Sound won't play at a specific time in unity - audio

I am trying to make a sound play with the timer goes to 3, 2, 1.
My timer starts at ten and has a three second delay. If I use the following code:
if (tl.myCoolTimer == 10)
print("Play Sound");
It plays the Beep over and over again until the game starts and the counter goes below 10.
If I use the code:
if (tl.myCoolTimer == 3)
print("Play Sound");
It doesn't play the sound at all. It doesn't even print the print statement.
I literally only changed the number. I am not sure why this isn't working.
I have also tried setting it to 3f to see if it is a float issue.
Timer Scripts
This is the starting Timer. it counts down to 3 (then the game starts)
public Text startGameTimerText;
public float startGameTimer = 3;
public void Start ()
startGameTimerText = GetComponent<Text> ();
public void Update ()
startGameTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
startGameTimerText.text = startGameTimer.ToString ("f1");
if (startGameTimer < 0) {
GameObject.Find ("GameStartTimer").SetActive (false);
This is the Game Timer It starts at 10 and counts down to 0.
public StartGameTimer gt; //this is the script the other timer is on
public Text timerText;
public float myCoolTimer = 10;
public void Start ()
timerText = GetComponent<Text> ();
public void Update ()
if (gt.startGameTimer > 0) {
myCoolTimer = 10;
} else {
myCoolTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
timerText.text = myCoolTimer.ToString ("f1");

Thanks Joe for the help. Here was my final answer. I know it is hacked, but I haven't figured out the Invoke thing yet. When I set the into it kept playing the entire time it was at "3", so i need to make it play only once.
private AudioSource myAudioSource;
public bool isSoundPlayed;
void Start()
myAudioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
isSoundPlayed = false;
void Update()
if((int)tl.myCoolTimer == 3)
if (isSoundPlayed == false)
isSoundPlayed = true;
if ((int)tl.myCoolTimer == 2)
if (isSoundPlayed == true)
isSoundPlayed = false;
if ((int)tl.myCoolTimer == 1)
if (isSoundPlayed == false)
isSoundPlayed = true;


Worker stop in the middle and not updating progress bar

I'm trying to load information with worker and using reportprogress to update progress bar until finshing, but the worker stop working and doesn't finish the for loop or continue after several minutes. I don't know what's the problem and I tried every post here I can find related to this problem and didn't get anything. I hope I can finally get an answer posting my problem here.
Here's the relevant code:
public class Class1
public BackgroundWorker unit_read_data_setting_Worker;
public Class1()
unit_read_data_setting_Worker = new BackgroundWorker();
unit_read_data_setting_Worker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
unit_read_data_setting_Worker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = false;
unit_read_data_setting_Worker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(unit_read_data_setting);
unit_read_data_setting_Worker.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(_update_progress);
unit_read_data_setting_Worker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(Completed);
public void unit_read_data_setting(object sender = null, DoWorkEventArgs e = null)
lock (FamilyTreeViewModel.Lock_ParameterList)
ObservableCollection<Parameter_UC_ViewModel> _internal_parameter_list =
if (FamilyTreeViewModel.GetInstance.SelectedUnitSetting != null)
if (_internal_parameter_list.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < _internal_parameter_list.Count; i++)
int startValue = i * 100 / _internal_parameter_list.Count;
// do stuff related to the index
// when progress_bar at 76 value, the loop stoppes and cotinue after a minute
private void _update_progress(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
FamilyTreeViewModel.GetInstance.Unit_read_data_setting_progress_bar = e.ProgressPercentage;
private void Completed(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
// never gets here but there's no error

Raycast help (using C#)

I have a raycast going upwards from an object which when the player comes in contact with the ray the object changes color. That works but I want to do it so when you touch the ray a second time, the object gets destroyed and I have no idea how to do that. I'm using Unity 2d.
Code: `using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class DestroyEnemy : MonoBehaviour //Enemy 3
[SerializeField] Transform Enemy3WayPoint;
private Renderer rend;
private Color colorToTurnTo =;
void Start()
rend = GetComponent<Renderer>();
rend.enabled = true;
Physics2D.queriesStartInColliders = false;
private void Update()
RaycastHit2D hitInfo = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.up, 5);
if (hitInfo.collider.gameObject.tag == "Player")
rend.material.color = colorToTurnTo;
Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, hitInfo.point, Color.white);
There may be a bracket or two I forgot to include, it does work when I test it
I think the simplest solution is to use a variable to keep track of the number of times the ray has been hit by the player.
As for destroying the enemy, you can use the destroy function.
So, something like this:
int hitCount = 0; //add a class variable
void Update(){
RaycastHit2D hitInfo = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.up, 5);
if (hitInfo.collider.gameObject.tag == "Player")
if(hitCount == 1)
rend.material.color = colorToTurnTo;
Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, hitInfo.point, Color.white);
else if(hitCount >= 2)
Destroy(gameObject); //this will destroy the gameObject that the component is attached to
EDIT: It seems the OP's main problem was adding a delay to the events. Here is some updated code that addresses that problem:
bool waitingForFirstHit = true;
bool waitingForSecondHit = false;
float timeDelay = 1.5f;
void Update(){
RaycastHit2D hitInfo = Physics2D.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.up, 5);
if (hitInfo.collider.gameObject.tag == "Player" )
if (waitingForFirstHit) {
waitingForFirstHit = false;
waitingForSecondHit = true;
else if(waitingForSecondHit && timeDelay < 0)
DestroyEnemy ();
timeDelay -= Time.deltaTime;
void ChangeColor()
rend.material.color = colorToTurnTo;
Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, hitInfo.point, Color.white);
void DestroyEnemy()
Here is a tutorial on using the Destroy function:
And here is a link to the docs:

