install eclipse via terminal - linux

I am trying to install eclipse in a linux box via terminal using below command but it doesn't work.
wget ""
When it gets downloaded, I see this file name which is wrong?
Instead it should be - eclipse-jee-luna-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz What's wrong?
I renamed the file to correct name and tried untarring it but I get an error as shown below:
tar -xvzf eclipse-jee-luna-SR2-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
What's wrong?

Using wget for eclipse Java
command is :
You can change the release of eclipse in the URI. See this link for more information. I hope that's useful for you.

Any URL which includes download.php will have this problem with wget, even the so called "Direct Link".
With more recent download pages however, there is a way to find the actual URLs, and that's to look inside the xml file that download.php uses for mirror selection.
For example, if we go to the Eclipse IDE 2020-03 page, most of the URLs are download.php links, but in the "Other options for this file" side bar, we can see an xml link.
If we navigate there with our web browser and then look at the page source, we can see the actual file URL used by every mirror. Depending on the Web Browser used, the page may be blank, in which case we need to look at the Page Source to see the raw xml and thus the URLs.
For me, in the UK, the UK mirror service site would be my best option:
<mirror url="" label="[United Kingdom] UK Mirror Service (http)" />
These (actually) direct URLs do work with wget.

Looks like issue with the download link form eclipse website itself.
Please try with the below URL (I have tested it in Ubuntu 14 and its working)

Using a Debian variant?
sudo apt-get install eclipse
Otherwise, I think you just copied the link from the main Eclipse download page, which is a link to another page which grabs the fastest mirror for the download of the file.
For example, the link it gave me is this, which downloads fine
After that, the answer is mostly contained on AskUbuntu: How to install Eclipse?

If you're Using Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
$ wget file-link
Downloaded file might look like this :- download.php?file=%2Foomph%2Fepp%2F2022-06%2FR%2Feclipse-inst-jre-linux64.tar.gz
Execute following command:
1.First Move to download directory.
2.Execute tar -xvf eclipse-inst-jre-linux64.tar.gz
3.Move to Dir - cd eclipse-installer
4. Execute ./eclipse-inst. It will ask you which dev mode you want to install please select and click next.
Once installed successfully you will get can see launch icon.

Use a console version of oomph installer:
Download Console Oomph Installer, choose the appropriate download for your target platform (zip or tar.gz), example for Linux:
wget -O installer.tar.gz
Extract archive and change current directory:
tar -xvzf installer.tar.gz
cd eclipse-installer/
Install "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers":
./eclipse-inst -nosplash -application org.eclipse.oomph.console.application -vmargs \
-Doomph.installation.location="$PWD/ide" \""
Wait for the installation to complete, last version of Eclipse will be installed in "$PWD/ide".
More examples see in


How do you install an extension into the VS Code Server that's the remote end of Remote-SSH when there is no Internet connection?

I'm working in a network that has no direct internet connection.
I have VS Code on my desktop PC and I use the "Remote - SSH" extension (version 0.55) to do development on a Linux VM. It works very well.
From time to time I have need to install other Extensions into both the desktop VS Code (which is an easily accomplished using code --install-extension <path-to-vsix>) and also the Linux end of the "Remote - SSH" server.
My question is "under these circumstances, how do I correctly install Extensions into the Linux server?"
I will describe what I do, which partially works sometimes, but I have used this process to upgrade extensions and lost features (like coloring of output) so there must be something missing. I would like to know the missing step.
Download the extension from an internet-connected computer. There is a "Download Extension" link on the Extension's page at Copy it (however you can) onto your Linux development host.
Copy the VSIX file to ~/.vscode-server/data/CachedExtensionVSIXs/ and rename the file by getting rid of the ".vsix" extension.
Sometimes the extension becomes installable at this stage. I'm not sure what the differences are between cases when this has worked and when it sometimes doesn't work. At least it's worth trying --- go to VS Code, connect to your remote host, look in the Extensions panel and if you can install it from there, good for you. If it didn't work, close the connection to the Remote Host.
Assuming that the previous step failed, you will need to unzip the VSIX and copy it into place. The following code uses the cmake-tools extension as an example.
cd /tmp
mkdir cmaketools && cd cmaketools
7z x -tzip ~/.vscode-server/data/CachedExtensionVSIXs/ms-vscode.cmake-tools-1.4.2
cd ~/.vscode-server/extensions/
mv /tmp/cmaketools/extension ms-vscode.cmake-tools-1.4.2
cd ms-vscode.cmake-tools-1.4.2/
cp /tmp/cmaketools/extension.vsixmanifest .vsixmanifest
You can download the extension from the Marketplace and upload the extensionvsix file to the remote.
In the remote VSC use the Install from VSIX... command on the Extension bar top menu.

