Will Cassandra be useful for this scenerio - cassandra

I have around 10 Million names, combination of about 5 files each consisting of 2 million names and there are 100s of users. Each user comes with a file which has 1Million numbers.
I need to process these 1 million numbers against 2 million names and generate the values and show the values with names to the User.
Will cassandra be a good choice to make?
Currently I'm using SQL with RoR but it's quite slow in returning the values.

Cassandra is a no-sql database and not rdbms.
So, if you don't know, then there is no joins in cassandra.
So, if your problem is slow returning data because of IO, then definately cassandra is a good choice.
However, if your result is coming slow because of join, then cassandra cannot help you.
Because, like i said, there is no join in cassandra.
Now coming to your requirement.
It needs more information to frame opinion for that, like,
when do you want to process data to create value (as batch, on the fly).
How many data records you want to pull and show to user at a time, etc.


How does Apache Cassandra perform on a single read of millions of records?

Much has been written about how Cassandra's redundancy provides good performance for thousands of incoming requests from different locations, but I haven't found anything on the throughput of a single big request. That's what this question is about.
I am assessing Apache Cassandra's potential as a database solution to the following problem:
The client would be a single-server application with exclusive access to the Cassandra database, co-located in the same datacentre. The Cassandra instance might be a few nodes, but likely not more than 5.
When a certain feature runs on the application (triggered occasionally by a human) it will populate Cassandra with up to 5M records representing short arrays of float data, as well as delete such records. The records will not be updated and we never need to access individual elements of an array. The arrays can be of different lengths, but will typically have around 100 elements, and each row might represent 0-20 arrays.
For example:
id array1 array2
123 [1.0, 2.5, ..., 10.8] [0.0, 0.5, ..., 1.0]
Bonus question: Should I use a list of doubles to represent this, or should I serialize the arrays to Json?
At some point the user requests a report and the server should read all 5M records, interpret the arrays, do some aggregation, and plot some data on the screen. Might the read operation take <1s, <10s, <100s? How can I estimate the throughput in this case, assuming it is the bottleneck?
Let me start with your second use case, As your data is distributed across the nodes if you have a broad range query without having a narrowed down partition, Cassandra is going to perform slow.
Cassandra is well suitable for Querying and suitable for searching if
you know the partition key.
Even you are having a 5M records, Assuming this gets scattered around
5 different nodes, For your reporting use case Cassandra has to go
through all the nodes and aggregate it. Eventually it gets timed out.
This specific use case is not viable in Cassandra but if you can
aggregate in your service and make multiple calls to partition and
bucket. it is going to perform super fast.
Generally, the accessing pattern matters, Read wins. The data can be
formatted in any form but reading it wisely is matters to Cassandra.
So answered your second part. Thank you.

Cassandra data model too many table

I have a single structured row as input with write rate of 10K per seconds. Each row has 20 columns. Some queries should be answered on these inputs. Because most of the queries needs different WHERE, GROUP BY or ORDER BY, The final data model ended up like this:
primary key for table of query1 : ((column1,column2),column3,column4)
primary key for table of query2 : ((column3,column4),column2,column1)
and so on
I am aware of the limit in number of tables in Cassandra data model (200 is warning and 500 would fail)
Because for every input row I should do an insert in every table, the final write per seconds became big * big data!:
writes per seconds = 10K (input)
* number of tables (queries)
* replication factor
The main question: am I on the right path? Is it normal to have a table for every query even when the input rate is already so high?
Shouldn't I use something like spark or hadoop instead of relying on bare datamodel? Or event Hbase instead of Cassandra?
It could be that Elassandra would resolve your problem.
The query system is quite different from CQL, but the duplication for indexing would automatically be managed by Elassandra on the backend. All the columns of one table will be indexed so the Elasticsearch part of Elassandra can be used with the REST API to query anything you'd like.
In one of my tests, I pushed a huge amount of data to an Elassandra database (8Gb) going non-stop and I never timed out. Also the search engine remained ready pretty much the whole time. More or less what you are talking about. The docs says that it takes 5 to 10 seconds for newly added data to become available in the Elassandra indexes. I guess it will somewhat depend on your installation, but I think that's more than enough speed for most applications.
The use of Elassandra may sound a bit hairy at first, but once in place, it's incredible how fast you can find results. It includes incredible (powerful) WHERE for sure. The GROUP BY is a bit difficult to put in place. The ORDER BY is simple enough, however, when (re-)ordering you lose on speed... Something to keep in mind. On my tests, though, even the ORDER BY equivalents was very fast.

What is the best data model for timeseries in Cassandra when *fast sequential reads* are required