Progressive lag with each collision iteration libGDX

Hello I am developing a game on my spare time with AIDE and libGDX. Though AIDE has some missing methods of the libGDX API and I had to create some workarounds to compensate for the missing methods.
So my problem is that with every instance of a collision the app becomes more and more laggy. No new textures are being drawn and non go away. Just a poor implementation that is meant to push you out of said collision tile. It runs fine until you have a few collisions. My thought is that it creates a new variable with every collision and stores it into memory causing a leak. But I can't really tell if that is the case. Oh I'd like to add that I don't have access to a computer, just my phone. Here is my movement class
public class move
float posX;
float posY;
float touchedOnScreenX;
float touchedOnScreenY;
float centerOfScreenX;
float centerOfScreenY;
float posXSetter;
float posYSetter;
float Speed = 150;
float mapBoundsWidth;
float mapBoundsHeight;
boolean upperBounds;
boolean lowerBounds;
boolean rightBounds;
boolean leftBounds;
boolean tileCollition;
public move() {
public void renderMove(float delta) {
if(Gdx.input.isTouched()) {
//slows game down
private void checkForCollision()
if (upperBounds == false)
if (lowerBounds == false)
if (rightBounds == false)
if (leftBounds == false)
if (tileCollition == false)
posY --;
private void movement()
posYSetter = posY;
posXSetter = posX;
if (touchedOnScreenX < centerOfScreenX)
posX -= * Speed;
posX += * Speed;
if (touchedOnScreenY < centerOfScreenY)
posY -= * Speed;
posY += * Speed;
if (touchedOnScreenY < centerOfScreenY + 64 && touchedOnScreenY > centerOfScreenY - 64)
posY = posYSetter;
if (touchedOnScreenX < centerOfScreenX + 64 && touchedOnScreenX > centerOfScreenX - 64)
posX = posXSetter;
//buggy and slows game down. Can push you into tile if input is the opposite of the side
public void collitionSide() {
if (tileCollition == true){
if (touchedOnScreenX < centerOfScreenX)
posX = posX +10;
posX = posX - 10;
if (touchedOnScreenY < centerOfScreenY)
posY = posY +10;
posY = posY -10;
private void screenAndTouchInfo()
touchedOnScreenX = Gdx.input.getX();
touchedOnScreenY = ( - Gdx.input.getY());
centerOfScreenX = / 2;
centerOfScreenY = / 2;
//slows game down
private void checkBoundsBoolean()
if (posX > mapBoundsWidth)
rightBounds = true;
else {
rightBounds = false;
if (posY > mapBoundsHeight)
upperBounds = true;
else {
upperBounds = false;
if (posX < mapBoundsWidth - mapBoundsWidth)
leftBounds = true;
else {
leftBounds = false;
if (posY < mapBoundsHeight - mapBoundsHeight)
lowerBounds = true;
else {
lowerBounds = false;
public void setTileCollision(boolean tileCollision) {
this.tileCollition = tileCollision;
public float getPosX() {
return posX;
public float getPosY() {
return posY;
public float getTouchedOnScreenX() {
return touchedOnScreenX;
public float getTouchedOnScreenY() {
return touchedOnScreenY;
public float getCenterOfScreenX() {
return centerOfScreenX;
public float getCenterOfScreenY() {
return centerOfScreenY;
public void setMapboundsWidth(float width) {
this.mapBoundsWidth = width;
public void setMapboundsHeight(float height) {
this.mapBoundsHeight = height;
I know that is a lot of code to comb through and I am sorry if it isn't always clear what is going on. I refactored it to where it would be a little easier to understand. Oh if anyone could tell me why AIDE is missing some methods of libGDX that would be nice too.The most notable one would be Cell.setTile(). That I know is in libGDX's API and can be found in their documentation. But when I implement it it throws a unknown method of class Cell error. I have researched on how to use the method as well with no avail. Had to create int[][] map and a for loop to draw map with another Texture[]. It works. Lol. Thank you to whomever even took the time to look at my long winded double question. Hopefully someone can tell me why this lag is created from said collisions.
I recommend moving your collision code into a separate thread. This should improve performance significantly:
Executor executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Physics loop goes here
Make sure to shutdown the executor when disposing your screen.

