Change database in connectionstring from app - azure

I have created a Xamarin where I want to query one database on a Azure SQL Server and regarding which result I get back I want to query one of X numbers of certain databases.
So far I have been able to create two different APIs where the first API gets information from the first database.
And I have hardcoded (in the TableController) to use one specific database (in the same SQL Server).
string dbString = "database2";
myContextClass context = new myContextClass(dbString);
This works like a charm. However. I would like to be able to pass which database I want to connect to from my app.
I.e. when calling my mobileservice all I do is this:
this.client = new MobileServiceClient(
Is there something I can add to this methodcall that will set the database connectionstring in the controller?

You should not be connecting to the database from the mobile App, you should have a backend REST service built for example using Web API and hosted in Azure API Service, this is where the connection to the database will occur, and the connection string will be added to the web.config file which can be easily changed from the Azure portal.

I think you need 2 dbContext instances. Here is an example in the controller how to initialize 1 dbContext. So, I guess, you could have the parameter you want to specify which db you want, and use the main controller or call another controller which is initialized with the other dbContext. (or try overwriting the DomainManager with different context)
public class TodoItemController : TableController<TodoItem>
protected override void Initialize(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
AppContext context = new AppContext();
DomainManager = new EntityDomainManager<TodoItem>(context, Request);
// GET tables/TodoItem
public IQueryable<TodoItem> GetAllTodoItems()
return Query();
Then you have 2 dbContext instances like this:
public class AppContext : DbContext
private const string connectionStringName = "Name=MS_TableConnectionString";
public NeptuneAppContext() : base(connectionStringName)
where you can specify different connectionStrings.
Hope it helps


Preventing ClaimsTransformation from running on every HTTP request

I have a web application targeting .NET 5.0 and I am trying to implement Windows Authentication along with some policies for authorization. We have a database table from another application that holds info on user roles, so I am using that to set permissions for my users.
I created a ClaimsTransformer class:
public class ClaimsTransformer : IClaimsTransformation
// snip constructor which pulls in my DbContext from DI
public async Task<ClaimsPrincipal> TransformAsync(ClaimsPrincipal principal)
var id = ((ClaimsIdentity) principal.Identity);
var ci = new ClaimsIdentity(id.Claims, id.AuthenticationType, id.NameClaimType, id.RoleClaimType);
// snip call to DbContext to get user's role from database
if (roleId == 1 || roleId == 7)
ci.AddClaim(new Claim("user-role", "admin"));
return new ClaimsPrincipal(ci);
I have my authentication/authorization setup like this:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddTransient<IClaimsTransformation, ClaimsTransformer>();
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("Admin", policy =>
policy.RequireClaim("user-role", "admin"));
// snip rest of method
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
// snip unrelated code
My first use of this is to hide a menu in my _Layout.cshtml:
#if ((await AuthorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, "admin").Succeeded)
// Admin nav link
The issue is, since AuthorizeAsync is running on every HTTP request, my ClaimsTransformer also runs each time, hitting the database to check the user's roles on every request. I'd like to avoid this, but I'm not sure of the best way to do so.
Basically, I'd like the system to check the roles only once, when the user is first authenticated. I read that this is what is supposed to happen when using Windows Authentication with IIS, but I am seeing the roles query running on every request when deployed to my IIS server also.
I could easily add a check in my ClaimsTransformer to see if the "user-role" claim exists, and only hit the DB if it is not present, but is there a better way? Should I be overriding something like UserClaimsPrincipalFactory instead of using a ClaimsTransformer?

