Best strategy for automatize a flow that need user interaction - linux

I am working in a Dockerfile but there is a "secure" MariaDB server script I need to run which is interactive and I don't know how to deal with this.
Basically this is the flow I have follow on the script at test environment and is the same I want to achieve in the Dockerfile without user interaction by just answering as you seen on the flow below:
# /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation
Enter current password for root (enter for none): [ENTER] // because there is no password
OK, successfully used password, moving on...
Set root password? [Y/n] n
... skipping.
Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y
... Success!
Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] n
... skipping.
Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] Y
- Dropping test database...
... Success!
- Removing privileges on test database...
... Success!
Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes made so far
will take effect immediately.
Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Y
... Success!
Cleaning up...
So I need to write a bash script or something else that could handle this automatically but has not idea, how would you take care of this?

I think you can try with two different approaches:
Use expect script eventually "evaluated" from bash. Man page here
Use "here document" syntax from a bash script (no expect)
** EDIT - Example of option 2 **
/usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation <<EOF
basically you pass all your answers to the standard input of your mysql_secure_installation.
Using expect is just a little bit more complicated. You can start from here

Another option, mysql_secure_installation is a simple bash script that executes several mysql commands, just use the sql commands.
DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='';
DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db='test' OR Db='test\\_%';
save this commands in a file and pipe it to mysql
mysql < my_file.sql


Security question: Are NodeJS spawns logged anywhere?

If you run a command in Terminal, say
rsync -avuP [SourcPath] [DestPath]
That command will get logged in, say .bash_history, .zsh_history, .bash_sessions, etc.
So if you make use of something as notoriously insecure as sshpass
say sshpass -P password -p MySecetPassword [Some command requiring std input], that too will be logged.
But what happens when you do the equivalent when spawning a process using Node JS?
passw = functionThatRetrievesPasswordSecurely();
terminalCmd = "sshpass";
terminalArgs = ["-P, "password", "-p", passw, "command", "requiring", "a", "password", "entry"];
spawn = require("child_process").spawn(terminalCmd, terminalArgs);
spawn.stdout.on("data", data => {console.log("stdout, no details"});
spawn.stderr.on("data", data => {console.log("stderr, no details"});
spawn.on("close", data => {console.log("Process complete, no details"});
Are the terminalCmd or terminalArgs logged anywhere?
If so, where?
If not, is this a secure way to make use opf sshpass?
There isn't a node specific history file for execs unless you created one by logging the arguments. There can be lower level OS logging that captures this type of data, like an audit log.
Passing a password on the command line is still considered the least secure way.
Try -f to pass a file or -d for a file descriptor instead (or ssh keys should always be the first port of call)
The man page explains...
The -p option should be considered the least secure of all of sshpass's options. All system users can see the password in the command line with a simple "ps" command. Sshpass makes a minimal attempt to hide the password, but such attempts are doomed to create race conditions without actually solving the problem. Users of sshpass are encouraged to use one of the other password passing techniques, which are all more secure.
In particular, people writing programs that are meant to communicate the password programatically are encouraged to use an anonymous pipe and pass the pipe's reading end to sshpass using the -d option.

