Angular2 http GET with Body? - get

I'm querying some elasticsearch servers from my Angular2 site. To help with security, we'd like to lock down access to only GET requests. Elasticsearch supports GET with a body but I'm having troubles making it happen with Angular2's http class., q.BuildPayload(), { method: 'GET' })
Since http.get doesn't have a body parameter, I am trying to use the post method. Previously I would leave off the RequestOptionsArgs of { method: 'GET' } and the POST would go through successfully with the body. By specifying the method in the third parameter the http class removes the body from the request.
Is it possible to make a GET request with a body in Angular 2?

I think that the raw XHR object doesn't allow this. To quote the specification (see
4.5.6 The send() method
client . send([body = null])
Initiates the request. The optional argument provides the request body.
The argument is ignored if request method is GET or HEAD.
The send(body) method must run these steps:
If state is not opened, throw an InvalidStateError exception.
If the send() flag is set, throw an InvalidStateError exception.
If the request method is GET or HEAD, set body to null.
This discussion in the Postman github could also help you:
If you want to query an ElasticSearch server, you can use POST requests. Here is a sample:
POST http://localhost:9200/myindex/mytype/_search?pretty=true
Content-Type: application/json
"query": {
"match": {
"somefield": "some value"
Hope it helps you,

FWIW, I would be interested in hearing why this is desirable in For now there's no browser-based API that supports this, but we could offer it as a feature in fetch() given a convincing enough argument (and implementer interest).


Downsides of an API which neglects http method and path

I'm wondering what the downsides would be for a production server whose api is totally ignorant of the HTTP request path. For example, an api which is fully determined by query parameters, or even fully determined by the http body.
let server = require('http').createServer(async (req, res) => {
let { headers, method, path, query, body } = await parseRequest(res);
// `headers` is an Object representing headers
// `method` is 'get', 'post', etc.
// `path` could look like /api/v2/people
// `query` could look like { filter: 'age>17&age<35', page: 7 }
// `body` could be some (potentially large) http body
// MOST apis would use all these values to determine a response...
// let response = determineResponse(headers, method, path, query, body);
// But THIS api completely ignores everything except for `query` and `body`
let response = determineResponse(query, body);
doSendResponse(res, response); // Sets response headers, etc, sends response
The above server's API is quite strange. It will completely ignore the path, method, headers, and body. While most APIs primarily consider method and path, and look like this...
method path description
GET /api - Metadata about api
GET /api/v1 - Old version of api
GET /api/v2 - Current api
GET /api/v2/people - Make "people" db queries
POST /api/v2/people - Insert a new person into db
GET /api/v2/vehicles - Make "vehicle" db queries
POST /api/v2/vehicles - Insert a new vehicle into db
This API only considers url query, and looks very different:
url query description
<empty> - Metadata about api
apiVersion=1 - Old version of api
apiVersion=2 - Current api
apiVersion=2&table=people&action=query - Make "people" db queries
apiVersion=2&table=people&action=insert - Add new people to db
Implementing this kind of api, and ensuring clients use the correct api schema is not necessarily an issue. I am instead wondering about what other issues could arise for my app, due to writing an api with this kind of schema.
Would this be detrimental for SEO?
Would this be detrimental to performance? (caching?)
Are there additional issues that occur when an api is ignorant of method and url path?
That's indeed very unusual but it's basically how a RPC web api would work.
There would not be any SEO issue as far as I know.
Performance/caching should be the same, as the full "path" is composed of the same parameters in the end.
It however would be complicated to use with anything that doesn't expect it (express router, fancy http clients, etc.).
The only fundamental difference I see is how browsers treat POST requests as special (e.g. won't ever be created just with a link), and your API would expose deletion/creation of data just with a link. That's more or less dangerous depending on your scenario.
My advice would be: don't do that, stick to standards unless you have a very good reason not to.

Not getting data of GITHUB api using npm module sync-request

I am trying to get data of below url using sync-request module.
I get the data when i call it in browser or through postman.
But i am getting 403 forbidden error when calling it using sync-request in my node api.
My code looks like this.
var request = require("sync-request");
var response = request('GET', '', {
headers: {},
json: true
I am able to fetch data of many other api's but not this one. Please help.
Response body already contains the explanation:
Request forbidden by administrative rules. Please make sure your request has a User-Agent header ( Check for other possible causes.
It will work like:
var response = request('GET', '', {
headers: { 'User-Agent': 'Request' },
json: true
The use of sync-request is strongly discouraged because synchronousness is achieved via a hack and may block the process for a long time.
For sequential execution request-promise can be used together with async..await.
Try to use an access token along with the GitHub API call
like this
As you say the API works in the browser it should not be an issue.
When you use too many calls through the GitHub API they they give the following message
"message": "API rate limit exceeded for (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)",
"documentation_url": ""
To overcome this issue you can use an access token using an access token you can to access the private repositories in your account as well .
Here is the link for to get an access token []