I want to store streaming financial data into Cassandra and read it back fast. I will have up to 20000 instruments ("tickers") each containing up to 3 million 1-minute data points. I have to be able to read large ranges of each of these series as speedily as possible (indeed it is the reason I have moved to a columnar-type database as MongoDB was suffocating on this use case). Sometimes I'll have to read the whole series. Sometimes I'll need less but typically the most recent data first. I also want to keep things really simple.
Is this model, which I picked up in a Datastax tutorial, the most effective? Not everyone seems to agree.
CREATE TABLE minutedata (
ticker text,
time timestamp,
value float,
PRIMARY KEY (ticker, time))
I like this because there are up to 20 000 tickers so the partitioning should be efficient, and there are only up to 3 million minutes in a row, and Cassandra can handle up to 2 billion. Also with the time descending order I get most recent data when using a limit on the query.
However, the book Cassandra High Availability by Robbie Strickland mentions the above as an anti-pattern (using sensor-data analogy), and I quote the problems he cites from page 144:
Data will be collected for a given sensor indefinitely, and in many
cases at a very high frequency
With sensorID as the partition key, the row will grow by two
columns for every reading (one marker and one reading).
I understand point one would be a problem but it's not in my case due to the 3 million data point limit. But point 2 is interesting. What are these "markers" between each reading? I clearly want to avoid anything that breaks contiguous data storage.
If point 2 is a problem, what is a better way to model timeseries so that they can efficiently be read in large ranges, fast? I'm not particularly keen to break the timeseries into smaller sub-periods.
If your query pattern was to find a few rows for a ticker using a range query, then I would say having all the data for a ticker in one partition would be a good approach since Cassandra is optimized to access partitions efficiently.
But if everything is in one one partition, then that means the query is happening on only one node. Since you say you often want to read large ranges of rows, then you may want more parallelism.
If you split that same data across many nodes and read it in parallel, you may be able to get better performance. For example, if you partitioned your data by ticker and by year, and you had ten nodes, you could theoretically issue ten async queries and have each year queried in parallel.
Now 3 million rows is a lot, but not really that big, so you'd probably have to run some tests to see which approach was actually faster for your situation.
If you're doing more than just retrieving all these rows and are doing some kind of analytics on them, then parallelism will become more attractive and you might want to look into pairing Cassandra with Spark so that the data and be read and processed in parallel on many nodes.

how many partition key for a Cassandra table?

partition key for a Cassandra table?
In customer table customerid is partition key?
Suppose I have 1 million customers in year so I have 1 million partitions
After 10 years so I have 10 million customers or more also ... so I have 10 million paritions
SO my Question is ?
1) if I want read customers table (10 million partition) is that affect the read performance ?
note : In single partition we may have 50 to 100 columns ?
You have the right idea in that you'll want to use data modeling to create a multi-tenant environment. The caveat is that you're not going to want to do full table/multiple partition scans in Cassandra to retrieve that data. It's pretty well documented as to why, but anytime you have a highly distributed environment, you will want to minimize the amount of network hops, data shuffling, etc. Can't fight physics :)
Anyways, it sounds like this is reporting type of use case - you're going to need to use something like Spark or some type of map and reduce to efficiently report on multiple partitions like this.

Getting rid of confusion regarding NoSQL databases

This question is about NoSQL (for instance take cassandra).
Is it true that when you use a NoSQL database without data replication that you have no consistency concerns? Also not in the case of access concurrency?
What happens in case of a partition where the same row has been written in both partitions, possible multiple times? When the partition is gone, which written value is used?
Let's say you use N=5 W=3 R=3. This means you have guaranteed consistency right? How good is it to use this quorum? Having 3 nodes returning the data isn't that a big overhead?
Can you specify on a per query basis in cassandra whether you want the query to have guaranteed consistency? For instance you do an insert query and you want to enforce that all replica's complete the insert before the value is returned by a read operation?
If you have: employees{PK:employeeID, departmentId, employeeName, birthday} and department{PK:departmentID, departmentName} and you want to get the birthday of all employees with a specific department name. Two problems:
you can't ask for all the employees with a given birthday (because you can only query on the primary key)
You can't join the employee and the department column families because joins are impossible.
So what you can do is create a column family:
departmentBirthdays{PK:(departmentName, birthday), [employees-whos-birthday-it-is]}
In that case whenever an employee is fired/hired it has to be removed/added in the departmentBirthdays column family. Is this process something you have to do manually? So you have to manually create queries to update all redundant/denormalized data?
I'll answer this from the perspective of cassandra, coz that's what you seem to be looking at (hardly any two nosql stores are the same!).
For a single node, all operations are in sequence. Concurrency issues can be orthogonal though...your web client may have made a request, and then another, but due to network load, cassandra got the second one first. That may or may not be an issue. There are approaches around such problems, like immutable data. You can also leverage "lightweight transactions".
Cassandra uses last write wins to resolve conflicts. Based on you replication factor and consistency level for your query, this can work well.
Quurom for reads AND writes will give you consistency. There is an edge case..if the coordinator doesn't know a quorum node is down, it sends the write requests, then the write would complete when quorum is re-established. The client in this case would get a timeout and not a failure. The subsequent query may get the stale data, but any query after that will get latest data. This is an extreme edge case, and typically N=5, R=3, W3= will give you full consistency. Reading from three nodes isn't actually that much of an overhead. For a query with R=3, the client would make that request to the node it's connected to (the coordinator). The coordinator will query replicas in parallel (not sequenctially). It willmerge up the results with LWW to get the result (and issue read repairs etc. if needed). As the queries happen in parallel, the overhead is greatly reduced.
This is a matter of data modelling. You describe one approach (though partitioning on birthday rather than dept might be better and result in more even distribution of partitions). Do you need the employee and department tables...are they needed for other queries? If not, maybe you just need one. If you denormalize, you'll need to maintain the data manually. In Cassandra 3.0, global indexes will allow you to query on an index without being inefficient (which is the case when using a secondary index without specifying the partition key today). Yes another option is to partition employeed by birthday and do two queries, and do the join in memory in the client. Cassandra queries hitting a partition are very fast, so doing two won't really be that expensive.
