VSO Webhook not trigger (work item updated) - webhooks

I am currently trying to set the webhook (for visualStudio.com). I managed to to make the event 'Work item commented' work.
Now i try to set up the event 'Work item updated'. when i create the hook, the test is successfull (captured with http://requestb.in/). I save the webhook then go to edit any issue (I've selected all work item type and all fields) but i doesnt trigger the webhook. (no errors, just no webhook sent...)
Is there something special that need to be actived to make the work item updated trigger active?
Thank you

This is due to the Visual Studio Team Service issue, Microsoft is working on a deployment for this. Refer to this link for details: ServiceHooks notification issues with Visual Studio Team Services - 1/27 - Mitigating


Azure DevOps Work Item Type Condition for Notifications

I created a notification setup in Azure DevOPs to receive a notification every time there is an update about bugs. Now we started working with test plans as well in the same platform, and I get notifications every time a test plan is updated. I tried to limit the notifications to bugs, but unsuccessfully. I tried added a clause to the notification condition such as Work Item Type Contains "Bug", but it doesn't work.
How can I limit the notifications I receive to a specific type of work items?
How can I limit the notifications I receive to a specific type of work items?
You could try to set the Work Item Type equals Bug Work item.
Here is an example:

Hobspot webhook issue

I have developed HubSpot integration using nodejs, I have set a webhook in hotspot as tutorial provided by HubSpot. Now the issue is: webhook is not firing from HubSpot to my server URL, if I test the webhook URL with POSTMan it works fine
I can think of 3 issues that might be causing the problem:
The workflow is not really active.
The workflow is active, but the rules to trigger the workflow are not met.
The workflow is active, but the webhook is not firing successfully. You can check the logs of the workflow by going into its "History" tab.
The workflow is being triggered, but not immediately. This does happen frequently; we have seen times where the workflow takes hours to trigger.

Azure Logic App fails to send message to slack

We have some Logic Apps setup that monitor our various sites and a Slack connection set up. If a non-200 status code is returned, it sends a message to our alerts channel in Slack. We have about 10 sites that are monitored.
The first was setup, tested the cloned for the other sites.
The issue we're having is that they all seem to work bar one.
The site in question was offline this morning (after host updated the server at 3am this morning) and I can in the Azure log the trigger was fired - but no message in Slack.
I changed the Condition to "status equals 200" (to ensure it always fires), ran it manually and still see no message.
As mentioned this logic app was cloned from one that did work so the only thing that changes from app to app is the site URL and the contents of the slack message.
Being relatively new to various Azure features this was a bit of "R&D" for Logic Apps so I'm not really sure what to check.
Any obvious gotchas we should be aware of? Any pointers you can give to help resolve this would be great.
NB: I added Slack API as a tag to this but as this part is handled by Azure and it's working for other Logic Apps feel free to remove.

Can't enable Gitlab notification email for failed pipeline

so I want to get email notification for failed pipeline builds, I tried to configure my gitlab settings as following: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/workflow/notifications.html
But in my settings I see following:
There is no check box for Failed/Successful pipeline.
For the project I set it to 'Watch:' receive notifications from projects or groups user is a member of.
What am I missing?
Even if the question is old, the solution is the Gitlab Integration "Pipeline emails" (suggested by this other answer).
In short, in your project, go to Project -> Settings -> Integrations -> Pipelines emails and set the list of emails to notify.
The link to https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/workflow/notifications.html is no more active.
I found a blog post from 2020 on https://about.gitlab.com/blog/, explaining how to do.
Read it there : https://about.gitlab.com/blog/2020/06/17/notification-on-pipeline-succeeds/
In short, you have checkboxes for custom notification events like :
failed pipeline
fixed pipeline
successful pipeline
To access it, like said in the blog post,
Go to the Project overview page for the project.
Click the "bell" 🔔 (Notification setting) button and select Custom.
And before all, check your global notification email at : https://gitlab.com/-/profile/notifications

Can i get the event about file operation on OneDrive?

As we know, we can add remote event receiver to the list. then if there is a item added or updated in this list, we can get the event send by sharepoint 2013 online.
This is the info about event in sharepoint:
So can we have this kind of method in OneDrive(skydrive) too?
It means when there is a file added in the OneDrive, then my App can get this event and take some action on this file.
The OneDrive API does not (yet!) support subscriptions to events. Please visit the OneDrive user voice and make/vote up topics that you'd like to see implemented.
To question #2 the view.changes api allows for applications to easily know which changes have happened since the application last queried OneDrive might be just what you need without subscriptions.
