Visual studio 2013 no publish options other than custom - azure

My windows system has Visual studio 2013 with Update 5 and Azure Tools 2.6 installed. I was till some time back, able to right click on the project in the solution explorer, click Publish and able to select a Publish target like Microsoft Azure Web Apps:
But now, the options do not show up anymore and the only option available is Custom:
I am not sure when the options disappeared. How can I get them back?

Make sure your VS is connected to your Azure Subscription (Server tab, something with "Azure (").
Also, since version 2.7 of Azure Tools, the deployment of web apps have changed a bit (publish target should read "Microsoft Azure App Service" instead of "Microsoft Azure Web Apps", and a few new options).
You can try to update your Azure Tools (version 2.8.2 as of this writing), the easiest way to do that is to run Microsoft Web Platform Installer.


Not able to see Add->Existing Project as Azure Web Job Option when I right click on Web project in Solution Explorer of Visual Studio 2017

When I right click on the Web Project in the Solution Explorer of Visual Studio 2017, I don't see an option 'Add Existing Project as Azure Web Job'.
I did install Nuget-packages such as Microsoft.Web.WebJobs.Publish for the web project.
I am following this link to enable automatic WebJobs deployment with a web project.
Ideally, I am supposed to see like this, but that highlighted option is not shown in my visual studio 2017
Click to see image for how actually visual studio should have shown me an option
I don't see an option 'Add Existing Project as Azure Web Job'.
As far as I know, Visual Studio does not support to deploy WebJobs with ASP.NET Core Web Application currently.
But this feature is available in ASP.NET Web Application.
If you can not see 'Add Existing Project as Azure Web Job' option in your ASP.NET Web Application, you can try to repair or reinstall your Visual Studio and upgrade/reinstall your Azure SDK.

enable Process menu in On premise TFS

I was previously using Team Foundation services free account on the cloud with my Hotmail account. Now I am try to install TFS on a server computer. Everything worked fine. But then I noticed that I dont see the "Process" Menu option in my on Premise TFS account, while this shows up in the other account.
So, how can I enable "Process" menu option in my On Premise TFS web portal? So that I can configure the Work Item types and the process.
Below is my snapshot of my cloud account that does have the "Process" menu option.
While here is the image of On Premises account that has a very simple menu option.
The Process option menu only shows in Team Services (the cloud), there isn’t this option in On-Premises TFS web portal.
If you work in an on-premises TFS, and want to customize a process template,
you can download the zipped template file using the Process Template Manager. You'll need to use a version of Visual Studio that is at the same version level as TFS. You can install the latest version of Visual Studio Community for free.
Please see Upload or download a process template and Customize a process template for details.
To configure the Work Item types and the process please see Add or modify a work item type.

What does the VS setting: "enable isolated azure active directory configuration" do?

Tools / options in VS2015 has a setting under Environment / Synchroinized settings that says
"enable isolated azure active directory configuration"
I wonder if this means that I can have an offline copy of WAAD, or an on premise version.
You only need this setting if you live in China. It setts keys in the registry that lets you only connect to Chinese Azure api endpoints.
At least in Visual Studio 2017 you are unable to login to your Visual Studio Profile and disables you to get a prerelease license.
(See Feedback/Bug

Missing azure mobile services support in visual studio express 2013

I´m currently trying to set up an azure mobile service .net backend for an app. I´m using visual studio express 2013 for Windows / for Web. I installed all available updates and the recent azure sdk (2.4).
My problem now is that there is no "Azure Mobile Service" project template and mobile services is even not displayed beneath the azure entry in the server explorer.
What did I miss to install?
Many thanks in advance!
I tried to set up the mobile service with visual studio express 2012 but I stuck at the same problem. Neither the mobile service template nor the option in the server explorer is present.
I just downloaded Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows with Update 3 from this link:
I then had the mobile services node in the Server Explorer. However, the project template still isn't there.
This was with Azure SDK 2.3 already installed and also tested with Azure SDK 2.4.
The project templates ship with Visual Studio SKUs and their updates, and I believe Mobile Services is only shipping with Pro and Ultimate for now.
One option to get that starting project is to provision your mobile service in the portal making sure to select the .NET backend. Then on the quickstart page of the portal (the little cloud to the left of the dashboard tab) select the link to create a new application. You will get an option to download the starter solution for the .NET backend (for windows apps it will also download the client). That is basically the same project you would get by choosing File -> New Project in VS pro or ultimate. You can then open the solution in VS Express for Web 2013 but not VS Express for Windows.
To publish the mobile service you'll need to do the following:
Go back to the portal and on the Dashboard page for your mobile service click the Download Publish Profile link and save to your local machine
Right-click the project in the Solution Explorer and choose "Publish"
Import the publish profile you downloaded in step #1 and finish the publish process
So if you want to use the express versions of VS 2013, make sure you have all the updates then:
Use VS 2013 For Windows to manage your mobile service in server explorer and build your windows clients
Use VS 2013 For Web to build your Azure Mobile Service back end project, run locally, and publish using the publish profile.

Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 doesn't show Windows Azure node in Server Explorer

Just installed VS Ultimate 2013 version 12.0.30110.00 Update 1, then went to the Windows Azure site and created an account. Also downloaded and installed the Windows Azure 2.2 SDK.
I open visual studio and go to Server Explorer. I see Data Connections, Servers (my machine), and SharePoint Connections. I don't see a Windows Azure Node. I look under the tools menu and see Connect to Database, Connect to Server, Add SharePoint connection.
So I download VS 2013 Express for Web, I open it and see under the tools menu Connect to Database, Connect to Windows Azure. I open the server explorer and see Data Connections, Servers, Windows Azure.
Does the Azure functionality only exist in the Web Express version and not in the Ultimate 2013 version of Visual Studio?
There is a separate set of tools for Windows Azure and Visual Studio. Depending on how you installed the SDK, you may not have received these tools:
Additionally, you may need to "sign in" via visual studio for it to see the items in your subscription. You should be able to do this by clicking on the "connect to windows azure" option in the server explorer.
The Windows Azure node ships in the Azure SDK 2.2 and 2.3 as well as in all SKUs of Visual Studio 2013 Update 2. So you should be seeing the node if you have one of those installed.