Azure connection attempt failed

I'm using the following code to connect. I can connect to other Azure Resources ok.
But for one resource I get the following error: URL and Key are correct.
{"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond"}
The Code is as follows
_searchClient = new SearchServiceClient(searchServiceName, new
_httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("api-key", apiKey);
_searchServiceEndpoint = String.Format("https://{0}.{1}",
searchServiceName, _searchClient.SearchDnsSuffix);
bool result = RunAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Any ideas? thx in advance? How can I troubleshoot this?
I will show how this is done in c#
you will need a appsettings.json
you will need this code in the program.cs file
there are a lot of other files in the example from the document
that you may need to use , learn and edit for ur usecase
When working in c# and azure, always know what is unique about the file structured your solution first. This is why we build the examples from the docs as we learn the solution. Next we must study the different blocks of code that when executed deliver one feature or functionality to the solution as a whole.
"SearchServiceName": "[Put your search service name here]",
"SearchIndexName": "hotels",
"SearchServiceAdminApiKey": "[Put your primary or secondary Admin API key here]",
"SearchServiceQueryApiKey": "[Put your primary or secondary Query API key here]"
namespace AzureSearch.SDKHowTo
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Azure.Search;
using Microsoft.Azure.Search.Models;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Spatial;
// This sample shows how to delete, create, upload documents and query an index
static void Main(string[] args)
IConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("appsettings.json");
IConfigurationRoot configuration = builder.Build();
SearchServiceClient serviceClient = CreateSearchServiceClient(configuration);
string indexName = configuration["SearchIndexName"];
Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Deleting index...\n");
DeleteIndexIfExists(indexName, serviceClient);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Creating index...\n");
CreateIndex(indexName, serviceClient);
ISearchIndexClient indexClient = serviceClient.Indexes.GetClient(indexName);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Uploading documents...\n");
ISearchIndexClient indexClientForQueries = CreateSearchIndexClient(indexName, configuration);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", "Complete. Press any key to end application...\n");
private static SearchServiceClient CreateSearchServiceClient(IConfigurationRoot configuration)
string searchServiceName = configuration["SearchServiceName"];
string adminApiKey = configuration["SearchServiceAdminApiKey"];
SearchServiceClient serviceClient = new SearchServiceClient(searchServiceName, new SearchCredentials(adminApiKey));
return serviceClient;
private static SearchIndexClient CreateSearchIndexClient(string indexName, IConfigurationRoot configuration)
string searchServiceName = configuration["SearchServiceName"];
string queryApiKey = configuration["SearchServiceQueryApiKey"];
SearchIndexClient indexClient = new SearchIndexClient(searchServiceName, indexName, new SearchCredentials(queryApiKey));
return indexClient;
private static void DeleteIndexIfExists(string indexName, SearchServiceClient serviceClient)
if (serviceClient.Indexes.Exists(indexName))
private static void CreateIndex(string indexName, SearchServiceClient serviceClient)
var definition = new Index()
Name = indexName,
Fields = FieldBuilder.BuildForType<Hotel>()
Azure concepts to learn
How and why we create azure clients
Why do we use appsettings.json
What is some example file structures for azure search solutions
What coding lanague do you want to use to build that solutio
do u want to use the azure sdk
How to find and create api keys
C# concepts to learn
What is an interface and how do you use it
How to import one file in the file structure into another
How the main function works
How to call variables in to a function
How to call a function with a function
How to write server side code vs client side code
How to deploy c# code to azure
What version of c# are u using What’s is and what version will u use
What is core and what version will u use
As u can see azure and c# have a high learning curve.
Luckily you have stack overflow and documentation to research all of the above questions and more:)
For how u would troubleshoot...what I do is research each block of code in the documentation example and run all of the code locally. Then I test each block of code one at a time. Ur always testing data flowing thought the block of code. So you can just console log the result of a block a code by creating a test varable and print that varable to the console.
Because each block of Code represents one feature or functionality, each test will output either a pass or fail delivery of that feature or functionality. Thus you can design functionality, implement that design and create a test for new Feature.

How to send Azure SignalR messages to clients on all instances of a multi-instance Azure Application