How do I manually install older versions of unity (2019) for Linux (Arch)

I am aware of this page: but the downloads are only for windows and mac and despite having it installed, the "unity hub" button does nothing. I have found places to download even older versions like 2018 but I need version "2019.2.5f1". Can I download and use the mac version? Is there somewhere I can download this compiled for Linux without using unity hub? Thanks for any help.
The UnityHub link will have a version hash in it which is unique across platforms. With that hash, you can build the Linux version download URL yourself.
In your case, you need 2019.2.5f1, which gives you the UnityHub link unityhub://2019.2.5f1/9dace1eed4cc
You can download the tarball at the following URL:
The unity-editor package is a good one to modify the PKGBUILD file for if you'd like to install an arbitrary version as a proper package.
Clone the project
Tweak the PKGBUILD version and hash to the one you want
Run makepkg -g to generate the checksum for the new tarball
Insert the new checksum into the PKGBUILD
Run makepkg -p PKGBUILD to compile the package
Run sudo pacman -U ./unity-editor-${pkgversion}.pkg.tar to install your newly built package.
If anyone is having this issue and want to download older versions from unityhub, there is solution that worked for me :
Go to unity download archive
Copy redirection link from the green button (you can right click it and select "Open Link in new tab", and then copy it from here)
Once you have the link, open up your terminal and go to location in which you have UnityHub.AppImage
Simply use this command : ./UnityHub.AppImage link where link is what you copied (for example ./UnityHub.AppImage unityhub://2019.3.13f1/d4ddf0d95db9 to download 2019.3.13 version of uinity)
I have two of the hashes:
89d6087839c2 Unity 2019.3.1f1
b9898e2d04a4 unity 2019.2.16f1

