is a real formula hack but it solves your question as posted at face value.
There is a caveat that if there are ties in numbers, this will not work as accurately as your sample data.
Formulas are explained below the picture:
A5 -> =A1, then drag over skipping columns
A7 -> =IF(ISBLANK(A5),A1,""), then drag over all columns
A4 -> =IFERROR(RANK(A5,$A$5:$H$5),""), then drag over all columns
B6 -> =IF(B4="",A4,""), then drag over all columns
A9 -> =COUNT(A1:H1)/2, rest of columns are just math.
A10 -> =HLOOKUP(A9,$A$4:$H$5,2,0)
B10 -> =HLOOKUP(B9,$A$6:$H$7,2,0)
copy A10:B10, over for each two columns.

Three methods depending on actual data structure
Method 1:
If the cells on which you wish to sort are not duplicates, you could do this:
In A2 put:
In B2 put:
=IF(MOD(COLUMN(),2) = 0,A1+(B1/1000),B1)
Then drag the whole width of the data:
Copy and paste just the values on row 2. Then sort horizontally on row 2:
Then you can delete row 2
Method 2:
If there are duplicates then this two step process will get you then list desired
In A2 put:
In A3 put:
And copy across all columns. Row 3 will be your sorted list:
The advantage to this method is that you can paste the values of the list in row one and it will calculate the correct sort order on calculate. There is no copying and pasting over formulas.
Method 3:
If you want to go the column route then:
In one column put:
In the second:
Then copy down sufficient to get all the values.
Then copy and paste the values anywhere you want and then sort.


Formula to Return Text in the Row of Largest Number

Column A Has Text & Columns B, C & D contain numbers.
For Ex.)
A... …B C D
John 4 6 2
Dave 4 6 4
Mike 4 5 1
Bill 2 5 9
I would like a cell to return the name in column A that has the Largest Number in Column B. And if there are similar numbers, go to the next column and determine which is highest, and if that is tied go to the next column and so on.
Any help would be appreciated.
We can de-conflict ties.In E1 enter:
=B1 + C1/(10*MAX(C:C))+D1/(100*MAX(D:D))
and copy down. Then in another cell enter:
This is only good for 3 columns of numbers, but it is very easy to add additional de-confliction terms if necessary:
=B1 + C1/(10*MAX(C:C))+D1/(100*MAX(D:D))+E1/(1000*MAX(E:E))
For an expandable number of rows/columns, use a helper row with the same number of columns as number columns in your data. The formulas below reference the following image (the data are in A1:G7):
C9 (fill over the remaining columns to G9)-->
The following formula will give the answer (shown in A9 above):
Using a helper column instead, again referencing the image below (the data are in A1:G7):
I1 (fill down to I7)-->
The following formula will give the answer (shown in J1 above):
As a bonus, notice that the helper column corresponds to the order that you would get from sorting the data by each column left-to-right. In other words, you could use the helper column to perform a formula-based multi-column sort on strictly numeric data. For the last image, entering the following array formula into a range with the same dimensions as A1:G7 gives a descending sort on columns B through G:

Dragging formulas across - Increment columns by more than 1

I can't seem to find anything similar that's already been asked (they all relate to incrementing row numbers rather than columns)
I'm looking to drag a formula across horizontally and have the columns increment by 2
E.g. B1-A1, D1-C1, F1-E1...
You'll need to have a value in cell A1 and B1 for the following to work.
For my testing I put the number 1 in A1 and B1.
Try this in Cell C1:
Here's what you should see when you drag that formula across:
1 1 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12
And this is what the formula does:
The MOD(COUNT() part of the formula counts the cells to the left of it, and if they are a multiple of 2, the value changes.
I've left the value to change to (the 'new' value) as the COLUMN() number for the cell before, just for example's sake. but you can change this part.
The last IF statement at the end checks if the cell before is equal to the cell before that, (eg. Is CELL C1 equal to CELL B1) and if they are not equal, it will give the cell before as a value (the 'copy' value).

