Add new line after current line in insert mode vim - vim

I am new at Vim, and the transition from Sublime to Vim is being really hard. I want to know if there's a shortcut to add a new line above or behind the current line while I'm in insert mode without leaving it. In sublime I used
cmd + Enter
cmd + Shift + Enter
to do but I didn't find a similar way to do it on vim.
I found the way to do it in normal mode using 'o' and 'O' and also configuring this amazing way
but none of them reach what I need.
Thanks !

Defining a shortcut for adding line below is easy, just type the following on the Vim command-line (after typing : in normal mode) or add it to your vimrc file:
imap <C-Enter> <Esc>o
That adds an insert-mode mapping (imap) so that Ctrl-Enter will leave insert mode, then use o to add a new line after the current line (leaving you back in insert mode where you started). (<C-xxx> is how Vim represents the special key sequence Ctrl+xxx, and <Esc> is the Escape key).
That's very similar to the "amazing way" you link to, but just using the appropriate key sequence to go from insert mode to normal mode and then add the line. The way to create shortcuts in Vim is to build them up from smaller pieces. If you know about O and o then all you need to do is create a mapping to get into normal mode first then use them.
From that, it should be obvious how to do the other mapping too:
imap <C-S-Enter> <Esc>O
(<C-S-xxx> means Ctrl+Shift+xxx)
Those mappings work fine for me in gvim GUI but may not work in the terminal-based vim, as the key sequences might not get passed correctly from the terminal to vim. Use some other mappings such as Ctrl+o if necessary.


Insert mode default keys in vim

The following items are useful to me in editing text, and I was wondering if vim had something for this built out of the box (though I didn't see it on the page), or I had to create mappings for it:
Forward-delete a character. This is X in normal mode.
Forward-delete all text to the right of the cursor on the line. This is the inverse of ctrl-u.
Are either of these mappings available? And if not, are there 'standard' mappings for this that are common (for example, how it might be done in another unix program).
Note that this is the keyboard I have -- there is only one delete key (which acts like a normal backspace key) and there is no backspace key:
Note: for forward-delete, I am currently mapping ctrl-d as:
"Ctrl-d to forward-delete when in insert or command mode
noremap! <C-d> <Delete>
However, this interferes with the tab in insert mode (which I don't use) and the help-options in command mode (which I do use!) so I may have to modify this later, or hopefully someone suggests a better solution.
though I didn't see it on the page
If you can't find it in the documentation, then it doesn't exist.
You can use fn+delete for "Forward-delete a character".
"Forward-delete all text to the right of the cursor on the line" is ctrl+k in MacOS, but Vim has its own use for that combo, :help i_ctrl-k so it is up to you to create a mapping for it.
Something like:
inoremap <key> <C-o>ld$

VIM move in Insert mode

Why I ask:
I use to enter code for example if(condition){}, in following step:
move cursor back into () to complete condition
move cursor into {} to add task
I have read Traversing text in Insert mode, and I add follow code into my $HOME/.vimrc
" key mapping
inoremap <A-h> <C-o>h
inoremap <A-j> <C-o>j
inoremap <A-k> <C-o>k
inoremap <A-l> <C-o>l
now I can use Alt+h and Alt+l, but the rest of two new map had no effect, then I test: Ctrl+oj and Ctrl+ok, both of them work.
Is there any mistake when I do the key mapping?
How to check if my new mapping is conflicted with other or not?
UPDATE: 2nd/Nov/2016
I buy a new keyboard with cursor key...
Install auto pair
However, I found one interesting thing, when I in Linux, there is ok for all above mapping just except Alt+h, because it conflicted with the ubuntu current open window help menu. I only meet my problem when I use ssh via MobaXerm application.
I have read Traversing text in Insert mode, and I add follow code into
my $HOME/.vimrc
You should carefully read the accepted answer for that answer, specially this part:
The right way is to press Esc, go where you want to do a
small correction, fix it, go back and keep editing. It is effective
because Vim has much more movements than usual character
forward/backward/up/down. After you learn more of them, this will
happen to be more productive.
The answer where you borrowed the mappings also mentions this:
Notwithstanding what Pavel Shved said - that it is probably more
advisable to get used to Escaping Insert mode - here is an example set
of mappings for quick navigation within Insert mode: (...)
Anyway, if you want to understand the problem with the Alt+j and Alt+k, you should first ensure that the mapping is still defined in Vim (they could have been erased or overwritten). You can use :imap to list them; try these:
:imap <A-j>
:imap <A-k>
If your mappings are correctly defined each one will list its target (e.g.: * <C-O>j). In this case you should check if Vim is receiving these combinations correctly; try inserting then in the text (insert mode) by using Ctrl+V (or Ctrl+Q if you mapped that to paste from clipboard) and the Alt combinations. You can get more details at the Vim FAQ "I am not able to create a mapping for the key. What is wrong?".
If your issue is mainly related with closing parenthesis, then there are several other options, which I believe that are more practical. I quick internet search returned the following:
SO - Automatic closing brackets for Vim
Vim wiki - Making Parenthesis And Brackets Handling Easier
plugin - Auto Pairs
I also think that you misuse Vim.
I know that the question was about something else but here is my idea of how you should move around in vim.
You have 3 steps:
1. Insert some empty loop / condition
2. Insert a condition
3. Insert a body of the loop / condition
This should represent 3 changes, each separated by leaving the insert mode.
To do it properly you can perform step 1 and then leave insert mode by using either Esc or Ctrl+[ (with the second one- which is also vim default- you do not have to reach for escape key).
Then you should navigate to the place where you want to insert your change using h,j,k or l and follow it by starting insert mode.
There are several ways to start insert mode:
I - start insert mode at the beginning of the line (omitting whitespaces at the beginning)
i - start insert mode before the cursor
a - start insert mode after the cursor
A - start insert mode at the end of the line
s - change the sign under the cursor (can be combined with visual mode)
c - change text from under the cursor until place you have specified with the movement (e.g. ce - change until the end of the word, cl - the same as "s")
C - change everything from cursor until the end of the line
S - replace the whole line
o - start insert mode in the new line below
O - start insert mode in the new line above