Using flock to lock file for X time

I am a Linux novice and currently developing a security system using Raspberry Pi 3 and MotionEye. To get notifications via e-mail, I am attempting to create a custom shell script that will send an e-mail if there is motion, lock for X minutes, then send another e-mail if there is still motion. However, I am having some difficulties.
I created a simple Python script named "" using SMTP that works perfectly fine for sending e-mails when I execute it via command line.
The shell script (named "") is where I run into troubles in a few regards:
Whenever I run, it completely overwrites I have tried to change file permission so it is only executable by the user, but it still overwrites.
The flock command/function does not work as I intended or at all. I have looked all over the internet and tried multiple different codes, but none have worked. I have attached my various scripts I have tried.
Not necessarily a problem, but I am a bit confused on what my "shebang" line should be. For I have it as "!#/bin/bash", which I believe makes the script it executable, at least according to this. Do I still need to change the permissions via the command "chmod +x"? The path is /home/pi, which is essentially the main directory of my Pi.
The different solutions I have tried:
In, I have tried to directly change the file permissions to read-only instead of using flock, having it sleep, then changing the permissions back to allow execution of the file.
Multiple implementations, as attached.
To summarize:
I need to execute before locking the file
Once locked, it needs to stay locked for X time.
Does anyone have any pointers or suggestions? I have spent well over 15 hours tinkering with this and feel like I have gotten nowhere!
import smtplib
def send_email():
content = "Message I want to send to specified e-mail."
sender = "e-mail account that will send message"
pword = "password of sender"
receiver = "e-mail account that will receive message"
mail = smtplib.SMTP("",587)
send_email() (1):
python /home/pi/
flock -e 200
sleep [time in seconds]
) (2):
python /home/pi/
exec 3>/home/pi/
flock -x 3
sleep [time in seconds]
exec 3>&-
) (3):
python /home/pi/
chmod 444 /home/pi/ # modify to read only for all
sleep [time in seconds]
chmod 755 /home/pi/ # modify to rwx for owner, r-x for others
The reason why man flock and all posts say to use > is because you're supposed to use a dedicated lock file, typically in /var/lock:
exec 3> /var/lock/motionmail
flock -ne 3 || exit
python /home/pi/
sleep 3600
This additionally fixes you sending your email regardless, before you ever check the lock, and aborts new emails instead of queueing them all up.
You choose the lock file name based on the scope you want your lock to have:
If you only want one email per hour, you can use something like /var/lock/motionmail because there's just one per system.
If you want one email for each user per hour, you can use $HOME/.motionmail.lock because there's just one per user.
You can use /home/pi/ if you want with <, but this implies that you want one email per hour not only for each user, programming language and script copy, but also every time you hit save and replace the file with your editor*
* Editors differ in whether they replace or overwrite a file

How can you hide passwords in command line arguments for a process in linux

There is quite a common issue in unix world, that is when you start a process with parameters, one of them being sensitive, other users can read it just by executing ps -ef. (For example mysql -u root -p secret_pw
Most frequent recommendation I found was simply not to do that, never run processes with sensitive parameters, instead pass these information other way.
However, I found that some processes have the ability to change the parameter line after they processed the parameters, looking for example like this in processes:
xfreerdp -decorations /w:1903 /h:1119 /kbd:0x00000409 /d:HCG /u:petr.bena /parent-window:54526138 /bpp:24 /audio-mode: /drive:media /media /network:lan /rfx /cert-ignore /clipboard /port:3389 / /p:********
Note /p:*********** parameter where password was removed somehow.
How can I do that? Is it possible for a process in linux to alter the argument list they received? I assume that simply overwriting the char **args I get in main() function wouldn't do the trick. I suppose that maybe changing some files in /proc pseudofs might work?
"hiding" like this does not work. At the end of the day there is a time window where your password is perfectly visible so this is a total non-starter, even if it is not completely useless.
The way to go is to pass the password in an environment variable.

Check the root password

What is the best way to check if a root linux password is correct,from a c program.One solution is tu run a command like : echo \"myPass\n"\ | sudo -S mySudoPassword and somehow check stderr to see if contains data.I am looking forward to get an elegant solution
You can validate that a given password is correct for a given username using the shadow file.
See Given a linux username and a password how can I test if it is a valid account? for the mechanics of how this is done. It should be possible to perform the same operations in a C program.

Protect user credentials when connecting R with databases using JDBC/ODBC drivers