We are evaluating how to send messages to connected clients via SignalR. Our application is published in Azure, and has multiple instances. We are able to successfully pass messages to clients connected to the same instance, but not other instances.
We initially were looking at ServiceBus, but we (perhaps mistakenly) found out that AzureSignalR should basically be a service bus that handles all of the backend stuff for us.
We set up signalR in Startup.cs such as:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
var signalRConnString = Configuration.GetConnectionString("AxiomSignalRPrimaryEndPoint");
.AddJsonProtocol(options =>
options.PayloadSerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver();
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
app.UseAzureSignalR(routes =>
We have to store some objects that should probably be on the service bus, and not stored in an individual instance; However, I am unsure of how to tell the hub that the objects should be on the bus and not internal to that specific instance of the hub, as below:
public class EmployeesHub : Hub
private static volatile List<Tuple<string, string, string,string, int>> UpdateList = new List<Tuple<string, string, string,string,int>>();
private static volatile List<Tuple<string, int>> ConnectedClients = new List<Tuple<string, int>>();
We have functions that need to send messages to all connected clients that are looking at the current record regardless of in what instance they reside:
public async void LockField(string fieldName, string value, string userName, int IdRec)
var clients = ConnectedClients.Where(x => x.Item1 != Context.ConnectionId && x.Item2 == IdRec).Select(x => x.Item1).Distinct().ToList();
clients.ForEach(async x =>
await Clients.Client(x).SendAsync("LockField", fieldName, value, userName, true);
if (!UpdateList.Any(x=> x.Item1 == Context.ConnectionId && x.Item3 == fieldName && x.Item5 == IdRec))
UpdateList.Add(new Tuple<string, string, string,string,int>(Context.ConnectionId,userName, fieldName, value, IdRec));
This is not working for different instances (which makes sense, because each instance will have its own objects.. However, we were hoping that by using AzureSignalR instead of SignalR (AzureSignalR conn string has an endpoint to the Azure service) that it would handle the service bus functionality for us. We are not sure what steps to take to get this functioning correctly.
The reason for this issue is that I was preemptively attempting to limit message traffic. I was attempting to only send messages to clients that were looking at the same record. However, because my objects were instance-specific, it would only grab the connection IDs from the current instance's object.
Further testing (using ARR affinity) proves that on a Clients.All() call, all clients, including those in different instances, receive the message.
So, our AzureSignalR setup appears to be correct.
Current POC Solution - currently testing
-When a client registers, we will broadcast to all connected clients "What field do you have locked for this Id?"
-If client is on a different Id, it will ignore the message.
-If client does not have any fields locked, it will ignore the message.
-If client has a field locked, it will respond to the message with required info.
-AzureSignalR will then rebroadcast the data required to perform a lock.
This increases message count, but not significantly. But it will resolve the multiple instances holding different connected ClientIds issue.
Just a thought, but have you tried using SignalR Groups?
You could try creating a group for each combination of IdRec and fieldName and then just broadcast messages to the group. This is the gist of how I think your LockField function might look:
public async void LockField(string fieldName, string value, string userName, int IdRec)
string groupName = GetGroupName(IdRec, fieldName);
await Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync("LockField", fieldName, value, userName, true);
await this.Groups.AddToGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, groupName);
You could implement the GetGroupName method however you please, so long as it produces unique strings. A simple solution might be something like
public string GetGroupName(int IdRec, string fieldName)
return $"{IdRec} - {fieldName}";

owin oauth webapi with a dynamic TokenEndpointPath

I've successfully implemented oAuth using OWIN in my WebApi 2 Server with:
app.UseOAuthAuthorizationServer(new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions {
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/TokenByPassword"),
// ...
However, I would like the TokenEndpointPath to be dynamic as I will have multiple databases each with their own account records.
I believe I want something like:
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/{databaseid}/TokenByPassword");
I don't believe OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions supports this and even if it did - how would I get the databaseid ?
I could implement this in my own WebAPI with AttributeRouting, but then what would be the correct OWIN calls to make in that WebAPI to generate the correct BearerToken?
I found the answer..
Even though the TokenEndpointPath is specified in the OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions, the OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider has a delegate called OnMatchEndpoint. Inside this delegate, you can access the Request.Uri.AbsolutePath of the call and if it matches your criteria, you can then call MatchesTokenEndpoint() in which case OnGrantResourceOwnerCredentials will get called where you again can gain access the the Request.Uri and pick out the {databaseid} and use the correct database to Grant access.
OWIN is very flexible, but not immediately obvious which calls to make when to do what you want when it is something not quite straightforward.
Just to make it clearer, here is the implementation of the function MatchEndpoint of the class that extend OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider, as suggested by David Snipp :
private const string MatchTokenUrlPattern = #"^\/([\d\w]{5})\/token\/?$";
public override async Task MatchEndpoint(OAuthMatchEndpointContext context)
var url = context.Request.Uri.AbsolutePath;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && url.Contains("token"))
var regexMatch = new Regex(MatchTokenUrlPattern).Match(url);
if (regexMatch.Success)
await base.MatchEndpoint(context);
Be careful on what you do in there because it is called at every request.

How do I call my own service from a request/response filter in ServiceStack?