How do I map return in insert to go to normal mode and then do the o action

I am currently using vim and I'd like to map the Return key (I'm on a mac. I believe that this is generally represented by <ENTER> in maps) to leave insert mode, and then perform the o action. I was trying to put something like this
imap <ENTER> <ESC>o
However this is not performing the desired action. Any help would be fantastic.
Edit: The desired action is that if I am typing in insert mode, each new line is a new action. So if I press undo in normal mode it just undoes the last line instead of all the lines typed while in insert mode.
I'm not sure why this isn't working. I do not know why escaping and using o to open a newline does not add to the change-list. However, lucky for us, there is a command for explicitly adding the current state of the text to the change list. That command is (in insert mode) <C-g>u. From :h i_ctrl-g_u
CTRL-G u break undo sequence, start new change *i_CTRL-G_u*
Conveniently, this command doesn't even leave insert mode! Putting it all together, the mapping you're looking for is:
:inoremap <cr> <C-g>u<cr>
Or, you could also do
:inoremap <cr> <cr><C-g>u
which will leave you with a blank line after undoing.

Vim commands containing `r` cause me to replace

I'm using vim and the python-mode extension, but I'm having a hard time using commands that contain r. It's causing vim to replace characters instead of executing my desired command.
Here is what the vim docs for python-mode say -
let g:pymode_rope_organize_imports_bind = '<C-c>ro'
So I'm doing CTRL-cro, but like I said, it's replacing which ever character I'm under with the letter o.
What am I missing?
It seems that your mapping is not being interpreted by Vim, so it only sees the Ctrl-c, which by default aborts the current action, then the replace command r (see :help r) followed by its "argument".
You could check if the mapping is defined with :map <c-c>.
If it is correctly defined it may be that your terminal is handling the Ctrl-c directly and not passing it to Vim, as stated in Vim FAQ 20.5 - Why does mapping the key not work?. In this case you could follow the instructions on Vim FAQ 20.4 - I am not able to create a mapping for the key. What is wrong?, in special:
1) First make sure, the key is passed correctly to Vim. To determine if
this is the case, put Vim in Insert mode and then hit Ctrl-V (or
Ctrl-Q if your Ctrl-V is remapped to the paste operation (e.g. on
Windows if you are using the mswin.vim script file) followed by your
If nothing appears in the buffer (and assuming that you have
'showcmd' on, ^V remains displayed near the bottom right of the Vim
screen), then Vim doesn't get your key correctly and there is nothing
to be done, other than selecting a different key for your mapping or
using GVim, which should recognise the key correctly.

Is it possible to map <C-;> to : in vim?

I use capslock as control so it is more natural to use as : but noremap <C-;> : does not work. Is it possible to do such mapping in vim?
From Vim FAQ (also available through this nice plugin):
20.4. I am not able to create a mapping for the <xxx> key. What is wrong?
1) First make sure, the key is passed correctly to Vim. To determine if
this is the case, put Vim in Insert mode and then hit Ctrl-V (or
Ctrl-Q if your Ctrl-V is remapped to the paste operation (e.g. on
Windows if you are using the mswin.vim script file) followed by your
If nothing appears in the buffer (and assuming that you have
'showcmd' on, ^V remains displayed near the bottom right of the Vim
screen), then Vim doesn't get your key correctly and there is nothing
to be done, other than selecting a different key for your mapping or
using GVim, which should recognise the key correctly.
Trying the above with <C-;> shows that it is not captured by vim/gvim...