Usually I connect to a database with R using JDBC/ODBC driver. A typical code would look like
vDriver = JDBC(driverClass="com.vertica.jdbc.Driver", classPath="/home/Drivers/vertica-jdbc-7.0.1-0.jar")
vertica = dbConnect(vDriver, "jdbc:vertica://servername:5433/db", "username", "password")
I would like others to access the db using my credentials but I want to protect my username and password. So I plan save the above script as a "Connections.r" file and ask users to source this file.
If I give execute only permission to Connections.r others cannot source the file
chmod 710 Connections.r
Only if I give read and execute permission R lets users to source it. If I give the read permission my credentials will be exposed. Is there anyways we could solve this by protecting user credentials?
Unless you were to deeply obfuscate your credentials by making an Rcpp function or package that does the initial JDBC connection (which won't be trivial) one of your only lighter obfuscation mechanisms is to store your credentials in a file and have your sourced R script read them from the file, use them in the call and them rm them from the environment right after that call. That will still expose them, but not directly.
One other way, since the users have their own logins to RStudio Server, is to use Hadley's new secure package (a few of us sec folks are running it through it's paces), add the user keys and have your credentials stored encrypted but have your sourced R script auto-decrypt them. You'll still need to do the rm of any variables you use since they'll be part of environment if you don't.
A final way, since you're giving them access to the data anyway, is to use a separate set of credentials (the way you phrased the question it seems you're using your credentials for this) that only work in read-only mode to the databases & tables required for these analyses. That way, it doesn't matter if the creds leak since there's nothing "bad" that can be done with them.
Ultimately, I'm as confused as to why you can't just setup the users with read only permissions on the database side? That's what role-based access controls are for. It's administrative work, but it's absolutely the right thing to do.
Do you want to give someone access, but not have them be able to see your credentials? That's not possible in this case. If my code can read a file, I can see everything in the file.
Make more accounts on the SQL server. Or make one guest account. But you're trying to solve the problem that account management solves.
Have the credentials sent as command arguments? Here's an example of how one would do that:
# create parser object
parser <- ArgumentParser()
# specify our desired options
# by default ArgumentParser will add an help option
parser$add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=TRUE,
help="Print extra output [default]")
parser$add_argument("-q", "--quietly", action="store_false",
dest="verbose", help="Print little output")
parser$add_argument("-c", "--count", type="integer", default=5,
help="Number of random normals to generate [default %(default)s]",
parser$add_argument("--generator", default="rnorm",
help = "Function to generate random deviates [default \"%(default)s\"]")
parser$add_argument("--mean", default=0, type="double", help="Mean if generator == \"rnorm\" [default %(default)s]")
parser$add_argument("--sd", default=1, type="double",
metavar="standard deviation",
help="Standard deviation if generator == \"rnorm\" [default %(default)s]")
# get command line options, if help option encountered print help and exit,
# otherwise if options not found on command line then set defaults,
args <- parser$parse_args()
# print some progress messages to stderr if "quietly" wasn't requested
if ( args$verbose ) {
write("writing some verbose output to standard error...\n", stderr())
# do some operations based on user input
if( args$generator == "rnorm") {
cat(paste(rnorm(args$count, mean=args$mean, sd=args$sd), collapse="\n"))
} else {
cat(paste($generator, list(args$count)), collapse="\n"))
Sample run (no parameters):
usage: example.R [-h] [-v] [-q] [-c number] [--generator GENERATOR] [--mean MEAN] [--sd standard deviation]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Print extra output [default]
-q, --quietly Print little output
-c number, --count number
Number of random normals to generate [default 5]
--generator GENERATOR
Function to generate random deviates [default "rnorm"]
--mean MEAN Mean if generator == "rnorm" [default 0]
--sd standard deviation
Standard deviation if generator == "rnorm" [default 1]
The package was apparently inspired by the python package of the same name, so looking there may also be useful.
Looking at your code, I'd probably rewrite it as follows:
args <- ArgumentParser()
args$add_argument('--driver', dest='driver', default="com.vertica.jdbc.Driver")
args$add_argument('--classPath', dest='classPath', default="/home/Drivers/vertica-jdbc-7.0.1-0.jar")
args$add_argument('--url', dest='url', default="jdbc:vertica://servername:5433/db")
args$add_argument('--user', dest='user', default='username')
args$add_argument('--password', dest='password', default='password')
parser <- args$parse_args
vDriver <- JDBC(driverClass=parser$driver, parser$classPath)
vertica <- dbConnect(vDriver, parser$url, parser$user , parser$password)
# continue here
Jana, it seems odd that you are willing to let the users connect via R but not in any other way. How is that obscuring anything from them?
I don't understand why you would not be satisfied with a guest account that has specific SELECT-only access to certain tables (or even views)?