I am trying to find a formula that will allow me to calculate MAX/MIN without calculating anything after the current row

I want to use the Max/Min function to calculate the minimum number up to the current row, but not count anything after that row. See example below:
1 10 =MIN(A1:A1) I Want B1 to only count MIN from A1 to A1 from here, then
2 14 =MIN(A1:A2) from here I want B2 to count MIN from A1 to A2,
3 9 =MIN(A1:A3) Then A1 to A3,
4 6 =MIN(A1:A4) etc,
5 14 =MIN(A1:A5) etc.
I could go back and update each row manually, but I have over 700 rows that I want all this to apply to. Is there anyone who can help me with a solution to this problem?
Use this formula in B1, and copy downwards:
This is called maintaining referential integrity while writing any excel formula. It should give the desired result on copy towards right or downwards.

Excel line up data

I'm a total Excel nub and can't find the answer I'm looking for. Must be easy peasy, but since I'm not into Excel I also don't know what to look for. Sorry if I'm having my question wrong.
I have output in Excel like this:
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
B 1
B 2
B 3
B 4
B 5
B 6
and I want it like this:
A 1 2 3 4
B 1 2 3 4 5 6
this question is quite complex in a way.
let me explain it more in detail:
as you see above, we have two columns A and B, you have text strings in column A , these text strings could be repeated. As you see in the example, there are 4 As, 5 Bs, 3 Cs 1 D and 3 Es. In column B each one of these strings have different corresponding values. For example, text strings B in column A has five corresponding values in column B, namely 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16.
Now we want a list of UNIQUE values from column A, and lets say, we put this list in column C and then for each of these unique values in column C we want to list their corresponding cells in column B and put them HORIZONTALLY in front of each of these unique text strings in column C.
For this you need two kinds of formulas:
Formula 1 to calculate the list of the unique values in column A :
this goes in C2:(leave C1 empty)
=IFERROR(INDEX($A$1:$A$999;MATCH(0;FREQUENCY(IF(EXACT($A$1:$A$999;TRANSPOSE($C$1:C1));MATCH(ROW($A$1:$A$999);ROW($A$1:$A$999)); ""); MATCH(ROW($A$1:$A$999);ROW($A$1:$A$999))); 0)); "")
this is an array formula, so press ctrl+shift+enter to calculate the formula, and drag and fill down as many as you want in column C.
*Formula 2 to find and list horizontally the values from column B *
this is an array formula, so press ctrl+shift+enter to calculate the formula, put this in D2 and drag and fill down until the last cell of column C. then select D2 to D6 and drag and fill horizontally. You should get all of the corresponding cells in front of each unique item.
P.S. adjust the formulas to meet your regional settings by replacing ; with , I suppose.
Finally here is the link to an example sheet downloadable from here .
This is very generic but hopefully will help.
Highlight the cells that you want to transpose to.
Type the equation..."=TRANSPOSE(B1:B4)" (edit as necessary).
While the cells are still highlighted, press "ctrl+shift+enter". (brackets should appear around the equation)
Finish editing the cells.

how to expand list into pattern in Excel?

I have a list like this:
I am pulling those numbers into another spreadsheet, using vlookup.
I want to create a new list or pattern, that looks like this:
.. etc
How can I do that easily (my first list has 300 items, so dont want to do by hand)
Following the Scheme:
use the formulas:
C2 -> =A2
C3 -> =INDEX(A:A;ROUNDDOWN((ROW(G1)/$B$2)+2;0)) ' And Autocomplete
D2 -> =IF((ROUNDUP(ROW(G1)/($B$2+$B$4);0))-(ROUNDDOWN((ROW(G1)/($B$2+$B$4))+($B$4)/$B$2-$B$4/10;0))=1;INDEX(A:A;ROUNDDOWN((ROW(G1)/($B$2+$B$4))+2;0));"") ' And Autocomplete
The C column it's relevant to repeat without blanks, the column D it's relevant to the repeat with blanks.
In the cells B2 put the number of repetition and in the cell B4 put the blanks cells.
If you have more that one column to copy use the same code for every column...
If you need to have only values, at the end copy and paste with value ...
Warning: The formula in column D work with low number of blanks and Repeat... Eventually you need to recalibrate.