Resume player when incoming call

I want that after incoming call Track continues from point stop
I use this code:
public void playerUpdate(Player player, String event, Object data) {
if(event == PlayerListener.DEVICE_UNAVAILABLE) {
isPause = true;
if(event == PlayerListener.DEVICE_AVAILABLE) {
if(isPause == true) {
But it isn't work. Track restarts.
instead of updating code in PlayerUpdate , please use a boolean value and when call gets interrupted automatically midlet goes to hideNotify() and save the mediaTime (is available) and resume player with showNotify() method and changing boolean value and starting player with player.start(); and player.setMediaTime(savedmTime);
here is piece of code.
protected void hideNotify() {
resume = false;
paintMessage = false;
mediaTime = player.getMediaTime();
// calls while resuming the application.
protected void showNotify() {
if (mediaTime != 0) {
if (pause) {
resume = false;
mediaTime = player.getMediaTime();
} else {
resume = true;
long med = mediaTime / 1000;
med = med / 1000;
message = "Resuming...from " + med;

J2me+images in form

I want to make the clock application where user enters the number in the textbox and click ok then user get the number at every 1 sec.
Example if user enter 5 then the timer start the display screen shows the number 1,2,3,4,5,0,1,2,3,4,5,0,1,2,3, on.
Now i had taken form and text field for user to enter the number,then a timer which will change the number at every second.and 10 images of number (0-9).As i want to dispaly the number in very large size.Now i had implement this logic in below way:-
public class Clock extends MIDlet implements CommandListener {
public Command GO, Exit;
TextField TxtData;
protected Display display;
int number, counter;
Form form;
private Timer timer;
private TestTimerTask task;
boolean increment, time;
private StringItem s1 = new StringItem("", "");
Image image0;
Image image1;
Image image2;
Image image3;
Image image4;
Image image5;
Image image6;
Image image7;
Image image8;
Image image9;
Image[] secondAnimation;
protected void startApp() {
display = Display.getDisplay(this);
increment = true;
time = false;
form = new Form("Clock");
TxtData = new TextField("Number:-", "", 5, TextField.NUMERIC);
try {
image0 = Image.createImage("/images/0.png");
image1 = Image.createImage("/images/1.png");
image2 = Image.createImage("/images/2.png");
image3 = Image.createImage("/images/3.png");
image4 = Image.createImage("/images/4.png");
image5 = Image.createImage("/images/5.png");
image6 = Image.createImage("/images/6.png");
image7 = Image.createImage("/images/7.png");
image8 = Image.createImage("/images/8.png");
image9 = Image.createImage("/images/9.png");
secondAnimation = new Image[]{image0,image1,image2, image3, image4, image5, image6, image7, image8, image9};
} catch (IOException ex) {
GO = new Command("Go", Command.OK, 1);
Exit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 2);
protected void pauseApp() {
protected void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) {
public void commandAction(Command cmnd, Displayable dsplbl) {
String label = cmnd.getLabel();
if (label.equals("Go")) {
try {
System.out.println("txt==" + (TxtData.getString()));
if (!TxtData.getString().equalsIgnoreCase("")) {
counter = Integer.parseInt(TxtData.getString());
if (time) {
number = 1;
timer = new Timer();
task = new TestTimerTask();
timer.schedule(task, 1000, 1000);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
} else if (label.equals("Exit")) {
private class TestTimerTask extends TimerTask {
public final void run() {
time = true;
s1.setText(""+ number);
if (counter < 10) {
} else if (counter < 100) {
form.append(secondAnimation[(number % 100) / 10]);
form.append(secondAnimation[(number % 10)]);
} else if (counter < 1000) {
form.append(secondAnimation[(number % 10)]);
form.append(secondAnimation[(number % 100) / 10]);
form.append(secondAnimation[(number / 100)]);
if (number == counter + 1) {
number = 0;
} }
But as the form goes on appending the image as timer moves it is not showing the desired output!
I had tried to do it through LWUIT but as i had user 10 .png files and adding LWUIT.jar file make the size of .jar file 557kb which is very heavy.
So i want to do it through normal forms only.
I cant use canvas as the keypad can vary like (touch,qwerty etc).So i need to do normal form or LWUIT only.Can anyone please help me for this.
I noticed you only append items but never remove - is that intended?
Also, did you try two different forms to animate instead of one? For simple test, say, fill them in parallel, just call setCurrent for one that is not displayed in the moment of update
private void appendTwice(Image image) {
public final void run() {
time = true;
s1.setText(""+ number);
if (counter < 10) {
display.setCurrent(number & 1 == 0 ? form1 : form2);