How to send a http response using koajs

I'm trying to validate a webhook via facebook. So facebook hits my url my-url/facebook/receive within my route in nodejs i'd do res.send(req.query['hub.challenge']); to send an http response.
I'm using KoaJS. From what i understand, Koajs merges the request and response object into ctx but when reading through the docs I can't find anything along the lines of ctx.send or similar to send a http response.
Can anyone give me some direction or links.
To send the body of a response, you can simply do ctx.response.body = 'Hello'. There are many aliases attached to ctx, so you don't necessarily have to reference the response or request yourself. Doing ctx.body = 'Hello' would be the same as the code above.
If you wanted to set headers, you would use the ctx.set() method. For example: ctx.set('Content-Type', 'text/plain').
To access the query parameters, you would use ctx.request.query['some-key'] (or simply the alias ctx.query['some-key']).
All of the different request/response methods are documented pretty well at the Koa website along with a list of aliases attached to ctx. I highly recommend you give it a read.

Possible to include body in get request? - Node Request library

Is it possible to use the request library in node to include a body for a get request?
It looks like the body option only works for POST/PUT/PATCH methods according to documentation. I was wondering if there was a known workaround for this. I know this is not conventional but the api that I will be hitting does accept a get request with a body and putting the data in query string is not an option because the url becomes too long. (I do not have the ability to implement api changes)
Turns out Node's request library does accept body in the get request although it doesn't mention it in the documentation. Just passing in options.body = {}, with options.json = true, worked great.

WCF Web API RESTful is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Seems like I have a cross domain access problem.
I've seen some solutions that are indicating to add "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *", but I don't know where I can do this.
Do I need to create some handler?
I'm using WCF Web API.
Error: XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:8081/Song/0. Origin http://localhost:8080 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
I've noticed that this is only happens when HTTP method is PUT or DELETE.
I can successfully make requests with GET or POST.
I'm making the request using jquery.
url: Settings.RESTfulEndPointFor('Song/' + songID),
type: 'DELETE',
success: function (response) {
I don't know why, but it seems like this is resulting in method OPTIONS with Access-Control-Request-Method: DELETE.
Does any one know what causing this?
Any help is appreciated.
I had this problem when connecting to a WCF RESTful service via AJAX calls
My javascript was this:
var GetData= function(){
var data;
url: this.server + "/data",
async: false,
type: "GET",
success: function (success) {
data = success;
return data;
My service endpoint was opened with this code
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(new MyService());
All the important data is stored in the App.config file, I did not have to change that file for this fix.
I knew I had to add the headers somewhere before the response message was sent.
After some searching and hacking I found the Authorization property of a ServiceHost object. The Authorization property is an instance of the ServiceAuthorizationBehavior class whose objects have a property called ServiceAuthorizationManager which is an instance of the ServiceAuthorizationManager class.
By creating a new class that inherits from the ServiceAuthorizationManager and setting it to the ServiceAuthorizationManager property of the Authorization behavior of your ServiceHost instance, you can intercept all calls to your service.
This is how I have implemented my class
public class MyServiceAuthorizationManager : ServiceAuthorizationManager
protected override bool CheckAccessCore(OperationContext operationContext)
HttpResponseMessageProperty prop = new HttpResponseMessageProperty();
prop.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
operationContext.OutgoingMessageProperties.Add(HttpResponseMessageProperty.Name, prop);
return true;
then right after I declare my ServiceHost object (before the host is opened) I add this line
host.Authorization.ServiceAuthorizationManager = new MyServiceAuthorizationManager();
After doing this, rebuilding, and running my service the error message stopped showing up. Hooray!
Lastly, I read an article that described the ServiceHost class was designed for SOAP/WSDL services not RESTful services. For RESTful services the WebServiceHost object should be used.
ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(new MyService());
WebServiceHost host = new WebServiceHost(new MyService());
You must add references to the following assemblies:
Hope this helps.
Normally you put this in header of response. So put it in header where you modify/insert other header values like this
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *) //change it according to however header is set in wcf , since this is php syntax
Point is your response should have this header.
The request you are seeing with the OPTIONS method and an Access-Control-Request-Method: DELETE header is called a "preflight request". The CORS specification requires this for requests with methods that have side effects (like DELETE) to ensure the resource is ok with the request.
Check out this section of the spec >>
Unfortunately I don't know how to make this type of request work with wcf web api.
I have created
AllowCrossDomainRequestHandler : DelegatingChannel
and for each response I'm registering this header:
response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
I got this to work using the following response headers:
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain',
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'DELETE, POST, GET, OPTIONS',
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
First, with most web browsers there is no way to actually get around the cross-domain restriction. Most won't even let you change the "accept" header. So you have to use JSONP. JSONP is a way of getting JSON data from a cross-domain service, but it is returned in the form of a javascript snippet - which is allowed. The way it works is that you provide the callback function name to the service, then the cross-domain service returns a simple javascript with the actual JSON values embedded as the parameters to your callback function. This is really easy to do now with WCF WebApi (preview 6). Install it in VS 2010 with NuGet. Once you have it installed, look here for more information.
