Docusign: Removing Signer completes envelope - docusignapi

We have a docusign document that was sent to a customer. Customer couldn't access it, so our customer service sent the document via docusign to him again. So now we have 2 docusign documents for the customer. I wanted to cancel one of them, but I didn't want the customer to be notified because they see the document being voided and they get confused. So I removed the customer from the envelope through REST API and I was going to void the envelope but after I removed the customer from the document, docusign changed envelope's status to complete. I also had Carbon Copy recipients in the envelope.
Any idea how to work around this? Voiding an envelope without sending a notification to the customer? And why is docusign changing the envelope's status to complete?

This sounds like remote signing, and therefore DocuSign will be sending out various emails to recipients depending on the action. IF the customer has a DocuSign account there are options that user can set on which email notifications to receive, but for the most part we can assume they do not. If you void the envelope, they will receive a notification.
When you removed the recipient from the envelope the workflow continued forward (to the CC recipient). As all explicit and required actions by the roles in this transaction are completed, the envelope will transition into a completed state.


Mutliple Signers

We have a business case where we have a document that is auto-tagged (text-pattern matching) for two signers. We send the envelope to three recipients. The two auto tagged signers are able to login and sign the envelope, however the envelope does not send back the envelope complete notification in DocuSign Connect.
Is there an account setting so that only the signers that actually have to sign can send the complete notification. We have a few envelopes in this limbo state of not being complete.
We are using the C#SDK/RestAPI to create our envelopes.
Thank you
We have tried submitting an envelope with three signers, and the document only contains auto-tags for two of them. The third signer can access, but has no signing capabilities (as intended). The envelope doesn't fire the completed notification because of this.
Every signer must "act" on an envelope in order for it to be complete.
In your situation. the 3rd signer was intended to only view the envelope then it should not be a signer.
There are other types of recipients based on your requirements.
Two options:
CC - this means they'll get a copy, but they don't have to view/open it.
MustView - this is a type of recipient HAS to open the envelope for it to be complete, but does not have to sign it.
If you change your 3rd recipient to either one of these (and in case #2 that recipient actually opens the envelope) it will be completee and you'll get the complete notifications.

DocuSign Envelop Correction and DocuSign Limits (Violations) for Go Live

We have ASP.ET MVC Web application. We are using Docusign SDK For C#.
We are planning to go Live with DocuSign Integration and We looked at DocuSign limits (specially 15 minutes get request limit).
We need an advice on how to avoid violation in Envelop Correction scenario. Steps are as given below.
Get status of envelop
Get recipients of envelop and show it user in the GUI
User updates email in the GUI and submits form
On backend we Get recipients again with all tabs and custom fields, Update email address
Call Update recipients method
You see on number 4. It is 15 minutes violation. How to handle this scenario?
We don't want to create Whole mechanism for Saving/Caching DocuSign Recipients data and statuses. As those statuses can change from DocuSign or some of the recipient can decline or void envelop. We want to fetch latest recipient data to update on the time of execution.
I agree with Inbar that you could store the results of the first get_recipients call. You could either store it in the user's session state (server side) or send it all to the browser and then have the browser return it.
I'd go with session state
Saving data in the session state isn't a big deal.
As those statuses can change from DocuSign or some of the recipient can decline or void envelope.
So you're worried that while the application user is updating an email address, the envelope will be declined by a recipient?
In that case you could lock the envelope while your user is updating it. Or you could not send the envelope until after the user has updated it. Or if you get an error while updating the recipients, that would be the time to do the extra recipients_get.

Docusign - Delete Envelope (From Signer Context)

We are using the DocuSign SDK (version 3.3.0) and utilizing webhooks to receive the various envelope and recipient events.
I am sending an envelope to a signer (who has account in our application, so that he can log in and sign the envelope). When the signer logs in and deletes the received envelope. The envelope is getting voided, as if the envelope was deleted by the sender. (since the envelope is in-process and delete API has no specific argument to tell either sender / signer is deleting it)
But in DocuSign process, if the envelope is deleted by the signer, it shows no effect (envelope is just moved to delete bin).
Can anyone please tell me, is there any API / possible way to delete the envelope from signer context in embedded signing?
Edit : Sorry if my question is not clear. My question is how can i initiate envelop deletion as a recipient using DocuSign API, is there an option to pass the clientuserid or any other parameter and delete an envelop as recipient.
While its quite easy as a sender to delete an envelop using DocuSign API , I did not find any way to delete a envelop as recipient using docusign API.
Tharani, You already asked this - DocuSign - Delete Envelope, so I'll just answer again:
There's no means to permanently delete and envelope or remove it from the recycle bin folder. You cannot do that from the DocuSign Web App either as far as I can tell. Voiding an envelope is and deleting it is as good as it gets. There's no need to worry about it anymore.

Not able to see entries in Sent items of docusign application

I am using the embedded signing feature of DocuSign and I have integrated my application with DocuSign. I am using the SOBO functionality to create envelopes.
I am able to generate the URL and able to send it also. User also getting the envelope but when I login to my DocuSign account, I don't see the entries in sent items.
Please help me to understand what can be the issue here.If we leverage the SOBO functionality why can't we see the entries in Sent items?
If the signer is receiving the envelope, then you're sending it correctly.
In that case, if you're using SOBO, then the user that you're sending the envelope for should see it in her Sent items list, not in yours.
Eg, "System account 01" is an authorized SOBO user. It sends an envelope on behalf of Susan. Susan should see the envelope in her sent items list. And Susan should receive email notifications when the signer signs the documents, when the envelope is completed, etc.

DocuSign : send document to two signers , complete whenever one of them signs

using the DocuSign API is it possible to build a workflow where we send one document to two (or more) signers in such a way that the document envelope gets marked as "complete" as soon as one of the signers signs...e.g., we send a document to persons A and B, as soon as person A signs then DocuSign marks the envelope as complete and B no longer has to sign.
Cheers !
DocuSign behavior is such that each and every existing "signer" for an Envelope must access the Envelope and "confirm signing" before the Envelope can move to a status of "Completed". However, it IS possible to implement the workflow you describe -- with some coding on your part.
For this example, let's assume you create an Envelope with 3 recipients, each of type signer. As soon as any one of the 3 recipients completes/submits the Envelope, you want the Envelope to be considered Complete. You could achieve this by doing the following:
Implement DocuSign Connect either at the account level OR at the Envelope level (by setting eventNotification properties in the API request that creates/sends the Envelope) -- such that DocuSign Connect will send the "listener" endpoint you specify an HTTP POST message (in XML format) whenever a "Recipient Signed/Completed" event occurs for an Envelope.
Build/code your "listener" application to parse the XML messages it receives from DocuSign Connect, and if/when a message indicates that a recipient signed an Envelope, code your "listener" application such that it makes an API call to DocuSign to Delete each remaining signer recipient for the specified Envelope. In the example of an Envelope that contains 3 signers -- signer A, B, and C -- this would mean deleting signers A and C if the Envelope's been signed by signer B.
As soon as an Envelope no longer contains any recipients that must receive/acknowledge/complete the Envelope, the Envelope's status will automatically advance to "Completed". By implementing the procedure I've outlined above, you're essentially forcing an Envelope to complete by removing/deleting all incomplete recipients by using the API, as soon as DocuSign Connect notifies you that a recipient has signed. [Do note, however, that when you remove/delete a recipient from an Envelope, that recipient loses the ability to access the Envelope from that point forward.]