Failing to install Sublime Text 3 in Ubuntu 16.04 using apt-get command

I had downloaded sublime previously directly from the browser as tarball and saved it in a folder (and of course extracted it).But this way I wasn't able to make Sublime my default editor and it didn't feature as an application when I tried to open a text file with a right-click.I read somewhere installing sublime text 3 using commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sublime-text-installer
will solve my problem. So I directly deleted the Sublime_text3 folder saved in my Downloads directory and then used the given commands. But when I entered the 3rd command line I got the following error(just writing the error part):
subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:/var/cache/apt/archives/sublime-text-installer_3126-2~webupd8~1_all.deb
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Can anyone explain why this error is coming and suggest a way to solve this problem? Also if anyone can tell how I can set Sublime as my default text editor from the tarball downloaded from the sublime text 3 website. Thanks in advance!
you can try this command to install Sublime Text using Snap Store..
sudo snap install sublime-text --classic
I'm not sure overall how to fix that error or what's going on (I use Slackware and not Ubuntu/Debian), but for a long while there have been official Sublime repositories several different Linux distributions, including Ubuntu/Debian.
It's highly recommended that you use those if you want to go the package route and not use existing solutions such as the one referenced in your question or in the other response here, if for no other reason than only the official repository is guaranteed to contain an unmodified version of Sublime. Additionally the official repositories are always updated on release, which may or may not happen in a timely manner in other repositories.
The links referenced above contain instructions on how to set up and use Sublime from those repositories, and if you have any issues a good place to ask is the forum.
One thing to note which isn't mentioned explicitly in the above pages is that to use the official repositories, you should:
Choose only one of them (stable or dev, noting that you need a license to run a dev version) and not add both repositories or things will not work as expected
Ensure that other repositories that you've added (such as the one in your question) are removed to make sure that the package system definitely pulls the correct package
There are a couple of ways to go if you want to install Sublime from the tarball version. The easiest way would be to extract it, then manually set up launcher shortcuts and so on based on what falls out. How exactly you would register it as a text editor in that case, I'm not entirely sure since I don't use the same distribution as you.
Presuming that the process would be easier if Sublime was installed in a way similar to how the package manager would do it, the tarball comes with a desktop file and icons, so the following steps can be used to (presumably) do what the package installer would do.
The proviso here is that although these steps work on my non-Ubuntu machine, I don't know if all of the referenced tools are installed by default on an Ubuntu system, so so more setup work may be involved.
Note also that the files in the tarball are not entirely self-consistent, which makes this a little bit more work.
First, you need to extract the tarball (replace tarball filename as appropriate for location and build):
cd /opt
sudo tar xvf ~/Downloads/sublime_text_3_build_3176_x64.tar.bz2
This creates the folder /opt/sublime_text_3/ and fills it with the contents of the tarball.
Next, you want to install the icons contained in the tarball. As far as I have been able to tell, the icons in the tarball aren't in the correct directory structure, requiring each to be copied into place individually. We also need to update the icon cache to ensure that the new icon is noticed by the system:
cd /usr/share/icons/hicolor/
sudo cp /opt/sublime_text_3/Icon/16x16/sublime-text.png 16x16/apps/
sudo cp /opt/sublime_text_3/Icon/32x32/sublime-text.png 32x32/apps/
sudo cp /opt/sublime_text_3/Icon/48x48/sublime-text.png 48x48/apps/
sudo cp /opt/sublime_text_3/Icon/128x128/sublime-text.png 128x128/apps/
sudo cp /opt/sublime_text_3/Icon/256x256/sublime-text.png 256x256/apps/
sudo gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t .
Now we want to install the sublime_text.desktop file that is in the tarball. Note however that like the icons, it seems kind of broken; the tarball extracts to sublime_text_3 but the desktop file assumes that the application is actually in /opt/sublime_text instead.
As such, you either need to rename the folder that was extracted to sublime_text to match what is in the desktop file, or edit the desktop file to make the path correct.
The following steps assume that we want to keep the folder the same and rewrite the desktop file. These commands will generate a new file named sublime_text_3.desktop with the changes.
cd /opt/sublime_text_3/
sed -e "s^/sublime_text/^/sublime_text_3/^" sublime_text.desktop | sudo tee sublime_text_3.desktop
Now you can install the desktop file. You do that with desktop-file-install, passing it the name of the desktop file. For accessing Sublime from the command line, you also want to set up a subl link to the installed copy of Sublime.
Adjust the paths as appropriate here if you decided to rename the folder instead of editing the desktop file:
sudo desktop-file-install sublime_text_3.desktop --rebuild-mime-info-cache
sudo ln -s /opt/sublime_text_3/sublime_text /usr/bin/subl
At this point Sublime should show up as an installed application, or at least it does in my Window Manager; if not, executing sudo update-desktop-database may help refresh it.
You can try this once. i hope it will help
sudo dpkg -i sublime-text_build-4126_amd64.deb

Open a text file with a dot in the file path

Is this even possible? I am trying to script this install of IBM Clearcase and the path to it is like:
The script barfs at the .x86 and it says "No such file or directory."
So I tried to just do vim ../disk1/InstallerImage_linux_gtk.x86/install.xml in a terminal and it opens the .x86 like a folder and allows you to select a file to edit instead of opening it directly.
Is there a way around this? Would the only way be to rename the folder before, do the sed voodoo and then move it back with the . in the name?
I guess I missed the obvious. I guess I could cd to the directory first and then do sed -i '' install.xml.
More info:
RHEL 6.5
Bash Script
You need to script a silent ClearCase installation, using one of the sample response files for Rational ClearCase.
That would avoid the need to open any file in vim.
See "Installing silently", which involves the following steps:
Run a silent install of Installation Manager using the Installation Manager installer.
Obtain a copy of the product response file and update it for your environment. If you want to record a response file using Installation Manager, see the Installation Manager information center for instructions.
Run a silent install of the Rational product using the Installation Manager.
I think you have created a file with a seriously strange file name. Do this:
$ cd /path/to/where/you/run/the/script/from
$ file ..
$ file ../disk1
$ file ../disk1/InstallerImage_linux_gtk.x86
$ file ../disk1/InstallerImage_linux_gtk.x86/install.xml
Every component of the relative path (beginning with "..") must be a directory. Only the final line should claim to be an ordinary file.

Shiny Server and R: How can I start the download of a file through the URL?

I want to use the linux wget command on several URLs. In Shiny, right clicking the download button or link gives the following info:
This can be used with the linux wget command to download the file if the page is open.
Is it possible to begin a Shiny download using the URL link without knowing the session data?
My goal is to do something like this:
wget "http://home:3838/../#apples=3" -O /home/../apples.csv
wget "http://home:3838/../#pears=3" -O /home/../pears.csv
and so on.
I already know how to add parameters but I do not know how to actuate the download.