My problem is...
...I have a DTO like this
[Route("/route/to/dto/{Id}", "GET")]
public class Foo : IReturn<Bar>
public string Id { get; set; }
and need to call the service that implements the method with this signature
public Bar Get(Foo)
from a request and/or response filter. I don't know what class implements it (don't want to need to know). What I need is something like the LocalServiceClient class in the example below:
var client = new LocalServiceClient();
Bar bar = client.Get(new Foo());
Does this LocalServiceClient thing exists? JsonServiceClient has a pretty similar interface, but using it would be inneficient (I need to call my own service, I shouldn't need an extra round-trip, even to localhost, just to do this).
I'm aware of ResolveService method from Service class, but it requires me to have a service instance and to know what class will handle the request.
I think this LocalServiceClient is possible because I have all the data that a remote client (e.g. JsonServiceClient) needs to call the service - request DTO, route, verb - but couldn't find how to do it. Actually, it should be easier to implement than JsonServiceClient.
JsonServiceClient would do it, but there must be a better way, using the same request context.
What I want to do (skip this if you're not curious about why I'm doing this)
Actually, my DTOs are like this:
[Route("/route/to/dto/{Id}", "GET")]
public class MyResponseDto
public string Id { get; set; }
public EmbeddableLink<AResponseDto> RelatedResource { get; set; }
public EmbeddableLink<AnotherResponteDto> AnotherRelatedResource { get; set; }
EmbedRequestedLinksAttribute is a request/response filter. This filter checks if there is a query argument named "embed" in the request. If so, the filter need to "embed" the comma-separated related resources referenced by the argument into the response to this request. EmbeddableLink<T> instances can be obtained by using extension methods like these:
1) public static EmbeddableLink<T> ToEmbeddableLink<T>(this IReturn<T> requestDto)
2) public static EmbeddableLink<T> ToEmbeddableLink<T>(this T resource)
Assume a client places this request:
GET /route/to/dto/123456?embed=relatedResource HTTP/1.1
The service that will handle this request will return an instance of MyResponseDto with EmbeddableLinks created using signature (1). Then my response filter will see the embed query argument and will call the Get method of the appropriate service, replacing the RelatedResource with another instance of EmbeddableLink, this time created using extension method (2):
var client = new LocalServiceClient();
response.RelatedResource = client.Get(response.RelatedResource.RequestDto)
The serialization routine of EmbeddableLink takes care of the rest.
In case an embeddable link is not included in the embed list the serialization routine will call the extension method ToUrl (provided by ServiceStack), that takes a verb and converts a request DTO into a URL. In this example the client will get this response:
"id": "9asc09dcd80a98",
"relatedResource": { "id": "ioijo0909801", ... },
"$link": { "href": "/route/to/another/dto/1sdf89879s" }
I know the creators of ServiceStack think that polymorphic request/responses are bad things but this case seems OK to me because I'm not creating services, instead I'm extending the framework to help me create services the way I (and possibly other users of ServiceStack) need. I'm also creating other hypermedia extensions to ServiceStack. (I hope my boss allow me to publish these extensions on github)
If you really want to do this then look the source code for ServiceStack. Look at the ServiceManager and ServiceController. These classes are responsible for registering and resolving services. You might even be able to use reflection to create services on the fly with the static EndpointHost.Metadata like so:
var operation = EndpointHost.Metadata.Operations
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RequestType == typeof(Person));
if (operation != null)
var svc = Activator.CreateInstance(operation.ServiceType);
var method = operation.ServiceType.GetMethod("Get");
var response = method.Invoke(svc, new[] { new Person() });
This kinda works but you will get NULL exceptions if there is other code calling
var httpRequest = RequestContext.Get<IHttpRequest>();
But I would not suggest this.
Instead if you create your own Business Service classes that do all the CRUD operations (POST/PUT/GET ect). Then make the ServiceStack Services thin wrappers over them. Now you can call your own services whenever you want without worrying about the HTTP Request and ServiceStack. Only use the ServiceStack Service when you are dealing with HTTP requests
You can call the static AppHostBase.Resolve() method as demonstrated here, calling a SeviceStack Service from an MVC controller:
var helloService = AppHostBase.Resolve<HelloService>();
helloService.RequestContext = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.ToRequestContext();
var response = (HelloResponse)helloService.Any(new HelloRequest { Name = User.Identity.Name });
However, I would take #kampsj's approach of making your ServiceStack services a thin wrapper around your application service classes and only deal with HTTP/Session specific stuff in the ServiceStack service.
